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Adhan Efendi1 Herminanto Sofyan1
Technology and Vocational Education Technology and Vocational Education
Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
adhan.effendi@ymail.com hermin@uny.ac.id

Abstract— This study aims to increase: (1) the enter the employment field. However, the facts mentioned
professionalism of teachers with teacherpreneurship SMK still not able to produce maximum high-quality
implementation at SMK Negeri 2 Depok and SMK Negeri 1 graduates. Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in
Muhammadiyah Bantul, and (2) the response to the increase Indonesia shows that the number of unemployed SMK
in the professionalism of teachers with teacherpreneurship graduates is greater than senior high school (SMA) that is
implementation at SMK Negeri 2 Depok and SMK Negeri 1 11.24% per August 2014 while the unemployment rate of high
Muhammadiyah Bantul. This is a classroom action research school graduates is 9.55% per August 2014. These data
with three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, indicate the low quality of SMK graduates. As stated by Ali
observation, and reflection. Data were analyzed using (2013), the low quality of SMK is a problem that many
descriptive analysis techniques to the data collected through stakeholders have complained about. Teaching and learning in
observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of classes that have not been up become one of the factors
this study indicate the implementation of teacher causing the emergence of the problem.
professionalism at SMK Negeri 2 Depok and SMK
Teaching-learning process in the classroom that happens
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul can be viewed from three aspects:
between teacher and student becomes the determinant of
competence, creativity, and effectiveness. The increase in
obtaining the result according to the stakeholder's expectation.
professionalism of teachers at SMK Negeri 2 Depok from the
A teacher is an important key of maximum education quality
first cycle to the second cycle is (23.18%) and the increase
(Pangestika and Alfarisa, 2015). Similar opinion from Antara
from the second cycle to the third cycle is (16.82%), while the
(2016), teachers or instructors must have competence and
increase in the professionalism of teachers in SMK
experience in the industry, as well as knowledge of the current
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul from the first cycle to the second
state of practice. Teacher competence can be obtained from
cycle is (25.42%) and an increase from the second cycle to the
education and training programs that become government
third cycle is (13.07%).
Keywords— teachers professionalism increase; entrepreneurship;
implementation of teacherpreneurship. Education and training programs (DIKLAT) cannot be
effectively implemented according to the competency needs of
I. INTRODUCTION teachers. According to Triyono (2015), the improvement of
Advances in science and technology have made the education quality in vocational school has not run effectively.
competition for human resources in global era become Training is carried out only to meet the demands of the
unavoidable. According to Napitupulu (2016), a highly project, not based on the needs and problems in the field
competitive workforce in the global era has been prepared by experienced by a teacher in terms of learning implementation.
all developed countries. In Indonesia, the strengthening of Some factors contributing to the ineffective implementation of
vocational education is one of the priorities. An educated and DIKLAT yet lies in planning and poor training models to
skilled workforce is needed to sustain economic growth accommodate existing needs. The quality improvement
targeted by the government. The government's efforts on program implemented by the government is expected to
facing global competition are expected to improve the improve the professionalism of teachers in accordance with
economy of Indonesia. the areas of expertise.
Both theory and practice of teaching and learning process Teacher professionalism includes teachers' skills in terms
in vocational high school (SMK) and in the industry are of competence and ability of teachers in the process of
expected to produce qualified graduates. SMK prioritizes the improving the quality of education that should be more
preparation of students who have the competencies required to creative and effective. Priyadi and Sofyan (2016) argue that
the positive attitudes adoption of an entrepreneur can be (SD) = 2, 160; Minimum (Min) = 26; And Maximum (Max) =
applied by teachers in SMK. An entrepreneur must have good 31. The results of observations on the four teachers conducted
competence in his field; have a creative attitude in developing in SMK Negeri 2 Depok on the effectiveness of the obtained
products, packaging, and delivery of products, as well as price Mean (M) = 13.0; Median (Me) = 13,0; Standard
active in various development activities, and effective in Deviation (SD) = 816; Minimum (Min) = 12; And Maximum
product marketing. Adoption of the positive nature of (Max) = 14. A summary of the description categories for the
entrepreneurs is not to Maxe teachers to switch professions competence, creativity, and effectiveness of the four teachers
from a teacher to become entrepreneurs, but to Maxe teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Depok can be seen in Table 2.of teacher
to apply the nature of an entrepreneur in the process of through teacherpreneurship of light vehicle technology at
teaching and learning in vocational schools. SMK Negeri 2 Depok and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul.
The adoption is applied in a world of vocational education This research uses Classroom Action Research. This study
called edupreneurship. Edupreneurship is an amalgamation uses four stages in each cycle, namely planning (plan),
and collaboration between technopreneuship (for students), implementation (action), observation and reflection. The four
teacherpreneurship (for teachers), and schoolpreneurship (for stages of each cycle will always recur. The result of reflection
school). According to Novan (2016: 07), teacherpreneur does from the previous cycle that has been used will be reused to
not Maxe teachers become the entrepreneurs but Maxes revise the lesson plan if the action that has been done cannot
teachers have the entrepreneurial spirit. Teacherpreneur model solve the problem in the learning activity. Kemmis model is
has not been done empirically, so it is necessary to implement used by researcher because it is easily understood in the
teacherpreurship so that this model can be applied in general process of conducting research and in accordance with the
