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DOCUMENT NO 286 July 2016

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy




Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent


Planning Applications: DC/2015/00869

Prepared for:
MR A. Lewis

By: Dr N. Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16


This document is the report arising from an Archaeological Watching Brief

undertaken during ground disturbance works necessary for the construction of a
single storey porch at an existing property.

The property is situated close to the Roman town of Caerwent and as such, within
an archaeologically sensitive area.

The property is however outside of the scheduled area, Scheduled Monument


Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised Monmouthshire Council

(MCC) that the proposed work at the site could likely impact on archaeological
resources therefore, a condition requiring an intensive archaeological watching
brief should be imposed.

The work did not impact upon any archaeological resources.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSC00073. Overview of completed trenches.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Plates: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site Location and Description ......................................................................................................... 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 4
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Watching Brief ................................................................................................................................ 6
Watching Brief Results ................................................................................................................... 6
Interpretation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Staff ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Archive: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................ 7
Bibliography and References: ......................................................................................................... 8

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16


Fig 01 Site location map.

Fig 02 Site Plan showing trench plans
Fig 03 HER search area. a & b
Fig 04 Map progressions. a & b


PL 01 Site visit for WSI. General view

PL 02 Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107],
PL 03 Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
PL 04 Trench 2, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], & [108], Detail
PL 05 Trench 2 & 3, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103]
PL 06 Trench 4, sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
PL 07 Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
PL 08 Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated. [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106],
[107], [108], [109]


Appendix I HER Event Records

Appendix II HER Core records
Appendix III Context sheet
Appendix IV Digital Photograph list

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16


This report; arising from an Archaeological Watching Brief, has been prepared by Dr N. Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in
response to a required programme of works: Proposed front single story extension and porch: Ten Elms Farm
Caerwent Road, Caerwent, Pl.App.No. 2015/00869, (MON2185/JBHD) NGR: 346332190647 for which a planning
condition was attached.

The need for a programme of archaeological works; a watching brief, resulted from advice by Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust, (GGAT); consultants to Monmouthshire County Council, (MCC), (ibid.).

The advice stated:

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has
secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written
scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the
local planning authority.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the
works, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.


Approval of planning permission with conditions was granted on 1st September 2015; condition 3 requiring
archaeological investigation, as stated above.

A Written Scheme of Investigation for the archaeological work was drawn up, submitted and approved in writing
before any work began, WSI: WB/CA6/15.

Site Location and Description

The location of the site NGR: 346332 190647 can be gained from the A448, Chepstow – Newport Rd, fig 01.
Approximately 4½ miles after leaving Chepstow on the A48, turn left at the sign for Caerwent Roman City.

Drive through the town entering by the old east gate and exiting through the old west gate and continue for a few
hundred meters to the second property on the left; 10 Elms Farm.

The area to be developed was a lawn to the side of the property and showed no sign of any surface anomalies.

Geology and Topography

The solid geology at the site is Avon Group, mudstones and limestone with a possible superficial deposit of silts,

The ground is bordered along the north by the old road through Caerwent and gently slopes southward towards the
shallow valley of the Nedern brook.

Brief archaeological and historical background

The archaeological record of the Caerwent area is well represented from prehistory to present, with resources from
late prehistoric times to present, surrounding the village.

Indeed, a 5km diameter search around Caerwent would reveal archaeological resources from the Bronze Age, Iron
Age, Roman, Early Medieval, Medieval, Norman, Post medieval and even Modern WWII.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16
However, as the search area is reduced, the resources become more Roman based, which is no surprise, for as stated
above; the site lies adjacent to the area of the Scheduled Ancient Monument of Venta Silurum, SAM MM001, the
Roman civitas of the Iron Age Silures.

The site itself is outside of the scheduled area but within one of Monmouthshire’s 31 designated conservation areas
since its designation in 1976, (CCAAMP, p9 2012).

A 500m radius HER search; 5284, around the proposed site, NGR 346332 190647, revealed records for a total of 16
archaeological events, appendix I and 34 Core listings, appendix II.

Of the 16 Events; 5284, listed for the 500m search; Appendix I, of specific interest due to close proximity were:

E002548: A watching brief by Cambria Archaeology, (Dyfed Archaeological Trust) in 2001 near
the West gate which resulted in the confirmation of archaeological resources in the
form of Roman building foundations running North-south. The presence of the walls
suggested the underlying deposits in the western area hide fairly extensive Roman
remains. (Jones 2001) The watching brief also yielded an assortment of Roman finds,
and two sherds of post medieval ceramics. (1078 201/13).

