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In which the readers, editors, and correspondents discuss theones and ‘speculation arising out of Ornni. Readers ‘are encouraged to debate views and pose questions fo Onn, the scientific ‘community, and the science-fiction establishment. The opimons published are not necessarily these of the editors. Dolphins, Drugs, and Dr. Lilly ram writing in reference to the interview Of Dr. John Lilly, n the January 1983 ‘issue. | cannot believe that any reputable ‘magazine would give space to promote the ideas of such a crackpot! | thought such crap went out with Timothy Leary {and the rest of those 1860s “conscious- ess-expansion gurus.” | was apparently {quite wrong, because this nonsense has survived among the idle rich of the Malibu hot-tub set. While the rest of us are barely able to make ends meet, fat cats lke Lilly and his friends in Malibu spend upwards of $25,000 for so-called consciousness-expanding programs. ‘As forall that stut! about ECCO [Earth Coincidence Control Office] or any of the rest of that stuff about allernity and altered states of consciousness, my ‘opinion can be summed up by a quote from the movie Altered States, which Lilly claims is based to some extent on his lite: “I don't want to hear any more of that quantum cabalisic frigging dumb limbo mumbo jumbo! James Bisse Collinsville, IL Judith Hooper is to be congratulated for her revealing interview with John Lilly Her questions permitted Lily to make clear by example the distinction between the ppsychorauts disciplined inner explora tions and the burned-out hippie's rambling escape into the esoterica of drugs. ‘Atleast dolphins have the good sense to remain silent Jonathan Smith Chicago [ound the John Lilly interview most fascinating His journeys within appear very teal, yet! cannot agree with how he «OWN begins them Even though halucinagenics may seem to work well for him, itis unnecessary, impractical, and very dangerous to depend on them for obtaining genuine experience Drugs and mind-expanding substances have no place in a balanced life Mare Anderson Kokomo, IN |lam surprised and disappointed that an ‘otherwise interesting thinker like John Lilly ean dismiss the 2,000-year hentage ‘of Catholicism by calling i multiple layers of rationality made up by clever Ish Jesutts. Apart from any damage Lilly ‘may have sustained by his extensive use of psychoactive drugs, he is currently ssutfering from what has been called the Sister Mary Thumbscrew Syndiome, ‘or the Nun-with-a-Switch Complex, a disorder extremely common among ppetsons who encountered Catholicism through the mediation of parents, priests, ‘and nuns ofthe pre-Vatican Il tiumphal- istic, fortress-mentality Church. The chiet syfrptom of this malady is that the vctim slohn Lily. Psychonaut or burned cut nppie? 4-20.63 mistakes the errors and misunderstand: ings of a faulty theological education for the authentic Chistian ie and faith But aller making allowances for this, disease, ane stil wonders haw itis that a scientist like Lilly can go through near death experiences, experiment with altered slates of consciousness, commu: ricate with animals. make various jour- neys into philosophies of religion, and yet fail to discern this enormous blind spot (of prejudicial reactvty in his own makeup Shall we udge the value of research into altered states of consciousness by the eriteria of media sensationalism and misinformation? Likewise, a religious faith shouls be ludged on the basis of thase who truly practice i in their daily lives. Br Wiliam McKinley Superior Holy Trinity Monastery ‘Santa Cruz, CA Would you please. as a public service, print the following, There ss only one Universe. by detintion. Not even John Lily should be permitted to use phrases like the “observable unverse. Mark Tut Lansing, Ml Your interview with John Lily demonstrated to me quite strongly the extent to which a person's view of the universe can undergo radical change. Lilly was just beginning his sensory: deprivation experiments when Aldous Huxley was already far down the road to the understanding of altered states of Consciousness obtained through drugs fasting, sensory deprivation, ané many ther means. At that tme (the early 19603) Lilly considered Huxley.a fraud ang a rut Lily's ally experiments with isolation produced starting results. but he main- lained a strc orthodox view of these ‘occurrences. Now, after dabbling in LSD and K, he sounds ike a reincarnation Of Huxley He even admits to “exploring ‘neurons’ on his psychic voyages What a translormation! Rob Rogers Bunbar. wWO, 00 wee 1h 01 Hem AprEY ‘veo | Aeu0si2g eum Guo} @ 10} punoie 8q Prnous Gunyuel tet amy sunwodue ai ‘SsUBIEME 05 2120/6 uomw aneu | eyi Puy | ut panoaut \w11 BuryiAsene pue "9p 12108100 hus “yom ‘hus padiay sey Yeu Guueg-9m Jo uyo9} 1009096 © ou UaNIO sey. “Spee! Soul, ‘Aqieg SsaN198 epUO}y WOH, jeIUOUUNSD: [62 19K ® “aouauad Bunyuel aus. '$198 10}, ‘sijaveG yeou0e1d $19})0 asne2aq puedxa (1 anunu0D jie Gun|Ue) "Isisu! s]UBuEdo:d ‘SuOISEND WiI-1/04S au) 19n912UM 1 tw01) Aeme NOA da9y w8Ut 9) 1,U0g "LET 8 U! Wau UO WHOM 'SVB9y AUB BAY NOK J, eae OG iyo AypeoiUeUDaW S14Uei aU 1) feo'shyd ve, ‘ow paunsse oy ‘si@6uep ‘uo aus, auinBues a10w UBAS s1 Ayr Guu seu. 10 “Cuuarean S1euj. :30V0 1@ Mou 01 wees ajdoad BU YEU! 184i 1 20) 06 yeas SnoUND ‘yj Due Snomivanpe au. apy ASEIUE) UNO aul um paquenboe wey) axew YB EY! Loulen}'s uoHe|0s! Aue oxi UOP OyM @sou) 2 SoIgOYdoNIsNe}D BIE I! 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