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Vita Nostra Servis 1/2017

The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns

e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Dean of the 3rd FM CU informs you that prof. MD. Tomaš Kozák, Ph.D., MBA was at his own request dated 15. 12. 2016
relieved from the post of vice-dean for support of research and the legal representative of the 3rd FM CU.

prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc., FCMA

Dean of the Third Faculty of Medicine


President of the Czech republic named on the proposal of Scientific Council of Charles University according para § 73 of
the Act. No, 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education with efect from 2nd, december 2016 the Professor:

- doc. MUDr. Zuzanu Moťovskou, Ph.D. – in the field of Internal Medicine – 3rd Department of Internal Medicine –
Jaromír Chlapec – PaM


Rector of Charles University appointed according to § 72 para. 11 of Act no 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education
Associate Professor with the effect from 1st January, 2017:

- MUDr. Viktora Kočku, Ph.D. – in the field of Internal medicine – 3rd Department of Internal Medicine - Cardiology

Jaromír Chlapec – PaM


The publication of authors from the Department Analytical Chemistry FS CU and Department of Biochemistry, Cell
and Molecular Biology 3rd FM CU

Opekar F., Tůma P.: Hydrodynamic sample injection into short electrophoretic capillary in systems with a flow-gating
interface, Journal of Chromatography A 2017, 1480, 93-98. IF2015 3,926

Full text at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2016.12.029.


in April 2017 the Staff Training Week for Research Support Officers will be held at the Rector's Office of University. If
you're working on research with interesting foreign university and you are interested to invite your colleagues for the
position of Research Support Officers please send them the following invitation card: http://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-
580.html. For any queries please contact: adela.jiroudkova@ruk.cuni.cz .
Coordinator of Erasmus+, M. Bendová



Dear Partners,

We are very pleased to announce the launch of new Summer School

Program at the University of Lausanne !

We believe that our intensive programs will allow your students to discover
our campus in Lausanne, while deepening their knowledge in specific areas.
The Summer schools are open to students from across the world, at
undergraduate, graduate or doctoral level, depending on the schools. You can
find the selection criteria, application procedures and all the relevant
information on the website UNIL Summer Schools.

In 2017, the University of Lausanne will offer the following courses:

• Transitional Justice , 12 -23 June
• Intensive French courses, 3 July - 1 September
• Undergraduate Research Programme in Biology and Medicine (SUR), 3 July - 25 August

• Oriental languages, TBC
• Wine, Terroir, Tourism, 10 -15 July
• Forensic science and criminality, 28 - 31 August
• Actuarial sciences, TBC

We would be thankful if you could share this message with faculties and students who might be interested.
Should you have any question regarding the UNIL Summer Schools, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to
welcoming your students next summer !
Florelle Udrisard, UNIL Summer Schools coordinator


Award of Jaroslav Jirsa for year 2015 gained the publication “Physiology and Pathophysiology for clinical practice” by
R. Rokyta et al. The award was presented to prof. R. Rokyta by Rector of Charles University at the occasion of VR CU
session in Carolinum on December 15, 2016.This prize was awarded as” the best textbook in medical and
pharmaceutical fields”.


Award of the Czech Neurological Society for the best publication for year 2015
gained the book of prof. MUDr. Ivana Štětkářová, CSc. et al. Modern
pharmacotherapy in neurology (Maxdorf Jessenius 2015).

The Czech-Slovak network of Medical and Health Faculties MEFANET (Medecal Faculties NETwork) celebrated
Jakub Gregor, Martin Komenda, Daniel Schwarz

All information about the konference, photos and presentations are available at: www.mefanet.cz/konference.

Photopresent for representatives of faculties jointed in MEFANET http://www.mefanet.cz/res/photogallery/1-

Workshop MEDCIN http://www.mefanet.cz/res/photogallery/1-mefanet2016-5816.jpg

Invited foreigner guests by their lectures – Andrzej Konowicz a Luke Woodham

Conference of MEFANET is meeting of colleagues and friends http://www.mefanet.cz/res/photogallery/1-mefanet2016-

We announce with deep regret that on January 2, 2017 after a long severe illness died assistant professor of the
Department of Dermatology 3rd FM CU MUDr. Tomáš Frey, CSc.

Tomáš Frey was a great personality of the Czech Dermatovenereology and he specialized mainly in Dermatosurgery,
Aesthetic dermatology and Histopathology. Especially in Dermatosurgery he raised at its last department of FNKV series
of successors who had replaced him during his long illness and gave his experience to large group of young people
interested in industry-up corrective dermatology.

As. Frey s As. Mardešičovou a Dr. Dahmenem na operačním sále

As. Frey was not only an excellent dermatovenereologist but more for than a quarter century he worked for the
committee of the Czech Dermathovenerology Company ČLS JEP and became its honorary member. For this important
work for he had a big thanks of all of us.

Prof. MUDr. Petr Arenberger, DrSc, MBA

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 2/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Until 31 March, 2017 the trial access to collections of EBSCO Publishing were launched.

Academic Search Ultimate

This is a multidisciplinary academic full-text database which offers more than 12,400 full-text academic journals,
magazines and periodicals. Academic Search ULTIMATE is a new version of an existing database Academic
More information, including both direct and remote access including a list of titles see at PEZ.

eBook Academic Collection

This is an extensive collection of e-books, nearly 150,000 academic titles covering a wide range of academic disciplines,
from economics and trade through science, medicine and engineering to the humanities.

For access use PEZ.

We would like to inform you that that in order to offer Universities more time for the
selection of Students to participate in the UNICA Student Conference 2017, the
deadline for submitting the names of Student Delegates, Academic Tutors
(responsible for the background preparation of student delegates) and Contact
Persons (responsible for practical matters) has been extended to Friday, 3 February 2017.

The Contact Persons are kindly requested to make submissions via the following online form: http://database.unica-
Kris Dejonckheere
UNICA Secretary General, c/o University Foundation


On Thursday, December 15, 2016 the implementers of projects took over the Award of Ministry for Health for
outstanding achievements in medical research and development that were supported by the Internal Grant Agency of
the Ministry of Health from public sources.
The top 5 projects received this award from 400 projects. Among the award-winning research team was team of prof.
MUDr. Robert Jech, Ph.D., from Department of neurology 1st FM CU and VFN. His coleagues were prof. MUDr. Ivana
Štětkářová, CSc. from Department of Neurology 3rd FM CU and FNKV, MUDr. Dušan Urgošík, CSc. from Hospital Na
Homolce and MUDr. Anna Fečíková from Department of Neurology 1st FM CU and VFN.
Important days
1. 1. World Day of Peace – declared in 1968 on the initiative of pope Paul IV
27. 1. International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust – declared by UN in 2005,the
60th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945
28. 1. Data Privacy Day – The Council of Europe launched in 2007

Important days in the Czech Republic

1. 1. The National Day of the Czech Republic – Restoration Day of the Independent Czech state (the
independent Czech republic in 1993)
16. 1. Jan Palach´s death in 1969

Important personalities
1. 1. 1782 JOHANN CHRISTIAN BACH died, German composer (born 5. 9. 1735) – 235th death anniv.
1. 1. 1942 JAROSLAV JEŽEK died, music composer and pianist (born 25. 9. 1906) – 75th death anniv.
3. 1. 1892 JOHN RONALD REUEL TOLKIEN born, English novelist, linguist and literary historian (died 2. 9. 1973) –
125th birth anniv.
3. 1. 1967 JAROSLAV FRAGNER died, architect, furniture designer, painter (born 25. 12. 1898) – 50th death anniv.
4. 1. 1932 CARLOS SAURA born, Spanish film director – 85th birth anniv.
5. 1. 1932 UMBERTO ECO born, Italian writer, art theorist and philosopher (died 19. 2. 2016) – 85th birth anniv.
6. 1. 1822 HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN born, German archaeologist (died 26. 12. 1890) – 195th birth anniv.
7. 1. 1957 JOSIP PLEČNIK died, Slovenian architect, town planner, designer (born 23. 1. 1872) – 60th death anniv.
8. 1. 1642 GALILEO GALILEI died, Italian astronomer, classic of Italian prose (born 15. 2. 1564) – 375th death anniv.
9. 1. 1927 THORKILD HANSEN born, Danish writer (died 4. 2. 1989) – 90th birth anniv.
10. 1. 1887 ROBINSON JEFFERS born, American poet (died 20. 1. 1962) – 130th birth anniv.
15. 1. 1622 MOLIÈRE, his own name Jean- Baptiste Poquelin born, French playwright and actor (died 17. 2. 1973) –
395th birth anniv.
15. 1. 1812 PETER CHRISTEN ASBJÖRNSEN born, Norwegian naturalist and collector of fairy tales (died 5. 1. 1885) –
205th birth anniv.
18. 1. 1882 ALAN ALEXANDER MILNE born, English novelist and journalist, author of books for children (died 31. 1.
1956) – 135th birth anniv.
18. 1. 1892 OLIVER HARDY born, American film comedian actor (died 7. 8. 1957) – 125th birth anniv.
20. 1. 1612 RUDOLF II. died, the last Czech king who resided in Prague (born18. 7. 1552) – 405th death anniv.
20. 1. 1962 ROBINSON JEFFERS died, American poet (born 10. 1. 1887) – 55th death anniv.
21. 1. 1872 FRANZ GRILLPARZER died, Austrian playwright (born 15. 1. 1791) – 145th death anniv.
23. 1. 1832 ÉDOUARD MANET born, French painter (died 30. 4. 1883) – 185th birth anniv.
23. 1. 1872 JOSIP PLEČNIK born, Slovenian architect, furniture designer and urbanist, creator of the reconstruction of
Prague Castle (died 7. 1. 1957) – 145th birth anniv.
25. 1. 1882 ADELINE VIRGINIA WOOLF born, English novelist and essayist (died 28. 3.1941) – 135th birth anniv.
27. 1. 1832 LEWIS CARROLL, his own name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson born, English logician, mathematician and
writer (died 14. 1. 1898) – 185th birth anniv.
28. 1. 1912 JACKSON POLLOCK born, American painter (died 11. 8. 1956) – 105th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 3/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
With effect from January 1, 2017 the new head of the Department of Pathology was appointed by the director of FNKV
in agreement with the dean of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine on the basis of a tender

doc. MUDr. Tomáš Jirásek, Ph.D.

With effect from January 16, 2017 the new head was appointed by the dean of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine on the basis
of a tender

doc. MUDr. Pavel Dlouhý, Ph.D. – Department of Hygiene

doc. MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D. – Department for the Study of Obesity and Diabetes

Jaromír Chlapec
Head of Division of Human Resources


On 30. 11. 2016 at 3rd FM CU (as the first medical faculty in the Czech Republic) started
the cycle of Children's University.

The aim of this project (initiated by the Faculty of Philosophy CU in last year) is to
introduce to pupils of elementary schools some subjects taught at our faculty. Faculty
contacted all elementary schools in Prague and Central Bohemia.


In the first round on 30. 11. 2016 there were more than 500 candidates (mostly of students from third to fifth classes of
primary school). More than thirty pupils attended the first topic Anatomy.
Thanks to doc. Zachovi and dr. Riedlové children spent ninety minutes becoming familiar with the anatomy of the brain,
skeletal system and the anatomy of the heart. In the following seven blocks theywill explore the basic of physiology,
histology, biochemistry, first aid, nursing and medical ethics. In the case of interest and the success of the first round we
will open the Children's University for pupils of 2nd grade of elementary school in the spring semester.
Thanks to Dr. Svobodové and Mrs. Ruth Fialové for the organization and recruitment, Adam Vlach for the creation of a
special index and students under the direction of Antonín Kuta for organization.


The second meeting took place on December 14, 2016 at the Institute of normal, clinical and pathological physiology
and was led by a big help of students of 3rd FM doc. Franek.
Children were initially familiar with the contents of physiology and subsequently in a lively discussion they clarified the
relationships and connections between blood (oxygen transport), lungs (entry of oxygen into the body) and the
cardiovascular system (distribution of oxygen around the body). The talk was accompanied by simple diagrams and
illustrative animation. In the second part the pupils are divided into two groups. The first was devoted to measuring
their own vital capacity for portable spirometer. The second visit zodiac Institute where children are acquainted with
the basics of breeding and use of laboratory rats for experimental purposes. Then both halves swapped.


The third meeting took place on January 11, 2017 was histological. All participants coped working with a microscope
and identifying specimens of organs and tissues of the human body under the direction of Lucie Hubičková Heringová
enthusiastically and perfectly.
Just as well they did by watching of chick embryo. Thanks to Lucie Hubičková Heringová, Antonín Kuta, Hana Svobodová
and Ruth Fialová for the administrative arrangement, Jakub Fuks for photo documentation and also to all students.

Next meeting Biochemistry.


Academic Senate of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine elected under the leadership of MUDr. Lucie Hubičková Heringová,
Ph.D. (Chair of the Electoral Commission for elections to the Academic Senate for the period 2016-2019) at its first
meeting on December 13, 2016

chose as its Chairpersona Mgr. Marka Váchu, Ph.D.

Senators voted under his direction of the Academic Senate of the 3rd FM

For Vice-Chairmen:
• doc. MUDr. Felix Votava, Ph.D.
Head of Department of Children and Adolescents – for the Educational Chamber,

• David Lauer
a student of 3rd year in general medicine, Czech curriculum – for the Student Chamber.


We would like to invite you to a seminar of Oncology Research Centre of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine
Charles University which will take place

On Wednesday 25. 1. 2017 at 16:30

In Burian Lecture Hall
(Ruská 87, Praha 10).

Professional programme:

Historie diagnostiky a léčby monoklonálních gamapatií - Prof. MUDr. T. Kozák, Ph.D., MBA
New uses for an old drug in multiple myeloma - Prof. M. O’Dwyer, Blood Cancer Network Ireland,
National University of Ireland
AL amyloidóza - MUDr. P. Pavlíček


On Thursday, December 15, 2016 in Lobkowicz Palace the implementers of projects took over the Award of Ministry
for Health for outstanding achievements in medical research and development that were supported by the Internal
Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health from public sources.

The top 5 projects received this award from 400 projects. Among the award-winning research team was team of RNDr.
Hanou Zamrazilovou, Ph.D. from the Department of Endocrinology in Prague with project „Vlivy prostředí a
individuálního chování ve vztahu k abdominální obezitě a kardiometabolickým rizikovým faktorům u českých
adolescentů“. Her cooperative were MUDr. Irena Aldhoon Hainerová, Ph.D. from Department of Children and
Adolescents, 3rd FM CU and FNKV, doc. MUDr. Vojtěch Hainer, CSc. and prof. MUDr. Marie Kunešová, CSc. from
Department of Endocrinology.

National Psychiatric Award of Professor Vladimir Vondracek for year 2016, awarded by the Scientific Council of the
National Psychiatric prices of Vladimír Vondráček for the best thesis on "Serious mental disorders - incidence, diagnosis
and treatment" in the practical application of acquired books of doc. Aleše Bartoše, Ph.D a PhDr. Miloslavy Raisové,
Ph.D: Testy a dotazníky pro vyšetřování kognitivních funkcí, nálady a soběstačnosti, Mladá fronta, 2015. (Tests and
questionnaires for investigating cognitive function, mood and self-sufficiency, Mladá fronta, 2015).

Mjr. v. v. doc. MUDr. Juraj Strauss, CSc. He was a soldier of Czechoslovak units in Great Britain, he fought in Dunquerke
in the years 1944/1945. At the Medical Faculty of Charles University he graduated in 1947.

His life was connected with virology which he devoted at the State Health Institute and he taught students of the
Medical Faculty of Hygiene Charles University. Significantly he contributed to the eradication of rubella and measles in
the Czech Republic and Kenya. In 1969 he was appointed Associate Professor of Medicine Faculty of Hygiene, the
predecessor of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine Charles University. Dean of the faculty prof. MUDr. Michael Anděl, PhD.

personally congratulated doc. MUDr. Strauss on January 17, 2017 for his work the Kladno hospital where the doc.
Strauss is currently hospitalized.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 4/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 7th International Students' Conference of Young Medical Researchers
which will take place on April 6-8th 2017, hosted by Wroclaw Medical University, at the Centre of Scientific
Information at 2-6 Marcinkowskiego Street, 50-368 Wroclaw, Poland.
This year's conference will include five English sessions with a program that offers many opportunities for debate
and discussion, such as:
• Session I: Internal Medicine
• Session II: Cardiovascular Diseases
• Session III: Neurology & Radiology
• Session IV: Current Controversies & Trends in Medicine
• Session V: Health Sciences

The abstract submission deadline is February 19th at 23:59, and are accepted via electronic registration at

The program will include an open discussion among the speakers and participants, and admittance to the
accompanying events.
Abstracts will be verified in accordance with regulations, (e.g. being shorter than 2250 characters, including
spacebar signs, etc.). The author(s) of the scientific paper will be informed about their acceptance and assigned
session on the conference website. Research articles and case reports are accepted. Review abstracts are only
accepted in the Current Controversies & Trends in Medicine session. After the announcement of the list of
participants qualified for the given session, each author, as well as co-authors and passive participants, are obliged
to pay the registration fee 25 €.

A transfer should be sent until March 15, 2017 to:

35 1500 1793 1217 9000 9997 0000
Title: "STN Konferencja [Name & Surname]

Every participant who has submitted the registration fee should bring a proof of
payment confirmation on the day of the conference.
The presentation has to be compatible with either .ppt, .pptx or .pdf formats, and
sent to the appropriate session coordinator, until the deadline date April 2, 2017
at 23:59.

