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Americas Cult Church

Let us not fear the examination of our fruit or the condition of our souls and doctrines.
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye
not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5

Seems like a rough way to introduce a subject and I know many will reject the message just
because of the word cult as most can not find it possible to examine their condition, the
condition of their country, family or beliefs as there are very few who care more about truth
then comfort and ideals. This fear and culture of protecting doctrines of man at all cost is a
cancer and contrary to our Lord's teachings but it will continue until a few rise up and look
without fear into the eyes of truth and find the saying true every man is a lier.

Case in point: try to tell a Klansman that hatred of other races is a bad foundation for truth or
tell a pastor the traditions of church and men cause the people of God to lose their way or tell a
black christian he and the traditions of the black community church are not christian but rather a
knee jerk reaction to social ills or a white american christian patriot that God may not be for his
ideal and might have a different plan for this country.

Even though we in America believe we are exporters of truth and the cutting edge of
technology, invention and experience we are ridiculed by religious leaders in many third world
countries when it comes to our christian practices. Let us be open to critique and find what is

We believe with all our learning and with our seminaries we have the finest and most accurate of
doctrine. I will prove in this article this is not the case nor is it in the opinion of the rest of

The Landscape of American Christendom...
You shall know them by their fruit:
Only 7% of Church leaders even believe they know what it looks like to be a mature believer and
almost none of those 7% have a plan for the church to get there.

66% of Christians admit struggling with viewing pornography online
50% of Pastors admit struggling with viewing pornography online
Over 32% Divorce Rate is as bad as the worlds (50-70% is an urban myth)

Many Christian teenagers are out of control.
Stress, strife, suicide are so prevalent in the young church goer.
Worry, fear, depression are commonplace for the Christian adult.

I am a shock teacher, do not be offended by my terms or assume I am angry when I use terms
you and your friends would only use if you were angry... I use terms and terminology many times
for effect, as gentle terms are often missed or ignored. Our society has been inoculated by the
watered down versions of truth and the misuse of some of the most powerful doctrines of our
age. So, just as Yshua (Jesus) used shock terms to get peoples attention when he said "eat my
flesh and drink my blood" He never offered a pre warning so as to prepare the hearts of the
hearers knowing people who had ears to hear would hear anyway...

Let me first say, me and my family attend a "local church", we have for 25 years. I have never
shaken my King James Bible at the pastor and preached judgment or hellfire repentance to the
church. I do love Gods people and have a heart to see the body expand and grow into what
Yshua (Jesus) wants it to be.

Before becoming a believer I was heavily involved in the cults. Not just "a" cult but many of
them, I searched everywhere for truth and became a strong anti-christian, new age philosopher,
able to win arguments with bible students and confuse some fairly confident believers. I studied
most major religions. In addition I was a hypnotist and mind-control freak. Everything in life was
about power and control, the foundation of the cult leader. When being convicted and convinced
by my Creator that I was not in the Truth I found myself converted to a new understanding, a
kingdom where freedom was the cry not conformity. Reading the scriptures stripped my ideas of
manipulation and power and gave me a new surrendered life.

In my attempt to find believers, I started going to church. What I found - shocked me. Many of
the techniques we used in the cults were being practiced in the church. Not just some of the
churches but most of them. I know, not your church...

Much of what I say here will be dismissed as the rantings of an angry or misguided soul. Not
because the scripture or the argument is wrong but because the minds of so many will not
permit this to be true. The heart of man is secure in knowing that "his" systems are right, "his"
denomination is the true one, and his country is the noble one. We need to stop making our life
identity with being church members or Americans or earthlings and rather be God people, Yshua
(Jesus) heavenly family members. To abandon this world, its systems and its practices to serve
the living God.

We should find our first humility as we look at the church in comparison to this scripture. "And
you shall know them by their fruit." Our current focus is on giftedness and not on fruit.

YES, perhaps people in church are better off than people in the bars and there are good things
happening and God is moving and people are growing and encountering God on many levels. In
some degree, I could say this about most cults, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses. And our
churches, are they not to be compared to Glory rather than the world? Are we not to examine if
we are in the FAITH by biblical standards not by comparing ourselves to how we were before?
So, even if the church makes you feel good and the teachings all sound right and the pastor is
the sweetest guy you ever met and you feel Gods presence there, realize the cult down the
road feels exactly the same way. And though I am not saying you and your church are going to
hell I am saying we have great problems and need to look at some of these things, as we are not
where Yshua died to take us and its a lot to do with our cultic systems.

