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Fragile X Syndrome

James A. Phalen
Pediatrics in Review 2005;26;181
DOI: 10.1542/pir.26-5-181

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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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in brief

Conclusion moniae infection, the possibility of amoxicillin/

The patient was treated with azithromycin, viscous lido- clavulanate causing her SJS cannot be excluded.
caine mouthwashes, and intravenous morphine and
ketorolac tromethamine. Because of severe pain on swal-
lowing, she was given nasogastric feedings for the first Suggested Reading
3 days of hospitalization. She also received a 3-day course
Bachot N, Roujeau JC. Differential diagnosis of severe cutaneous
of intravenous dexamethasone, followed by a 3-day drug eruptions. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2003;4:561–572
course of oral prednisone for possible developing pha- Prindiville J. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
ryngeal and esophageal ulcerations. At the recommenda- necrolysis. Adv Dermatol. 2002;18:151–173
tion of an ophthalmologist, her eyes were treated with Leaute-Labreze C, Lamireau T, Chawki D, Maleville J, Taieb A.
Diagnosis, classification, and management of erythema multi-
artificial tears and erythromycin ophthalmic ointment.
forme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Arch Dis Child. 2000;
She responded well to treatment and was discharged 83:347–352
from the hospital on hospital day 5. Waites KB. New concepts of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in
Even though the patient’s SJS was due to M pneu- children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2003;36:267–278

In Brief
Fragile X Syndrome
James A. Phalen, MD risk of expressing some feature of the ber of CGG repeats will increase during
Major, MC, USAF syndrome, and there are men who have either meiosis or early mitosis. If the
the aberrant gene and are normal clin- chromosome is being passed to a
ically. The fragile site at the distal end daughter, she will be a carrier and have
Author Disclosure
of the long arm of the X chromosome at a full mutation; if the chromosome is
Dr Phalen did not disclose any position Xq27.3 was discovered in passed to a son, he will have FXS.
financial relationships relevant to 1969, and the gene responsible for Females who have the full mutation are
this article. FXS—the fragile X mental retardation-1 at risk for cognitive impairment.
(FMR1) gene—was isolated in 1991. Whether a man carries a premuta-
The normal FMR1 gene contains a tion or full mutation, the X chromo-
Fragile X Syndrome: A Model of Gene- segment that has 5 to 50 repeated CGG somes of his sperm carry only the
Brain-Behavior Relationships.
triplets. With the full mutation, there premutation, and the number of CGG
Hagerman RJ, Hagerman PJ. Mol Gen
Metab. 2001;74:89 –97 are more than 200 repeats. Men who repeats tends to be stable. Thus, men
Fragile X Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treat- have a gene that has an intermediate who have FXS pass a premutation to
ment, and Research. 3rd ed. Hager- number of CGG repeats (50 to 200) are their daughters, and they pass a Y
man RJ, Hagerman PJ, eds. Balti- said to carry a “premutation”; they chromosome to their sons, who are
more, Md: Johns Hopkins University typically are normal, although they may unaffected.
Press; 2002 have mild cognitive impairment. As the The incidence of FXS among boys
Health Supervision for Children With
number of CGG repeats increases, more born to daughters of carrier males is
Fragile X Syndrome. Committee on
Genetics. Pediatrics. 1996;98:
cytosine residues are methylated, and higher than among the brothers of
297–300 the gene becomes inactivated. The fail- these men. This epidemiologic phenom-
ure to make the FMR1 protein (FMRP) enon, called the Sherman paradox, is an
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most results in the phenotypic expression of example of genetic anticipation. Grand-
common inherited cause of mental re- FXS. daughters are more likely to have af-
tardation, with a pattern of transmis- The mothers of men who have FXS fected sons than are their carrier
sion that is not typical of X-linked have either the premutation or the full grandmothers. The risk for phenotypic
disorders. Women who carry the fragile mutation. For women who have a pre- FXS increases with the number of CGG
X chromosome have a surprisingly high mutation, there is a risk that the num- repeats in the mutated gene; on aver-