Session I coordinator: internalmed.wroc2017@gmail.com

Session II coordinator: cardioangiology.wroc2017@gmail.com
Session III coordinator: neuroradiology.wroc2017@gmail.com
Session IV coordinator: controversiestrends.wroc2017@gmail.com
Session V coordinator: healthsciences.wroc2017@gmail.com

The presenter has 7 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for the
discussion. The presentation cannot be made by more than 5 authors. One
participant is allowed to submit no more than 2 presentations. For more details,
please visit the conference's website.
Anna Żarczyńska,
International Affairs Coordinator
Students' Scientific Society of Wroclaw Medical University

Important Days

2. 2. World Wetlands Day – declared by Secretariat of Ramsar Convention in 1971

4. 2. World Cancer Day – proclaimed by the International Union against cancer in2000
11. 2. World Day of the Sick – declared in1993 on the initiative of Pope John Paul II
21. 2. International Mother Language Day – declared by UNESCO in 1999
22. 2. Crime Victims day – named for the growing number of people affacted by violence, in honor of the day in
1990 when the british interior minister signed the Charter of Children´s
22. 2. Thinking Day – worldwide celebration of the Boy Scouts – announced by Scouting organization in 1927, the
anniversary of the birth of the founder of Scouting spouses Baden-Powell (between1857 and 1889)

Calendar of Important personalities

2. 2. 1882 JAMES JOYCE born, Irish novelists writing in English language (died 13. 1. 1941) – 135th birth anniv.
2. 2. 1957 VALÉRY LARBAUD died, French poet, novelist and critic (born 29. 8. 1881) – 60th death anniv.
3. 2. 1997 BOHUMIL HRABAL died, novelist (born 28. 3. 1914 in Brně) – 20th death anniv.
4. 2. 1842 GEORG BRANDES born, his own name Morris Cohen, Danish thinker and literary critic (died 19. 2. 1927) –
175th birth anniv.
56. 2. 1932 FRANÇOIS TRUFFAUT born, French film director (died 21. 10. 1984) – 85th birth anniv.
7. 2. 1812 CHARLES JOHN HUFFAM DICKENS born, English novelist and journalist (died 9. 6. 1870) – 205th birth
10. 2. 1837 ALEXANDR SERGEJEVIČ PUŠKIN died, Russian poet, novelist and playwright (born 6. 6. 1799) – 180th
death anniv.
10. 2. 1932 EDGAR WALLACE died, English author of detective novels (born 1. 4. 1875) – 85th death anniv.
10. 2. 1962 MAX ŠVABINSKÝ died, painter, graphic artist and illustrator (born 17. 9. 1873 in Kroměříž) – 55th death
11. 2. 1937 ANDERS BODELSEN born, Danish writer– 80th birth anniv.
15. 2. 1912 GEORGE MIKES born, British humorist of Hungarian origin (died 30. 8. 1987) – 105th birth anniv.
18. 2. 1932 MILOŠ FORMAN born, film director – 85th birth anniv.
19. 2. 1952 KNUT HAMSUN died, his own name Knud Pedersen, Norwegian novelist, playwright and poet, Nobel
laureate (born 4. 8. 1859) – 65th death anniv.
21. 2. 1677 BENEDICTUS DE SPINOZA died, Dutch philosopher (born 24. 11. 1632) – 340th death anniv.
21. 2. 1902 EMIL HOLUB died, naturalist, explorer and travel writer (born 7. 10. 1847) – 115th death anniv.
22. 2. 1942 STEFAN ZWEIG died, Austrian novelist and essayist (born 28. 11. 1881) – 75th death anniv.
22. 2. 1987 ANDY WARHOL died, his own name Andrew Warhola, American artist, graphic designer, photographer,
filmmaker and musician (born 6. 8. 1928) – 30th death anniv.
24. 2. 1852 GEORGE MOORE born, Irish novelist, essayist, art critic, poet and playwright writing in English language
(died 21. 1. 1933) – 165th birth anniv.
25. 2. 1707 CARLO GOLDONI born, Italian playwright and theatrical reformer (died 6. 2. 1793) – 310th birth anniv.
25. 2. 1732 CHRISTOPHER WREN died, English architect (born 20. 10. 1632) – 285th death anniv.
25. 2. 1842 KARL MAY born, German writer, author of adventure novels (died 30. 3. 1912) – 175th birth anniv.
25. 2. 1852 THOMAS MOORE died, Irish poet (born 28. 5. 1779) – 165th death anniv.
26. 2. 1802 VICTOR MARIE HUGO born, French poet, novelist, playwright and essayist (died 22. 5. 1885) – 215th birth
27. 2. 1902 JOHN ERNST STEINBECK born, American writer, Nobel laureate (died 20. 12. 1968) – 115th birth anniv.
28. 2. 1842 CAMILLE FLAMMARION born, French astronomer and writer, founder of the French Astronomical Society
(died 3. 6. 1925) – 175th birth anniv.
28. 2. 1922 MAURO BOLOGNINI born, italian film director (died 14. 5. 2001) – 95th birth anniv.
29. 2. 1792 GIOACCHINO ROSSINI born, Italian composer (died 13. 11. 1868) – 225th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 5-6/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Procedure for announcing dates and registration to control of study

Art. 1
Subject of regulation
This directive regulates the procedure for announcing dates and registration to control of study of students 3rd FM CU in
SIS - Study Information System
Art. 2
Procedure for logging
1) Dates for control of study (exams, credits) in the form of the examination, test, or in a similar manner at 3rd FM
CU are usually written in the Student Information System CU and at minimum of seven calendar days before the
deadline for registration. The deadline referred to in the preceding sentence can be shortened (if it is for
additional terms), ie terms announced by the limit of 150% of the number of students of study section 1.
2) Time to start logging is determined so as not to interfere with the regular teaching time (outside the period
from 08: 00-19: 30 on working days).
Art. 3
Final Provisions
1) This Order is valid from the beginning of summer semester of a.y. 2016/2017 by the end of this a.y.
2) This Order does not alter any valid internal regulations.

Elaborated by: MUDr. D. Marx, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs

prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.

Dean of the Third Faculty of Medicine
Art. 18 and 19, para. 1 Rules for the Organization of Studies at Third Faculty of Medicine CU


Dear Partners, Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,
We are happy to announce our 2017 edition. All the information are on our website www.summerschools.univ-

Our summer schools offer a unique opportunity for students from all over the world to enjoy Science in a beautiful

The Summer Schools team


Prof. Audrey Rousseau and Dr Marie Kempf

Project Coordinators & Prof. Isabelle Richard
Dean of the Medical school of the University of Angers




As well as last year, a project of IFMSA called “Arrange by hands” continued
during the winter semester. The project is designed to reduce barriers
between future doctors and deaf patients and is directed by excellent
lecturer Mgr. Lenka Kučabová of the Czech Union of the Deaf. Without her
this project would not be so successful and popular. We thank her very
much. This year we managed to include this project as an optional subject,
with a guarantee of prof. Jaromír Astl, Head of the Department of
Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd FM CU and ÚVN. If you
did not know about this project, so do not worry, it will repeat again in next
winter semester of the academic year. We consider about the expansion of
capacity and the repetition enrollement in the summer semester which had to be directed by a new project coordinator
Catherine Janštová student of 3rd year of General Medicine. Everyone who participated in the project so far, thank you
very much.
Dominik Pokorný, former coordinator of the project, member of IFMSA
In summer semester of a.y. 2016/2017the first seminar on the development of pedagogical skills of PhD students and
academic staff at Charles University will be held. The aim of these workshops is to develop teaching skills with teaching
methods which are generally characterized as a "student-centered". Visiting Professor Sarah Leupen, University of
Maryland, Baltimore County opens first series of four seminars on this topic.
More info and registration at:
Hana Urychová, Rector´s Office

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the International Student Conference „Health in our Hands“ in Tartu Health Care
College (Estonia), on 23rd November 2017.

The aim of the conference is to promote interactions among undergraduate and graduate (2015, 2016) healthcare
students and lecturers from different fields (healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, biomedical science etc.),
countries, and exchange of research knowledge and experience.
The language used in the conference will be English and participation is free of charge for all participants.
All accepted abstracts (https://www.nooruse.ee/eng/collaboration/student-conference/abstract-requirements/) from
graduate and undergraduate students will be published in the Collections of Research Articles of Tartu Health Care

This event could be categorised as part of the Erasmus + Staff Exchange Programme. We can sign and stamp the
necessary documents before or during your stay.

If you need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Conference website: http://www.nooruse.ee/eng/collaboration/student-conference/
Follow us in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1836023839942902/

Anna-Liisa Tamm, PhD

Coordinator of Physiotherapy and Environmental Health Specialist, Tartu Health Care College

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you, your colleagues, students and also foreign students to the concert which will take place on
Sunday, February 11, 2017 at 19:30 in the Smetana Hall of Obecní Dům.
Concert is organized by PedF UK in cooperetion with Humboldt Universität, Berlin. More information you can find at

Tickets are available to buy on-line (www.ticketon.cz) or at the box office of Obecní Dům.
Doc. RNDr. Miroslava Černochová, CSc.
Vice-Dean for the International Affairs
ERASMUS+ coordinator

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 7/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Part of the State rigorous examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Place: Classroom of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic
Max. number of students per day: 10

This order:
• was compiled by the Study Division – Mgr. V. Stožická


The Department of Foreign Languages will offer for this summer semester of ac.y. 2016/17 this payable courses for
students and other interested.

• English for Advance – preparation for FCE exam, the exam is not a part of the course
Thursday : 17:15 – 18:45
Opening of the course: 9.3. 2017

• English for Academics – with native speaker

Tuesday: 17:30 – 19:00
Opening of the course: 7.3. 2017

• German language
Wednesday: 17:00 – 18:30
Opening of the course: 8.3. 2017

The language level of the courses: min. intermediate (registration can be consulted by DFL). The courses are orientated
on the language of medicine (except for „English for Advance - preparation for FCE“).

Registration at Department of Foreign Language, please see contact.

The regular courses will be held at the Department of Foreign Language , FNKV pavilion X, 5th floor.

Number of students in the course : min. 5, max. 10.

Teaching: 2 hours/week or 26 hours/semester
Fee: 2300,-CZK / 1 semester

Enrollment to the courses (including payment of the fee ) will be terminated on March 3, 2017.

Number of account: 22734101/0100,

VS 400101 (English for Advance - FCE)
VS 400102 (English for Academics)
VS 400103 (German language)

The message for the recipient, please write your name.

Contakt: ing. M. Prokopičová, sekretariát of the Department of Foreign Language, line 2905; e-mail:


Student Scientific Conference of 3rd FM CU will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. The Conference will be similar to
last year, divided into lectures and poster section with the majority of the presentations will be in the form of posters.
An independent expert committee will decide on the breakdown of contributions to sections.
As part of the poster session will be „the moderated discussion“ with five-minute competitor´s presentation. The form
for abstracts will be opened on March 1, 2017 on fakulty webside (svk.lf3.cuni.cz). In order to devide the contributions
into individual sections, the contributions will be not accepted after the deadline for submitting an abstract which is set
on April 9, 2017.
Students who will not submit the abstract by this time, will be not allowed to participate at SRC 2017 and therefore
will not get credit for registered SRC!

The actual text of the abstract should not exceed more than 2500 characters (including spaces) to fit on one page of
compilation. You can add a maximum of one attachement (charts, tables, image etc.,) to the text.
Please note that the abstract should be submitted by using the electronic form on this page, the abstracts in text forms
sent by email will be not accepted.
The author may choose the section (theoretical, clinic, postgraduated, bachelor). Students of PhD study always choose
postgraduated section without distinction to clinical and theoretical section. The author may not or may choose a form
of presentation that she/he prefers (lecture, resp. poster). However, the final allocation will be decided by the
comitteee which is composed of experienced scientists of our faculty. If there is more than one author per paper, the
abstract is served only by the student and the other colleagues are mentioned as co-investigator. After submitting the
abstract all authors will receive the confirmation email. Even after sending the abstract the text can be edited until the
deadline which is set on April 9, 2017 (23:59). Please fill out the form on the computer not on the tablet (it may not
work well).

You can find the abstract model at


More info how to create the abstract you can find at


You can also view the compilations from previous years of konference at http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LF-797.html.
Please send your questions to the address svk@lf3.cuni.cz.
For the Organizing Committee of SRC
prof. MUDr. Romana Šlamberová, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Student Research Activities
Coordinator of SRC


Search for a candidate to apply at a Post-Doctoral Fellow grant of the FRM (“Fondation pour
la Recherche Médicale”)
Mediterranean Center of Molecular Medicine (C3M, Nice) Team: Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology of Obesity and
Diabetes. Director: Dr TANTI Jean-François and Dr CORMONT Mireille

Administrative requirements:
The candidate (French or Foreign) should have obtained his/her PhD between the 22 March 2016 and the 31 December
2017. The application deadline is 15 June, 2017. The answer of the application will be available in November 2017
In case of obtaining funding, he/she must take the position no later than May 22, 2018. The position could be asked for
2 or 3 years without possibility of renewal.
For foreign applicants, application to the European Marie Curie individual fellowships could be considered.

The main objective of the team is to identify novel molecular mechanisms linking obesity to insulin resistance that
yields to metabolic syndrome. More specifically, the project will be in continuity of our recent discovery published in
Diabetes (Vergoni et al, Diabetes 2016) that described the appearance of senescent-like adipocytes in the adipose
tissue at the onset of obesity. He/she will have in charge to discover why these senescent-like adipocytes appears and
how they contribute to the metabolic inflammation of the adipose tissue during obesity. The project will require the use
of mice models as well as in vitro experiments with culture cell lines as well as primary adipocytes and immune cells.

Skills: The candidate should have a background in the physiopathology of metabolic diseases. Expertise in immunology
will be a plus.

Techniques used: RT-qPCR; Western Blot, Flow cytometry, confocal imaging

Contact : Dr Mireille CORMONT cormont@unice.fr


German language summer course in Wuerzburg, Germany

University of Wuerzburg is offering a German language summer course in August. The course takes place from August
1-29 and includes language lessons on levels A1-C1, cultural studies classes, a social program and trips. The city of
Wuerzburg is located in central Germany, near Frankfurt.

More information can be found on the course website, which is available both in English and German:
Or you might also like to take a look at our summer course on the DAAD website:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: E-mail: daf-sommerakademie@uni-wuerzburg.de

Anna Seidl
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
The University of Bonn would like to invite graduate and postgraduate students from your university to a Summer
School on Development Policy in Bonn.

The Summer School addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study. It will take place from July
31 to August 11, 2017. The program is conducted in English.

We would appreciate it if you could provide your students with information about the Summer School.
We also took the liberty of attaching a flyer with basic information about the Summer School.
If you should be interested in printed information material, we will gladly send you flyers and/or posters via mail. Please
contact us in case you would like to obtain printed material.
Please feel free to visit the website of the Summer School on Development Policy: www.developmentpolicy.uni-
bonn.de . The website will provide detailed information about the program.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleague Ms. Kim Dubenkropp (dubenkropp@uni-bonn.de) if you have any

Lisa Hennes, University of Bon, Department of International Affairs

Email: Lhennes@uni-bonn.de; Internet: www.internationales.uni-bonn.de/abt.6.4

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.
Vita Nostra Servis 8/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10


Academic Senate of Charles University elected at its meeting on 3.2. 2017 prof. MUDr. Zuzana Moťovská; Ph.D. as
member of Academic Board AS CU.


Magazine WEEK brings for the second time a unique comparison of Czech Universities and Colleges srovnání českých
univerzit a vysokých škol.

Excellent result of 3rd FM CU.

Our faculty is ranked at second position in the category of Health Care, Medicine, Pharmacy, at first place in the
evaluation of the Faculties of Medicine Charles University and at third place in all ranked categories.

More info you can find at - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LF-108.html?news=3730&locale=cz

Mgr.Simona Skořepová
Manager of PR and Media


Medical Sciences Summer School Global Health 3-12 July 2017

Web: http://www.rug.nl/research/gradschool-medical-sciences/summerschools/global-health/

Popis programu:
The 12th Summer School on Global Health will be organized this summer by IFMSA-Groningen!
The program consists of 8 full days with educational activities on five different Global Health
topics: Access and Right to Health, Infectious Diseases, Health and Economics, Non-
Communicable Diseases, Reproductive and Child Health.
Beside the educational programme, there will also be evenings anda weekend of great social
activities for the participants to experience and enjoy the culture and fun of the Netherlands all
To have an idea of what the program looks like, find the information about Summer School

Global Health 2016 on this website.

You can apply by sending your letter of motivation, CV and a photo of yourself to summerschoolglobalhealth@rug.nl.
More details on the programme will be updated as soon as possible.
The Summer School on Global Health will provide you a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world
to share your interest and knowledge in Global Health. Do not miss such once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Please visit our Facebook page for updates througout the year.

The electronic books and textbooks are accessible in full text for students and staff of the 3rd FM after login.

Title Author Edition Specialities Link

Osteopathy &
Advanced Concepts Manual http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/advanced-concepts-
in Surgical Research M. Bhandari 2012 Medicine in-surgical-research
An Evidence Based J. Higdon / V.J.
Approach to Drake 2011,
Vitamins and 2nd Complimentary http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/evidencebased-
Minerals edition Medicine approach-to-vitamins-minerals26709
Anatomic Basis of Albertstone /
Neurologic Steinmetz / Najm / http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/anatomic-basis-
Diagnosis Benzel 2009 Neurology neurologic-diagnosis
Basic R.Probst / http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/basic-
Otorhinolaryngology G.Grevers / H.Iro 2006 Otolarynology otorhinolaryngology
Clinical Research for Bhandari / General http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/clinical-research-for-
Surgeons Joensson 2008 References surgeons
Clinical Tests for the K. Buckup 2016, Osteopathy &
Musculoskeletal 3rd Manual http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/clinical-tests-for-
System edition Medicine musculoskeletal-system-3rd
Hecker / Steveling 2008,
Color Atlas of / Peuker / Kastner 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Acupuncture / Liebchen edition Acupuncture acupuncture
J. Koolman/ K.H. 2013,
Color Atlas of Roehm 3nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Biochemistry edition Chemistry biochemistry-3rd-ed
Color Atlas of W. Kuehnel
Cytology, Histology, 2003,
and Microscopic 4th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-cytology-
Anatomy edition Basic Sciences histology-microscopic-anatomy-4th-ed
Color Atlas of M. Rocken http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Dermatology 2012 Dermatology dermatology
T. R. Bull 2010,
Color Atlas of ENT 5th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-ent-
Diagnosis edition Otolarynology diagnosis-5th-ed
E. Passarge 2012,
Color Atlas of 4th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-genetics-
Genetics edition Basic Sciences 4th-ed
H. Theml/H. 2004,
Color Atlas of Diem/T. Haferlach 2nd Internal http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Hematology edition Medicine hematology-2nd-ed
Color Atlas of W. Platzer
Human Anatomy, 2014,
Vol. 1-Locomotor 7th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-human-
System edition Anatomy anatomy-7e
Color Atlas of H. Fritsch/
Human Anatomy, W.Kuehnel 2014,
Vol. 2-Internal 7th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-human-
Organs edition Anatomy anatomy-volume-2-6e
Color Atlas of W. Kahle / M.
Human Anatomy, Frotscher
Vol. 3-Nervous 2015,
System and Sensory 7th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-human-
Organs edition Anatomy anatomy-volume-3-7th-edition
Color Atlas of G. K. Burmester Internal http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Immunology /A. Pezzutto 2003 Medicine immunology
Rohkamm 2014,
Color Atlas of 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Neurology edition Neurology neurology-2e