E003563: In 2004 an excavation took place at Westgate farmhouse. Conducted by Cambrian

Archaeological Projects Ltd, prior to redevelopment of the site. Excavations taken
underneath that of the milking parlour, revealed an extensive Roman horizon consisting
of an internal, cross wall a cobbled floor surface and the base of a probable oven.
(Anthony M, 2004). Finds at the site consist of mostly Roman ceramics and iron works.
The rest appears to be post medieval and organics.

E000139: A Watching brief by Foundations Archaeology in 2008, on land belonging to Westgate

farmhouse, unearthed a cobbled surface possibly Roman in date. (Hood A, 2581

E000944 A further watching brief in the above area mentioned, yielded more Roman finds.
(Hood. A, 2610 209/01).

E003672 In 1991 an evaluation by GGAT took place for the instalment of a new pipeline for
British gas. During field walking numerous Roman and post medieval finds were found.
One particular find during the field walk in the area to the north west of the Ten Elms
Farm, was a prehistoric flint arrow head. Core No 05049g. (Maylan, C.N., 1991).

The Core report; 5284 mentions many finds of mostly Roman origin; however, in the area of Ten Elms
Farm these finds are confined to the events at Westgate farm. (E003563), (E000139), (E000944), with the
one exception of a Neolithic arrow head (05059g) found during field walk evaluations. (E003672)

One other Core report of specific interest lies with record 07746g; an unknown, rectilinear enclosure
apparent on aerial photographs, showing an enclosure c30m x 15m running parallel with another
rectilinear feature with its long side 20m to its south.

This cropmark is aligned on the Roman road which continues its use as a modern day road. (Air
photo/1946/CPE UK 1885/4038-40.) (Evans 2001)

This could be fairly significant as this spot lies directly within the property of Ten Elms Farm.

Cartographic information gathered for the area from the first series maps indicates nothing of any note.

Nothing of interest appears until sometime between 1900 and 1950 and the 1954 map, fig 04a shows the placement
of 10 Elms farm, Caerwent.

The modern day magic map, fig 04b would confirm that there have been no changes of any significance to the area
since the construction of 10 Elms farm.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIfA.

Watching Brief

The ground disturbance work was proposed for the 10th of June 2016 and GGAT and planning were given due
notice of that intention.

Prior to the excavation of the trenches, a small porch, and surrounding path, PL01 were removed and an area of
lawn, was de turfed, PL02.

Initial recording

A record of the features and stratigraphy exposed during excavation was kept including written notes and

Measurements were taken regularly using Leica Disto 510, laser measurement device.

No finds were recovered from the site.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy; Appendix III, and an annotated list of the photographs, Appendix IV.

The two appendices; III Context and IV Photographs were cross referenced ready for inclusion in the report.

Watching Brief Results

Presentation Notes:
All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix V, cross referenced in Appendix VI, to the plates section.
Photographs used in the text are denoted Pl # and a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix VI with
contact sheets.

Initial excavation began at the north east corner of the property and quickly established a natural stratigraphy under
a deposition layer of topsoil, PL03.

Trench 1:
[100] a light brown sandy clay topsoil to a depth of 320mm which overlay
[101] a light brown sandy silt some 200mm in depth, under which was
[102] a light brown sandy clay, at least 150mm, and finally
[103] an orange/red silty clay of which 500mm was exposed within the depth range of the trench.

A further small lens of orange sandy clay with small rounded pebbles, [104], was detected some 2m from the house
wall in trench 1 but this was as a result of a miss judged depth by the machine operator.

The chance glimpse did however, confirm the geology of the vicinity as being of riverine origin.

A localised disturbance was observable in east and west sections of trench 1 taking the form of a buried service pipe
and associated fill, which had been cut into [101] and covered by [100], PL02, (centre).

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16
At the southern end, the foundation of the house, [108] can be seen, cut into [101] to about 120mm.

Trench 2, was identical to trench 1 with the exception of a couple of tree roots from a large tree recently felled for
this project, PL04.

The same was found to be the case with trenches 3 and 4, PL05, PL06, PL07, PL08.


The site provided no evidence of any disturbance other than a land drain which cut trenches 1 and 2 east to west.

The apparent shallow 260mm depth of foundation exposed in trenches 1 & 2 also denote little ground disturbance.

No evidence of anything relating to the cropmark 07746g was found but then the cropmark could be further north,
just beyond this ground disturbance.