Pediatrics in Review Vol.26 No.5 May 2005 181

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in brief

age, granddaughters have more CGG tive, with echolalia and poor intelligi- diagnosed mental retardation, global
copies than do their grandmothers. bility. Nearly all males and about 50% developmental delay, or autism are
Epidemiologic data suggest a pre- of females have attention-deficit/ candidates for testing. Evaluations by
mutation carrier frequency of 1:100 to hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sleep occupational and physical therapists and
260 females and 1:250 to 800 males in disturbances and feeding difficulties speech-language pathologists help iden-
the general population. The full muta- are common, as are mood and anxiety tify strengths and weaknesses, allowing
tion affects about 1:3,600 males and problems among carriers who have a for targeted therapy. Hearing loss should
1:6,000 females. More than 50% of premutation. As many as 90% of af- be ruled out. A tailored educational plan
people who have the full mutation are fected people exhibit autisticlike be- can improve learning, and a child psy-
undiagnosed. Approximately 3% of in- haviors, such as repetitive chewing, chologist or behavioral specialist can help
dividuals who have previously undiag- hand flapping, poor eye contact, shy-
manage behavioral problems.
nosed mental retardation have FXS. The ness, and intolerance of changes or
The use of medications must be
syndrome does not affect lifespan and transitions. Perhaps about 33% of pa-
individualized and monitored closely.
occurs in all races. tients meet the full criteria for autism
Stimulant agents are helpful for ADHD,
Patients who have FXS have a disorder.
as are selective serotonin reuptake in-
unique cognitive, behavioral, and phys- Physical findings may be nonspe-
hibitors for anxiety disorder. One area
ical phenotype. Because of random X cific, subtle, or not at all apparent until
of research involves drugs that target
inactivation, women generally have after puberty. Features frequently de-
milder findings than do men. Early de- scribed as part of the syndrome include glutamate receptors; potentially they
velopment may appear normal or only a long, thin face with large protuberant can enhance memory and have a low
slightly slow, but after the first postna- ears; prominent forehead, jaw, and na- risk for toxicity. Protein replacement
tal year, delays become more apparent. sal bridge; high-arched or cleft palate; and gene therapy also are under inves-
As many as 80% of males and 30% of strabismus; and joint laxity, dislocated tigation.
females who have FXS have mental hips, and club feet. Complications may The pediatrician is the key to coor-
retardation; less severely affected peo- include seizures, scoliosis, and mitral dinating care for the child who has FXS.
ple typically have learning disabilities. valve prolapse. Macro-orchidism is vir- In 1996, the American Academy of
Particular weaknesses include poor tually universal among males, but may Pediatrics published guidelines that de-
higher-level thinking, abstract reason- not appear until adulthood. Women scribe FXS fully and provide recommen-
ing, complex problem-solving, expres- who carry the premutation are at in- dations for health supervision, anticipa-
sive language, and social skills. Relative creased risk for ovarian failure. tory guidance, and genetic counseling.
strengths involve visual matching and Molecular genetic testing is the gold
perceptual skills, long-term concrete standard for diagnosis. Southern blot Dr Phalen wrote this In Brief while a
and emotional memory, verbal compre- and polymerase chain reaction tests fellow at The Child Development Unit,
hension, and self-care. One third of both determine the number of CGG The Children’s Hospital, Denver, Colo.
men experience a decline in intelli- repeats. Only the Southern blot test The views expressed in this In Brief are
gence quotient after puberty, reflecting determines methylation status, but it those of the author and do not reflect
their failure to develop abstract reason- gives a less accurate estimate of the the official policy or position of the
ing skills rather than an overt loss of number of CGG repeats if a premuta- USAF, Department of Defense, or the
intellect. Speech tends to be persevera- tion exists. Patients who have un- United States government.

182 Pediatrics in Review Vol.26 No.5 May 2005

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Fragile X Syndrome
James A. Phalen
Pediatrics in Review 2005;26;181
DOI: 10.1542/pir.26-5-181

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