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From these two articles which have been given by lecturer for the task is to make
comparison. The comparison of the articles are made between ‘Applications of e-Learning in
engineering education: A case study’ and ‘Analyzing English Language Learning Needs
among Students in Aviation Training Program’ article for their introduction, methodology,
findings, recommendation and conclusion.

The first article that is written by M. Tariq Banday, Musavir Ahmed and Tariq R. Jan
in 2013, the writers discussed about the journal to examine the adoption of ICT and e-learning
at nine institutions of the state Jammu and Kashmir offering postgraduate and undergraduate
engineering programs in various branches of engineering. Furthermore, the second article also
shared the same idea of involving the needs of students from the first article whether in learning
English languages or the importance of e-learning in daily lives. The second article is written
by Parvin Karimi and Reza Vahdani Sanavi in 2014. The writers study the perceived needs of
the pilot students in Aviation Training Center and also to study a comprehensive curriculum
that combined the needs of the students. English language are essential in current days as people
usually use English as a common language to communicate. The international language is use
practically in the field of education, travel and business. Many countries encourage to use
English as the second language because English is commonly use as the dominant language.
Same goes for the e-learning as the application used worldwide due to its effectiveness,
consistency, scalability, practically easy to use, and accommodate everyone’s need. The main
idea of both article state the needs and the importance not only to student but to all people in
improving themselves with their productivity and the quality of their lives in this modern era.
In the first article, two type of survey instruments designed is use. The first designed of
the instruments went through different stages and pre-tests by participants who were involved
in this article consist of 12 eminent ICT professionals and educationist that have very well
knowledge and experienced of recent development in technology and its worldwide
application. This article does not represent the whole world even though the 12 eminent ICT
professionals and educationist have well knowledge and experienced in technology and its
worldwide application because there are different of application technologies in different
country or state according to their preferences. There were nine institutions of state of Jammu
and Kashmir where the survey is conduct. The data that obtain only can represent on that state
but not the whole world. This is because different country have different technique of
application. According to article, there are several data were incomplete maybe due to lack of
time while the survey were conduct.

For the second articles, questionnaire is used. There are structured interview and semi-
structured interview to have triangulation to observe the percentage of different learning from
different people in listening, speaking, and reading comprehension. Participant that participate
in the survey which involving 20 undergraduate students, 5 instructor, and 15 graduate
students. First of all, the participant that involve for the survey seems to be a small of group
and that data cannot be represent the whole student for the institute. Only 20 people are involve
in the survey and it cannot be assume that the result is 100% true. The graduate student receive
the 33 item questionnaires which contain three parts. The first part contain information of four
skills which is reading, listening, speaking and writing. The second part is about professional
needs by the student. The last part is to find the students' idea about their ESP courses. The
questionnaire consist of four type of skills in learning which is speaking, reading, listening and
writing. It also does not include the whole soft skill that required by the students to be
professional. Soft skill is very important thing to be learn such as critical thinking. 13 item
questionnaire is used to elicit information from instructors and 23 item questionnaire for
graduate students.

The first article, Likert scale were used in survey questionnaire to analyse the data.
There are five point scale that have been used and the participants are asked to state their
opinion (from never used to extensive used). From the Likert scale used, it show that the data
is not accurate. Seven or ten point scale have more accurate data that can be obtain because
the larger (step by step) spectrum of choices offers more independence to a participant to pick
the exact one (which he prefers most) rather than to pick some ‘nearby’ or ‘close’ option [1].
So, the participant can choose the best answer for each question.

The second article does not state the duration of time given for the participant to
answer the questionnaire. Thus, the result from the responder will be in a hurry and does not
give the relevant answer because they have to answer it in a small amount of time. The
research is about study of needs analysis of Aviation students in Mahan Air Aviation
Training Centre in 2013. The questionnaire is designed on six-point Likert scale. Lastly the
Likert scale that is state in the methodology does not same as the outcome of the result. The
Likert scale state that the survey use 6 points of scales but the result only show 4 points of
scale. The article is not consistent as it is stated differently compared to the result. Separation
of method from trait variance led to greater reduction of reliability and hetrerotrait-
monomethod coefficient for the 6 point scale than for the 4-point scale [2].

