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What is an Operative System?

The operating system (OS) is the basic program or software of a computer. It is a platform that
facilitates the interaction between the user and other computer programs and hardware devices.

The basic functions of the operating system are to manage the resources of the computer,
coordinate the hardware and organize the files and directories of your system.

The most used operating systems are Windows, Linux and Mac. Both Windows and Mac come
with an integrated browser, the Windows Internet Explorer browser and Mac Safari.

History of operating systems:

The first Operating System in history was created in 1956, the only thing that was done was to
start the execution of a program when the previous one ended

UNIX appears, the base of the Operating Systems This makes it multiply the development, creating
the C programming language completely in UNIX code

In 1969, Ken Thompson of AT&T Bell Laboratories developed the Unix operating system, adapting
it to the needs of a research environment, not knowing how important his work would become. A
year later, Dennis Ritchie (creator of the C programming language) collaborated with Ken
Thompson to pass the Unix system code to C. What made Unix a transportable operating system,
Unix gradually grew into a standard software product, distributed by many vendors such as Novell
and IBM. Its first versions were distributed free of charge to the scientific IT departments of many
renowned universities.

in the 70s, the first user interfaces emerged.

In the 1980s, systems such as MacOS, MS-DOS, Windows were born.

 Use of micro switches to access the console(1940)
 Appearance of the integrated circuit to increase the potential of computational
 Stanford University inaugurates its internet network service(1970)
 AT & T develops communication protocol using UNIX OS(1976)
 Microsoft creates Windows OS, but it is up to Windows 95 that it is considered an
operating system(1980)
 The first computer appears using Mac OS(1984)
 Linux is created, an improved version based on UNIX(1990)
 Appearance of Windows Millennium and Windows 2000(2000)
 Android appears and becomes standard for mobile(2007)
 Windows develops Windows 8 and Android revolutionizes with the android 4.4 Kit

In 1980, Microsoft developed a version of Unix for PC called Xenix in 1991 and Linus Torvalds ,who
was then a computer science student at the University of Helsinki, began programming the first
lines of code for an operating system (finally called LINUX).

The main functions of the Linux operating system are:

 multitasking system
 multi-user system
 programmable shells device independence and communications;
 with respect to the first one, we say that Linux is capable of executing several programs at
the same time they have to stop to carry out each application.
 Programmable shells connect the commands of a user with Kernel Linux and, being
programmable, can be modified to adapt them to the needs of each person;
 The multi-user system allows several individuals to access the applications and resources
of the system at the same time and, of course, they can execute several programs at the
same time.
 There are three fundamental advantages that the Linux operating system offers us;
 First of all we must point out that it is robust, stable and fast, which is ideal for servers and
distributed applications; this can be added that it can work perfectly in non-technological

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