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Command to check storagepool used space:

select stgpool_name,sum(physical_mb)/1024/1024 as total_tb from occupancy where

stgpool_name='TAPE_PROD' group by stgpool_name
To check tape drive error in tsm server:

q act s=ANR8944E
Drive Mount error:

q actlog s=anr8381e begind=-1 endd=today

Mount point exceed error:

q act s=ANR0539W
To check TSM DB backup status:

q act s=ANR4550 begind=-0 endd=-0

To check archive tapes to be sent to offsite:

select VOLUME_NAME from VOLUMES where STGPOOL_NAME='COPY_ARCH' and status='FULL'

and volume_name in (select volume_name from libvolumes)
To check false private tapes:

SELECT volume_name FROM libvolumes WHERE status='Private' AND last_use IS NULL AND
- volume_name NOT IN (SELECT volume_name FROM volumes )
To check backup status from a specified time:

select ENTITY,SUCCESSFUL,START_TIME from summary where (activity='BACKUP' and

START_TIME>'2015-04-17 21:00:00.000000') order by START_TIME
Command to def clientaction for monthly bkps:
def clientaction WWPPVLMQMA1_3m dom=NONP_3M action=command
def clientaction GB02QDR010BFSWM_10Y dom=PROD_10Y action=command
Commands for Completed, Failed and Missed scheds count:

select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2017-05-01 18:00:00' and

SCHEDULED_START <'2017-05-31 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL

select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2017-05-01 18:00:00' and

SCHEDULED_START <'2017-05-31 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
BSR for 5days: (Completed/Total)*100

select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-06 18:00:00' and

SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-07 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-07 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-08 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-08 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-09 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-09 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-10 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-10 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-11 09:00:00') and DOMAIN_NAME is not NULL

select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-06 18:00:00' and

SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-07 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-07 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-08 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-08 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-09 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-09 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-10 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
select count(STATUS) from events where (SCHEDULED_START >='2015-04-10 18:00:00' and
SCHEDULED_START <'2015-04-11 09:00:00') and status='Completed' and DOMAIN_NAME is
not NULL
BSR for 5days using OS terminal:

alias D='dsmadmc -comma -id=inavgyu4 -password=Tivolism0'

D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-8 begint=22:00:00 endd=-7 endt=21:59:59

|wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-7 begint=22:00:00 endd=-6 endt=21:59:59
|wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-6 begint=22:00:00 endd=-5 endt=21:59:59
|wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-5 begint=22:00:00 endd=-4 endt=21:59:59
|wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-4 begint=22:00:00 endd=-3 endt=21:59:59
|wc -l

D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-8 begint=22:00:00 endd=-7 endt=21:59:59

|grep Completed |wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-7 begint=22:00:00 endd=-6 endt=21:59:59
|grep Completed |wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-6 begint=22:00:00 endd=-5 endt=21:59:59
|grep Completed |wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-5 begint=22:00:00 endd=-4 endt=21:59:59
|grep Completed |wc -l
D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-4 begint=22:00:00 endd=-3 endt=21:59:59
|grep Completed |wc -l
Schedule count for 7days using OS terminal:
alias D='dsmadmc -comma -id=inavgyu4 -password=Tivolism0'

D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-10 begint=22:00:00 endd=-3 endt=21:59:59

|wc -l

D -comma -dataonly=yes q eve \* \* begind=-10 begint=22:00:00 endd=-3 endt=21:59:59

|grep Completed |wc -l

E:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\KLMProfile\bin>

E:\Program Files
(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\KLMProfile\bin>serverStatus.bat server1
-user wasadmin -password passw0rd

E:\Program Files
(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\KLMProfile\bin>stopserver.bat server1 -user
wasadmin -password passw0rd

E:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\DB2SKLMV25\BIN>db2stop.exe

E:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\DB2SKLMV25\BIN>db2start.exe