It would appear that the area that was disturbed during this work is entirely natural, undisturbed, riverine deposit on
a gentle slope towards to brook to the south.


Dr. Neil Phillips, MCIfA.


The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd.

A copy of the archive will be deposited with Monmouthshire County Archive.

A digital copy of the archive will be sent to the RCAHMW.


Thanks to Mr A Lewis for allowing access to his site, and his efficient handling of the excavation.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16

Bibliography and References:

APAC.Ltd WB/CA6/15. Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching

Brief. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent. Sept 2015.

Ashby, T.,
Hudd, A.E.,
& Martin, A.T., 1903 Excavations at Caerwent, Monmouthshire on the Site of the Romano-British City of
Venta Silurum in 1902. J.B. Nichols 1903.

Chartered Institute for

Archaeologists. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2014.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2014.

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

(Historic England)

GGAT. 2014. MON2185/JBHD. Re: Proposed Front Single Storey Extension and Porch: Ten
Elmes Farm, Caerwent Rd. Caerwent. PL.App.No.: DC/2015/00869.

GGAT HER 5284 HER 500m search centred NGR 346332 190647, Caerwent.

Howell, R., 1988 A History of Gwent, Gomer

Monmouthshire County
Council Approval of Planning Permission. DC/2015/00869.

January 2012. Caerwent Conservation Area Appraisals & Management Proposals,

(CCAAMP). Project No: 2009/089. Draft 5, March 2013. Cdn Planning.

The Society of Museum

Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

United Kingdom Institute

for Conservation. Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
(Archaeology Section) Storage (1990)

WOC 60/96 Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology.

Welsh Office Circular 60/96. Section 23.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent WB/CAE6/16

Online sources used in this report:

British Geological Survey http://www.bgs.ac.uk/GeoIndex/

British Listed Buildings http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/
Google Earth http://www.google.co.uk/
National library of Scotland http://www.nls.co.uk/
Magic http://magic.defra.gov.uk/
RCAHMW http://www.coflein.gov.uk/

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email: apac.philips@btinternet.com
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. MCIfA.

Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
adapted from: Maison Design

Map data ©2015 Google

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6/16

Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

TR4 Lawn





0 2 4

FIG 02 Trench Plans

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6/16
Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Plate 03a, HER Core map.

Plate 03b, HER Event map. A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6//16

Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Plate 04a, Monmouthshire XXX. Revised 1949. Published 1954. 1:25000 detail.

Plate 04b, magic map 2016, 1:25000 detail. A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6//16
Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

Plate 01: Site visit for WSI. General view Plate 02: Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101],
[102], [103], [105], [106], [107],


Plate 03: Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], Plate 04: Trench 2, stratigraphic A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6/16
[102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] sequence [100], [101], [102], [103],
[105], [106], [107], & [108], Detail
Ten Elms Farm, Caerwent

Plate 05: Trench 2 & 3, stratigraphic sequence [100], Plate 06: Trench 4, sequence [100], [101], [102], [103],
[101], [102], [103] [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]


Plate 07: Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], Plate 08: Trenches 1, 2, & 3 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/CAE6/16
[102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] complete with 4 being excavated.
[100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/CAE6/16

HER Report 5284. Event Record

PRN NAME Event Contractor Year NGR

E000139 Westgate farmhouse, Caerwent Watching brief FA 2008 ST46619058
E000944 Westgate farmhouse, Caerwent Watching brief FA 2008 ST46619058
E001361 Caerwent Geophysical Survey GSB 2008 ST4675990761
E001363 Caerwent Evaluation TT 2008 ST4695990505
E001364 Caerwent GPR survey GSB 2009 ST4675690719
E002422 Kings cottage, Caerwent Evaluation CWA 1997 ST4680690783
E002548 Caerwent (near Westgate) Watching brief DAT 2001 ST4669490601
E002557 Caerwent, barn site (Westgate) Watching brief MAS 2001 ST46749059
E003131 7 Llanfair Road Watching brief MA 2010 ST467909
E003563 Westgate farm, Caerwent. Excavation CAP 2004 ST4661190582
E003672 Caerwent to Earlswood Pipeline Excavation and Evaluation GGAT 1991 ST4579194682
E003914 RAF Caerwent DBA Desk Based GGAT 1994 ST4678490647
E004007 RAF Caerwent WB Watching brief GGAT 1994 ST477911
E004343 Caerwent Benches, Caerwent WB Watching brief GGAT 1998 ST4665190431
E004623 New House, Pound Lane, Caerwent Evaluation MA 2003 ST4682190649
E005119 3 Llanvair Road, Caerwent Watching brief MA 2004 ST4671890936