to vocational school later. This study aims to improve the goal of teacher professional enhancement.
professionalism of vocational teachers through
The research instrument uses an observation sheet and an
teacherpreneurship and know the teacher's response to
interview guide. Techniques of collecting data are through
interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis
techniques are used to answer the formulation of problems that
II. RESEARCH METHOD have been formulated in research. In classroom action
This research used descriptive qualitative approach. This research, the analysis is carried out by researchers from the
research was conducted within 3 months from September beginning on every aspect reviewed. The learning process and
2016 until December 2016. This research was conducted at teacher teaching attitude changes reviewed are described in
SMK in Yogyakarta namely SMK Negeri 2 Depok and SMK accordance with the observations made by the observers in
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul. These schools were chosen because each cycle. In addition, the learning process and teacher
they already have best school accreditation and they also attitude change are categorized according to their respective
become school reference with the number of students nearly reviews. It is useful to know the description of the data in each
1000. aspect reviewed. The data obtained in this classroom action
research is the result of observation of teacher teaching
The subjects of this study were all productive teachers of
attitude in the form of competence, creativity, and
automotive engineering majoring teaching at SMK Negeri 2
effectiveness data.
Depok which amounted to 4 teachers and SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul which amounted to 4 teachers. Descriptive analysis of this action research is used to
Criteria and considerations in the subject of this study are determine the mean (M), median (Me), maximum score
professionalism of teachers which include: aspects of (Max), minimum score (Min) and standard deviation (SD). To
competence, creativity, and effectiveness of productive describe or to know the trends of the aspects reviewed in this
teachers with the benchmark achievement average study, the researcher used the ideal score and the ideal score of
professional proficiency of at least 85%. The object of at least four categories of competence review, creativity, and
research is the data source of research that has been effectiveness of teachers whether very good, good or not. Here
implemented. The object of research in this action research is are the categories to describe the conditions of competence,
teacher professionalism shown by the aspect of competence, creativity, and effectiveness to be reviewed.
creativity, and After the FGD conducted, the observer Table 1. Overview Data Description Categorization of Teacher Competence,
observed the teacher while the learning process took place in Creativity and Effectiveness Aspect
the workshop from opening to closing the learning process to
see the implementation of teacherpreneuhrsip. The result of No Tendency Category
observation on four teachers conducted in SMK Negeri 2 1 (Mἱ+1,5 Sbἱ) < X ≤ Very Good
Depok on the aspect of competence obtained price Mean (M) Maximum Score
= 52,0; Median (Me) = 51,0; Standard Deviation (SD) = 2 Mἱ < X ≤ (Mi+1,5 Sbἱ) Good
3 (Mἱ-1,5 Sbἱ) < X ≤ Mἱ Enough
2,828; Minimum (Min) = 50; And Maximum (Max) = 56. The 4 Minimum Score < X ≤ (Mἱ- Poor
results of observations on the four teachers conducted in SMK 1,5 Sbἱ)
Negeri 2 Depok, on the aspect of creativity obtained price
Mean (M) = 28.0; Median (Me) = 27.5; Standard Deviation
effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in enough
category (100%). The average achievement of four teachers
has not achieved the expected result of 85%.
Furthermore, the results of the observation of four teachers
III. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION conducted in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on the aspect of
competence obtained price Mean (M) = 48.5; Median (Me) =
A. Research Results 48,5; Standard Deviation (SD) = 1,290; Minimum (Min) = 47;
Cycle I Condition And Maximum (Max) = 50. The result of observation of four
The action in cycle 1 is the result of a diagnosis of problems teachers conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on
occurring during pre-cycle conditions. In general, cycle 1 creativity aspect obtained price Mean (M) = 25,25; Median
consists of several stages including planning, implementation (Me) = 24.50; Standard Deviation (SD) = 1.892; Minimum
of action, observation, and reflection. Problems that arise (Min) = 24; And Maximum (Max) = 28. The result of the
during pre-cycle conditions include aspects of competence, observation of four teachers conducted at SMK
creativity, and effectiveness of teachers in implementing Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on the effectiveness aspect obtained
teacherpreneurship to improve teacher professionalism. The price Mean (M) = 11,0; Median (Me) = 11,0; Standard
application of the entrepreneurship spirit to the teacher is still Deviation (SD) = 816; Minimum (Min) = 10; And Maximum
in the less category that has not reached the teacher (Max) = 12. A summary of the description categories for the
professional achievement indicator or achieved the very good competence, creativity, and effectiveness of the four teachers
category. of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul can be seen in Table 3.
Researchers conducted the action in the form of forum
group discussions (FGD) by conducting discussions between Table 3. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul Cycle I
researchers, observers, and teachers about teacherpreneurship.
FGD conducted for approximately 60 minutes in the form of a No Category Percentage (%)
discussion about the introduction of teacherpreneurship, 1 Very Good 0
teacherpreneurship components, advantages and 2 Good 0
disadvantages, and implementation of good 3 Enough 100%
4 Poor 0
teacherpreneurship. Total 100%
After the FGD conducted, the observer observed the
teacher while the learning process took place in the workshop Table 3 describes teacher professionalism in cycle I
from opening to closing the learning process to see the consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and
implementation of teacherpreneurrsip. The result of effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in enough
observation on four teachers conducted in SMK Negeri 2 category (100%). The average achievement of four teachers
Depok on the aspect of competence obtained price Mean (M) has not achieved the expected result of 85%.
= 52,0; Median (Me) = 51,0; Standard Deviation (SD) =
2,828; Minimum (Min) = 50; And Maximum (Max) = 56. The Cycle II Condition