E:\Program Files
(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\KLMProfile\bin>startserver.bat server1 -user
wasadmin -password passw0rd

library ip: wwk: | nhbr:

sklm ip: wwk: | nhbr:

username: sklmadmin | wwk password: passw0rd | nhbr password: pa33word

How to start a TSM server:

first u need to check commands are working

All file systems are available
then services are running

first u have to load the db2 profile

Login as sudo
. /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile
enter this command

nohup /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.dsmserv -u tsminst1 -i /tsminst1 -q
>/dev/console 2>&1
Registering new nodes:

reg node nodename nodepassword passexp=90 backdel=yes userid=none domain=PROD_DOM

upd node nodename_10Y nodepassword passexp=90 backdel=yes userid=none
domain=PROD_10Y clopt=lin_archive
upd node nodename_3M nodepassword passexp=90 backdel=yes userid=none
domain=PROD_10Y clopt=lin_archive

def collocmember collocgroupname nodename

def assoc domainname schedulename nodename

Command to check scratches used in a date range:
select count(*) as scratches_consumed_in_a_month from actlog where msgno='1340' and
date_time>'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000000' and date_time<'2016-03-31 23:59:59.000000'
Command to change TDPSQL password from client side:
cd "Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql"
tdpsqlc changetsmpassword
To rectify Q drive error "Q drive is a disk witness" add the following parameter in
dsm.opt (windows)
TESTFLAG disablequorumfilter
Command to restore files in a date range:

restore /SAN/shared/ARCHIVE/sg_sgldn_gloss_aptp_dact*
/SAN/shared/ARCHIVE/INC000000136979/ -subdir=yes -fromdate=11/07/2015
select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Private' and last_use is Null and
volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and volume_name not in (select
volume_name from volhistory where type in ('BACKUPFULL','BACKUPINCR', 'DBSNAPSHOT',
Check and reset unsuccessful login attempts, unlock:
lsuser -f ID
chsec -f /etc/security/lastlog -a "unsuccessful_login_count=0" -s <User_ID>
chuser "account_locked=false" <User_ID>
To stop tsm services from running on linux machines:
initctl stop tsm
initctl stop tsm_monthly
To find error tapes:
select volume_name,stgpool_name,pct_utilized as error_tapes from volumes where
access not in ('READWRITE','OFFSITE','READONLY') or write_errors<>0 or
read_errors<>0 and status <> 'EMPTY' order by stgpool_name
select stgpool_name,sum(physical_mb/1024) as DataGB from occupancy where
node_name='NHPPVLISCA1' group by stgpool_name
select distinct volume_name,stgpool_name from volumeusage where
Registered nodes in a range of dates:

select node_name,REG_TIME from nodes where REG_TIME>'2016-05-01 09:00:00.000000'

and REG_TIME<'2016-05-24 23:59:00.000000'
TSM Extractors:

./iam_TSM_extract.ksh -user inavgyu4 -password <tsmpassword>

FTP link for TSM software:

SELECT tot_file_system_mb, used_db_space_mb, free_space_mb, (SELECT CAST(SUM(100-
(free_space_mb*100) / tot_file_system_mb) AS DECIMAL(3,1)) AS PCT_UTILIZED FROM
db), last_backup_date FROM db

SELECT node_name,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(logical_mb)) / 1024 AS DEC(8,2)) FROM occupancy

GROUP BY node_name

SELECT node_name,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(physical_mb))/1024 AS DEC(8,2)) as "Space in GB",

SUM(num_files) as "Number of files" FROM occupancy GROUP BY node_name

How to configure dsmcad services in client:

1. Kill the dsmc processes if any running.

2. If the process is starting automatically then give initctl stop tsm

3. Include the parameter "managedservices webclient schedule" in dsm.sys file

4. confirm if dsmcad services are configured in file dsmwebcl.log.

05/29/2017 22:43:04 (dsmcad) Command will be executed in 12 hours.

05/30/2017 10:43:04 (dsmcad) Executing scheduled command now.
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Next operation scheduled:
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad)
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Schedule Name: DAILY_2200
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Action: Incremental
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Objects:
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Options:
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Server Window Start: 22:00:00 on 05/30/2017
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad)
05/30/2017 10:43:05 (dsmcad) Command will be executed in 11 hours and 25 minutes.
5. Now start dsmcad services using dsmcad &


How to the memory % utilisation in any client server.

1. Login to server.

2. give "top" command

3. Shift + f

4. n


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