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Unique Event: Ramtha and His School of

Enlightenment in Moldova!

Raisa Gonchar — professional psychologist and teacher.

August, 5, 2009

Student of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Teacher and Accredited Practitioner of EFM

Balancing Technique — quantum technology of balancing of human’s electromagnetic fields.
Internationally Certified Feng-Shui Master. Raisa Gonchar studied and passed through unique
initiations in India, Mexico, Syria, Tibet (Kailash), Malaysia, England...

Science and Religion created myths we have been living in. Within the last 400 years science
produced a rather despondent myth about us being a genetic mistake. We are used by the genes
in order to procreate the following generation while we keep undergoing endless chance
mutations. It is thought that we are lonely and separated from our Universe and from each other
as well. We are a lonely mistake on the lonely planet in the lonely Universe. These ideas form
our vision of the world. They define our self-perception, and now it seems quire clear that
suchlike approach is one of the most destructive factors. This factor causes everything: all the
peace-and-war problems; the wish to have more money than your neighbor does; aggression on
all levels – from business to classrooms. Eventually we realized the fallaciousness of this
paradigm. We are not divided. We are together. And that is the major circumstance of our
existence: we are united and we are interconnected.

Something quite interesting is going on. Suddenly people around started to realize that life might
not be what is happening to them, but what we create ourselves and contribute to its creation
with the help of our personal consciousness. The saying “creative expression” grew popular even
in fancy books and glossy magazines. Even religious authors gave it a thought recently: does
God want us to be rich or does he not? And should we pray for wealth?

This whole activity is about the idea that if we realize and learn how to use our consciousness
then we will be able to create the reality we want.
Today quantum physics and other scientific disciplines find the idea about the creativity of our
creation to be of great importance and this idea has echoed in the minds of people.

We indeed live in exciting times; however there is only one problem: we should come to
realization that we are placed in between two paradigms. We keep on living within the old
paradigm of lack and loss at the same time trying to work on the new one, based on the
revolutionary idea of sufficiency in everything, the idea that the Universe is a great source of
unlimited wealth and that we are capable of attracting whatever we want from this field of
infinite resources.

We need tools or techniques that would help us balance both paradigms at the same time. We are
in need of tools which might help us admit and accept the absence of convictions and certainties
about the new reality, but which would at the same time give us the possibility to continuously
and successfully practice the art of the Creative Expression.

Without a certain type of techniques, which might help us with that, we are doomed to fail. Plain
words on the page or on the CD are not enough. We are still bound with the old paradigm.

Fortunately, there are some tools of the Conscious Co-Creativity of one’s own reality which
already exist and are quite efficient. They are based on the most effective techniques as
fundamentals of the Creative Expression method which has helped billions of people during the
last 20 years.

The citizens of Moldova, as well as of other post-Soviet countries, are given a unique chance to
meet the Master – Teacher Ramtha and his School of Ancient Wisdom and Enlightenment.

Ramtha’s Teachings represent a unique metaphysical system of thought. They require a very
thorough research and a thoughtful study. Ramtha’s Teachings touch upon the fundamental
problems of human existence and human personality, of our destiny and origins, of the nature of
good and evil, Soul, life and death, the Universe and our relationships with other people.

Ramtha’s System of Thought is unique and well structured and comprehensible in its contents
and in the way it is represented. The specifics of Ramtha’s System of Thought reminds of the
initiations into the Sacred Knowledge and of the Great Labor, which were practiced in the
ancient mysteries of Greece, Egypt, the Near East, and in the ancient Gnostic schools of the
Middle East and Europe.

According to Ramtha, human knowledge is not only empirical or scientific by its nature – but it
may also become a personal truth and a personal experience for one. A human becomes his/her
own object of attention, experiencing it and yet remaining a live Observer of the given
experience. A human, looking for knowledge in his intention to become enlightened is a human
looking for new models of thinking he has never encountered before and which he will be able to
experience and, thus, learn the unknown, proceed from the binary mind (which is based on the
intellectual analysis) to the analogical mind which will help to gain live wisdom and human’s
own integrity.