Title Author Edition Specialities Link
Color Atlas of B. Greenstein / A. http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Neuroscience Greenstein 2000 Neurology neuroscience
Agarwal / Jacob 2010,
Color Atlas of 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Ophthalmology edition Ophthalmology ophthalmology-2nd-ed
Color Atlas of U.-N. Riede / M.
Pathology Werner 2004 Basic Sciences http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-pathology
S. Silbernagl / F. 2016,
Color Atlas of Lang 3rd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Pathophysiology edition Basic Sciences pathophysiology-third-edition
A. Despopoulos /S. 2015,
Color Atlas of Silbernagl 7th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Physiology edition Basic Sciences physiology-7th-edition
Color Atlas of B. Block 2012,
Ultrasound 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/color-atlas-
Anatomy edition Radiology ultrasound-anatomy-2nd-ed
Comprehensive 2012,
Board Review in 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/comprehensive-
Neurology M. Borsody edition Neurology board-review-in-neurology-2nd-ed
Connective Tissue Physical http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/connective-tissue-
Massage Schiffter / Harms 2014 Therapy massage
Differential W. Siegenthaler 2007,
Diagnosis in Internal 1st Internal http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/differential-
Medicine edition Medicine diagnosis-in-internal-medicine
Differential S. A. Tsementzis
Diagnosis in
Neurology and http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/differential-
Neurosurgery 2000 Neurology diagnosis-in-neurology-neurosurgery
Dr. Vodder's Manual Wittlinger Complementary http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dr-vodders-manual-
Lymph Drainage 2010 Medicine lymph-drainage
Duus' Topical M. Baehr / M. 2012,
Diagnosis in Frotscher 5th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/duus-topical-
Neurology edition Neurology diagnosis-in-neurology-5th-ed
DX Direct Brain http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-brain-
Imaging K. Sartor 2008 Radiology imaging
DX Direct Breast http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-breast-
Imaging U. Fischer 2007 Radiology imaging
DX Direct Cardiac http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-cardiac-
Imaging C. Clausen 2007 Radiology imaging-direct-diagnosis-in-radiology
DX Direct Head and http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-head-neck-
Neck Imaging U. Moedder 2008 Radiology imaging
DX Direct
Musculoskeletal http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-
Imaging M. Reiser 2008 Radiology musculoskeletal-imaging
DX Direct Spinal http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-spinal-
Imaging H. Imhof 2008 Radiology imaging
DX Direct Thoracic http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/dx-direct-thoracic-
Imaging M. Galanski 2010 Radiology imaging
Behrbohm / 2010,
Ear, Nose, and Kaschke / Nawka / 3rd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/ear-nose-throat-
Throat Diseases Swift edition Otolarynology diseases-3rd-ed
E. Breitmaier 2016,
Efficiently Studying 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/efficiently-studying-
Organic Chemistry edition Chemistry organic-chemistry75397
R.B. Gundermann 2013,
3rd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/essential-radiology-
Essential Radiology edition Radiology third-edition
Essentials of Clinical J. Hall / K. Piggott / 2013,
Examination M. Vojvodic / K. 7th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/essentials-clinical-
Handbook Zaslavsky edition Basic Sciences examination-handbook

Title Author Edition Specialities Link
Essentials of Clinical
MR V. M. Runge 2011 Radiology http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/essentials-clinical-mr
Fundamentals of J. Michael Student http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/fundamentals-
Medical Physiology 2010 Education medical-physiology
H. Mattle / M. 2017,
Fundamentals of Mumenthaler 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/fundamentals-
Neurology edition Neurology neurology84627
General Pathology G. Steffers / S.
and Internal Credner
Medicine for Physical http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/general-pathology-
Physical Therapists 2012 Therapy internal-medicine-for-physical-therapists
Getting Started in G. W. Eastman / C. http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/getting-started-in-
Clinical Radiology Wald / J. Crossin 2006 Radiology clinical-radiology
Getting Your Bhandari /
Research Paper Joensson
Published-A Surgical General http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/getting-your-
Perspective 2010 References research-paper-publisheda-surgical-perspective
Guide to the Popp
Primary Care of 2008,
Neurological 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/guide-to-primary-
Disorders, A edition Neurology care-neurological-disorders-2nd-ed
How NOT to Write a Heinemann General http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/how-to-write-
Medical Paper 2016 References medical-paper
A. Faller/M.
Human Body, The Schuenke 2004 Anatomy http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/human-body
Illustrated F.-X. Reichl
Handbook of General http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/illustrated-handbook-
Toxicology 2011 References toxicology
Introductory Guide Krukemeyer General http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/introductory-guide-
to Medical Training 2015 References to-medical-training
Medical S. Panini
Biochemistry - An http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/medical-
Illustrated Review 2013 Chemistry biochemistry-illustrated-review
Fritz H. Kayser/K.A.
Bienz/ J.
Medical Eckert/R.M.
Microbiology Zinkernagel 2005 Basic Sciences http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/medical-microbiology
T. B. Moeller/ E. 2011,
MRI Parameters and Reif 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/mri-parameters-
Positioning edition Radiology positioning-2nd-ed
M. 2004,
Mumenthaler/H. 4th
Neurology Mattle/ E. Taub edition Neurology http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/neurology-4th-ed
Neuro- Biousse / Newman 2015,
Ophthalmology 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/neuroophthalmology-
Illustrated edition Ophthalmology illustrated-second-edition
Normal Findings in T. B. Moeller/ E. http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/normal-findings-in-ct-
CT and MRI Reif 2000 Radiology mri3429
G. K. Lang 2015,
3rd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/ophthalmology-third-
Ophthalmology edition Ophthalmology edition
Ophtho Notes R. L. Goodman 2003 Ophthalmology http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/ophtho-notes
Orthopedic Manual J. Schomacher Physical http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/orthopedic-manual-
Therapy 2014 Therapy therapy
B. Reichert 2015, Osteopathy &
Palpation 2nd Manual http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/palpation-
Techniques edition Medicine techniques-second-edition
Pharmacology - An M. Simmons http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pharmacologyan-
Illustrated Review 2011 Basic Sciences illustrated-review26687
Physical Therapy for J. Mehrholz 2012 Neurology http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/physical-therapy-for-
Title Author Edition Specialities Link
the Stroke Patient stroke-patient
Physiology - An R. TannerThies http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/physiologyan-
Illustrated Review 2011 Basic Sciences illustrated-review26686
Pocket Atlas of C. Ergil / K. Ergil Complimentary http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-chinese-
Chinese Medicine 2009 Medicine medicine
Pocket Atlas of F.Pasler / H. Visser http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-dental-
Dental Radiology 2007 Dentistry radiology
Pocket Atlas of T. Boehmeke/R. http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Echocardiography Doliva 2006 Radiology echocardiography
R. Beer, M. A.
Pocket Atlas of Baumann, A. M. http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Endodontics Kielbassa 2006 Dentistry endodontics
H. Feneis/ W. 2007,
Pocket Atlas of Dauber 5th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-human-
Human Anatomy edition Anatomy anatomy-5th-ed
Pocket Atlas of H. K. Biessalski, P.
Nutrition Grimm 2005 Nutrition http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-nutrition
Pocket Atlas of Schlote, Rohrbach http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Ophthalmology Mielke, Grueb 2006 Ophthalmology ophthalmology
G. Laskaris 2006,
Pocket Atlas of Oral 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-oral-
Diseases edition Dentistry diseases-2nd-ed
H. Luellmann/ K. 2011,
Pocket Atlas of Mohr/ L. Hein/ D. 4th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Pharmacology Bieger edition Basic Sciences pharmacology-4th-ed
Pocket Atlas of T. B. Moeller/ E. 2010,
Radiographic Reif 3rd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Anatomy edition Anatomy radiographic-anatomy-3rd-ed
Pocket Atlas of T.B. Moeller / E.
Sectional Anatomy, Reif 2013,
Vol. I: Head and 4th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Neck edition Anatomy sectional-anatomy-volume-i-head-neck-4th-edition
Pocket Atlas of T. B. Moeller/ E.
Sectional Anatomy, Reif
Vol. II: Thorax, 2013,
Heart, Abdomen, 4th http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
and Pelvis edition Anatomy sectional-anatomy-volume-ii-4e
Pocket Atlas of T.B. Moeller / E.
Sectional Anatomy, Reif 2017,
Vol. III: Spine, 2nd http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-
Extremities, Joints edition Anatomy sectional-anatomy-volume-3-spine-extremities-joints
Claus C. 2011,
Pocket Atlas of Schnorrenberger/ 2nd Complimentary http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-atlas-tongue-
Tongue Diagnosis edition Medicine diagnosis-2nd-ed
Pocket Guide to the A. L. Menner
Ear, A 2003 Audiology http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/pocket-guide-to-ear
Retina in Systemic Tabandeh / http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/retina-in-systemic-
Disease, The Goldberg 2010 Ophthalmology disease
Thieme Clinical W. Sterry, R. Paus,
Companions W. Burgdorf http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/thieme-clinical-
Dermatology 2006 Dermatology companions-dermatology
Thieme Clinical G. Schmidt
Companions http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/thieme-clinical-
Ultrasound 2007 Radiology companions-ultrasound
Traumatology for G. Krischak
the Physical Physical http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/traumatology-for-
Therapist 2013 Therapy physical-therapist
Trigger Points and P. Richter / E. Osteopathy &
Muscle Chains in Hebgen Manual http://ebooks.thieme.com/pdfreader/trigger-points-
Osteopathy 2008 Medicine muscle-chains-in-osteopathy

Important Days
2. 3. International Day of writers fight for peace – declared by the association of PEN club in year 1984
8. 3. International Women´s Day – anniversary of demonstration of New York dresssmakers in 1909,
celebrated since 1911
10. 3. Solidarity Day for Tibet – anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule in 1959
15. 3. World Consumers Rights Day – since 1983
21. 3. International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination – anniversary of carnage in Sharpeville v South
African Republic in 1960, declared by UN since 1966
21. 3. World Poetry Day – declared by UNESCO since 1999
21. 3. World Down Syndrom Day – the day was chosen as a symbol of the nature of the disease: a defective
21st chromosome, recalls unofficially since 2006, UN adopted in 2011
21. 3. World Forest Day – declared by the Confederation of European agriculture (CEA) in 1971
22. 3. World Water Day – declared by UN since 1992
23. 3. World Meteorological Day – the anniversary of the World meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1950,
celebrated since 1961
24. 3. World Tuberculosis Day – declared by WHO in 1982
27. 3. World Theatre Day – the anniversary of the opening of Theatre of Nations in Paris 1957, celebrated
since 1962 by the decision of the 9th Congress of the international Theatre

Important days in the Czech Republic

7. 3. Memorial Day of the Czech Republic – the anniversary of the birth of Tomas Garrigue Masaryk in year
12. 3. Significant Day of the Czech Republic– Czech Republic´s accession to NATO in year 1999
28. 3. Significant Day of the Czech Republic– Teacher´s Day – the anniversary of the birth of Jan Amose
Komenský in 1592

Important personalities
1. 3. 1917 ROBERT LOWELL, was born, American poet (died 12. 9. 1977) – 100th birth anniv.
2. 3. 1942 JOHN WINSLOW IRVING, was born, American novelist – 75th birth anniv.
3. 3. 1932 EUGÈNE D´ALBERT, died, French composer and pianist (born 10. 4. 1864) – 85th anniv.of his death
4. 3. 1832 JEAN-FRANÇOIS CHAMPOLLION, died, French Egyptologist (born 23. 12. 1790) – 185th anniv. of his
4. 3. 1852 NIKOLAJ VASILJEVIČ GOGOL,died, Russian satirist - novelist and playwright (born. 1. 4. 1809) – 165th
anniv. of his death
5. 3. 1922 PIER PAOLO PASOLINI,was born, Italian journalist, writer and film director (murdered 2. 11. 1975) –
95th birth anniv.
6. 3. 1872 JOHAN BOJER,was born, Norvegian novelist and playwright (died 3. 7.1959) – 145th birth anniv.
9. 3. 1892 DAVID GARNETT,was born, English novelist (died 17. 2. 1981) – 125th birth anniv.
9. 3. 1907 MIRCEA ELIADE,was born, French novelist, historian, religion, essayist and philosopher of Romanian
origin (died 23. 4. 1986) – 110th birth anniv.
12. 3. 1922 JACK KEROUAC,was born, own name Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac, americký prozaik a básník (died 21.
10. 1969) – 95th birth anniv.
13. 3. 1837 JOHN CONSTABLE,died, English painter (born 11. 6. 1776) – 180th anniv.of his death
13. 3. 1842 LUIGI CHERUBINI, died,italský Italian composer (born 14. 9. 1760) – 175th anniv of his death
15. 3. 1937 HOWARD PHILIPS LOVECRAFT,died American novelist, author of macabre short stories (born 20. 8.
1890) – 80.th anniv.of his death
18. 3. 1932 JOHN UPDIKE,was born, American novelist and poet (died 27. 1. 2009) – 85th birth anniv.
22. 3. 1687 JEAN-BAPTISTE LULLY,died, French composer (born28. 11. 1632) – 330th anniv. of his death
22. 3. 1832 JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE,died, German poet, novelist, playwright and naturalist (born 28. 8.
1749) – 185th anniv.of his death
23. 3. 1842 STENDHAL,died, own name Marie Henri Beyle, French writer and journalis (born 23. 1. 1783) – 175th
anniv.of his death
24. 3. 1882 HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW, died, American poet, translator, novelist (born 27. 2. 1807) –
135th anniv.of his death
26. 3. 1827 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, died,German composer (born 17. 12. 1770) – 190th anniv.of his death
26. 3. 1892 WALT WHITMAN, died, American poet and journalist (born 31. 5. 1819) – 125th anniv.of his death
27. 3. 1967 JAROSLAV HEYROVSKÝ,died, physical chemist, creator of polarographic analytical methods, Nobel Prize
in Chemistry (born 20. 12. 1890) – 50th anniv.of his death
28. 3. 1592 JAN AMOS KOMENSKÝ,was born, pedagogue, educator, philosopher, writer, theologian (died 15. 11.
1670) – 425th birth anniv.
29. 3. 1902 MARCEL AYMÉ, was born, French writer and playwright (died 14. 10. 1967) – 115th birth anniv.
29. 3. 1937 KAROL SZYMANOWSKI, died,Polish composer (born 3. 10. 1882) – 80th anniv.of his death
30. 3. 1912 KARL MAY, died, German writer, author of adventure novels (born 25. 2. 1842) – 105th anniv.of his
31. 3. 1732 JOSEPH HAYDN, was born, Austrian composer (died 31. 5. 1809) – 285th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 9/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
We're very happy to invite all of you to the 19th Annual Ball of the Third Faculty of Medicine which will be held
On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Národní dům at Vinohrady.
You have the unique opportunity to dress up and dance shoes to the beat of many dance styles. There will be many
performances to see, a poll for the most popular faculty teacher called “Syllabova chalk” and of course the raffle will
not miss.
Let´s start the new semester in style!


The Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics MFF CU offers to staff and students of CU
the possibility of statistical consultation for free of charge
Consultation students are performed by students of KPMS master's degree under the supervision of an experienced
Topics: Selecting of a suitable arrangement of the planned experiment, selection of measured quantities and
their measurement, advice to calculate the required sample size.
Selection of appropriate statistical methods for data analysis, the proper implementation of these
methods and interpretation of results.
Advice on methods of visualization and presentation of statistical data and results of analysis.

Time: Summer semester – from March to the end of May 2017. The length of the consultation is
maximum of 45 minutes.
More info at: http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kpms/?vyber=konzultace
Contact: kpms-sekr@karlin.mff.cuni.cz, ing. Lucie Naxerová, phone 221 913 287


Let me bring our new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to your attention.

LUMC offers free online course on transplantation

The LUMC is the first medical institution in the world to offer a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on clinical kidney
and pancreas transplantation.
English-language and international
Transplant experts at the LUMC created this free English-language course over the past year together with Leiden
University. Its broad international approach means it is well suited for use in medical training. Dr. Marlies Reinders is
the senior lecturer supervising the project.
Interactive clinical cases
The course consists of a number of modules, each one ending with an interactive clinical case study where the students
have to actively find solutions. There are weekly presentations with questions, assignments and visualizations, including
a kidney transplant.
MOOC in medical curricula
The MOOC is there for everyone who wants to learn more about transplant medicine, and more specifically medical
students and professionals. Partners of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) will follow suit. The course
is free and will start on the online Coursera online platform.
Online Learning Lab
The MOOC has been developed with funding from Leiden University and investments by the LUMC in novel educational
methods. Transplant experts at the LUMC have created the course in collaboration with the Online Learning Lab, part of
Leiden University’s Centre for Innovation. The Online Learning Lab has already developed many popular online courses.
More Leiden MOOCs
A second LUMC MOOC, Anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis, is also available.
Further Leiden MOOCs on a wide range of subjects can be found on the Coursera site.
Evelien Hack, International Office of the LUMC


The courses are within the fields of Arts, Business and Economics, Business Communication, Political Science and Law,
Health, Science and Technology. Students can apply wherever they like, not just at the Faculty of Arts.
All of the courses are held in English and most of them are located in Aarhus (some courses are placed outside Aarhus
due to the fact that the content of the courses is related to a sudden location/a laboratory or alike).

See a list of all the courses here: http://www.au.dk/en/summeruniversity/courses/

The time period for the AU Summer University is between 3rd July – 11th August 2017. However, some courses have a
different time schedule, so please check the individual courses for more information!
If nominated through our Erasmus Agreement, the course(s) are for free.
Please remind the students to apply through Aarhus University at the latest 15th of March 2017.
or to Ms. Dorte Føns Sørensen dfs@au.dk
Eva Lise Eriksen, International Coordinator
PhD & Internationalisation, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University
Danish School of Education


MUDr. Peter Baláž, Ph.D., FEBS from the Department of Surgery FNKV and 3rd FM CU won the award of Prusík for
the best paper in the field of Angiology issued in 2016.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 10/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
on dates of the State examinations in the Academic Year 2016/2017


Part of the State rigorous examination in Neurobehavioral Sciences
Place: NUDZ, Klecany, Topolová 748
15. 03.2017
Max. number of students per day: 3

This order:
• was compiled by the Study Division – J. Kováříková

prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc., per. proc.: MUDr. David Marx, Ph.D.,
Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs


The ceremony was held in the Vladislav Hall on 8.3.2017.

Category – Award of Karel Weigner – the best student - Bachelor / Master degree:

MUDr. Jakub Štefela received the award of Karel Weigner for year 2016 Master degree at 3rd FM CU.
The excellent student, an active member of the academic community, carried out scientific research at the
Department of Anatomy, completed several internships abroad.

Bc. Viera Margeťáková received the award of Karel Weigner for year 2016 Bachelor degree at 3rd FM CU.
She is in direct care worker in a home for the elderly – Charitní domov Stará Boleslav, she processed bachelor
thesis on the topic Decent care of patients with dementia, actively participated in the preparation methodology for
providing nursing care home residents with Alzheimer's dementia and uniform method of recording.

Category – Rector´s award – Special Rector´s award:

David Adam received Special Rector´s award for the year 2016 for Andromeda project which focuses on disadvantaged
children between four and twelve years.
The aim is to help children who spend their childhood in a baby carrier, orphanages or shelters, and at least
partially compensate them the presence of a loved so much missing. David Adam is currently working with MUDr.
Michal Považan from the children's department of the psychiatric hospital Bohnice on the expansion of project which
would apply to children admitted to the children's psychiatric department and who are threatened by a disharmonic

Lukáš Malý he received an extraordinary Rector´s award for the year 2016 for activities related to the implementation
of the project of palliative care in the region Ntumgamo in Uganda and hedging the activities of this project.
Lukáš Malý is working in an international team of medics who have started up palliative care units in the region,
including mobile hospice care. Overall Lukáš Maly spent 10 months (mostly in the summer months) direct volunteer
activities geared towards the provision of palliative care of terminally ill in the area and also lectures and educational

activities aimed at the prevention and treatment of tropical and other diseases and basic hygiene measures for children
and adults.