CAP Cambrian Archaeological Projects

CWA Centre for Wetland Archaeology
DAT Dyfed Archaeological trust.
FA Foundations Archaeology
GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
GSB Geophysical Surveys of Bradford
MA Monmouth Archaeology
MAS Monmouth Archaeological Society
TT Time Team
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/CAE6/16

HER Report 5284. Core Record

PRN NAME Period Site type NGR

01055g Caerwent roman city Roman Settlement ST468905
01069g Caerwent cemetery Cemetery ST46799052
02131g Caldicot flint scatter Pre historic Find spot ST464902
02858g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST467904
02859g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST467904
02860g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST468905
02861g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST468905
02862g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST468905
02863g Caerwent Roman Inscribed stone ST468905
03052g Caerwent town defences Roman Town defence ST4691
03086g West gate Roman Gate ST46679060
03090g Caerwent town defences Roman Bastion ST46679039
03091g Caerwent town defences Roman Bastion ST46749038
03110g House 3s Roman House ST46729043
03111g House 2s Roman House ST46739047
03112g House 1s Roman House ST46679045
03113g House 4s Roman House ST46769047
03114g House 6s Roman House ST46789045
03116g House 5s Roman House ST46789045
03120g House 7s Roman House ST46689057
03121g House 8s Roman House ST46729056
03122g House 15s Roman House ST46759055
03123g House 14s Roman House ST46749052
03124g House 16s Roman House ST46789056
03125g House 18s Roman House ST46809055
03126g House 20s Roman House ST46819055
03127g House 21s Roman House ST46829054
03128g House 17s Roman House ST46769052
03137g House 27n Roman House ST46829064
03138g House 26n Roman House ST46829059
05046g Caerwent-Earlswood gas pipeline Roman Footpath ST46309063
05049g Neolithic arrow Neolithic Find spot ST46079079
07628g Roman Wall ST46789078
07746g Ten Elms, Caerwent Unknown cropmark ST46329058
09216g Roman house insula I, Caerwent Roman Town house ST4676490764
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III Context Sheet Index

Site: Ten Elms Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate

Farm, Caerwent 346332 190647 WB/CAE6/16 No:

Context Area Feature Description F PHOTOGRAPHS

100 All Topsoil Light brown sandy clay with some surface rubble, 320mm DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00072, DSC00073, DSC00074,
DSC00075, DSC00076, DSC00077.
101 All Deposit Light brown sandy silt 200mm DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
102 All Deposit Light brown sandy clay 150mm DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
103 All Deposit Orange/red clay 500mm DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
104 Tr1 Lens Red/orange sandy clay with small rounded pebbles
105 TR1 & TR2 Pipe Salt glazed pipe 4” at 480mm depth. DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
106 TR1 & TR2 Cut Cut for [105] DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
107 TR1 & TR2 Fill Fill for [106] , DSC00066, DSC00067, DSC00068,
DSC00069, DSC00070, DSC00071,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
108 TR1 & TR2 Brick House foundation courses 260mm depth DSC00067, DSC00069, DSC00070,
DSC00073, DSC00074, DSC00075,
DSC00076, DSC00077.
109 TR1 & TR2 Cut Cut for [108] DSC00067, DSC00073, DSC00074,
DSC00075, DSC00076, DSC00077.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix IV WB/CAE6/16

Digital photograph list

Photo no Date Camera L/P View Description Plate

DSC08751 08/09/2015 Sony F828 L S Site visit for WSI. General view PL01
DSC00066 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L W Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], PL02
DSC00067 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L S Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] PL03
DSC00068 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L W Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107],
DSC00069 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L S Trench 2, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], & [108]
DSC00070 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L S Trench 2, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], & [108], Detail PL04
DSC00071 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L N Trench 2 & 3, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103] PL05
DSC00072 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L W Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated.
DSC00073 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L W Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated. Raised elevation. [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
DSC00074 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L W Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated. [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109]
DSC00075 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L E Trenches 1, 2, & 3 complete with 4 being excavated. [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] PL08
DSC00076 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L N Trench 1, stratigraphic sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] PL07
DSC00077 10/06/2016 Sony F828 L NE Trench 4, sequence [100], [101], [102], [103], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109] PL06

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