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Decision Support Systems 25 Ž1999.


The balanced scorecard: a foundation for the strategic

management of information systems
Maris Martinsons a , Robert Davison b,)
, Dennis Tse c

Department of Management, City UniÕersity of Hong Kong, Tat Chee AÕenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Department of Information Systems, City UniÕersity of Hong Kong, Tat Chee AÕenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Information Systems and SerÕices, China Light and Power Company, Hong Kong, China
Accepted 28 September 1998


The balanced scorecard ŽBSC. has emerged as a decision support tool at the strategic management level. Many business
leaders now evaluate corporate performance by supplementing financial accounting data with goal-related measures from the
following perspectives: customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. It is argued that the BSC concept can
be adapted to assist those managing business functions, organizational units and individual projects. This article develops a
balanced scorecard for information systems ŽIS. that measures and evaluates IS activities from the following perspectives:
business value, user orientation, internal process, and future readiness. Case study evidence suggests that a balanced IS
scorecard can be the foundation for a strategic IS management system provided that certain development guidelines are
followed, appropriate metrics are identified, and key implementation obstacles are overcome. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Balanced scorecard; Performance measurement and evaluation; Strategic decision-making; Information systems success;
Multidimensional metrics; Case studies; Performance management

1. Introduction asked more frequently than ever before: Is that in-

vestment in IS or information technology ŽIT. really
Growing amounts of intellectual and financial worthwhile? Is that IT application we implemented a
capital are being invested to collect, process, store, success? Is our IS department Žor function. produc-
and disseminate information. As the resource com- tive and effective? Should we use outsourcing?
mitments to information systems ŽIS. continue to Recent surveys indicate that issues such as ‘mea-
escalate, the following types of questions are being suring the value of IT’ and ‘evaluating IS perfor-
mance’ are of great importance to managers in places
like Hong Kong w8x, the United States w4x and the
United Kingdom w16x. Given the increasing role of
IT in achieving business goals, the extensive interest
Corresponding author. Tel.: q852-2788-7534; fax: q852- of managers in measuring and evaluating both IS
2788-8694; e-mail: isrobert@is.cityu.edu.hk processes and outcomes is not surprising. The recent

0167-9236r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 9 2 3 6 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 8 6 - 4
72 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

professional and academic literature further suggests 1.1. IS measurement and eÕaluation
that IS consultants and business professors are also
concerned about the lingering difficulties in trying to Many methods and techniques have been sug-
determine the value of IT applications as well as gested over the years to evaluate the investments
performance in the IS area Žsee, e.g., Ref. w7x.. made in IT and IS. Traditional methods focus on
At another level of analysis, the productiÕity well-known financial measures, such as the return on
paradox has become a contentious issue among both investment ŽROI., net present value ŽNPV., the inter-
economists and the IS community Žsee Refs. w20,40x.. nal rate of return ŽIRR., and the payback period.
Several studies indicate that while the level of IT These methods are best-suited to measure the value
investment is correlated to corporate revenues, it is of simple IT applications, such as transaction pro-
not correlated to either productivity or profitability cessing and office automation systems. The afore-
w45,46x. Simply stated, the huge overall investment mentioned types of IS were often the first to be
in computer and telecommunication technologies introduced in a given organization.
does not appear to have significantly raised eco- Unfortunately, evaluation methods that rely on
nomic productivity or corporate profits. Similar find- financial measures are not as well-suited for newer
ings in individual enterprises have led many to be- generations of IT applications. These computer-based
lieve that IT applications are simply a black hole. IS typically seek to provide a wide range of benefits,
Managers have found it difficult to demonstrate tan- including many that are intangible in nature. For
gible returns on the resources expended to plan, example, it is difficult to quantify the full value of a
develop, implement and operate computer-based IS. decision support system Žsee Ref. w44x. or a knowl-
For example, in one General Motors plant, US$650 edge-based system Žsee Ref. w26x.. The productivity
million was invested in IT during the 1980s failed to paradox has prompted calls for new approaches to
result in any significant productivity or quality im- measure and evaluate IT-related investments Žsee
provements w37x. Refs. w3,36x..
This state of affairs may merely reflect the fact One proposed approach is information economics
that recently-implemented, computer-based IS en- w38x, which should not be confused with the eco-
hance value in ways that are not captured by conven- nomics of information systems. Information eco-
tional input–output accounting methods. For exam- nomics seeks to account for a wider scope of IS
ple, since effectiveness Ž‘doing the right things’. and benefits, by including less tangible items such as
innovation Ž‘doing new things’. cannot be readily improved customer service or a higher degree of
quantified in terms of traditional outputs, these im- competitiveness. It also prescribes that the benefits
provements are not reflected in economic efficiency and risks be separated into two domains, a business
statistics. domain and a technological domain, and that each
Business consultants and academics have also domain be evaluated separately. However, even the
suggested that the productivity paradox may stem two domains of information economics fail to fully
from the tendency to automate their existing ways of capture the range of business benefits offered by
doing work. Very few organizations have redesigned contemporary IT applications. As a result, we sug-
their business processes in order to realize the full gest that it may be appropriate to use a balanced
potential of modern IT. Brynjolfsson and Hirt w5,6x scorecard to measure and evaluate IT and IS.
are among those who insist that many of the benefits Robert Kaplan of Harvard University and David
from a technology investment will not be realized Norton, an American management consultant, have
unless major organizational changes are made. In- proposed the balanced scorecard as a means to eval-
deed, the growing popularity of this perspective con- uate corporate performance from four different per-
tributed to the emergence of the re-engineering phe- spectives: the financial perspective, the internal busi-
nomenon in the early 1990s Žsee Ref. w30x.. Never- ness process perspective, the customer perspective,
theless, the fundamental issue of measuring and eval- and the learning and growth perspective. They com-
uating IT applications and IS activities remains unre- pare their approach for managing a company to that
solved. of pilots viewing assorted instrument panels in an
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 73