You can find more info at: http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LF-104.html?event=14719&lang=cz

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 11/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Try out access to all electronic journals and book series of publishing Emerald –
CU has opened trial till 15. 5. 2017.

Publishing Emerald is a global academic publisher of more than 300 full text journals publishing research in areas such
as Business, Management & Strategy; Library Studies; Information & Knowledge Management includingTechnology
Science; Social Sciences; Public Policy; Environmental Management; Marketing; HR, Learning & Organizational Studies;
Education; Finance, Accounting & Economics; Operations, Logistics & Quality; Tourism and Hospitality, Health and
Social Care, also technic fields as Engineering - Electrical, Mechanical Engineering; Computing and Modeling a Property
Management & Build Environment.
Access (both direct and remote) and other information can be found at PEZ UK.
Mirka Plecitá, CSI

PhD students Job offer at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

The experimental neurobiology research program is home to scientists who study biochemistry, physiology,
pharmacology, and behavioral functions of nervous systems as well as mechanisms of neurological and psychiatric

Optogenetics: Controlling the Brain with Light

Optogenetics is the combination of genetics and optics to control specific cells in living tissue. In neuroscience
optogenetics is used to control the activity of defined brain cell types at defined times— with a level of millisecond
precision, crucial to understand how brain activity is linked to behavior. We will take advantage of optogenetic
manipulation of activity of PV-interneurons to investigate goal driven behavior. We will optogenetically activate and
silence the target class of interneurons while recording activity brain activity in the prefrontal cortex. If you are
interested in cutting edge neuroscience research become part of our research team.

For more info please contact

Bc. Jitka Jechová (coordinator of research program)
e-mail: jitka.jechova@nudz.cz


Summer School on Intellectual Property

Bonn, July 31 – August 11, 2017

University of Bonn
The University of Bonn invites graduate and postgraduate students as well as
young professionals from any field of study or discipline to a Summer School on
Intellectual Property in Bonn.

The Summer School will take place from July 31 to August 11, 2017.
The program offers:
• classes that cover the main areas of Intellectual Property
• guest lectures on selected Intellectual Property issues
• excursions (for example to innovative institutions and companies).

The Summer School is open to 30 participants. The program is conducted in English.

The classes and guest lectures will take place on the new Campus Poppelsdorf of the
University of Bonn.

The Summer School introduces students to the main areas of In- tellectual Property and examines important
Intellectual Property issues. The students will be able to discuss Intellectual Property issues with professionals
from Intellectual Property organiza- tions, innovative companies, research facilities, law offices, and the
University of Bonn.

The Summer School aims to provide graduate and postgraduate students as well as young professionals with insight
into the field of Intellectual Property and an appreciation of the significant role of Intellectual Property in furthering
the economic and technologi- cal development, and particularly in promoting innovation.

The classes cover the main areas of Intellectual Property:
• Introduction to IP • Trademarks
• Patents and Trade Secrets • Industrial Designs
• IP Management • Unfair Competition
• Copyright • IP and Contracts.

In addition to classes, the program offers guest lectures on se- lected Intellectual Property issues. The Summer
School in 2016 addressed for example topics such as “IP and Health” and “IP and Biotechnology”. Furthermore, the
program includes excursions to institutions and innovative companies. Excursions to the German Aerospace Center and
the Center of Advanced European Studies and Research were for example part of the program in 2016.

The instructors and guest lecturers are Intellectual Property ex- perts from Intellectual Property organizations,
innovative compa- nies, research facilities, law offices, and the University of Bonn.

Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible to register for the Summer School, you must fulfill the requirements given below:
• You are a graduate or postgraduate student or a young professional from any field or discipline
(participation in the Summer School is not limited to law students or legal professionals).
• You are proficient in English (prior knowledge of German is not a prerequisite).

Application / Registration
Applicants who wish to participate in the Summer School must apply by April 7, 2017. The selected participants will
be notified within one week after the registration deadline.

Further information on the application process is available here: www.ipsummerschool.uni-bonn.de

Participation Fee / Grants

The participation fee is 750 Euros (including the costs for the excursions). Housing and meals are not included in the

A very limited number of grants will be awarded by the University of Bonn to excellent Summer School applicants. Only
students can apply for a grant. The grants will consist of partial or full par- ticipation fee exemption. Participants will still
be responsible for financing housing and meals by themselves, though.

Further information on the participation fee and possible grants is available here:
Certificate of Attendance / ECTS Credits
Each participant who regularly attends the Summer School will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

If you are interested in obtaining ECTS credits, you can gain

• 2 ECTS credits (equivalent to 1 U.S. credit) by regularly attending the Summer School or
• 6 ECTS credits (equivalent to 3 U.S. credits) by regu- larly attending the Summer School and submitting
a paper of about 6.000-6.500 words up to 4 weeks after the end of the Summer School. The submission
dead- line is September 8, 2017. The topic of the paper must be determined in consultation with the
Summer School Coordinator.

Please note that the University of Bonn can only recommend that home institutions award participants with 2 / 6
ECTS credits (equivalent to 1 / 3 U.S. credits).

Detailed Information
Please visit the website of the Summer School on Intellectual Pro- perty to learn more about the program:


Dne On March 14, 2017 we were suddenly left our colleague Mrs. Jaroslava Chvojková.

For 25 years she has worked at the Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology as
laboratory technicians. Her sudden departure caught her in full work. She was not only a colleague but
also a friend. We will miss her!

Department of the Institute of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 12-13/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Do you want to have new experience and adventure next semester?
Do you want to improve your English and be in daily contact with native speakers?
What's more to live in the center of Prague free of charge?

Come and meet Flat Buddy Program and organization CIEE.

For more information visit our faculty website - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LF-108.html?news=3837&locale=cz
Mgr. Simona Skořepová
Manager of PR and media 3rd FM CU


The results of the survey for most popular teacher in the academic year 2015/2016

Group adrressing voting Winners voted

students students podium
Students (-/-) 2357 730 (31,82%) 1st place MUDr. Karel Kieslich 168
2nd Tereza Michaličová 148
3rd Karolína Michková 63
Lifetime Achievement 2357 730 (31,82%) 1st MUDr. David Marx Ph.D. 304
2nd prof. MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc. 125
3rd prof. MUDr. Václav Mandys, CSc. 86
Bachelor study 664 124 (18,67%) 1st PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková 42
2nd PhDr. Martin Loučka, Ph.D. 28
3rd RNDr. Sylva Rödlová, Ph.D. 15
Master study 463 109 (23,54%) 1st MUDr. Petr Pavlíček 39
6th year of study

2nd prof. MUDr. Lukáš Rob, CSc. 20
3rd doc. MUDr. Felix Votava, Ph.D. 18
Master study 645 183 (28,37%) 1st doc. MUDr. Olga Džupová, Ph.D. 36
5th year of study
tied for MUDr. Václav Boček 34
2nd place
tied for doc. MUDr. Ladislav Machala, Ph.D. 34
2nd place
3rd prof. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, Ph.D. 27
Master study 818 259 (31,66%) 1st prof. MUDr. Jan Bultas, CSc. 60
4th year of study
2nd prof. MUDr. Lucie Bankovská Motlová, Ph.D. 48
3rd MUDr. Martin Havrda 47
Master study 1046 351 (33,56%) 1st MUDr. Klára Bernášková, CSc. 109
3rd year of study
2nd doc. MUDr. Jan Novák, Ph.D. 81
3rd MUDr. Ladislav Hadravský, Ph.D. 50
Master study 1282 482 (37,60%) 1st MUDr. Lucie Nováková 112
2nd year of study
2nd prof. MUDr. Josef Stingl, CSc. 99
3rd prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D. 77
Master study 1695 626 (36,93%) 1st Mgr. Marek Vácha, Ph.D. 137
1st year of study
2nd MUDr. Jan Trnka, Ph.D. 115
3rd MUDr. Lucie Nováková 90

Congratulations to all winners!


It has been five years since the first music festival was presented. Also this year students of 3rd FM with their bands will
perform their music shows. You can take it for granted that faculty choirs appear.

At the venue you can buy new faculty BUTTONS - plus you get one raffl ticket and you can win tickets to the greatest
student music festival in Prague called Majáles.

Dear alumni,
We would like to inform you on the Bavarian Summer School “The Future of Health Care” taking place at
Nuremberg and Weiden from July 24th until August 4th 2017.
The Future of Health Care: New Concepts - New Technologies is the topic of this two-week interdisciplinary
summer school. It aims to bring together advanced Bachelor's students from the fields of health care as well as various
engineering disciplines to discuss and learn about current challenges in the health care sector. The summer school is
held in English. Lectures and keynotes giving an overview of current issues the health care sector is facing:
digitalization, infection control and ageing society.
The Bavarian Summer School takes place at the Evangelische Hochschule Nuremberg and the Ostbayerische
Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden. Both cities combine a beautiful historical setting in a strong economic region
with leading high-tech companies and institutions in the health care industry.

Application Deadline: 15/04/2017

Further Information: www.study-work-international.de/en/summer-school-swi
Students of partner institutions of Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences may apply for scholarships.
We will be grateful if you forward this information to students who might be interested or publish it on your website.

Yours sincerely,
Regina Lohde - Sekretariat - BAYHOST
Universität Regensburg

Important days
1. 4. International Bird Day – celebrated since 1906
2. 4. International Children´s Book Day – the birth anniversary of Hanse Christiana Andersena in 1805, declared
by IBBY in1967
7. 4. World Health Day – the anniversary of the foundation of WHO in 1948, celebrated since 1950
7. 4. International Romani Day – declared at the Romani cpongress in 1971, inthe CR celebrated since 2001
12. 4. International Day of Human Space Flight – the anniversary of the first man´s flight to the space in 1961,
celebrated since 1969
18. 4. International Day for Monuments and Sites – celebrated since1984 from the initiative of UNESCO
22. 4. Earth Day – celebrated since 1970 when American students organized it for the first time to enforce a new
ecological law and the increase of the state budget for the enviromental protection
23. 4. World Book and Copyright Day – declared by UNESCO in 1995 as a symbolic date of the world literature with
life anniversaries of W. Shakespear, M. Cervantes, H. Laxness, V. Nabokov and other important writers
24. 4. World Lab Animal Day – declared by NAVS in 1979
26. 4. International Memorial Day of Černobyl – anniversary of the accident in 1986
26. 4. World Intellectual Property Day – celebrated since 1970
27. 4. World Graphics Day – celebrated since 1963, in the CR since 1966
28. 4. World Day of Safety and Health at Work – declared by ILO
29. 4. International Dance Day – the birth anniv. of the French choreographerand dance innovator Jeana Georgese
Novarra in 1727, declared in 1982

Important days in the Czech Republic

1. 4. 1987 the establishment of the Air Rescue Service – 30th anniv.

7. 4. Important day of the Czech republic – Day of education- the anniversary of the foundation charter of
Charles University in 1348
22. 4. 1947 Jiří Hanzelka and Jiří Zikmund went on their first trip to Africa and America, back in 1950 - 70th

Important personalities

2. 4. 1827 WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT born, English painter (died 7. 9. 1910) – 190th birth anniv.
3. 4. 1897 JOHANNES BRAHMS died, German music composer (born 7. 5. 1833) – 120th death anniv.
3. 4. 1922 CARLO LIZZANI born, Italian film director (died 5. 10. 2013) – 95th birth anniv.
4. 4. 1882 EMIL FILLA born, painter, sculptor and art theorist (died 7. 10. 1953) – 135th birth anniv.
4. 4. 1892 EDITH SÖDERGRAN born, Finnish-Swedish poet (died 24. 6. 1923) – 125th birth anniv.
4. 4. 1932 ANDREJ TARKOVSKIJ born, Russian film director (died 29. 12. 1986) – 85th birth anniv.
5. 4. 1997 ALLEN GINSBERG died, American poet (born 3. 6. 1926) – 20th death anniv.
6. 4. 1912 GIOVANNI PASCOLI died, Italian poet, novelist, literary historian (born 31. 12. 1855) 105th death anniv.
6. 4. 1992 ISAAC ASIMOV died, American novelist, author of science fiction (born 2. 1. 1920) – 25th death anniv.
7. 4. 1847 JENS PETER JACOBSEN born, Danish poet and novelist (died 30. 4. 1885) – 170th birth anniv.
9. 4. 1802 ELIAS LÖNROTT born, Finnish folklorist and writer, author of Kalevala (died 19. 3. 1884) – 215th birth anni
9. 4. 2007 EGON BONDY died (his own name Zbyněk Fišer), poet, philosopher (born 20. 1. 1930) – 10th death anniv.
10. 4. 1847 JOSEPH PULITZER born, American writer and editor (died 29. 10. 1911) – 170th birth anniv.
11. 4. 2007 KURT VONNEGUT died, American writer (born 11. 11. 1922) – 10th death anniv.
12. 4. 1977 JACQUES PRÉVERT died, French poet and writer (born 4. 2. 1900) – 40th death anniv.
14. 4. 1917 LUDWIG LAZARUS ZAMENHOF died, Polish doctor, the creator of Esperanto (born 15. 12. 1859) – 100th
death anniv.
15. 4. 1452 LEONARDO DA VINCI born, Italian painter, sculptor, architect and musician (died 2. 5. 1519) – 565th birth
15. 4. 1812 THÉODORE ROUSSEAU born, French painter (died 22. 12. 1867) – 205th birth anniv.
16. 4. 1922 KINGSLEY AMIS born, English novelist and poet (died 22. 10. 1995) – 95th birth anniv.
18. 4. 1882 LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI born, American conductor (died 13. 9. 1977) – 135th birth anniv.
18. 4. 1937 JAN KAPLICKÝ born, architect (died 14. 1. 2009) – 80th birth anniv.
19. 4. 1917 SVEN HASSEL born, his own name Borge Willy Rasted Arving, Danish writer (died 21. 9. 2012) – 100th
birth anniv.
28. 4. 1902 JOHAN BORGEN born, Norwegian novelist, playwright and essayist (died 16. 10. 1979) – 115th birth anniv.
29. 4. 1907 FRED ZINNEMANN born, American film director of Austrian origin (died 14. 3. 1997) – 110th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 14/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
On date of the State examination in the Academic Year 2016/2017


Part of the State rigorous examination in Surgical Fields
Place: Department of Surgery FNKV – Surgery classroom
Date: 9. 5. 2017
Max. number of students per day: 10

This order:
• is effective upon issue: 29.03.2017 • was compiled by the Study Division – Mgr. V. Stožická

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 10/2017

on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2016/2017


Part of the State rigorous examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Place: Classroom of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic
12.06.2017 13.06.2017 14.06.2017 15.06.2017
Max. number of students per day: 20

This order:
• is effective upon issue: 02.04.2017 • was compiled by the Study Division – Mgr. V. Stožická

prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.

Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine


Dear All,
We would like to inform you that by the Rector´s Order no. 17/2017 and 19/2017 was declared the Primus second
round of competition for years 2018-2020. The texts of these measures which include the rules of competition and
deadlines for submission of proposals are available in the section Research / Science Funding for UK / Primus
At the same address there is available to access the database for proposals and guidelines for their completion.

You can refer to the e-mail address with the questions primus@ruk.cuni.cz or phone 224 491 891.

PhDr. Barbora Kučerová

Rector´s Office Charles University

For access to the following databases and other, staff and students please always use the portal page of electronic
sources CU (mentioned and set up direct and remote access for CU)

UpToDate - Confirmation of the access extension for CU

Also in this year has Charles University in Prague – 3rd FM and FNKV - extended access to cutting-edge knowledge-
based information source for medical evidence-based practice, UpToDate service.
Information: http://www.aip.cz/produkty/2093-uptodate/

UpToDate covers 10,000 subjects in 24 clinical specialties and provides quick answers to clinical questions and provide
referrals to treatment and patient care. The service includes, among other things:
• Integrated database of drugs and interactions (built in cooperation with Lexicomp ®) with more than 5,000
drugs for adults and children, including international and natural substances
• More than 100 clinical calculators that eliminate the need to remember formulas or use others
• More than 700 subjects for patients which help doctors to educate patients and encourage shared decision
• Option to send questions and commentsof each topic.

Detailed info about UpToDate at http://www.uptodate.com/home/about/index.html. With options of searching and

management of results can be consulted via the guide, which is available at http://www.aip.cz/download/tools/404-
UpToDate-Inst-User-Guide.pdf, or short video at http://www.uptodate.com/home/help/demo/index.html.

Karger Online Journals Current - confirmation of the extension access for CU

Also for this year has Charles University confirmation of access to Karger Online Journals.

URL with info: http://www.aip.cz/produkty/836-karger-online-journals/

URL with tools: http://infozdroje.cz/pomucky.php?produkt=1072

In the context of the current subscription, you have access to the entire collection of these magazines and the same
extent to archives of these titles for 1998 - 2015.

The access is set for computer network of university.

EMBASE 1974+ confirming of the extension access for CU

Also for this year has Charles University comfirmation to medicine database EMBASE 1974+.

URL with info: http://www.aip.cz/produkty/341-evidence-based-medicine-reviews-ebmr/

URL with tools: http://www.infozdroje.cz/pomucky.php?produkt=117

The access is set for computer network of university.

Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews – confirmation of the extension access for CU

Also for this year has Charles University confirmation to database Evidence-Based edicine Reviews.
Information: http://www.aip.cz/produkty/341-evidence-based-medicine-reviews-ebmr/

The access is set for computer network of university.

Links for other useful

LandingPages Request Ovid Resource Request access Find answers to Maximize your
(example) customization Center to WebSTATS your questions Ovid Trials!

LWW – Journal definitive archive – assess for CU and list of available titles
Charles University can use LWW Journal Definitive Archive Collection.

URL with info: http://www.aip.cz/produkty/881-lww-journal-definitive-archive/

URL with tools: http://www.infozdroje.cz/pomucky.php?produkt=1071

Note: Direct access addresses for each collection LWW is available. Magazines can be found under Your Journals @ Ovid
or you can see it from the blue bar at the top of the screen and select the menu Journals.

The access is set for computer network of university in a particular variant of the title and can be operated
simultaneously 3 users.
Michael Svoboda
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.


JoVE (Journal of Visualised Experiments) celebrates this year 10 years of existence. In 2006 it became the first video-
reviewed scholarly journal and is indexed eg. In PubMed / Medline, ChemAbstracts, SciFinder and Scopus. The current
impact factor is 1.1.
As a thank Jove prepared for this year's the series of competitions and news and made available the most watched
You too can take part in competitions! More information is available from the leaflets here .

History of JoVE in 4 minutes:

• 10 years – important milestones of JoVE in short video.
Top 10 videos:
• Free available top 10 videos
User manual in Czech language:
• What all does JoVE offer? More info user manual in CZ .