results of observations on the four teachers conducted in SMK The action given in cycle II is the result of the diagnosis of
Negeri 2 Depok, on the aspect of creativity obtained price problems occurring during cycle I condition. In general, cycle
Mean (M) = 28.0; Median (Me) = 27.5; Standard Deviation II consists of several stages including planning, action
(SD) = 2, 160; Minimum (Min) = 26; And Maximum (Max) = implementation, observation, and reflection. Problems that
31. The results of observations on the four teachers conducted arise during cycle I condition include competency aspect,
in SMK Negeri 2 Depok on the effectiveness of the obtained creativity, and effectiveness of teacher in implementing
price Mean (M) = 13.0; Median (Me) = 13,0; Standard teacherpreneurship to improve teacher professionalism as well
Deviation (SD) = 816; Minimum (Min) = 12; And Maximum as inculcate entrepreneurship spirit in teacher still not reach
(Max) = 14. A summary of the description categories for the expected result.
competence, creativity, and effectiveness of the four teachers Researchers perform actions in the form of education and
of SMK Negeri 2 Depok can be seen in Table 2. training (DIKLAT) through the presentation of
teacherpreneurship material and the provision of
Table 2. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at
SMK Negeri 2 Depok in Cycle I teacherpreneurship implementation modules. DIKLAT was
done less for 90 minutes with the discussion about the
No Category Percentage (%) introduction of teacherpreneurship, teacherpreneurship
1 Very Good 0 components, advantages and weaknesses of
2 Good 0
3 Enough 100%
teacherpreneurship, implementation of teacherpreneurship,
4 Poor 0 and question and answer between researchers, observers, and
Total 100% teachers.
After DIKLAT, observers observed a teacher during the
Table 2 describes teacher professionalism in cycle I learning process takes place in workshops ranging from
consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and opening to closing the learning process to see the
implementation of teacherpreneurship. The result of Table 5 describes the professionalism of teachers in cycle
observation of four teachers conducted at SMK Negeri 2 II consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and
Depok on the aspect of competence obtained price Mean (M) effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in the big
= 63.25; Median (Me) = 63,0; Standard Deviation (SD) = category (100%). The average achievement of four teachers
5000; Minimum (Min) = 63; And Maximum (Max) = 64. The has not achieved the expected result of 85%.
result of observation of four teachers conducted at SMK
Negeri 2 Depok on creativity aspect obtained price Mean (M) Cycle III Condition
= 42,50; Median (Me) = 42,50; Standard Deviation (SD) = 1, The action given in cycle III is the result of a diagnosis of
290; Minimum (Min) = 41; And Maximum (Max) = 44. The the problems that occur during cycle II condition. In general,
results of the observation of four teachers conducted in SMK cycle III consists of several stages including planning,
Negeri 2 Depok on the effectiveness of the obtained price implementation of action, observation, and reflection.
Mean (M) = 19.25; Median (Me) = 19,0; Standard Deviation Problems that arise during cycle II condition include
(SD) = 5000; Minimum (Min) = 19; And Maximum (Max) = competency aspect, creativity, and effectiveness of teacher in
20. Summary of description categories for the competence, implementing teacherpreneurship to improve teacher
creativity and effectiveness of the four teachers of SMK professionalism as well as inculcating entrepreneurship spirit
Negeri 2 Depok can be seen in Table 4. in teacher which still not reach the expected result.
Researchers take action in the form of training to Maxe the
Table 4. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at work of a joint practice between researchers, observers and
SMK Negeri 2 Depok in Cycle II
teachers do the practice of Maxing the car alarm that can later
No Category Percentage (%) be taught to students. This training is the researcher's effort to
1 Very Good 0 improve teacher's creativity in implementing
2 Good 100% teacherpreneurship. Training to Maxe the car alarm work done
3 Enough 0 starting from the introduction of tools and materials used, how
4 Poor 0
Total 100% to assemble components, and question and answer with the
Table 4 describes teacher professionalism in cycle II After the training was conducted, the observer observed
consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and the teacher during the learning process took place in the
effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in good workshop from opening to closing the learning process to see
category (100%). The average achievement of four teachers the implementation of teacherpreneuhrsip. The result of
has not achieved the expected result of 85%. observation of four teachers conducted at SMK Negeri 2
Furthermore, the results of the observations of four Depok on the aspect of competence obtained price Mean (M)
teachers conducted in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on the = 75,25; Median (Me) = 75,50; Standard Deviation (SD) =
aspect of competence obtained price Mean (M) = 67.75; 9574; Minimum (Min) = 74; And Maximum (Max) = 76. The
Median (Me) = 67.50; Standard Deviation (SD) = 9574; result of observation of four teachers conducted at SMK
Minimum (Min) = 67; And Maximum (Max) = 69. The result Negeri 2 Depok on creativity aspect obtained price Mean (M)
of observation of four teachers conducted at SMK = 55,25; Median (Me) = 55,0; Standard Deviation (SD) =
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on creativity aspect obtained price 5000; Minimum (Min) = 55; And Maximum (Max) = 56. The
Mean (M) = 44,0; Median (Me) = 44,0; Standard Deviation fourth observation conducted in SMK Negeri 2 Depok on the
(SD) = 1, 825; Minimum (Min) = 42; And Maximum (Max) = effectiveness aspect obtained the price of Mean (M) = 22,0;
46. The result of observation of four teachers conducted at Median (Me) = 22,0; Standard Deviation (SD) = 8165;
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on effectiveness aspect Minimum (Min) = 21; And Maximum (Max) = 23. A summary
obtained price Mean (M) = 17,75; Median (Me) = 18,0; of the description categories for the competence, creativity,
Standard Deviation (SD) = 5000; Minimum (Min) = 17; And and effectiveness of the four teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Depok
Maximum (Max) = 18. Summary of category description for can be seen in Table 6.
competence, creativity, and effectiveness of four teachers of
Table 6. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul can be seen in Table 5. SMK Negeri 2 Depok in Cycle III

