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Smoking is cylinder from paper between 70 till 120 mms (vary

hung country) with diameter around 10 containing mms tobacco
leaves that already to cut. Cigarette are burned at one of the end
of its and let embers in order to its smoke can be breathed in pass
mouth at the end of other.

There are two cigarette types, filter-tipped cigarette and is not

filter-tipped. Filter at cigarette made of synthetic materials of
fiber spume that filter nicotine.

Cigarette usually sold in pack in form of box or paper tidiness that can input easily into sack;bag. Since
last some years, packs is referred [as] also generally accompanied health message that warn smoker
will be danger health that can be generated from cigarette, for example lung cancer or heart attack
(although at that the fact only remain decoration, very rare obeyed).

Human [of] in the world of that cigarette for the first time is indian tribe in America, for ritual like
worship god or soul. At century 16, When nation Europe finds American continent, some of explorers
that Europe follows trial the cigarette and then bring tobacco to Europe. Later, cigarette habit starts
emerge among nob Europe. But differ from indian nation that cigarette for ritual, in Europe cigarette
people just for easiness. Century 17 merchantmens Spain stepped into Turki and at that time cigarette
habit starts enter islam countries.

Already much researchs that prove that cigarette very addictive, beside cause much cancer types, heart
sickness, respiration disease, digestion disease, ugly effect for birth, and emfisema

Danger Rokok

Loss that generated plenty [of] cigarette for health. But unhappily has been just many people that
remain to select to enjoy it. In cigarette smoke existed 4000 dangerous chemistry substances for health,
two for example is nicotine that have the character of adictif and tar that have the character of
karsinogenic.Poison and arising out carcinogen consequence of tobacco combustion can trigger the
happening of cancer. Initially cigarette contains 8 – 20 mgs nicotine and after burned nicotine that
come into blood circulation only 25 percents. Although during insignificant amount referred [as] have
time only 15 second to come to to human brain.

That Nicotine accept by be next reseptor asetilkolin-nikotinik divide it to reward band and band
adrenergik. At reward band, smoker will feel feel enjoy, race system dopaminergik. Smoker The result
will feel calmer, contemplative faculties till now more very bright, and can depress feel peckish.
Meanwhile in band adrenergik, this substance will activate system adrenergik at part of locus brain
seruleus that release sorotonin. The increasing of serotonin generates excitement feels will like also
desire of cigarette and searching this anymore.This thing make smoker very difficult leave cigarette,
because has been dependable at nicotine. When he/she stop cigarette feels enjoy that the of will

Effect from cigarette/tobacco gives stimulation light depresi, power failure catches, feeling nature,
mind nature, behaviour and function psikomotor. If compared to substances other adictif cigarette very
low its influence, then dependable at cigarette not so assumed serious condition

Poison on Cigarette

Cigarette contains more or less 4000 elementses, and at least

200 for example expressed dangerous for health. Main Poison
at smoking is tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide.

• Tar is hydrocarbon substance that have the

character of sticky and patch at lung.
• Nicotine is substance adiktif that influence nerve
and blood circulation. This Substance has the character
of carcinogen, and can trigger lung cancer that kill.
• Carbon monoxide is obligatory substance
haemoglobin in blood, make blood unable to fastens

Effect of Poison

Poison Effect at this cigarette make sucker of cigarette smoke experiences of risk (just than that not
suck cigarette smoke):

• 14x distress of lung cancer, mouth, and red lane

• 4x cancer distress esophagus
• 2x cancer contains kemih
• 2x heart attack

Cigarette also improves risk of fatalism for pneumonia patient and fail heart, and high blood pressure.

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