So, by these standards lets ask a few questions. My house shall be called a house of prayer...
Are the people praying? Giving is a huge part of the walk, are the people giving? or building
barns? Church defined in Apostolic Writings is Living stones EACH part supplying, is there freedom
and training for "all" members to "minister" or just PLUG-IN to "local church work"? Yshua made a
way for us to "stop" sinning and walking in power and victory, is this the condition of most

OK, so we have some growing up to do, how does this make us cult like? Im glad I asked.

Depending on your understanding and denominational teaching you will have concluded what is
and what is not a cult. You will have most likely a negative understanding of the word and it is
that definition I would like to discuss. The very word Cult is described in the Dictionary as:
1. A particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of
admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
4. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred
5. A religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members
often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

Christianity is by its "formation and systems" defined as a cult by the Jewish community it was
birthed from. Some of the more mild definitions of "cult" do define the Christian faith. But, the
definition I need to address here is #5 above the "Cult". We understand that the Mormon Church
and Jehovahs Witneses and the Moonies are Cults. Teaching unbiblical doctrines and turning
many from the truths of God to a false religion. Many consider the Catholic Church a cult due to
the large number of unbiblical teachings it adheres to. The baptists consider charismatics cultic
and the mystics have throughout the centuries, proclaimed all organized religion cultic.

I believe that ALL of us have doctrinal misunderstanding, imperfections in our leadership and
personalities, and error in our fellowships. Paul wrote he only saw dimly or as through a foggy
glass so we should have great humility when we look at our understanding of things. I am not
addressing here our immaturity or lack of doctrinal perfection as I am sure we will always be
growing, learning and flawed.

With all that being said, I believe most American churches are in grievous error and most people
in them are unwilling to see some of the simplest corrections to truth. Many in my circles claim
Catholics are in huge doctrinal error and unteachable. Most "Christians" I know are "exactly" the
same. No, they don't pray the rosary but try getting them to listen to anything new or different
from what their pope/pastor has said. Try getting the average believer to look at church or God
or their responsibility differently. Try having a rational argument about truth and see if you don't
hear the same dead-ended reasoning's of a cult member; "Well I don't know, but that's just what
I was taught", "Well if its so wrong how come so and so teaches it" or "are you saying you are
smarter than all the people who got us to this point" or "I don't see you with a church of 1000
people why don't you start your own church if you know so much".

Rather we should say let us see what the Lord commanded and see that we are not only not
doing what He said, but so many of our doctrines are contrary to the teachings of becoming true

Some Cultic teachings or mis-teachings

Church Membership
Church membership ranges from a confession of agreeing with the statements of conversion all
the way to many many weeks of membership classes to a graduation ceremony where the newly
indoctrinated members get acknowledged and a certificate with their name written on it. No
where in Scripture does it say we pledge allegiance to a local gang. We are to be living stones
fitted together by covenant with Him and a commitment to each other, relating based on gifts,
callings and service. There is no "structure" of authority like the world and corporations use and
the power of authority in the kingdom comes from relationship, humility, covenant, truth and
service. The masses are controlled and herded in many of today's systems of membership. This is
not to say there is no God given Government as the Government rests on His shoulders but this
is not the place for that teaching.

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have
the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually
members one of another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace
given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to
the proportion of his faith; Rom 12:4-6

Ever Learning
The teaching church replaces the encountering believer. The scripture says there will come a
day where they will gather themselves teachers and having itching ears not tolerate sound
doctrine. This is that day. The gospel has, in almost all churches, removed abiding and holiness
from its requirement and teachers continue to encourage and inspire a non praying, non
repentant mass. Yshua death was to pave the way for all believers to EXPERIENCE the Father
not just learn about Him and His Book. If we are not ever increasing our abiding and our
encounter with Yshua and teaching others to do the same, we are most likely indoctrinating
them instead.