Table 5. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at No Category Percentage (%)

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul in Cycle II 1 Very Good 100%
2 Good 0
No Category Percentage (%) 3 Enough 0
1 Very Good 0 4 Poor 0
2 Good 100% Total 100%
3 Enough 0
4 Poor 0
Total 100% Table 6 describes teacher professionalism in cycle III
consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and
effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in very
good category (100%). The average achievement of four
teachers has achieved the expected outcome of 85%.
Table 8. Observation Result of Teacher Professionalism Cycle
Furthermore, the results of the observation of four teachers I of SMK Negeri 2 Depok
conducted in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on the aspect of
competence obtained price Mean (M) = 77.25; Median (Me) = Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Mean
77.50; Standard Deviation (SD) = 9573; Minimum (Min) = Valid Enough 4 100.0 100.0 55.75%
76; And Maximum (Max) = 78. The result of observation of
four teachers conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on Table 8 indicates the professional attainment of four
creativity aspect obtained price Mean (M) = 54,0; Median
teachers in cycle I was (55.75%) and was in enough category
(Me) = 54,0; Standard Deviation (SD) = 8165; Minimum
(Min) = 53; And Maximum (Max) = 55. The result of
Teacher Acquisition Process in Cycle II
observation of four teachers conducted at SMK Obtained professional score of cycle II is equal to
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul on effectiveness aspect obtained
(78,24%). Improvement occurs in all aspects of
price Mean (M) = 21,75; Median (Me) = 22,0; Standard teacherpreneurship both aspects of competence, creativity, and
Deviation (SD) = 5000; Minimum (Min) = 21; And Maximum
effectiveness. The greatest improvement is in the aspect of
(Max) = 22. Summary of category description for competence, competence. This is because teachers have understood
creativity, and effectiveness of four teachers of SMK
teacherpreneurship more fully and deeply and how to
Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul can be seen in Table 7. implement it. Teachers also read modules that have been made
Table 7. Description Category Summary of Teacher Professionalism at
by researchers so that teachers can better understand
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul in Cycle III teacherpreneurship and discuss it with fellow teachers. While
the increase is good enough seen in the aspect of
No Category Percentage (%) competence .and effectiveness although not as much as an
1 Very Good 100% increase in the aspect of competence. This is considered
2 Good 0
3 Enough 0 reasonable because the improvement of the creativity aspect
4 Poor 0 should be done in practice and the aspect of effectiveness is
Total 100% seen when a competence is finished taught and tested.