Contest which you can participate in:

Opportunity for scientists to win a cash prize for a short video. Do not miss… you can participate:

• Film Your Research (for scientists from academic institutions, financial reward for creative short video depicting
a scientific experiment). Promotional poster can be downloaded here ke stažení zde
• JoVE's Faculty Science Lab Challenge (for university teachers, more info will follow on 8/2017)


Růžena Dvořáková
referát pro zahraniční styky

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 15/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
In the Prague cinema Světozor will be held the first year of the film festival “Na
hlavu – On Head” from April 20 to 23rd. It will offer unusual combination of
well-known films screenings with lectures, films will be presented in a new
light. The audience will see cult films like Trainspotting or Amadeus through the
lens of mental health and illness. The festival focuses on the theme of mental
illness is very timely – because this kind of health problems may involve up to a
quarter of the population

The festival will bring a rich accompanying program in the form of workshops
and seminars. Topics cover memory and mental health, behavioral economics,
sexology and mindfulness for children.
Professor Höschl open officially the Festival and launch the new book of
authors from NUDZ "BRAIN AND HIS PEOPLE, MIND and her illness." Swe
cordially invited you on the opening evening with a lecture of prof. Höschl
about the creation of a mental health and screening of the film Amadeus on
20.4. at 19:00, in cinema Světozor.
Jiří Pasz, Researcher

MEDIC 2017
At hospital in Tábor was held traditional events Medic 2017 from 31.3. to 2.4. 2017. The event was attended by 19
teams from the Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, our team was composed: Tereza Venclová, Anna-Marie
Rappová, Michaela Hrudová, Kristina Hašplová and Michaela
Kašparová (all 5th year of study) placed at 13th. The second
teamwas composed: Jan Mares, Kristýna Rohlíčková, Pavel
and Ivana Míková Lukášková and overall we collected 77% of
the points and finished in 12th place out of 19 teams. The
organizers of the event enabled to all of us to try new things
(on the model of endoscopy, laparoscopic skills, fixation of
fractures and simulating the birth of the newborn baby with
resuscitation), In the teamwork we suggested solutions of
case studies from infektodermatologie, liquorologie and
radiologists. Each of us got a voucher for a paid internship in
South Bohemian hospitals. Throughout the event the
organizing team was very friendly and they prepared a rich
program and a very congenial atmosphere.
Tereza Venclová and Tomáš Herma
Students of 3rd FM CU


Charles University has the opportunity to test the offer from publisher Emerald to 15.5.2017.
Emerald is a global academic publisher of more than 300 journals in various fields, including in a series of Health and
Social Care. Direct and remote access to can traditionally find at Portále elektronických zdrojů UK.
TO 13. 5. 2017
The Online portal LWW Health Library offers at one place the most requested books and video publishing of Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins, focused on theoretical and clinical medicine. The part of the portal are also images, real case
studies and quizzes. The portal is used for teaching, learning and practice.
Available collection:
 Anatomical Sciences
 Basic Sciences
 Osteopathic Medicine
 Clerkship/Clinical Rotations
Why to try LWW Health Library :
 Priced content: trustworthy, the key reference guide of publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in one place
Regular content updates
 Intuitive search: full text and easy viewing using different filters
 Advanced Search: displays search results by name, chapter, topic or type of source
 Responsive web: easily you view the entire content of the portal on a computer, tablet or smartphoneweb
 Multimedia content: access to videos, images,quizzes
Please try from 13. 4. do 13. 5. 2017, with direct access at http://lwwhealthlibrary.com/
As soon as will be arranged the remote access, you can find at PEZ v sekci Free-trials.

List of titles you can find at ZDE, you can also download the user manual for working with source uživatelskou příručku
English posters:
 Essential Clinical and Educational Content for Students During Their Clerkship/Clinical Rotations
 Anatomical Sciences, Basic Sciences and Osteopathic Medicine


Galilean School of Higher Education (University of Padova) - Call for foreign students

on behalf of the Galilean School of Higher Education of the University of Padova, we have the pleasure to inform you
that a new Call for foreign students, wishing to be admitted at the Galilean School, has been published at the link
Candidates can apply on-line between 23 March and 22 May 2017.
We thank you in advance for taking this opportunity into consideration, and for forwarding the following information to
people who might be interested.

The Galilean School of Higher Education (SGSS) will offer up to 4 places reserved to foreign students (residing outside
Italy), willing to enroll in any Master Program offered by our University. As you might know, our University is
structured around the 3+2 Bologna system, and the present call is for the +2 (Master, in Italian Laurea Magistrale, LM)
biennial cycle. Any program is eligible, from humanities to sociology to sciences. What really matters is the high
quality of the student, so we rely on your kind advice to spread the news among students or faculty you might consider
The official announcement is available on the web site of the School: http://www.unipd-scuolagalileiana.it/en/
Applications must come between 23 March and 22 May 2017, in order to complete the selection by early June 2017.
The selection will be based on records of previous University performance, recommendation letters and possibly an
interview via skype. Applicants must hold a Bachelor degree (or obtain it before July 31, 2017) and not be older than 26
at the time of application.

The privileges of foreign Galilean students are really appealing, from free lodging and meals, to a contribution to buy
books and one return air ticket for each academic year. The Galilean School reserves the right to provide a further

economic help up to 5.000,00 Euros for each student. Moreover, the students will enjoy dedicated courses and

Several curricular programs in our University are entirely taught in English; see www.unipd.it/en/courses/courses-held-
english/degree-courses-completely-held-english (the academic year 2017/2018 updates are in progress). May be there
are foreign student who would like courses in Italian, e.g. for History or Latin and Greek or Italian literature. The School
will provide a dedicate course for learning Italian, which is useful anyhow to live in Padova for two years, and advice for
other languages. In conclusion, the School is ready to help with the language issues to the satisfaction of the student.
We require very good and motivated students scoring among the top 5% (no votes below 24/30, minimum average
27/30, both in curricular and internal exams during the Master program). The students have to take both Master
curricula at the University of Padova and internal courses at the Galilean School. Internal courses are offered in

After the Master biennial cycle, the University of Padova offers a good number of PhD Programs suitable for
international students and aiming to the internationalisation of research and training in research.

The Galilean School of Higher Education, Administrative Office



 On April 6, 2017 Charles University reminded the anniversary of 669 years since its founding. By the occasion of
celebration this anniversary the Rector, Prof. Tomáš Zima award the prize of Miloslava Petruska for the
presentation of Charles University and prize of Bedřich Hrozný for creative achievement. Significant scientific
personalities of CU for the first time received the research support of Donati Universitatis Carolinae. This year was
also for the first time awarded to support research Universitatis Carolinae Donati whose aim is to support major
scientific personalities who contributed to professional prestige of CU. The laureates were chosen by an

Research support received for the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
prof. MUDr. Petr Widimský, DrSc.,
who built Cardiocenter of 3 FM CU and is the only Czech doctor entered the prestigious Thomson Reuters ranking
among the most scientists of the world.
You can find more info at - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LF-108.html?news=3874&locale=cz

 During the ceremonial meeting of the academic community on the occasion of the 669th anniversary of Charles
University the Prize of Miloslava Petruska was awarded for presentation in year 2016 to the team of students of
the University for their contribution to the organization of events commemorate of November 17th at Albertov.
Among the eight winners of the student representatives of the Academic Senate of the University and student
associations were two students of our faculty,
MUDr. Josef Fontana and David Megvinet
Congratulations to all the winners and wish them a lot of strength and success in future years.
Prof. Romana Šlamberová

We wish all our readers pleasant and cheerful Easter holiday, using traditions and proper
welcome of spring time

Your editorial staff

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 16-17/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
The trial access to De Gruyter eJournals complete package is activated at CU and you can use it until 30. 6. 2017.
You can find both direct and remote access to this resource as usual Portále elektronických zdrojů UK.


We would like to draw your attention to the Summer School of Molecular Medicine, which will be held in the Jena
University Hospital from August 14 till September 14, 2017. The Summer School will provide an excellent opportunity
for young scientists to get familiar with research topics of molecular medicine and modern laboratory techniques. In
addition, social events will provide a setting to meet and to learn more about the cultural life in Jena and its environs.

The program is open to participants from all over the world who hold a Master’s or Diploma degree in biosciences,
biochemistry, medicine or related fields. The candidates will complete practical courses from four different complexes
(Molecular Biology, Morphology, Signalling, and Animal Models). The courses are accompanied by a lecture series.

We will not charge a fee for the course. In addition, the accepted candidates will be supported by a DAAD fellowship,
which will cover costs for accommodation and most of the travel expenses. Highly motivated candidates who have
successfully completed the course will have the possibility to apply for a PhD position in the participating research
groups. Candidates with an MD have the possibility of enrolling in the Master's course in Molecular Medicine at Jena
University Hospital and joining a PhD programme once they have completed this course.
You will find detailed information about the Summer School on our homepage under the following address:

We would like to ask you to distribute this information at your university and to encourage young scientists to apply to
the Summer School. The deadline is May 1th, 2017.
Prof. Dr. Regine Heller


The 9th UNICA Student Conference: Towards a Student-Centred University will be
hosted by Sapienza University of Rome together with Universities "Tor Vergata",
Roma Tre, and "Foro Italico", 4-7 October 2017.
The website of the Conference will be launched in April.
For any questions about the UNICA Student Conference, please contact Ms Laura
BROSSICO (UNICA Secretariat): office@unica-network.eu


Dear Partners, Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,
We are happy to announce you that there still are some places available in our summer programs:
Research (26th June - 7th July) - €750
Vascular (26th - 30th June) - €500
Simulation in Healthcare (26th June - 7th July) - €1500 NEW PROGRAM! Please find below its presentation.
Bioinformatics (26th June - 7th July) - €750
Enfance et bien-être (26 juin - 7 juillet)** - €750
Ethique, normes et santé (26 - 30 juin) ** - €500
**taught in French

Each of them includes conferences by international and renowned researchers, workshops, hands-on activities, visits
to research facilities and biotech companies, and attractive social activities.
The registration cost for 1 or 2 weeks covers tuition, accommodation, lunches (during the week), local
transports, scheduled excursions and welcome service (pick-up from the train station, welcome barbecue,
extracurricular activities, etc).
6 "ECTS credits" will be delivered at the end of the program!
All the information and videos of previous editions are on our website: www.summerschools.univ-angers.fr

The application deadline is extended until the 5th of May.

The Summer Schools team


This interactive program will be taught by experts from each medical or surgical discipline in the simulation center of
the university hospital of Angers: one of the most equipped in Europe!
It will offer students practical and individualized instruction based on simulation in a realistic working environment,
and practice with profesionnals on high-fidelity simulators.
Please find on this link a presentation video of the Healthcare Simulation platform.

For more information and registration, please visit our website: Summer Schools Angers

The Summer Schools team


Important days

1. 5. Labor Day – the anniversary of the struggle of the American proletariat in 1886, celebrated since 1890 on
the decision of the 2nd International Congres
3. 5. International Sun Day – celebrated since 1971 on the initiative in USA (NASA, UNEP)
3. 5. World Press Freedom Day – for the 1st time was held in 1991 on the initiative of the association Reportes
without borders
8. 5. World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day – Henriho Dunanta was born – founder of the Red Cross,
celebrated since 1955 by decision of the International Conference of the Red Cross
9. 5. Europe Day – a reminder of the historic day in 1950 when the French Foreign minister Robert Schuman
for the first time publicly presented his proposal on establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
also known as Schuman´s Day
14. 5. Mother´s Day (second Sunday in May) – celebrated from 1914 on the proposal of President Woodrow
Wilsona and then approved by US Congress
17. 5. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day – anniversary of the founding of the International
Telecommunication Union in 1865, celebrated since 1969 (OSN)
18. 5. International Museum Day – celebrated since 1978
21. 5. World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – declared by UNESCO since 2001
22. 5. International Day for Biological Diversity – celebrated since 2001
24. 5. European Day of Parks – celebrated since 1999 on the initiative of the European Federation of Parks
(EUROPARC Federation)
31. 5. World No Tobacco Day – announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1987

Important days in the Czech Republic

5. 5. The anniversary of the May Uprising of the Prague People in 1945

8. 5. National Day of the Czech Republic - Victory Day, anniversary of the surrender of Germany in 1945

Calendar of the important personalities

2. 5. 1857 ALFRED DE MUSSET died, French poet, playwright and prose writer (born 11. 12. 1810) – 160th death anniv.
2. 5. 1902 ALAN MARSHALL born, Australian prose writer (died 21. 1. 1984) – 115th birth anniv.
2. 5. 1937 GISELA ELSNEROVÁ born, German prose writer (died 13. 5. 1992) – 80th birth anniv.
3. 5. 1942 nar. VĚRA ČÁSLAVSKÁ born, sports gymnast, a seven-time Olympic winner (died 30. 8. 2016) – 75th birth
6. 5. 1992 MARLENE DIETRICH died, Geman and American actress (born 27. 12. 1901) – 25th death anniv.
7. 5. 1867 WŁADYSŁAW REYMONT born, Polish prose writer, Nobel Prize winner (died 5. 12. 1925) – 150th birth
7. 5. 1882 WILLEM ELSSCHOT born, Flemish prose writer (died 31. 5. 1960) – 135th birth anniv.
7. 5. 1887 HENRI POURRAT born, french prose writer (died 17. 7. 1959) – 130th birth anniv.
9. 5. 1977 JAMES JONES died, American prose writer (born 6. 11. 1921) – 40th death anniv.
13. 5. 1717 MARIE TEREZIE born,The Bohemian and Hungarian Queen, the Austrian Duchess (died 29. 11. 1780) –
300th birth anniv.
13. 5. 1882 GEORGE BRAQUE born, French painter (died 21. 8. 1963) – 135th birth anniv.
13. 5. 1907 DAPHNE DU MAURIER born, English prose writer (died 19. 4. 1989) – 110th birth anniv.
14. 5. 1912 JOHAN AUGUST STRINDBERG died, Swedish novelist, playwright and poet (born 22. 1. 1849) – 105th death
17. 5. 1957 PETER HOEG,born, Danish novelist – 60th birth anniv.
18. 5. 1912 RICHARD BROOKS born, American film director (died 11. 3. 1992) – 105th birth anniv.
20. 5. 1882 SIGRID UNDSET born, Norwegian prose writer, Nobel Prize laureate (died 10. 6. 1949) – 135th birth anniv.
22. 5. 1907 sir LAURENCE OLIVIER born, English theater and film actor, director (died 11. 7. 1989) – 110th birth anniv.
27. 5. 1867 ARNOLD BENNETT born, English prose writer and playwright (died 27. 3. 1931) – 150th birth anniv.

27. 5. 1912 JOHN CHEEVER born, American prose writer (died 18. 6. 1982) – 105th birth anniv.
28. 5. 1912 PATRICK WHITE born, Australian prose writer and playwright, Nobel Prize winner (died 30. 9. 1990) – 105th
birth anniv.
29. 5. 1922 JEVGENIJ BAGRATIONOVIČ VACHTANGOV died,Russian director and actor (born 13. 2. 1883) – 95th death

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 18-20/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2016/2017
Part of the State rigorous examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Place: Classroom of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic
Date: 27. 9. 2017
Max. number of students per day: 10

This order: is effective upon issue: 17.05.2017

was compiled by the Study Division – K. Zburníková
prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.,
Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine


Dear Erasmus partner,
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Antwerp is pleased to invite your students and early
career researchers to the 22nd edition of the ‘Summer School on Qualitative Research Methods in Health Care’.
This basic course teaches the participants in five days how to start from a research question, conducting a qualitative
research and progress to writing a scientific paper in qualitative research. This international summer school takes place
from 21 to 25 August 2017 at the University of Antwerp. The application deadline is 1 June 2017.

This basic course teaches the participants in 5 days how to start from a research question, conducting a qualitative
research and progress to writing a scientific paper in qualitative research.
DON’t MISS: We invite Jo Hockley this year to talk about Action Research

Stadscampus, University of Antwerp, Belgium

21-25 August 2017

For Whom?
Early career researchers, PhD-students, Master students (max 5), professionals, in a field related to health care.
Experience in qualitative research is not required.

Tuition fee?
Before 1 June: € 940 euro
After 1 June: € 1000
Master students: € 640 (max 5 students)

Students of the University of Antwerp are entitled for a fee waiver of € 150.

Application details?
Online through Mobility Online

3 ECTS credits are awared upon successful completion of the programme.

More information: www.uantwerpen.be/en/summer-schools/qualitative-research-health-care/

Dimitri Geelhand de Merxem

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


 Prof. MUDr. Eduard Zvěřina, DrSc., FCMA received on April 27, 2017 from the rector of Charles University,
prof. T. Zima, Silver Medal of Charles University for outstanding results in pedagogical and scientific activities
and for merit in the development of medical sciences in the field of neurosurgery.

 After last year's success of Elizabeth Selinger student of general medicine who became the winner of the Czech
finals and the Czech Republic's representative in the international round in Cheltenham, the 3rd FM took
another award in the final of this popularization competition. Grygoriy Zolotaryov student of the 3rd year won
the Award of the Academy of Sciences for his contribution, he won a reward in the form of a portable projector.

Mgr.Simona Skořepová
manažerka PR a médií


Term: June 10, 2017 – June, 2017

The historic residence of the Charles University Carolinum will join the Prague Museum Night this year for the second
time. Visitors can enjoy sightseeing tours, lectures and demonstrations of university scepters and gowns. Carolinum will
be open on 10.6. from 19:00 to 11.6. until 01:00.
• History of Charles University
- Permanent exhibition of the history of the Charles University in the underground of Carolinum, individual
• Big assembly hall
- The most significant area of Charles University, commemorated tours and demonstrations of scepter and
• Small assembly hall
- originally the lecture hall of FM, presentation of the Institute of History and Archives of CU

Commented tours
• Big assembly hall
- at 20:30, 21:30, 22:30 a 23:30 with historians from the Institute of History and Archives of Charles

You can find more info at: http://www.prazskamuzejninoc.cz/2017/clanek.php?id=2&objekt=170

Mgr. Václav Hájek, Spokesperson of CU


The conference was held on May 23, 2017 at 3rd FM CU
The conference was opened on behalf of the Dean by prof. MUDr. Petr Widimsky, DrSc.
Honorary guest, the sixth in the history of the conference was prof. MUDr. Bohuslav
Ošťádal, DrSc. with a lecture "How different are the male and female hearts?".
Attendance at the lecture was abundant and the lecture was very successful. As a thank
from the students for his lecture he was honored with an honorary diploma from the
hands of statutory representative of dean prof. Widimský.
The lecture of prof. MUDr. Zuzany Moťovské, Ph.D. was very successful too. With the
title "From SVK to Hotlines" (as enthusiastic, hardworking, scientific "honesty") "as a
guest of the newly habilitated or appointed faculty of our faculty.

This year we were asked by Charles University to organize the first year of Science Slam
(http://www.scienceslam.cuni.cz/) which took place in the afternoon in the Burian Lecture Hall. Especially for the
uninitiated, it was a surprisingly strong positive experience from all presentations. Our students are regularly at the top
of the list at similar events (https://www.britishcouncil.com/projects/company/famelab).
This year 81 works were registered. The works were divided into 6 categories – 3 (theoretical, clinical and post-
graduated) lecture and 3 poster category. Due to the low attendance of the bachelors (only 2 presentations) the
bachelor's section was connected with the clinical poster section this year.