airplane cockpit: both have a need to monitor multi- Management attention to such a broad set of perfor-
ple aspects of their working environment. mance measures should not only help to ensure good
Many companies are adopting the balanced score- short-term financial results, but also to guide a busi-
card ŽBSC. as the foundation for their strategic ness as it seeks to achieve its strategic goals.
management system. Some managers have used it as During the evolution of their BSC concept in the
they align their businesses to new strategies, moving 1990s, Kaplan and Norton have demonstrated an
away from cost reduction and towards growth oppor- increasing awareness of the assumptions and theories
tunities based on more customized, value-adding that underlie business process re-engineering ŽBPR..
products and services. The BSC has even been coded Many advocates of BPR contend that traditional
into a software program that enables business perfor- industrial age competition is being supplanted by a
mance indices to be created by extracting data from new form of information age competition Žsee Refs.
computer-based IS w33x. w12,18x.. Business success in the past was largely
Martinsons w27x has suggested that the BSC may based on the efficient allocation of financial and
also help managers evaluate IT investments, as well physical capital in order to achieve economies of
as the performance of an IS organization, in a holis- scale and scope w10x. However, the ability to mobi-
tic manner. This paper builds upon that suggestion lize and exploit softer and less tangible intellectual
by elaborating a framework for evaluating IT and IS assets is becoming more important Žsee Table 1..
based on the BSC concept. We detail how the BSC As a result, information age companies must fo-
can serve as a decision support tool for IS managers. cus on specific market segments or use technology-
It may be applied not only to assess the contribution improved processes in order to efficiently produce
of a specific information system or IS project, but and deliver their products and services. For example,
also to evaluate the performance and guide the activ- Martinsons and Revenaugh Žw31x, p. 81. point out
ities of an IS department or functional area. that ‘‘rather than driving down employee numbers . . .
Žand cutting costs., it is ultimately necessary for
organizations to deliver superior value. They must
improve the numerator in the productivity equation.’’
2. The balanced scorecard BPR stresses the role of quantitative goals and mea-
sures to guide the development and implementation
Kaplan and Norton w21–23x have presented the of a new business model.
BSC concept in a series of articles published in the Kaplan and Norton appear to have taken the
HarÕard Business ReÕiew. They have argued that prescriptive re-engineering literature to heart by pro-
traditional financial accounting measures Žlike the gressively enlarging the range of potential benefits
ROI and payback period. offer a narrow and incom-
plete picture of business performance, and that a
reliance on such data hinders the creation of future Table 1
business value. As a result, they suggest that finan- Competitive advantage in the information age
cial measures be supplemented with additional ones Intangible assets enable a business to . . .
that reflect customer satisfaction, internal business develop and maintain customer relationships
processes, and the ability to learn and grow. Their develop and maintain supplier relationships
BSC is designed to complement ‘‘financial measures develop and maintain strategic alliances
identify the products and services desired by different market
of past performance with measures of the drivers of segments
future performance’’ Žw24x, p. 8.. develop innovative products and services for designated market
The name of their concept reflects an intent to segments
keep score of a set of items that maintain a balance produce highly-customized products and services that can be
‘‘between short- and long-term objectives, between offered at attractive prices
deliver highly-customized products and services to designated
financial and non-financial measures, between lag- market segments
ging and leading indicators, and between internal and continuously improve core business processes
external performance perspectives’’ Žw24x, p. viii..
74 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