According to the problems mentioned in the first article, academics must be place
greater emphasis on better teaching and learning strategies and design courses that enable
correct delivery product learning. It also not the only for reading material some place in the
web surface. In addition, to use certain processes and computer technology to develop and
delivering learning products, it is important to correctly identify the process that will help
creating an effective learning medium. Therefore, E-learning must be train to get resulting in
higher content preservation over a longer period of time. However, even student centred
approaches that enhance learning, lack of computer skills knowledge, self-discipline, patience
and time management can lead student to become a slow learner.

For the second article, will focus on the two types of communication, verbal and
written communication. The main objective is to highlight some ways of fine tuning from these
two types to optimize the importance of communication in Aviation which is increasing level
of safety in operational contexts. Furthermore, some innovative ways of improving these two
types of communication in aviation field are also included written communication which
involves with any type of interaction. Most importantly, these documents are vital to aid
decision makers when encountering problems during operations. Therefore, they are expecting
to provide the most accurate, brief information or instructions directly related to the situation
encountered. Although, in improving written documents the following websites provide
important information into effective writing for any business field including aviation. The
verbal communication is another important way of communicating. Being able to communicate
effectively will contribute to the reduction of aviation accidents. Verbal communications is one
of the major media for communicating within the aviation operational context and need to be
improved along the practical drift for all employees.

For our recommendation, English language must be used widely in all term of studies.
This is because a lot of job scope requirement is focusing on English education. So, we need
to fulfil every course study with higher English education.

By comparing both of the articles it can be clearly seen that the articles use almost same
method to get data. Besides, one of the article have an interview while the other does not have
an interview. It is also only use sample not population. The population is a group or individual
that shared one or more characteristics from which data can be gathered and analyse while
sample is a subset of the population [3]. Therefore the data is not accurate and cannot represent
all of the population. Next, in the first article use tabulated or graph data to ease the reader to
read the data and compared it. Furthermore, the second article shows that the results without
graph and the effect is the data is unclear and not concise. The graphs are effective for
presenting large amounts of data, it can be used in place of tables to present small sets of data

The convenience and affordability caused by technology has created e-learning tools
for education to be facilitated from virtually anywhere. Today's learners want relevant, mobile,
self-paced, and personalized content. This need is fulfilled with the online mode of learning;
here, students can learn at their own comfort and requirement. In a nutshell, E-learning has
become a critical skill set for all the Education Training and Development Practitioners; It
doesn’t matter whether you are a classroom teacher, lecturer, facilitator, an engineer, etc.

It is very essential to lay a strong foundation as in most of the syllabus the lessons be it
in any subjects they are being written in English language and henceforth it is important for the
student to understand the lessons clearly. Similarly say for example if a student wants to go for
higher studies in another country, English is the only language that is worldly accepted as a
common mode of communication. The general aim of teaching English from schools is to
develop various abilities among the students like: Understanding what is heard, understanding
what is read, expressing ideas in speech correctly and expressing them in writing as well. Once
a student is able to excel in these abilities it could be understood that he or she will be in a state
to communicate both efficiently and effectively.

Good English learning from the school level will help in making the students competent
in this era of globalization. It will certainly help to bridge the communication gap between
people of various other countries and thereby bringing the whole world under one single roof.
It is high time that innovative and new breakthrough strategies of improving the language
learning method should be adopted by schools. Altogether it will help the students to speak
English language just like any other native speakers.

[1] Lei Chang. A Psychometric Evaluation of 4-Point and 6-Point Likert-Type Scales in
Relation to Reliability and Validity. Published September 1, 1994.

[2]Dawes J. Do data characteristics change according to the number of scale points used? An
experiment using 5-point, 7-point and10-point scales. International Journal of Market
Research. 2008;50(1):61-77.

[3]Norziha Che Him. Engineering statistics. Published September, 2014.

[4]Junyong In, Sangseok Lee. Statistical data presentation. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2017 Jun;
70(3): 267–276.

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