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Cost effective

-Opting for a biological method of pest control is very cost effective.

-There will be an initial investment to purchase the predators, however from that point forward the
costs are minimal.

-It is not necessary to purchase food for the predators, the pests are the food.

-No need to purchase more “biological pest control” because mating will inevitably happen

Environmentally compatible

Biological control is natural and does not rely on the use of man-made chemicals that can adversely
impact an ecosystem.


Not immediately effective (may take years)

-Biological control does have limitations as it lacks the immediacy of chemical control.

-It may not eliminate the pest species completely and often takes years after the initial release of
control agents before their effects are obvious.

-Populations of biological control agents may require time to become established.

-Screening work (determining the selectivity and effectiveness of a biocontrol agent) is also very
time consuming and is subject to limited funding.

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