Table 2
The four perspectives in a balanced scorecard
Customer perspective Žvalue-adding view. Financial perspective Žshareholders’ view.
Mission: to achieve our vision, by delivering value to Mission: to succeed financially, by delivering value to
our customers our shareholders

Internal perspective Žprocess-based view. Learning and growth perspective Žfuture view.
Mission: to satisfy our shareholders and customers Mission: to achieve our vision, by sustaining our innovation
by promoting efficiency and effectiveness in our and change capabilities, through continuous improvement and preparation
business processes for future challenges

From Refs. w23,24x.

that come from using their concept. Recently, they started to accompany some published reports about
proposed the BSC not only as a tool for clarifying BSCs, such an action-oriented framework, which
and communicating strategy, but also as a foundation focuses on customer-based business processes rather
for actively managing it. A BSC-based system could than just financial results, should help managers to
come to resemble an organizational actiÕity support monitor and improve business performance on a
system Žsee Ref. w9x.. Despite the hype that has real-time basis Žsee also Ref. w41x..

Fig. 1. Relationships between the four perspectives in the balanced scorecard Žbased on Ref. w21x..
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 75

Future-oriented, process-based metrics are seen as The following four perspectives have been sug-
a key element in a strategic management system that gested for a balanced IS scorecard: user orientation,
drives performance improvement and enables the top business value, internal processes, and future readi-
management team to make well-informed decisions ness w27x. Other modifications to the framework
that prepare their organization for the future Žsee include the reanalysis of the internal businessrpro-
Refs. w7,42x.. Such a strategic management system cess perspective such that it focuses on efficiency.
should include the following major elements: mis- Operational effectiveness more naturally belongs to
sion: that gives a sense of purpose to their organiza- the user orientation perspective, i.e., are we doing
tion Že.g., ‘be a supplier of information management the right things and thereby satisfying customer
training and consulting services in Vancouver’.; Õi- needs. A framework based on these four new per-
sion: an image of what the organization will look spectives is shown in Table 3 and the relationships
like and do in the future; strategic objectiÕes: the between them are illustrated in Fig. 2. The remainder
mission and vision are translated into strategic objec- of this article considers the development and imple-
tives Že.g., ‘to provide innovative seminars to senior mentation of a balanced IS scorecard.
managers in the retail industry’.; performance mea- The value or contribution of IS to the business as
sures: the objectives can be measured through well- a whole must be considered from top management’s
chosen indicators Že.g., ‘number of senior managers point of view. This evaluation is comparable to the
from the retail industry enrolled in seminars’, ‘client general management evaluation suggested by Dick-
satisfaction with the seminars’.. son and Wetherbe w14x. They discuss the key success
Table 2 outlines the four perspectives included in factors of the IS function and indicate that measures
a balanced scorecard, and Fig. 1 shows the relation- such as ‘system availability and downtime’ may be
ships between them. appropriate to evaluate these factors. However, the
approach presented here goes further, in that a tradi-
tional IS focus on internal processes and business
value is augmented with the user orientation and
3. Evaluating business functions, departments and future readiness perspectives. Each of the four per-
projects spectives should be translated into corresponding
metrics and measures that reflect strategic goals and
The BSC concept can also be applied to measure, objectives. The perspectives should be reviewed pe-
evaluate and guide activities that take place in spe- riodically and updated as necessary.
cific functional areas of a business. It can even be Potential IS measures are considered in the sec-
used to shed greater light on performance at the tions that follow. These measures are generic in
individual project level. The remainder of this article nature, because each corporate mission and the
illustrates the application of the BSC concept to IS strategic goals related to it will require a unique set
activities. We develop a BSC framework which can of measures w3,24,25x. The proposed metrics are
be adapted to IT application projects as well as the extracted from the mainstream IS management litera-
IS department or functional area as a whole. ture as well as the emerging literatures on informa-
The BSC-for-IS framework presented here is tion economics w38,39x and IS success w2,13,43x.
structurally similar to the BSC framework at the The balanced IS scorecard does not only integrate
corporate management level. However, we have these different approaches; it also extends them in
made substantial modifications to the perspectives two important ways: Ž1. by adding a future readiness
and measures proposed by Kaplan and Norton. The perspective that incorporates concepts such as inno-
changes stem from our view that: Ž1. the IS depart- vation and learning; and Ž2. by proposing that the
ment is typically an internal Žrather than external. monitoring and control of all the key measures be
service supplier; and Ž2. IS projects are commonly undertaken on an on-going basis. In fact, the mea-
carried out for the benefit of both end-users and the sures included in a given BSC should be tracked and
organization as a whole Žrather than individual cus- traced over time, and integrated explicitly into the
tomers within a large market.. strategic IS management process. This will let man-
Table 3
The four perspectives in a balanced IS scorecard
User orientation perspective Žend-users’ view. Business value perspective Žmanagement’s view.
Mission: deliver value-adding products and services to end-users Mission: contribute to the value of the business

M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

Key question: Are the products and services provided by the IS Key question: Is the IS departmentrfunctional area
departmentrfunctional area fulfilling the needs of the accomplishing its goals and contributing
user community value to the organization as a whole?