− Pregraduate theoretical section – 8
− Pregraduate clinical section – 8
− Postgraduate section – 8
− Pregraduate theoretical section – 14
− Pregraduate clinical and bachelor section – 25
− Postgraduate section – 18

Students' performance was evaluated by expert panels in the following composition:

- Commission for the allocation of allowances: prof. MUDr. Pavel Kalvach, CSc., prof. MUDr. Richard Rokyta, DrSc.,
prof. RNDr. Jan Kovář, DrSc.
- Commission for the theoretical lecture section: doc. MUDr. Miloslav Franěk, Ph.D., doc. RNDr. Ing. Petr Tůma, Ph.D.,
PharmDr. Magdaléna Šustková, CSc.

- Clinical lecture board: prof. MUDr. Zuzana Moťovská, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Ivana Štětkářová, CSc., doc. MUDr. Pavel
Kraml, Ph.D.
- Commission for postgraduate lecture section: prof. RNDr. Jan Kovář, DrSc., prof. RNDr. Eva Samcová, CSc., prof.
MUDr. Josef Stingl, CSc.
- Commission for the theoretical poster section: doc. MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Jan Trnka, Ph.D., MUDr.
Klára Bernášková, CSc.
- Commision for clinical poster section: prof. MUDr. Tomáš Kozák, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Petr Toušek, Ph.D., PhDr. Hana
Svobodová, Ph.D.
- Commision for postgraduate poster section: prof. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, Ph.D., prof. RNDr. Ilona Hromadníková, Ph.D.,
doc. MUDr. Petr Zach, CSc.

The presenting students were assessed according the predefined criteria (points 1 to 10) with 1 being the worst and 10
the best rating. The maximum number of points from one evaluator was 30. The points of all committee members were
then counted and based on the achieded scores determined bythe sequence for each section separately.
All sections were financially valued from 1st to 3rd place. The financial prizes were for the 1st place of 10 000 CZK, the
2nd place in the poster section was valued at 5 000 CZK and 3rd place - 3 000 CZK. The dean's prize of CZK 10,000 was
awarded similarly to last year. Both participating bachelors received an honorary award and Cadenza voucher
(http://www.cadenza.cz/) worth CZK 1,000. Another, less formal, award was the audience's prize. All participants were
able to vote for any lecture or poster presentation. The winner selected by the audience, as well as the winning voter,
received the iPAD. The financial award as well as the whole conference was subsidized from the Specific Research
Project (260389 / SVV / 2017) which we obtained from Charles University

Location at the top of each section was following:

Theoretical section – lectures

1. Jan Rambousek (doc. MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D.): Mikroskopické metody ve studiu hypoxie jako faktoru vzniku
diabetes mellitus
2. Petr Michenka (MUDr. Matěj Patzelt): Porovnání komerčních kontrastních látek s etanolovou metodou pro
zobrazování měkkých tkání v mikro-CT
3. Mária Šuhajdová, Nikol Tomášová, Ivana Lukášková (Mgr. Anna Holubová): Ovlivňuje perinatální stres kognitivní
funkce potomků drogově závislých matek?

Clinical section – lectures

1. Pavel Novák, Adam Derner (doc. MUDr. Rastislav Hromádka, Ph.D., MUDr. Otakar Raška, Ph.D.): The
posterolateral complex of the knee: choosing an adequate length of the graft for reconstruction surgery based on
measured bone parameters, a cadaveric study
2. David Šilhán (doc. MUDr. Aleš Bartoš, Ph.D.): Vizuální hodnocení parietální atrofie mozku na magnetické rezonanci
u Alzheimerovy nemoci
3. Metoděj Renza, Vojtěch Míra (MUDr. Roman Sýkora, Ph.D.): Audiovizuální konzultace v PNP: proveditelnost
pomocí běžných low cost systémů

PGS section – lectures

1. MUDr. Martin Holek (MUDr. Bashar Aldhoon, Ph.D.): Radiofrekvenční ablace atrioventrikulární junkce
k optimalizaci resynchronizační terapie u pacientů se srdečním selháním a fibrilací síní
2. Mgr. Čestmír Vejmola (MUDr. Filip Tylš, Ph.D.): EEG koreláty účinku serotonergních halucinogenů jako parametr
hodnocení translační validity serotonergního modelu psychózy u laboratorního potkana
3. Mgr. Marek Lapka (PharmDr. Magdaléna Šustková, CSc.): Útlum metamfetaminem navozené preference místa po
aplikaci ghrelinového antagonisty u potkanů

Theoretical section – posters

1. Gabriela Valigová (prof. RNDr. Aleš Stuchlík, Ph.D.): Administrace klomipraminu a jeho vliv na chování potkanů jako
nový animální model obsedantně – kompulzivní poruchy
2. Alexandra Poláková (prof. Kourosh Saeb-Parsy M.B., M.A., Ph.D.): Optimisation of a novel cryoprotectant for
preservation of human haematopoietic stem cells

3. David Albrecht (RNDr. Kamila Balušíková, Ph.D.): Stanovení hladiny proteinů metabolismu železa ve svalu kontrolní
a veganské populace
Clinical section – posters
1. Kristýna Štolbová, Jurgen Shtëmbari (doc. MUDr. Petr Toušek, Ph.D.): Normální koronarografický nález u pacientů
s podezřením na stabilní ICHS – chybná diagnostika nebo důležitá informace?
2. Milan Janoušek (doc. MUDr. Aleš Bartoš, Ph.D.): Jaká velikost hipokampu je ještě normální u starších osob?
3. Ludmila Košinová (doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Šumník, Ph.D.): Pilotní projekt: „Analýza příčin nízké ALP a depistáž
hypofosfatázie u českých dětí”

PGS section – posters

1. MUDr. Martin Holek (doc. MUDr. Jiří Kettner, CSc.): Presepsin u pacientů s mechanickou srdeční podporou
2. Mgr. Anna Holubová (prof. MUDr. Romana Šlamberová, Ph.D.): Vliv dlouhodobého postnatálnho stresu na
habituaci a pozornost ovlivněného jedince v dospělosti
3. PhDr. Michal Šmotek (PhDr. Jana Kopřivová, Ph.D.): Prokognitivní účinek umělého osvětlení: objektivní a
subjektivní charakteristiky vigility u zdravých dospělých po expozici světlu různé vlnové délky

Award of the Dean

- Milan Janoušek (doc. MUDr. Aleš Bartoš, Ph.D.): Jaká velikost hipokampu je ještě normální u starších osob?

Award of Audience
- Pavel Novák, Adam Derner (doc. MUDr. Rastislav Hromádka, Ph.D., MUDr. Otakar Raška, Ph.D.): The posterolateral
complex of the knee: choosing an adequate length of the graft for reconstruction surgery based on measured bone
parameters, a cadaveric study

Honorable award
- Pavlína Hrdinová (PhDr. Hana Janečková, Ph.D.): Péče o seniory s demencí v nemocničním prostředí z pohledu sester
- Lucie Šponiarová (Mgr. Renata Vytejčková): Orientace pacienta se zrakovým postižením v nemocnici

Congratulation to the winners!

As in previous years we have succeeded thanks to PhDr. Martina Hábová who provided the ISBN number for our
collection og abstracts (printed version: ISBN 978-80-87878-24-8; e-version ISBN 978-80-87878-25-5).
I would like to thank to all students and graduated who participated in the organization of the konference. Namely, in
particular, to MUDr. Peter Ivák who has still new inovation how improve the konference, MUDr. Martin Pavelka, MUDr.

Josef Fontan, MUDr. Pavel Sekerka, David Megvineti Kateřina Šubrtová and Alžběta Kantorková and more other
students. My great thanks to PhDr. Martina Hábová and her colleagues for their help in making and ensuring of the
ISBN number. A large part of the work was also carried out by all the jury members who with great effort evaluated
individual performances of students throughout the day. We should also not forget educators who devote students to
fulfilling their Student Scientific Activity.
Thank you for your presentation and look forward to your presentation next year!
prof. MUDr. Romana Šlamberová, Ph.D
Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Student Research Activities
Coordinator of SRC


Important days

1. 6. International Children´s Day – celebrated since 1950 by the decision of the international federation of
women, youth, teachers and the UN
4. 6. International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggresion – celebrated since 1982 (UN)
5. 6. World Environment Day – celebrated since 1972 by the decesion of the UN conference on environmental
8. 6. World Ocean Day – announced at the Conference on the Environmental in Rio de Janeiru in 1992
12. 6. World Day against Children Labour– imposed by the UN and Labour Organization (ILO)
14. 6. World Blood Donor Day – declared by WHO and other Health Federations
17. 6. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought – celebrated since 1995 by the decision of UN
18. 6. Father´s Day (the third Sunday in June) – founded by S. S. Doddovou in 1910 as a tribute to her father who
alone raised five children, officially celebrated in the USA since 1966 thanks to the support of President
Lyndon Johnse
20. 6. World Refugee Day – launched in 2001 to the 50th anniversary of the Convention on the Status of
Refugees by UN
21. 6. Music festival – internationally celebrated at the initiative of the French Minister of Culture and information
Jacka Langa since 1985, in the Czech republic since 1990
26. 6. International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – since 1988 (UN)
26. 6. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – announced by UN on the occasion of 10th anniversary of
the beginning of the Convention against Torturein 1987

Important days in the Czech Republic

10. 6.1942 Annihilation of vilage Lidice – 75th anniversary
27. 6. The day of the victims of the Communist regime (the anniversary of the execution of Milada Horáková in

Calendar of the important personalities

1. 6. 1907 JAN PATOČKA born, philosopher, aesthetician, translator, historian (died 13. 3. 1977) – 110th birth anniv.
2. 6. 1857 KARL GJELLERUP born, Danish novelist and poet, Nobel Prize winner (died 11. 10. 1919) – 160th birth
2. 6. 1857 EDWARD ELGAR born, English composer (died 23. 2. 1934) – 160th birth anniv.
2. 6. 1882 GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI died, Italian politician and writer (born 4. 7. 1807) – 135th death anniv.
3. 6. 1967 ARTHUR RANSOME died, English prose writer, journalist, historian, author of books for children (born 18.
1. 1884) – 50th death anniv.
3. 6. 1977 ROBERTO ROSSELLINI died, Italian film director (born 8. 5. 1906) – 40th death anniv.
4. 6. 1937 ROBERT FULGHUM born, American novelist – 80th birth anniv.
5. 6. 2012 RAY BRADBURY died, American writer, especially the science fiction genre, poet, essayist, scriptwriter and
playwright (born 22. 8. 1920) – 5th death anniv.
9. 6. 1982 RAINER WERNER FASSBINDER died, German film director (born 31. 5. 1946) – 35th death anniv.
14. 6. 1927 JEROME KLAPKA JEROME died, English prozaik-humorist, playwright and journalist (born 2. 5. 1859) – 90th
death anniv.
16. 6. 1907 HELVI HÄMÄLÄINEN born, Finnish prose writer (died 17. 1. 1998) – 110th birth anniv.
18. 6. 1902 SAMUEL BUTLER died, English prose writer (born 4. 12. 1835) – 115th death anniv.
18. 6. 1932 GEOFFREY HILL born, English poet (died 30. 6. 2016) – 85th birth anniv.
20. 6. 1907 LILLIAN HELLMAN born, American playwright (died 30. 6. 1984) – 110th birth anniv.
22. 6. 1527 NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI died, Italian politician, historian and writer (born 3. 5. 1469) – 490th death anniv.
22. 6. 1767 WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT born, German linguist, philosopher, art theorist, translator, politician (died 8.
4. 1835) – 250th birth anniv.
28. 6. 1577 PETER PAUL RUBENS born, Flemish painter (died 30. 5. 1640) – 440th birth anniv.
28. 6. 1712 JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU born, French writer, philosopher, composer and music theorist (died 2. 7.
1778) – 305th birth anniv.
28. 6. 1867 LUIGI PIRANDELLO born, Italian prose writer, dramatist, critic and theater director, Nobel Prize winner
(died 10. 12. 1936) – 150th birth anniv.
28. 6. 1912 CARL FRIEDRICH VON WEIZSÄCKER born, German physicist and philosopher (died 28. 4. 2007) – 105th
birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 21/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10

2nd Department of Internal Medicine of the 3rd FM and FNKV became the first Endocrinological Center for Adults in the
Czech Republic a member of the European Network of Reference Centers for Endocrinology (Endo-ERN - European
Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions).

It has been done with the cooperation and support of the Department of Child and Youth Health of the FNKV which can
participate in the activities and cooperation within this group. From this point of view there is a unique functional group
of endocrinological workplaces integrated in this network in the Czech Republic so far and providing continuous care for
patients with endocrinological diseases throughout their lives.

Endo-ERN is a network designed with the aim to increase the availability of highly qualified care for patients with
endocrinological diseases especially those with rare occurrences. The activities will cover not only healing and
preventive care but also pregraduate and postgraduate education in this field, scientific cooperation and collaboration
with patient organizations. This whole set of activities should lead to a similar high quality of care for patients with rare
endocrinological diseases in the countries of the European Union.

More info are avilable at: http://endo-ern.eu

Prof. MUDr. Michal Kršek
2nd department of Internal Medicine 3rd FM CU and FNKV


The Dean of the 3rd FM, Dean's College and the leadership of the Academic Senate of the 3rd FM CU deeply saddened
made an announcement that that after a long illness, prof. MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc., died on May 31, 2017. He was
Professor of Internal Medicine, Emeritus Head of the 1st Department of Internal Medicine of the 3rd FM CU and the
Faculty Hospital Královské Vinohrady and Vice-Dean of the Faculty in 1990-1997 and 2003-2010.

Prof. MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové. On
May 1, 1972, he joined the tissue bank at the Hradec Králové University Hospital but on May18, director told him that
on the decision of the CZS KSČ he was immediately released. Then he joined as a secondary physician at the internal
department of NsP Turnov where he moved to the internal department of OÚNZ Náchod. In 1974 he was admitted as a
full-time aspirant on the IKEM's first internal research base. The Candidate dissertation on "Hemoperfusion through
Activated Coal in Acute Hepatic Failure in the Experiment" he defended in 1978.
In 1979 he was appointed as Assistant Professor at the First Internal Clinic of the Medical Faculty of Hygienic
Medicine of the Charles University (today's 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University) where he worked until the last
days. In 1988, he was appointed Associate Professor, in 1992 a professor of Internal Medicine. Between 1990 and 2016
he was the Head of the 1st Department of Internal Medicine of the 3rd FM CU and FN Královské Vinohrady.

For the development of the Czech Hemasorb hematransfusion columns he was awarded by the National Award of
the Czech Republic in 1986 (together with M. Tlusťáková, J. Horký and J. Kálam). The prize of the Czech Hepatology
Society for the best monograph he received several times: in 1999 (J. Horák, J. Stříteský: Chronic Hepatitis), in 2010 (J.
Horák J. et al .: Hemochromatosis) and in 2014 (J. Horák, J. Ehrmann: Pocket Hepatology).
For many years he has been a leading editor of the Journal of Czech Physicians and in the same role in journal
Postgraduální medicína
He was a member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, the International BioIron Society, the
Czech Hepatology Society, the Czech Gastroenterological Society, the Czech Society of Pathology and Clinical
Physiology, the Czech Internist Society, the Scientific Council of the 3rd FM CU and the Accreditation Commission of the
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic for gastroenterology.

Prof. MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc. was one of those who had been developing a curriculum of medicine at the faculty
since the mid-nineties. Academic principles of the Faculty's life were absolutely true for him. The 3rd faculty of Mediciny
of Charles University and the medical public lose in prof. MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc. honest man, excellent doctor, nice
colleague and consistent and gentle teacher.

Honor his memory!

Prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc., FCMA

Dean of the 3rd FM CU

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 22/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Of the 3rd FM CU for the term of office from 1. 2. 2018 to 31. 1. 2022

Calling the election of the candidate for Dean

Under s. 27(1) (g) of the Act No. 111/98 Sb., Art. 10 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine and Art. 19
of the Rules of Elections to and Procedure of the Academic Senate of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, the Academic Senate
of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine called the election of the candidate for Dean of the Faculty at its session on June 13,
Proposals for nomination for Nominations can be filed in written form from the
the Dean: date of calling the election with the recorder of the
- who can file nominations, AS 3FM (Ing. Sádecká, Dean’s Office – registry, room No later than
who accepts them and what 107) by: 25. 9. 2017
elements they must contain a) any member of the Academic Senate,
b) a group of at least twenty members of the (before 15.00 )
Academic Community.
A nomination shall contain:
a) the name of the nominee including her/his
academic degrees,
b) the workplace of the nominee,
c) the name and signature of the nominating
evidencing the fulfilment of requirements
for nomination.
The proposal must be submitted together with:
a) written consent of the nominated person
with her/his candidacy
b) the curriculum vitae of the nominated
with the characteristics of her/his work at the
c) short theses of the electoral program of
nominated person
Nominees’ approvals of their A written approval of her/his nomination shall be No later than
nomination ensured by the recorder of the AS 3FM CU 4. 10. 2017
for Dean minimum 21 days before election
Term of presentation of At the meeting of the Academic Senate. Session of AS of 3rd FM
nominees – election campaign Presentations of nominees and their electoral CU
programs, but no later than seven days before the June 13, 2017
election meeting.
Presentation of nominees – At the meeting of the Academic Community – Tuesday
election campaign Syllaba hall. 17. 10. 2017 14,30
Presentations of nominees. Syllaba hall
Date and venue of election of Session of the AS 3FM CU in the konference hall of Wednesday
the candidate for Deana Radana Königová No. 223, 1st floor of the Dean’s 25. 10. 2017
Office, the election itself in the conference room in
the Dean’s Office.
Term of office of the Dean 1. 2. 2018 – 31. 1. 2022

Mgr. Marek Vácha, Ph.D.

Chair AS 3. FM CU.

Dear sir/madam,

Tartu Health Care Collage has the pleasure to invite you to international student
conference in health sciences „Health in our Hands", which will be held on 23
November 2017 at Tartu Health Care College (Nooruse 5, Tartu, Estonia). Official
language is English. There is no registration/participation fee for participants!

The aim of the conference is to promote interactions among undergraduate and graduate (2015, 2016, 2017)
healthcare students and lecturers from different fields (healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing,
midwifery, biomedical science etc), countries, and exchange of research knowledge and experiences.

Additional information: www.nooruse.ee/hoh

Deadlines and registration:

Call for abstracts opens: 1 May 2017
Call for abstracts closes: 10 September 2017
Authors notified of results: 1 October 2017
Registration deadline for presenters: 15 October 2017
Registration deadline for audience (including workshops): 15 October 2017
All presentations (e-posters, PowerPoint presentations) to organizers: 20 November 2017

If you have any questions feel free to contact us by e-mail conference@nooruse.ee.