Table 7 describes teacher professionalism in cycle III Table 9. Observation Result of Teacher Professionalism Cycle II of SMK
consisting of aspects of competence, creativity, and Negeri 2 Depok
effectiveness. Four teachers in the observation are in very
good category (100%). The average achievement of four Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Mean
teachers has achieved the expected outcome of 85%. Valid Enough 4 100.0 100.0 78.34%

B. Discussion Table 9 indicates the professional attainment of four

Teacherpreneurship Implementation of teachers at SMK teachers in cycle II was (78.34%) and was in good category.
Negeri 2 Depok.
Tabel 10. Observation Result of Teacher Professionalism Cycle II of SMK
Negeri 2 Depok
Teacher Acquisition Process in Cycle I
The average score of profession cycle I in the first teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher
was (55,75%). Improvement occurs in all aspects of Professionalism Cycle Professionalism Cycle Professionalism
I II Increase
teacherpreneurship both aspects of competence, creativity, and Category Category
effectiveness. The greatest improvement is in the aspect of Enough (55.75%) Good (78.34%) 22.59%
competence. This is because teachers are interested in
implementing teacherspreneurship and motivated to improve Table 10 describes teacher professionalism in cycle I is in
their skills. The smallest increase occurs in the aspect of enough category (55.75%) and increase in cycle II become
creativity and effectiveness. This is considered reasonable good category (78.34%). Enhancement of professional teacher
because of the more creativity aspects to the practice in the in cycle I to cycle II is equal to (22.59%). Increased
classroom so that teachers need to implement professionalism of teachers includes aspects of competence,
teacherpreneurship not only understand the theory of creativity, and effectiveness of teachers while teaching in the
teacherpreneurship. The effectiveness aspect is seen when classroom. This is also reinforced by the results of research
students have completed one competency and conducted the Triyono (2015), that the professional development of
theory and practice exams. vocational teachers to improve the ability of
teacherspreneurship consists of aspects of competence,
creativity, and effectiveness. The presentation in the form of
the histogram to know the improvement of the profession of creativity of new teachers. Creativity building for teachers
cycle I and cycle II is as follows: needs to be implemented systematically, continuously, and
evenly from base to substantial. The presentation in the form
of histogram to know the improvement of the profession of
cycle I and cycle II is as follows

Adhan Efendi, M.Pd was born on June 19, 1991. His
bachelor degree is taken at the Mechanical Engineering
Departement of Sriwijaya University and graduated in 2014.
He took postgraduate study at the Technology and Vocational
Education Departement of Yogyakarta State University and
Figure 1. Teacher Professionalism Increase graduated in 2017.
(Cycle I-Cycle II)
Prof. Dr. Herminarto Sofyan was born on August 9, 1954.
Figure 1 illustrates the increase that occurs during cycle I to His postgraduate level was taken at IKIP Jakarta and his
cycle II is from enough category (55.75) to good category doctoral degree was taken at Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Both
(78.34). are majoring on the Technology Education. He is an active
lecturer at Yogyakarta State University until now.
Teacher Acquisition Process in Cycle III

Teacher profession improvement in cycle III is indicated REFERENCES

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Table 12 describes teacher professionalism in cycle II is in

good category (78,34%) increase in cycle III become very
good category (94,57%). The improvement of professional
teacher in cycle II to cycle III is equal to (16,82%).
Researchers perform training actions to make car alarms so
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