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be
lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to
parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce breakers, false
accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady,
highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are
they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led
away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of
the truth. 2 Timothy 3

Leadership / Submission
Submission is a gift we offer not a command we wield, its misuse and fear tactics associated are
a tool to control the mass and to keep order/control from anyone opposing the leader or
confusing the flock. Leadership in our Kings command is more about service and allowing
believers to grow. The excuse that we are protecting the flock from wolves is misused as there
are not that many wolves in Yellowstone park let alone your little congregation. The number of
ways leaders misuse power is daunting so suffice it to say if it does not look like service unto
fruitfulness it is probably being done wrong.

shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion,
but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with
eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to
be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive
the unfading crown of glory.1 Peter 5:2-4

Definition of Ministry
Ministry defined as church work whether in pulpit proclamation or in physical presentation has
the same result. Those in the church believe there are 2 classes of christian the church minister
and the flock. This is harmful doctrine and not biblical. The Flock should be those doing ministry
and the leaders serving the flock in training support and direction for fruitfulness and

And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and
some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of
service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of
the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure
of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ Ephesians 4:11-13

The Word of God
With a redefined doctrine that the scriptures are the Word of God we exalt the book to a place
where it does not belong. The book is glorious and our guide in all matters and truly inspired but
Yshua said the book was to lead us to a new and living way, not the end of all things christian,
but just the beginning. This is the doctrinal battle of experience vs doctrine as men can control
you as long as we are doctrinally in agreement but once we expect and teach others to
encounter God we run the risk of losing CONTROL.

"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it
is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you
may have life. "I do not receive glory from men;John 5:39-41

Probably the biggest of all doctrinal errors in America and the root of or stronghold of most every
other false teaching. The church is, in the best of congregations, explained and preached with
accuracy, all the while in practice the systems and building and government is lifted to a high
place. In the worst of places the "church " is as holy as any of the sacraments or rosary or pope
and should be honored and given homage. The true understanding of the house of God is it is not
one made with hands but rather a people. The house or building we meet in and its government
and its doctrines and its rules are tools and should be used as tools.
"However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands; as the

The Covering
I love the covering truth as it has so much Glory in reality and if taught correctly but in American
practice it becomes a tool of control and manipulation. The covering is to be a place of
protection and strength for those who "know" each other pray for each other and co-labor in the
glory and power of Christ. We mainly use it as a fearful place of submission and subjection to
intimidate people into faithfulness to our Church or doctrines. Almost every time I hear the word
covering it is associated with some form of obligation or constraint.

The Tithe
Nothing brings out the cult member in a person faster than this one. The tithe has been misused
and offerings to the church structure have been used for years to build kingdoms exalting men's
visions and false hopes for a wandering people. The scriptures are not clear as to the exact
direction for the new covenant tithe but what we do know of the 32 verses in the scriptures
that mention tithe only one of them comes close to saying that it belongs to the local "church"
and even that one doesn't say it at all. The proper teaching of the tithe is almost non existent
and with all the fear and guilt and false teaching attached to it is is a no wonder that only 3% of
Christians give tithe. I believe if the teachers and pastors would release the tithe and teach the
real doctrine it would free up people to be blessed by this amazing opportunity and revelation for
their lives and finances.
hint: The tithe belongs to the Lord.

False Teachings in the American way

Rapture Focused
Focused on escape instead of focus on power, repentance and preparation.

Faith Message
Faith in many circles is one of those itching ear teachings that promise blessing to the faithless
and glory to the sinner. We cover our sins with blood from an all forgiving God without any effort
on our part to live or strive for the prize. We teach faith in some places as an all consuming right
for the believer to never suffer, never change, and to waste their few minutes of prayer time on
self indulgence. This teaching is not across the board in all American churches but many mega
churches make sure they season their congregants with hope-favor messages enough to keep
them encouraged and coming back for more.

Like tithing submission should be in the control and heart of the person submitting. Submission is
a gift we offer not a fearful command we issue. The husband who orders his wife's submission
makes it very difficult for her to find true submission as her heart is now motivated not by faith
and love and hope but now enticed by fear or force. The same thing happens in churches where
people are required to obey the rules of the system and to never question or cause trouble for
the "leaders".

Getting Plugged in
The cult is continually trying to lure people in to the service of the cult machine. I heard a
pastor say one day we are committed to helping each and every person in this place find their
calling and operate in their gift. in a few weeks I discovered what he meant by this was, they
had this class that helped to determine what your personality strengths are and then match
them with a need in his church. So now apostles can work in the nursery and evangelists can be
a greeter and prophets can probably find some other church to plug in.

