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Running Head: ADAM AND EVE 1

Analyzing the Story of Adam and Eve

by [Name of Student]

Course ID


[Name of Institution]

October 22, 2017


Analyzing the Story of Adam and Eve


The story of Adam and Eve is one of the fascinating stories in Bible and it is somewhat

the beginning level of an individual’s curiosity in achieving knowledge. The story begins with

the life of garden and the way world was just, peaceful and loving. Humans and animals used to

eat plants for nutrition and there were no storms and other natural disaster on external levels,

while not hatred or jealousy at the inside of the individual’s soul. God has provided freedom to

Adam and Eve, but restricted them from consuming a certain fruit which had no seed and came

from the Tree that is Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve disobeys the command and

Adam follows her path, hence the God punished them for their disobedience.


The place of Eden was ideal and full of peaceful coexistence and all the species were

innocent. The Garden is considered as one of the ideal places because there is was no justice, a

promise which is made to humans in the life after this one. The Adam and Eve left the place at

the moment when they consumed the forbidden fruit and witnessed the nakedness of one

another. The serpent promised the Eve that she will manage to see good and evil in the same way

as God does, which was tempting and lead her and Adam to exile from garden. The consumption

of forbidden fruit turned the innocent Adam and Eve into sinful and that was the beginning of the

life we know today. The world filled with good and bad, though mostly overshadowed by the

evil. The temptation of serpent exiled the human beings and that was the curiosity of Eve, and

later Adam, having the desire to know what is unknown, especially different forms of the good

and evil.

The first impression of the commitment of sin was the understanding about good and evil

through hard experience, though they were not ready at first place for such a punishment. The

death of innocence remained the first consequence, which were later followed by a complete life

style that followed us to this moment. The reactions of Adam and Eve did not went against the

idea of God creating man and woman, rather it was the knowledge about unknown which is the

authority of God (Stone, 1992) and remains the jurisdiction of Him. God is supposed to know

things that are not good for human beings; hence the learning of Adam and Eve through hard

way is the discovery and first reaction.

The idea of Adam and Eve in the paradise and later their exile to this day is somewhat

meant to teach lessons to the humans for owning their mistake in the form of sin. Humans cannot

maneuver God and the God’s punishment is just the pre-mature revelation of the life that they

were supposed to adopt. There may have been a normal way for humans to learn about good and

evil, but the commitment of sin actually allowed them to understand their weaknesses in contrast

to the God. The life in the Eden was a taste that they should always desire for the remaining part

of their life style, including the life style of coming generations of both Adam and Eve. The

humans in true nature today expect a life that is peaceful and prosperous, but the reality is

different and we see all type of horrors in worst possible scenarios that desire our perception of

good and bad.


The story of Adam and Eve is the first ever story created by human beings which has life

of the Garden and the way the humans transitioned from one life style to another. The glimpses

of the lifestyle which accompanied humans in Garden is sometimes witnessed and desired

because that is the true thirst of human beings, that is, to have a life in a place that contains

peaceful coexistence. The humans witnessed the knowledge of Good and Evil through hard ways

and that is the way in which humans are witnessing the knowledge accumulation process till

date. A development form underdevelopment is usually accompanied by many feelings and

uncomforted that is not desired by humans.



Stone, M. E. (1992). A History of the Literature of Adam and Eve (Vol. 3). Scholars Pr.

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