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Percobaan IV

Rangkaian Resonansi

Holong P Sihombing (14S16055)

Tanggal Percobaan : 12/01/2018
[ELS2102][Prak RE]
[ Laboratorium Dasar Teknik Elektro ] – TeknikElektro
Institut Teknologi Del

In Practicum 6 module on Resonance Circuit, will be |𝐻(𝐽𝜔)| =
conducted 5 main experiments are experiments for see the symptom of
resonance when the RLC circuit is suspended series, then the two
The frequency that causes the condition occurs called the
experiments are meant to observe symptom resonance if RLC circuit
resonance frequency (ω0), or often used also, f 0.
is parallel suspended, trials three and four to observe the symptoms of
resonance if the RLC circuit is compiled the combined series parallel
with two different merge variations, and last experiment done to A circuit is said to resonate when the attached voltage V and the
observe the inner resonance rangakain filter. resulting current I are in a single phase condition.

Keywords: RLC circuit, Resonance frequency,Pendahuluan When resonance occurs, where the resonance frequency = fr
then reactance = 0,: Z = R (impedance reaches minimum price);
I. INTRODUCTION I reach maximum If not resonance occurs, then Reactance ≠ 0,
Experiment 6 on Electric Circuit Practice Z> R; When f <fr (to the left of the fr price) reactance is
implemented with the main purpose of introducing capacitive and the current precedes the voltage. When f> fr
praktikan with the properties of resonance circuit. (next to right fr) reactance is inductive and current miss the
As for the objectives of the Practicum 6 experiment voltage.
This Electric Circuit, among others:
1. Praktikan can recognize the nature of RLC circuit. Meanwhile for resonance in the circuit parallel, the 0 is its
2. Praktikan can recognize the nature of series resonance, suseptance, it is not reactance that causes voltage maximum
parallel resonance, parallel series resonance. because of the parallel RLC circuit resonating will act like an
3. Praktikan can distinguish resonance properties series and open circuit with the same ωo value because XL = XB.
4. Papat calculate and estimate the resonant frequency of RLC circuit can occur when value the inductance is as big as
the circuit. the value capacitance so that these two values will be mutual
eliminate and cause RLC circuit it only has a resistive nature.
When XL=XC


𝜔𝐿 =
AC wave is a wave which is sinusoidal. On that circuit using 𝜔𝐿
AC source will arise response which depends on the 𝑓0 =
magnitude of the capacitance and / or inductance in the circuit. 2𝜋√𝐿𝐶

Resonance is a condition in which the circuit excited by its This applies to both series resonance circuits RLC and parallel
natural frequency, this causes the value of | H (jω) | reach resonance circuit. Only, at the resonance of the RLC series, the
value minimum and maximum. circuit reaches the maximum point when its fo while on parallel
resonance circuit RLC, circuit reach the minimum point at fo.
Value | H (jω) | is the frequency response represented as
output comparisons response Y (jω) to the sinusoidal input X 1. RLC circuit
(jω) or which is better known as transfer function and domain In series RLC series total impedance the series can be written
jω: as follows:

𝑍𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝑅 + 𝑗(𝑋𝐿 − 𝑋𝐶 )
From this relationship will be seen that reactance

inductive and capacitive will always be mutual reduce. When

these two components are equal, it will nullify each other, and
say that the circuit is in a state of resonance.

The resonance is series resonance. Similarly, in the RLC

parallel circuit total admittance of the series can be written as:

𝑌𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝐺 + 𝑗(𝐵𝐶 − 𝐵𝑋𝐿 )

where G is conductance and B is suseptansi.

From this relationship will also be seen that capacitive and III. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
inductive suseptances will always be mutually interconnected
reduce. At the resonance state, second the susceptibility will be
A. Experiment 1: Series RLC Series (Resonance Series)
mutually exclusive. The resonance is a parallel resonance.

Resonance Series In this experiment, using the following components:

V = 1 Vpp
𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 50 𝛺
L = 2,5 mH
C = 470 pF
R = 47 𝛺

Resonance Series occurs when XL = XC, Based on manual calculations, with large components known
1 in the circuit are sought fo by using the formula as below this,
𝜔𝐿 = then obtained the resonance frequency of the circuit for:
1 1
𝜔0 ≡ 𝜔𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖 = 𝑓0 =
√𝐿𝐶 2𝜋√𝐿𝐶
𝑓0 = 1
2𝜋√𝐿𝐶 =
2(3,14)√(2,5 𝑥10−3 )(470 𝑥 10−12

Here ωO or fO is the frequency that makes the circuit is resistive

𝑓0 = 146,825 kHz
and flowing maximum or maximum voltage on R.
f Vo(Vpp)
Pengukuran(kHz) Perhitungan(kHz)
150 146,825 0,22

When the resonance occurs, the measurement of the voltage

on the inductor and capacitor with the result as follows:
V(mV) Vo(mV)
Parallel Resonance 4 138 4