You may also follow us on Facebook.

We welcome your submissions and are looking forward to hosting you in Tartu in 2017!

Jaanika Niinepuu
Tartu Health Care College
Head of Communication

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 23/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
DEAN´S ORDER NO. 16/2017
on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2017/2018


Part of the State rigorous examination in in Paediatrics
Place: Classroom of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic
06.11.2017 07.11.2017 08.11.2017 09.11.2017 10.11.2017 04.12.2017
29.01.2018 30.01.2018 31.01.2018 01.02.2018 02.02.2018 19.02.2018
26.03.2018 27.03.2018 28.03.2018 29.03.2018 09.04.2018 28.05.2018
11.06.2018 12.06.2018 13.06.2018 14.06.2018 15.06.2018 25.06.2018
26.06.2018 10.09.2018 11.09.2018

Max. number of students per day: 10

This order:
• was compiled by the Study Division – K. Zburníková
prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.
Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine

DEAN´S ORDER NO. 18/2017

Enrolment into undergraduate studies for academic year 2017/2018
The full text is available at:
prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.
Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine


President of the Czech Republic named on the proposal of Scientific Council of Charles University according para § 73 of
the Act.No, 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education with effect from 19th June, 2017 the Professor:

- doc. MUDr. Marii Černou, CSc. – in the field of Medical Biology – Department of Medical Genetics
- doc. Ladislava Machalu, Ph.D. – in the field of Infectious Diseases- Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Tropic
Jaromír Chlapec – PaM

Thieme publishes offers a trial access to The Thieme Teaching
Assistant: Anatomy - a presentation tool that allows users to
access and download high-resolution clinical images from

You can use it until 30.9.2017.

Lecturers can for example download and incorporate dynamic color images into their presentations which will allow
students to expand their knowledge in the classroom. Then students can use color images to study and for self-
assessment of their anatomy knowledge.

Direct and remote access you can find here PEZ.

Mirka Plecitá, CSI

Offer of scholarships at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Applies to Masters Courses; overview of Mgr. courses taught in FMM:

For more information, please have a look at the GGG-website:


Call for participation for students, institutions and industries: Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2017,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Respected Ladies and Gentlemen,
Students from all disciplines, institutes and industries are invited to participate in the annual exhibition of Innovation
Research Lab and present their ideas on how to improve human life. All of the finalists will be invited to present their
projects, portfolios and various participation possibilities in interactive stands and receive a certificate. The students
will additionally have chance to win financial awards and fellowships.

This competition event would be an excellent opportunity for the students at your university, regardless of their
background of study (any student from engineering, medicine, management, healthcare etc. can apply and participate),
as IRL is a platform which brings together innovative ideas from all over the world.
We kindly ask you to forward this call for participation to your students, faculty and employees as well as post it on
your website for the annual Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2017, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-
Nuremberg, Germany. We sincerely thank you for your effort and apologize if this email has been already forwarded to

Do not hesitate to contact us at irl@fau.de in case you have any questions.

Elena Weber
IRL Communication Team, Innovation Research Lab - FAU


 European Academy of Neurology awarded prof. MUDr. Pavel Kalvach with "Award for special services" (the
letter of the President of the European Academy from February 2017 was attached) which he took over in
Amsterdam 24.6. 2017. He received a golden neurological hammer with a dedication engraving (photo
attached). This is also the legacy of FEAN (Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology) and the right to
participate freely at the next congresses of the European Neurological Academy. Thanks to prof. Kalvacha for
these benefits was, in addition to performing the function of Secretary General and later Vice-President EFNS,
the organization of 18 annual “European Spring School for Young Neurologists” prepared in cooperation with
Mrs. Magda Dohnalová, and the establishment and organization of “Regional Teaching Courses” which was
organized over 10 years in more than 8 Eastern European countries.

 In March 2017 prof. Kalvach was awarded with “the Honorary Professor of PSMU” by the Permian State
Medical University. This was done on the basis of cooperation with the neurological clinic there, the
performance of lectures in Perm in 2009 and 2017 and the promotion of the participation of their postgraduate
students in European educational events.
Congratulations !


Important days
1. 9. World Day of Peace – celebrated since 1959 by UN
8. 9. International Literacy Day – celebrated since 1966 by UNESCO
9. - 10. 9. European Heritage Days (2nd weekend in Sept.) – in the Czech Republic it has beeen celebrated since 1991
on the initiative of the Association of Historical Settlements in Bohemia, Moravia and Silezia, the part of
heritage are open doors
16. 9. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer – since 1987 by UN
22. 9. Word Car free Day – since 1998 in France, later anywhere in world
25. 9. International Day of the Deaf – celebrated since 1958
27. 9. World Tourism Day – declared in 1979 by the World Tourism Organization
30. 9. World Heart Day – since 2000 on the initiative of WHF and WHO
30. 9. International Translators Day – celebrated on St. Jerome‘s day, the patron of translators

Important days in the Czech Republic

26. 9. 1212 issued of Sicilian Golden Bull - confirmation and extension of Czech statehood - 805th anniversary
28. 9. The National Day of the Czech Republic– Czech Statehood Day, the anniversary of the assassination of
Saint Wenceslas in 929

Important personalities
2. 9. 1937 PIERRE FREDI baron DE COUBERTIN died, French philosopher, historian, initiator of the restoration of the
Olympic Games (born 1. 1. 1863) – 80th death anniv.
3. 9. 1927 ALES MICHAJLOVIČ ADAMOVIČ born, Belarusian prose writer and literary scientist (died 26. 1. 1994) –
90th birth anniv.
4. 9. 1907 EDVARD GRIEG died, Norwegian music composer (born 15. 6. 1843) – 110th death anniv.
5. 9. 1912 JOHN CAGE born, American composer (died 12. 8. 1992) – 105th birth anniv.
6. 9. 1907 SULLY PRUDHOMME died, own name René Francois Armand P., French poet and essayist, Nobel Prize
winner (born 16. 3. 1839) – 110th death anniv.
8. 9. 1882 ALBERTO VOJTĚCH FRIČ born, writer, ethnographer and botanist (died 4. 12. 1944) – 135th birth anniv.
11. 9. 1862 O. HENRY born, own name William Sydney Porter, American humorist, storyteller (died 5. 6. 1910) – 155th
birth anniv.
11. 9. 1917 HERBERT LOM born, British film actor and writer of Czech descent (died 27. 9. 2012) – 100th birth anniv.
14. 9. 1817 THEODOR STORM born, German prose writer and poet (died 4. 7. 1888) – 200th birth anniv.
14. 9. 1927 ISADORA DUNCAN died, American dancer (born 27. 5. 1878) – 90th death anniv.
14. 9. 1937 TOMÁŠ GARRIGUE MASARYK died, philosopher, sociologist, politician, first president of the Czechoslovak
Republic (born 7. 3. 1850) – 80th death anniv.
16. 9. 1977 MARIA CALLAS died, own name Kalogeropoulos, Greek-American opera singer (born 2. 12. 1923) –
40death anniv.
19. 9. 1922 EMIL ZÁTOPEK born, athlete, Olympic champion at OH in London in 1948 and Helsinki in 1952 (died 21.
11. 2000) – 95th birth anniv.
19. 9. 1922 DANA ZÁTOPKOVÁ born, athlete, Olympic winner in javelin throw from 1952 – 95th birth anniv.
21. 9. 1832 sir WALTER SCOTT died, Scottish novelist, poet and collector of folk verbs (born 15. 8. 1771) – 185th death
21. 9. 1902 TOYEN born, own name Marie Čermínová, painter, graphic artist, representative of surrealism (died 9. 11.
1980) – 115th birth anniv.
25. 9. 1897 WILLIAM FAULKNER born, American prosaic, Nobel Prize winner (died 6. 7. 1962) – 120th birth anniv.
25. 9. 1907 ROBERT BRESSON born, French film director (died 18. 12. 1999) – 110th birth anniv.
26. 9. 1917 EDGAR DEGAS died, French painter, graphic designer and sculptor (born 19. 6. 1834) – 100th death anniv.
29. 9. 1547 MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Y SAAVEDRA born, Spanish writer and playwright (died 23. 4. 1616) – 470birth
29. 9. 1902 ÉMILE ZOLA died, French prose writer and publicist (born 2. 4. 1840) – 115th death anniv.
29. 9. 1912 MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI born, Italian film director (died 30. 7. 2007) – 105th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 24-26/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
The nomination of a candidate for the 1st round of election for the position of the Dean of the 3rd FM CU
which will to held on 25.10.2017:

1. Prof. MUDr. Lucie BANKOVSKÁ MOTLOVÁ, Ph.D.,

Head of Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology - Division of Medical Psychology,
Vice-Dean for External Relations of 3rd FM CU, Social Issues and Academic Community Development,

2. Prof. MUDr. Petr WIDIMSKÝ, DrSc., FESc.

Head of 3rd Department of Internal Medicine - Cardiology III,
Vice-Dean of 3rd FM CU for Science and Academic Career Development
Mgr. Marek Vácha, Ph.D. v. r.
Chairman of AS 3 FM CU

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 23/2017

on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2017/2018
Part of the State rigorous examination in Internal Medicine
Place: students will be devided according to the breakdown at the 2nd internal clinic on the day of the exam
14.11.2017 12.02.2018 30.04.2018 11.06.2018 03.09.2018
02.01.2018 13.02.2018 02.05.2018 12.06.2018 04.09.2018
03.01.2018 14.02.2018 03.05.2018 13.06.2018 24.09.2018
04.01.2018 15.02.2018 04.05.2018 14.06.2018 25.09.2018
05.01.2018 16.02.2018 15.06.2018

Max. number of students per day: 12

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 25/2017

on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2017/2018
Part of the State rigorous examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Place: Classroom of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic
06.11.2017 18.12.2017 12.02.2018 11.06.2018
07.11.2017 19.12.2017 13.02.2018 12.06.2018
08.11.2017 20.12.2017 14.02.2018 13.06.2018
09.11.2017 21.12.2017 15.02.2018 14.06.2018
Max. number of students per day: 20
02.07.2018 10.09.2018 24.09.2018
Max. number of students per day: 10
Max. number of students per day: 20

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 26/2017
on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2017/2018
Part ot the State rigorous examination in Neurobehavioural Science:
Place : Dean´s office, 1st floor, room numer 223
23.01.2018 30.01.2018 06.02.2018 13.02.2018
05.06.2018 12.06.2018 26.06.2018 03.07.2018
04.09.2018 11.09.2018 18.09.2018 25.09.2018

Max. number of students per day: 10 resp. 20


You can now test another e-source at medical faculties, this time Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery, by October 31, 2017.
These are e-books, e-journals, surgical procedures and neurosurgery case studies.

You can find both direct and remote access as always at Portále elektronických zdrojů UK.


For the winter semester of the academical year 2017/18 the department of Foreign Languages organizes payable
courses for students and other interested.
• English for Academics – with the native speaker
Tuesday: 17:30 – 19:00

• German for medical

Wednesday: 17:00 – 18:30
The language level of the individual courses: intermediate – at least (can be consulted with DFL). The courses are
focused on the language of medicine.

Number of students per group : minim. 5, maxim. 10.

Lessons: 2 hod./týden, tj. 26 hod./semestr
Course fee: 2300,-Kč / 1 semestr

The regular lessons will be held in the Department of language, in the area of 3rd FM CU, pavillon X, th floor.
Expected beginning of class: 2nd week of winter semester

Registration of the candidates interested in the courses is accepted at the DFL.

The enrollment for the courses will be completed on 6 October 2017.
In the case of a sufficient number of people interested in the given course, the payment information will be sent to you.

Contact: ing. M. Prokopičová, secretary of DFL, line 2905;

e-mail: mirka.prokopicova@lf3.cuni.cz


Dear All,
Will you help us with image research? It's easy. Please fill anonymously basic information about yourself, a short
questionnaire and then name 70 black-and-white drawing drawings. That is all. It takes 10-15 minutes. The purpose of
this research is to find Czech and unambiguously naming images that we absolutely need for the development of
various tests and other aids for the elderly people and patients with Alzheimer's disease. When you give us an email, we
can communicate with you in the future (eg, letting you know how it happened with the images which will take up to
several years, offer you participation in our further research, etc.).
We appreciate that by filling in an electronic questionnaire you will make a significant contribution to improving the
care of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Please click here to start filling out : https://goo.gl/forms/aua9vxzY8goinfVk1

We will be glad that you extend our request in any way between any of your friends.

With thanks and respect.

Doc. MUDr. Aleš Bartoš, PhD

Department of Neurology 3rd FM CU



Dear All,
I would like to inform you about changes in the activities of the Information and advisory services CU (IPSC) which will
occur in connection with moving to new premises.
From October 16, 2017 we will be working in offices in several locations in the center of Prague. For a complete
overview of new workplaces, please visit the website http://ipsc.cuni.cz/IPSC-17.html.
Mgr. Ludmila Součková
Head of IPSC CU


Fundiertes Spezialwissen, die Fähigkeit zu interdisziplinärem Arbeiten und inter- nationale Erfahrung sind wesentliche
Anforderungen, die an Akademikerinnen und Akademiker in Europa heute gestellt werden.

Ein Postgraduiertenstudium im Ausland kann die im Erststudium erworbenen Qualifikationen ergänzen und vertiefen
sowie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung leisten. Auf dieser Basis können Sie den
Herausforderungen in Praxis, wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre besser begegnen.

Gefördert werden Aufbaustudien, Forschungsaufenthalte und Promotionen an staatlichen und staatlich geförderten
Universitäten und Hochschulen in Bayern. Wichtig ist, dass Sie uns in Ihrer Bewerbung deutlich machen, dass Ihr
Postgraduiertenstudium in sinnvoller Weise an Ihr erstes Studium anschließt und Sie Ihrem beruflichen Ziel näher

Bewerbungsschluss: 1. Dezember 2017 [Eingangsdatum!]

Nähere Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren und Kontakt unter

Bewerber/innen mit tschechischer Staatsbürgerschaft:

Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur BTHA c/o BAYHOST
Universitätsstr. 31, D-93053 Regensburg Deutschland
E-Mail: sekretariat@btha.de , www.btha.de
Titelfoto: Mark Agnor | Shutterstock

Bewerber/innen aus anderen Ländern:

BAYHOST, Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa
Universitätsstr. 31, D-93053 Regensburg Deutschland
E-Mail: info@bayhost.de , www.bayhost.de
Important days

1. 10. International Day of the Music – celebrated from the decision of the International Music Council since 1974
1. 10. International Day of Older Persons – celebrated since 1998 (UN)
2. 10. World Farm Animal Day – celebrated since 1983
4. 10. World Animal Day – proclaimed the session of environmentalists in Florence on the feast of St.Francis of
Assisi, patron of animals
5. 10. World Teachers Day – declared in 1994 (UNESCO)
10. 10. World Menthal Health Day – since 1992 (WFMH)
13. 10. Internatinal Day for Natural Disaster Reduction – declared by UN in 1989
15. 10. International Day of Rural Women – decided by UN in 1995
16. 10. World Food Day – anniversary of the Organization for Food and Agriculture in 1945 – celebrated since 1981
20. 10. Tree Day – since 1951 UN
24. 10. United Nations Day – the anniversary of the UN Charter into force in 1945
24. 10. World Development Information Day – celebrated since 1972 UN
31. 10. World Saving Day – declared since 1924 at the Congress of savers in Milan

Important days in the Czech Republic

28. 10. National Day of the Czech Republic – the day of the establishment of Independent Czechoslovak
Republic in 1918

Calendar of important personalities

2. 10. 1892 ERNEST RENAN died, French historian, philosopher, prose writer and playwright (born 27. 2.
1823) – 125th death anniv.
3. 10. 1867 PIERRE BONNARD born, French painter (died 23. 1. 1947) – 150th birth anniv.
3. 10. 1897 LOUIS ARAGON born, French poet and prose writer (died24. 12. 1982) – 120th birth anniv.
3. 10. 1967 WOODY GUTHRIE died, his own name Woodrow Wilson G., American singer, songwriter, songwriter and
folk song collector, father of the folk movemen (born 14. 7. 1912) – 50th death anniv.
6. 10. 1887 LE CORBUSIE born, his own name Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, French architect, urbanist and painter
(died 27. 8. 1965) – 130th birth anniv.
7. 10. 1847 EMIL HOLUB born, naturalist, traveler and travel writer (died 21. 2. 1902) – 170th birth anniv.
13. 10. 1907 YVES ALLEGRET born, French film director (died 31. 1. 1987) – 110th birth anniv.
15. 10. 1607 MADELEINE DE SCUDÉRY born, French prose writer (died 2. 6. 1701) – 410th birth anniv.
16. 10. 1827 ARNOLD BÖCKLIN born, Swiss painter (died 16. 1. 1901) – 190th birth anniv.
16. 10. 1907 ROGER VAILLAND born, French prose writer and playwright (died 17. 5. 1965) – 110th birth anniv.
16. 10. 1927 GÜNTER GRASS born, German prose writer, poet and dramatist, Nobel Prize winner (died 13. 4. 2015) –
90th birth anniv.
18. 10. 1697 CANALETTO born, his own name Antonio Canal, Italian painter and graphic designer (died 20. 4. 1768) –
320th birth anniv.
21. 10. 1917 DIZZY GILLESPIE born, his own name John Birks Gillespie, American jazz musician and composer (died 6. 1.
1993) – 100th birth anniv.
24. 10. 1927 GILBERT BÉCAUD born, French composer and chansonier (died 18. 12. 2001) – 90th birth anniv.
25. 10. 1902 FRANK NORRIS died, American writer (born 5. 3. 1870) – 115th death anniv.
27. 10. 1782 NICCOLO PAGANINI born, Italian violinist and composer (died 27. 5. 1840) – 235th birth anniv.
31. 10. 1857 AXEL MUNTHE born, Swedish prosaic (died 11. 2. 1949) – 160th birth anniv.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 27/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
DEAN’S ORDER NO. 27/2017
On dates of the State examinations in the Academic Year 2017/2018
Part of the State rigorous examination in Surgical Fields
Place: Department of Surgery FNKV – Surgery classroom
11.12.2017 12.03.2018 30.04.2018 12.06.2018 28.06.2018
12.12.2017 13.03.2018 02.05.2018 13.06.2018 12.09.2018
13.12.2017 14.03.2018 03.05.2018 14.06.2018 13.09.2018
14.12.2017 15.03.2018 04.05.2018 15.06.2018 26.09.2018
15.12.2017 16.03.2018 11.06.2018 27.06.2018 27.09.2018

Max. number of students per day: 10

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 28/2017

to cancel all lessons on October 17th, 2017
By this measure, on October 17, 2017, from 14.00 to 17.00, all classes are cancelled because of holding the meeting of
the Academic Senate in Syllabova lecture hall, where the candidates for the Dean of the Third Faculty of Medicine of
Charles University will be introduced.