Teaching to Control and Herd
Mass Hypnosis
Ill leave this for later

Leadership Training
Ill leave this for later

Women in Ministry
Ill leave this for later

The House
the mention of the house in scripture was a place of reference like, "the church that meets at
Silas house". The current condition of the 'house' is not reference but reverence, like the house
is a holy place like Mary has been exalted above her purpose and now deserves special rules and
protection. The house doctrine is misused and misguiding many to protect a house and obey a
parent instead of an address for fellowship.

The Prayer of Salvation
Even though the apostles preached repentance and grace to stop sinning. The new way is to
preach a forgiveness that covers your sin and stop sinning is a benefit instead of a requirement.
Salvation covenant was to set us on a path not a full assurance of arrival. Rom 11:22

The Set Man
The latest heresy in church doctrine is the "set man" doctrine where it begins in glorious truth,
but then so do most cult doctrines, but ends in submission to a man and his whims. The
scriptures tell us He set some... not one. He said we need to, in humility submit our selves one
to another not the mass submit to the leadership. We are to be growing in ministry and maturity
not one guy working while we all pay him. To build a machine. Yea I know... not your church.

Church Government
Most all pastors will say "we are here to serve" but in practice they are hirelings doing the work
of the ministry and requiring submission from those they get their paychecks from.

The Way Out

Leaving a cult system is not easy, some of the most dedicated Christians are mesmerized and
enticed by its lies. The systems of religion are so hard to overcome that it is rare people in the
system will ever find their way to freedom. There are so many questions that arise and so many
reasons people never take this understanding to the next level. Like, what then does church life
look like if we abandon this huge machine? Or from the Pastors perspective how do I make a
living and pay my huge mortgage payments?

All of these questions are answered in the book and all of our needs are met if we surrender to
the true Head of the Church. It is His house its time we let Him build it.

The Foundation a Prophetic Vision
A prophetic vision for the last days church.
In this vision an Island set in the center of the oceans, was visible by all the nations and on it
was an ugly group of buildings all built on the island and all having completely different features
and styles. One big and shiny right next to a small old rundown building and the sight of the
mismatch was a mockery to the world and hideous to view.

Then suddenly a great earthquake shook this island so hard the entire structure came to ruin. In
the midst of the dust and rubble a miraculous thing began to happen. Small radiant balls of light
rose from the ashes and began working to rebuild. They all worked together to make a radiant
foundation which was so full of light it caught the attention of the entire world.

The light was so great and the building so beautiful the world sent ships filled with people to
behold the island. As each person walked on to the island they were individually met by the Lord
and he asked them all the same question. Can I Run You Through? if they said yes He would
reveal a blade He had hidden behind His back and slash them through the heart. The person was
then laid on a pile of stones where they became a stone dying. Once they were fully dead they
were taken to the building site where they became one of the lights who helped to build the new

If they said NO to the Lords request He would lovingly tell them welcome to the island, enjoy
your stay and move on. If he ran across them later on he would ask them again Can I Run You
Through and again be given a chance to be part of the building.

I believe this vision is a beautiful picture of the Kings plan to see an end days church come from
the ashes of those who have been removed from the systems of the world and
denominationalism and churchianity. All who will come after me must die, give up their lives and
build with me a glorious church.

I also believe we are going to see financial crisis and persecution to the church like never
before to get people to come out of her so as to be free to serve in the light. Right now much of
those who call themselves believers are warring against the persecution not seeing the Lords
desire in it. We do not have to wait for the haters fo God to burn down your buildings to come
out. Come out now do the will of God.

40 Top False Doctrines and Bad Teachings

1. Church Membership
2. Ever Learning
3. Leadership / Submission
4. Definition of Ministry
5. Definition of Salvation
6. The Word of God
7. Local Church
8. Covering
9. The Tithe
10. Rapture
11. Grace
12. Giftedness = Maturity
13. Faith
14. Submission
15. Mass Hypnosis
16. Leadership Training
17. The Alter Call
18. Women in Ministry
19. The House
20. The Prayer of Salvation
21. The Set Man
22. Church Government
23. Eternal Security
24. The Law
25. The Bible
26. The New Testament
27. Discipleship
28. Statement of Faith
29. 501C3
30. Christian Patriotism
31. The Work of The Ministry
32. Novices in Ministry
33. Know those you labor among
34. Unity around Doctrine
35. Denominations
36. Yshua finished work
37. Defining Ministry Gifts
38. Arguing
39. Honor
40. Holiness not a Requirement

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