The difference of result frequency value calculation and

frequency value of the results of this experiment very possible.
This difference is due by several factors including the actual
value capacitors not yet exactly as desired (470pF), the exact
inductor value is not accurate of 2.5mH, the impedance of the
When BC = BL ,, then it can be written as follows signal generator the unknown magnitude, and the presence the
1 1 resistance in the inductor is measured by multimeter of 49.8
𝜔𝐶 − =0 𝜔0 = 𝑟𝑎𝑑 ⁄𝑠 Ω. Therefore, results measurements obtained can be said to be
𝜔𝐿 √𝐿𝐶
valid, because nilia is close to the calculation result which
Here ωO is the frequency that makes the circuit is resistive and ignores generator impedance values signal and large inductor
flowing maksimum atau tegangan maksimum pada R. resistance.
B. Experiment 2: Parallel RL (Parallel Resonance)
In this experiment, using the following components: =
2(3,14)√2(2,5 𝑥10−3 )(470 𝑥 10−12
V = 1 Vpp
𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 50 𝛺 𝑓0 = 103,821 kHz
L = 2,5 mH
C = 470 pF Differences in frequency values of calculations and the value
R = 47 𝛺 of the frequency of the experimental results is due actual value
The calculation of resonant frequency values using the of improper capacitor 470 pF and actual value of improper
formula that has been derived is: inductor 2.5 mH. In addition, the signal generator also has
impedance in an unknown value actual. So based on these
𝑓0 = factors results measurements obtained still can said to be
2(3,14)√(2,5 𝑥10−3 )(470 𝑥 10−12
D. Experiment 4: Series C Series with Parallel C and L
𝑓0 = 146,825 kHz In this experiment, using the following components:
V = 1 Vpp
f Vo(Vpp) 𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 50 𝛺
Pengukuran(kHz) Perhitungan(kHz) 𝐶𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑙 = 470 pF
150 146,825 0 𝐶𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖 = 470 pF
L = 2,5 mH
Differences in frequency values of calculations and the value R = 47 𝛺
of the frequency of the experimental results is due actual value
of improper capacitor 470 pF and actual value of improper The calculation of resonant frequency values using the
inductor 2.5 mH. In addition, the signal generator also has formula has been derived.
impedance in an unknown value actual. So based on these f Vo(Vpp)
factors results measurements obtained still can said to be Pengukuran(kHz) Perhitungan(kHz)
valid. 196 207,642 1m

C. Experiment 3: Parallel L Circuit with L and C Series Based on the experiment, the minimum voltage value obtained
at 178 kHz frequency of 1 mVpp and the local maximum
In this experiment, using the following components: voltage value when the frequency 120 kHz of 120mVpp.
V = 1 Vpp Difference in value frequency of calculation result and
𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 50 𝛺 frequency value the result of the experiment is due to the
𝐿𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑙 = 2,5 mH actual value improper capacitor 470 pF and actual value
𝐿𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖 = 2,5 mH improper inductor 2.5 mH. Other than that, The signal
C = 470 pF generator also has an impedance in the unknown actual value.
R = 47 𝛺
E. Experiment 5: Application of Resonance Rows in Filters
Due to the circuit there are inductor and capacitor are then
parallelized with inductor then there are 2 resonance This experiment is not completed. We only get the voltage
frequency. The first resonant frequency comes from series values of each element, namely:
circuit which yields the local Vo max value and the second For series of parallel series resonance experiments 1:
resonant frequency comes from the parallel circuit which V(mV) Vo(mV)
yields the local Vo min value. Then do the calculation of 𝑉𝐿 𝑉𝐶
resonance frequency value by use the formula that has been 3 3 3
derived. For the resonant frequency in the series circuit: For series parallel series resonance series 2:
V(mV) Vo(mV)
𝑓0 = 𝑉𝐿 𝑉𝐶
3 105 3
2(3,14)√(2,5 𝑥10−3 )(470 𝑥 10−12
𝑓0 = 146,825 kHz
 When observing the behavior of VR (resistor) on
series RLC series as in figure 3-1, it can be observed
For resonant frequency in parallel circuit:
that the RLC circuit has Bandpass Filter properties.
𝑓0 =
 When observing the behavior of VR (resistor) on
parallel RLC circuit as in figure 3-2, it can be observed
that the RLC circuit have Bandstop Filter properties.
 When observing the behavior of VR (resistor) on
series-parallel RLC circuit as shown 3-3 or 3-4, it can
be observed that the RLC circuit has properties
Bandpass Filter as well as Bandstop Filter properties.
 When the observed voltage is on resistor, Resonance
Series RLC circuit has Bandpass Filter properties
while Parallel Resonance The RLC circuit has
Bandstop Filter properties.
 We can calculate (estimate) the resonant frequency in
the RLC circuit, ie frequency when the magnitude of
the circuit capacitance equal to the magnitude of the
circuit inductance.

 Hutabarat, Mervin T. , Petunjuk Praktikum Rangkaian
Elektrik, Laboratorium Dasar Teknik Elektro,
Bandung, 2013.
 Alexander, Charles K. and Matthew N. O. Sadiku,
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 4th edition, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 2007.
 www.wikipwedia.com.
e. Percobaan 5
a.Percobaan 1

b.Percobaan 2

c. Percobaan 3

d. Percobaan 4

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