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 29/2017

about the announcement of a alternate date of enrollment for the academic year 2017/2018

1. Pursuant to Article 4 (7) of the Study and Examination Regulations of the Charles University, the registration of
students to all sections of study/study years is completed/closed on 2 October 2017.
2. The alternative date is set for October 18, 2017 from 7.30 to 12.00 in rooms 205, 207 and 208 - Study Room
(Building No. 19).
3. If the students to whom the alternative registration period is concerned do not appear in the prescribed
substitute/alternative registration deadline, their studies will be terminated, pursuant to Section 56 (1) b of Act
No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and Article 4 (8) of the Study and Examination Regulations of
Charles University.

For a list of students who are invited to a substitute deadline, please see:

prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.

Dean of Third Faculty of Medicine


at the Department of Hygiene - building no. 19, 3rd floor, room 306

Doc. MUDr. Dagmar Schneidrová, CSc., E-mail: dagmar.schneidrova@lf3.cuni.cz, Phone : +420 267 102 340
Consultations: Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00 upon previous agreement via email or phone

Counselling on personal development and stress management
assisstance in adaptation to new study and living conditions
assisstance in a difficult personal situation
stress management and support of a healthy lifestyle

Study counselling
assisstance in solving study issues
assisstance in identifying an effective learning style

Counselling on quitting smoking, Reference to specialized services:

crisis intervention; psychiatric consultation; pharmacological support of quitting smoking, etc.

Stress management programme for university students on the Faculty website - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-
(FOR STUDENTS – Vademecum – General and Useful Information - Student Counselling Centre at the, Dept. of Hygiene)
or on http://poradna.lf3.cuni.cz/successfulstudent/

 prof. MUDr. Petr Arenberger, DrSc, MBA, FCMA received The Silver Commemorative Medal of the Senate
among 16 laureates this year

The whole ceremony was filmed by Czech Television and can be viewed at:


VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 28-29/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
Members of the Academic Senate of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine CU elected on October 25, 2017 at its 2nd
extraordinary meeting the candidate for the Dean of the 3rd FM for the period February 1, 2018 - January 31, 2022.
Dean for the next election period was elected

Prof. MUDr. Petr Widimský, DrSc., FESc.

Head of 3rd Department of Internal Medicine - Cardiology
Vice-Dean for Science and Academic Career Development

Mgr. Marek Vácha, Ph.D., v.r.

Chairman of AS 3 FM CU

DEAN’S ORDER NO. 31/2017

on dates of the State examination in the Academic Year 2017/2018
Part of the State rigorous examination in Preventive medicine - 5th section of study
Place: Dean´s office, 1st floor, small room number 237

14.11.2017 09.01.2018 10.04.2018 12.04.2018

Max. number of students per day: 10

Place: Dean´s office, 1st floor, room number 223


13.11.2017 28.11.2017 29.01.2018 11.04.2018 26.04.2018 06.06.2018 17.09.2018

15.11.2017 29.11.2017 31.01.2018 23.04.2018 23.05.2018 27.06.2018 26.09.2018
16.11.2017 30.11.2017 01.02.2018 24.04.2018 24.05.2018 10.09.2018
27.11.2017 10.01.2018 09.04.2018 25.04.2018 04.06.2018 12.09.2018

Max. number of students per day: 10

Place: will be specified


Max. number of students per day: 10

This order:
• was compiled by the Study Division – K. Zburníková

Dear Partners & Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Workshop on Medical Education.
Please save the date for the Workshop that will take place from March 25-28, 2018 on the island of San Servolo in the
Venetian Lagoon within the scope of the Venice International University (VIU), an international campus with the goal of
fostering joint education and research.

We would be delighted to have you involved and to welcome you to San Servolo in 2018! More detailed information
will be coming soon.

Furthermore, we invite your medical students to participate in the Oncology or Neurology Winter School to be held in
March 2018 at LMU Munich. Online applications will be accepted until November 1, 2017.

Lisa Lechner on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine’s International Committee

Prof. Martin Fischer; Prof. Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczény; Prof. Matthias Siebeck; Lisa Lechner, M.A.

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Auslandsreferat Medizin / International Exchange Office of Medicine

Pettenkoferstr. 8a (ZeUS)
D-80336 Munich, Germany
international.office@med.lmu.de, www.med.lmu.de/mecum_international
Mgr. Marika Bendová


University of Essex
We are looking for high performing, established academics to join our prestigious and highly-competitive Essex
International Visiting Fellowships programme.
This flagship programme provides support for outstanding researchers to undertake research at the University of Essex,
which is of major importance in its field and of significant benefit to Essex’s research.

The programme provides a competitive platform to:

 champion Essex as a centre of scholarly excellence at an international level
 raise the profile of the multi-disciplinary research community at Essex
 engage with external experts
 enrich the research and training environment for early career postgraduate and post-doctoral scholars at

Programme components
The Essex International Visiting Fellowship programme has two components:
 Short-Stay Visiting Fellow – for scholars to spend a maximum of two weeks at Essex
Call 2 2017/18
For visiting Fellowships between January-April 2018 Deadline: 30 November 2017

Call 3 2017/18
For visiting Fellowships between May-August 2018 Deadline: 31 March 2018
 University Visiting Fellow – for leading, international senior academics to spend up to ten months at Essex
Extended visiting Fellowships starting in September 2018 Deadline: 31 March 2018
The University of Essex will provide International Visiting Fellows with:
 return economy airfare to/from a nominated airport
 accommodation in a University owned property or a suitable alternative

Essex International Visiting Fellowships are open to all academics, based outside the United Kingdom, who have a
sustained track record of significant output, as demonstrated in peer-reviewed literature, and a strong commitment to
quality research outputs as judged relative to opportunity.

How to apply
Please visit www.essex.ac.uk/research/community/international-visiting-fellowships.aspx


 At the beginning of July 2017, the 23rd World
Championship of Football of Practitioners took place in
Leogang, Austria. The Czechs took part for the fifth
round and during the last 3 years they have celebrated
the title of world champions. The team is composed of
doctors of various specialties from the whole Czech
Republic. The permanent member of the team is MUDr.
Vladimír Teplan, Ph.D., who works as a lecturer at the
Surgical Clinic of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine.

This year the championship was attended by 20 countries

from all over the world, the team of the Czech Republic on
the way to the defense of the title played 6 matches, in the
finals beat the Ukrainian team unambiguously 3: 0.
In parallel with the football tournament there was the medical symposium in the field of sports and accident medicine,
so the whole event was not only at high sport level but also professional.
Due to repeated successes, the Czech Republic will organize the Championship in 2018. It will take place on 30.6.-7.7.
2018 in Prague on Strahov stadion.

More information can be found on the website www. wmfc2018.com.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 30/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10


List of candidates for election of the deputies of the 3rd FM CU for the AS CU which will be held on November 21st
and 22nd, 2017 – Academics who accepted the nomination:

1. Prof. MUDr. Lucie Bankovská Motlová, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry, Division of Medical
2- MUDr. Jan Gojda, Ph.D. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine
3. MUDr. Martin Havrda 1st Department of Internal Medicine
4. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Kalvach, CSc. Department of Neurology
5. Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Moťovská, Ph.D. 3rd Department of Internal Medicine-Cardiology
6. MUDr. Tomáš Novák, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry
7. Doc. MUDr. Skála Rosenbaum, Ph.D. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
8. Doc. MUDr. Andrej Sukop, Ph.D. Department of Plastic Surgery
9. PhDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. Department of Nursing
10. Prof. MUDr. Ivana Štětkářová, CSc. Department of Neurology
11. Doc. MUDr. Jan Trnka, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular
12. Doc. MUDr. František Vyhnánek, CSc. Department of Surgery

List of candidates for election of the deputies of the 3rd FM CU for the AS CU which will be held on November 21st
and 22, 2017 – Students who accepted the nomination:

1. Bc. David Nahalka General medicine 3.

2. MUDr. Vojtěch Petr PGS 2.
3. Metoděj Renza General medicine 4.
4. Tomáš Sychra General medicine 4.
5. Ester Trnková General medicine 3.

Checked by Ing. Sádecká, secretary of AS of 3rd FM CU


Try and use the Open Access e-books and e-journals of De Gruyter Open. De Gruyter Open (DGO) publishes over 400
scientific journals from all disciplines and released more than 70 open access books.
You can find medical journals ZDE, e-books you can find ZDE.

More information (more fields) you can find at PEZ.

M. Plecitá, CSI

Please note the freely available database of toxicological information and literature databases – TOXNET.

TOXNET® (TOXicology Data NETwork) TOXNET®

is a free database portal offering information and literature on chemicals,drugs,diseases and the environment,
It covers the topics of Occupational Medicine, Public Health and Toxicology. It is also a source of evaluation of risk and
regulatory assessment. It is also available for mobile ...

Please try Portál elektronických zdrojů UK.

M. Plecitá, CSI

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 31/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
UNIVERSITY FOR THE ELECTED TERM 1. 2. - 2018 - 31. 1. 2021
For the Academic Senate of CU and members of AS CU were elected for the electer term 1. 2. 2018 – 31. 1. 2021:

1. Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Moťovská, Ph.D.
2. MUDr. Martin Havrda

1. Tomáš Sychra, 4th year student, General Medicine
2. Metoděj Renza, 4th year student, General Medicine

Alternate repesentative of Academics

1. Prof. MUDr. Lucie Bankovská Motlová, Ph.D.
2. PhDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D.
3. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Kalvach, CSc.
4. MUDr. Jan Gojda, Ph.D.

Alternate representatives of Students

1. Bc. David Nahalka, 3rd year student, General Medicine
2. MUDr. Vojtěch Petr, student of PGS, 2nd year
Checked by Ing. Sádecká, secretary of AS 3rd FM CU

On November 14 and 15, 2017, the Student Scientific Conference of Medical Faculties of the Czech Republic and Slovak
Republic was held at the Faculty of Medicine at University of Palacky in Olomouc. Students of twelve medical faculties
of the Czech and Slovak Republics presented a total of 30 works in two days. A new competition was “Competition of
audience” where students of the Faculty of Medicine of the ÚPO voted and they will compete in the faculty round of
SRC 2018. The organizers prepared an interesting competition in urgent medicine for us which not only showed the
students' ability to react in crisis situations but overall revived the atmosphere of the conference.

Our fakulty was represented by these students and fresh graduates with their presentations:
In the non-medical section:
Bc. Pavlína Hrdinová: Péče o seniory s demencí v nemocničním prostředí z pohledu sester
In the preclinical (theoretical) section:
Jan Rambousek: Mikroskopické metody ve studiu hypoxie jako faktoru vzniku diabetes mellitus
In the clinical section:
MUDr. David Šilhán: Vizuální hodnocení parietální atrofie mozku na magnetické rezonanci u Alzheimerovy nemoci

Members of the commissions were: PhDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. (non-medical section), prof. MUDr. Romana
Šlamberová, Ph.D. (preclinical section) a doc. MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D. (clinical section).

All of our students presented excellent performances and they managed demanding debates and were such dignified
representatives of our faculty. In addition, Jan Rambousek ranked 3rd place in the pre-clinical (theoretical) section and
MUDr. David Šilhan ranked 3rd place in the competition of spectators.

Representants of 3rd FM CU, 1st row from left: MUDr. David Šilhán, Jan Rambousek, Bc. Pavlína Hrdinová. 2nd row from left: doc.
MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D., PhDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D. prof. MUDr. Romana Šlamberová, Ph.D.

Congratulations to all students for their successful representation and thank to all members of commisions for
their willingness and serious approach to the contestants' evaluation.

prof. MUDr. Romana Šlamberová, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Student
Research Activities


On November 16, 2017, MUDr. Karel Kieslich was awarded of the Josef Hlávka Award for the Best Students and
Graduates of Prague Public Universities, Techniques University in Brno and Young Talented Workers at the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic at the Chateau of Josef Hlávka in Lužany u Přeštic.

MUDr. Karel Kieslich graduated from General Medicine at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine. In addition to excellent study
results, he has also achieved outstanding success in his pedagogical and scientific work. Since the third year he has been
very enthusiastic to teach seminars, practices and autopsy lessons from anatomy and later physiology.
Twice he was awarded of the Syllabus Chalk Award for the best student teacher at the 3rd FM.

Throughout his studies he devoted to the popularization of science and education outside the academic world. From
year 2015 he acts as a lecturer, prefect and organizer at Summer Academy Discover, ( unique event for talented high
school students) where he leads the popular course of Medicine. He also works as a mentor in the Yoda mentorship
program for secondary school students. In 2017 he won the popularity competition "Science slam of the Charles
University" and took a number of lectures for the public (the Café Nobel) or the Lightworks in the Coworking Opera.

Currently he is studying at UCL (University College London) where he uses computational psychiatry to investigate the
role of dopamine in depression and other psychiatric illnesses.


Let´s applaud

After successful defense of the habilitation thesis "Processing Time and Frequency of Sound in Hearing System"
at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, the Rector of CU prof. MUDr. Tomas Zima, DrSc., appointed
the associate professor of medical biophysics, our assistant
Ing. Daniel Š u t a, Ph.D.
with the effect from 1. 12. 2017

All members at the Institute of Medical Biophysics and Medical Informatics congratulate and wish many successes to
the next work.

VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

Vita Nostra Servis 32/2017
The internal e-newsletter of the Third Faculty of Medicine CU, http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns
e-mail: vns@lf3.cuni.cz
Ruská 87, Prague 10
On November 29, 2017 MUDr. Karel Kieslich was awarded the prize of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
in the field of higher education, science and research for year 2017.

MUDr. Karel Kieslich graduated from General Medicine at the 3rd FM CU. In addition to the excellent study results he
has also achieved the outstanding success in his pedagogical and scientific work.

He is currently studying at UCL (University College London) he uses the methods of computational psychiatry to
investigate the role of dopamine in depression and other psychiatric illnesses.
His work "Visual Scoring of Hippocampus Atrophy for Magnetic Resonance for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease"
was also praised for an extraordinary award to outstanding university students for 2017 by the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
The ceremony was held on November 29, 2017 at 4 pm at the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic,
Valdštejnské náměstí 17/4, Prague 1, entrance C2.

Important Days

1. 12. World AIDS Day – declared by the World Health Organization in 1988
2. 12. International Day for the Abolition Slavery – recalls since1984 (UN)
2. 12. World Day of Computer Literacy – since 2001
3. 12. International Day of Persons with Disabilities – since 1993 (UN)
5. 12. International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development – recalls since 1986 of the decision of UN
to honor of those who help to sufferers
7. 12. International Civil Aviation Day – since 1996 (UN)
10. 12. Human Right Day – anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the General Assembly in

1948, celebrated since 1950
11. 12. World day of Childhood – the anniversary of UNICEF in 1946
11. 12. International Mountain Day – declared by UN, s i n c e 2 003
18. 12. International Migrants Day – since 2000 (UN)
20. 12. International Human Solidarity Day – declared by UN since 2005

Important Days in the Czech Republic

2. 12. 1997 Strahovský tunnel passed through the first cars - 20th anniversary
4. 12. 1992 The historical center of Prague was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List - the 25th anniversary

Calendar of Important Personalities

3. 12. 1857 JOSEPH CONRAD born, his own name Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski, English prose writer
of Polish origin (died 3. 8. 1924) – 160th birth anniv.
3. 12. 1937 ATTILA JÓZSEF died, Hungarian poet (born 11. 4. 1905) – 80th death anniv.
4. 12. 1732 JOHN GAY died, English satirist, poet, prose and playwright (born 16. 9. 1685) – 285th death anniv.
4. 12. 1922 GÉRARD PHILIPE born, French film and theater actor (died 25. 11. 1959) – 95th birth anniv.
4. 12. 1982 JACQUES TATI died, his own name J. Tatischeff, French film actor and director (born 9. 10. 1909) – 35th
death anniv.
7. 12. 1947 TRISTAN BERNARD died, his own name Paul Bernard, French playwright and prose writer (born 7. 9. 1866)
– 70th death anniv.
9. 12. 1437 ZIKMUND LUCEMBURSKÝ died, the Roman Emperor, the King of Bohemia and Hungary (born 14. 2. 1368)
– 580th death anniv.
9. 12. 1717 JOHANN JOACHIM WINCKELMANN born, German cultural historian, founder of classical archeology (died
8. 6. 1768) – 300th birth anniv.
12. 12. 1917 FRANK SINATRA born, American singer and film actor (died 14. 5. 1998) – 100th birth anniv.
14. 12. 1957 JOSEF LADA died, painter, illustrator, theatrical artist and writer (born 17. 12. 1887) – 60th death anniv.
15. 12. 1992 SVEN DELBLANC died, Swedish novelist, playwright and literary historian (born 26. 5. 1931) – 25th death
16. 12. 1882 ZOLTÁN KODÁLY born, Hungarian composer (died 6. 3. 1967) – 135th birth anniv.
16. 12. 1897 ALPHONSE DAUDET died, French prose writer and playwright (born 13. 5. 1840) – 120th death anniv.
16. 12. 1902 RAFAEL ALBERTI born, Spanish poet and playwright (died 28. 10. 1999) – 115th birth anniv.
16. 12. 1917 ARTHUR CLARKE born, English author of science fiction novels (died 19. 8. 2008) – 100th birth anniv.
17. 12. 1787 JAN EVANGELISTA PURKYNĚ born, naturalist, poet, and translator (died 28. 7. 1869) – 230th birth anniv.
17. 12. 1887 JOSEF LADA born, painter, illustrator, theatrical artist and writer (died 14. 12. 1957) – 130th birth anniv.
18. 12. 1737 ANTONIO STRADIVARI died, Italian violinist (born about 1648) – 280th death anniv.
18. 12. 1832 BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON born, Norwegian novelist, Nobel Prize winner (died 26. 4. 1910) – 185th birth
18. 12. 1947 STEVEN SPIELBERG born, American film director – 70th birth anniv.
18. 12. 1957 DOROTHY LEIGH SAYERS died, English writer, playwright and essayist, author of detective novels (born 13.
6. 1893) – 60th death anniv.
21. 12. 1917 HEINRICH BÖLL born, German prose writer, Nobel Prize winner (died 16. 7. 1985) – 100th birth anniv.
22. 12. 1867 THÉODORE ROUSSEAU died, French painter (born 15. 4. 1812) – 150th death anniv.
24. 12. 1982 LOUIS ARAGON died, French poet and prose writer (born 3. 10. 1897) – 35th death anniv.
25. 12. 1977 CHARLES SPENCER CHAPLIN died, British and American film actor, director and screenwriter ( born 16. 4.
1889) – 40th death anniv.
26. 12. 2012 RITA SCHOBER died, German romantic and literary scientist (born 13. 6. 1918) – 5th death anniv.
28. 12. 1937 MAURICE RAVEL died, French music composer (born 7. 3. 1875) – 80th death anniv.
30. 12. 1947 ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD died, English philosopher and mathematician (born 15. 2. 1861) – 70th
death anniv.


VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - E-magazine of 3rd Faculty of Medicine (on-line). Designated for the Academic Community. Web pages
VNS - http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/vns. Edited by the 3. FM, Ruská 87, Prague 10.

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