Ramtha’s School Practice is more than unique techniques to gain one’s integrity. Such disciplines
as “Consciousness and Energy” (C&E), “Fieldwork”, “The Grid”, “Blue Body Dance”,
“Labyrinth”, “Archery” will help to create human’s own life and reality by wishing, being
responsible for one’s own thoughts, words and actions, having become a Conscious Co-Creator
in personal experience.
I have always thought that the spiritual growth is obtained by constant practicing with the help of
those tools and techniques that allow a man experience transformation on the energetic level
rather than on the intellection one. These disciplines are supposed to influence us physically,
emotionally and spiritually.

You are very welcome to come for the Presentation of Ramtha’s School on which the leading
American students of Ramtha will elaborate on the School and those disciplines which are
practiced in more than 70 countries of the world. I would like to note again that we are highly
honored to be the first among the post-soviet countries which Ramtha and his School of Ancient
Wisdom and Enlightenment visit.

Presentation Meeting will take place on the 9th of August in the Palace of Trade Unions
(“Dvorets Profsoyuzov” Ryshkan district) at 18:00.

Admission free, no charges. For more information call (022) 49-79-15, mobile 0-79-38-48-88 in

Also you can visit the website www.ramtha.com (Russian version of the site is under

You are welcome, dear friends, to gain unforgettable experience!


Ramtha’s School — Beginners Group
EFM Balancing Technique — teaching and practice
Feng-Shui professional
Spiritual Healing of Diseases

Phone: 49-79-15, 079-38-48-88

e-mail: raisa_rich@yahoo.com

Published under category "BUSINESS-PRESS"

Beginning Retreats info

Начальные Ритриты
Разум как материя SM - 2010

Здесь Вы научитесь получать доступ к сверхспособностям вашего мозга, находящимся у

Вас в латентном состоянии, а также приемам «Стань Замечательной Жизнью!» Ничто не
оставлено на волю случая или убеждений. Здесь вы познакомитесь с древней мудростью,
которую Рамта узнал в своей жизни, и которая и привела его к просветлению и изучению
современных научных открытий в области нейробиологии и квантовой физики,
подтверждающие, что мастера всегда знали, кто мы есть на самом деле и каким образом
мы создаем нашу собственную реальность.

Подробнее о Школе Просветления Рамты и о Начальных Ритритах

Начальные Ритриты осуществляются назначенными Рамтой учителями. Учителя

предоставляют живой инструктаж, а также видеозаписи Джей.Зет. Найт и вводный курс
обучения Рамты. Они также вводят аудиторию в курс дисциплины Рамты по созданию
собственной реальности. Джей.Зет. Найт и Рамта обычно не обучают лично на Начальных
Ритритах. Такое обучение в Ритрите удовлетворяет требованиям приема в ученики при
желании продолжить обучение и подготовку в Школе Просветления Рамты.

Чтобы оставаться зачисленным в школе, ученик должен посещать два обязательных

мероприятия в один календарный год в любом выбранном месте: восьми-десяти-дневный
курс Ритрита для Продвинутых (не считая летнее Тестирование) и пятидневный курс
Продолжения (Follow-Up).

Начинающие ученики должны пройти один Начальный Ритрит и одно пятидневное


Школа Просветления Рамты – это Оригинальная Школа Сознания и Энергии ®

Школа Просветления Рамты - это замечательная Академия Разума, созданная Рамтой
Просветленным, который предлагает Ритриты и семинары на международном уровне для
учеников со всего мира и из всех слоев общества. Используя древнюю мудрость и
новейшие открытия в области нейробиологии и квантовой физики, ШПР обучит Вас
доступу к сверхспособностям вашего мозга, чтобы реализовать принцип «Стать
Замечательной Жизнью».

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