Objectives Objectives
Establish and maintain a good image and reputation with end-users Establish and maintain a good image and reputation with management
Exploit IT opportunities Ensure that IS projects provide business value
Establish good relationships with the user community Control IS costs
Satisfy end-user requirements Sell appropriate IS products and services to third parties
Be perceived as the preferred supplier of IS products and services

Internal processes perspective Žoperations-based view. Future readiness perspective Žinnovation and learning view.
Mission: deliver IT products and services in an efficient and Mission: deliver continuous improvement and
effective manner prepare for future challenges
Key question: does the IS departmentrfunctional area create, Key question: Is the IS departmentrfunctional area improving
deliver and maintain its its products and services, and preparing for potential
products and services in an efficient manner? changes and challenges?

Objectives Objectives
Anticipate and influence requests from end-users and management Anticipate and prepare for IS-related problems that could arise
Be efficient in planning and developing IT applications Continuously upgrade IS skills through training and development
Be efficient in operating and maintaining IT applications Regularly upgrade IT applications portfolio
Be efficient in acquiring and testing new hardware and software Regularly upgrade hardware and software
Provide cost-effective training that satisfies end-users Conduct cost-effective research into emerging technologies and their
Effectively manage IS-related problems that arise suitability for the business
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 77

Fig. 2. Relationships between the four perspectives in the balanced IS scorecard Žbased on Ref. w27x..

agers know what is happening and why it is happen- arising from the sale of IT-related products and
ing, enabling them to base their decisions and actions services to third parties. Although some pundits have
on solid information rather than intuition. encouraged the IS department or functional area to
take on commercial activities, these remain the ex-
ception rather than the norm. Popular financial met-
4. Measuring and evaluating business value rics are the IS budget expressed as either a percent-
age of sales turnover or as a percentage of total
It is useful to distinguish between two categories expenses.
of ITrIS performance evaluation: the short-term Benchmarking to other companies in the industry
cost-benefit evaluation that is commonly applied to w35x or even other economies around the world w29x
individual projects, and the longer-term perspective may provide useful insights. However, differences
relevant to both IT applications and the IS depart- that are identified should be interpreted with care,
ment or function as a whole. Many of the business since they may be due to company-specific factors.
value measures fall into the latter category, as evi- A critical attitude towards these figures is necessary
dent from Table 4. For example, although ‘Cost even if a number or a percentage is at the same level
control’ and ‘Selling to third parties’ may be evalu- as the industry average.
ated in the short-term, many of the measures within Value is a much broader concept than benefits,
the ‘Business value’ dimensions will require an ex- and IS projects can generate business value in many
tended evaluation time frame. ways. For example, the implementation of a menu-
The traditional financial perspective encompasses driven customer database may reduce the amount of
the control of the IS budget as well as the benefits IS specialist support needed to execute an ad hoc
78 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

Table 4 productivity of the sales process, and consequently

Measures for the business value perspective raising revenue levels andror profit margins.
Cost control A new concept called business value complemen-
Percentage overrunder overall IS budget tarity has been devised by Barua et al. w3x, using a
Allocation to different budget items
IS budget as a percentage of revenue
business value modeling approach to assess the im-
IS expenses per employee pacts of re-engineering variables on performance
measures. It is argued that IT is complementary with
Sales to third parties organizational characteristics and processes, and
Revenue from IT-related products and services therefore IT investments will not produce significant
Business Õalue of an IT project improvements if they are undertaken in isolation.
Financial evaluation based on traditional measures Referring to the concept of ‘ideal types’ w34,50x, it is
Že.g., ROI, payback period. suggested that exogenous changes, such as techno-
Business evaluation based on information economics logical advances, provide the opportunity to achieve
- Value linking
a better design via complementary changes. The
- Value acceleration
- Value restructuring whole notion of complementarity can be addressed
- Technological innovation by the question: ‘‘Does the value derived by increas-
Strategic match with business contribution to: ing one factor increase by increasing the other fac-
- Product or service quality tors in appropriate directions?’’ Žw3x, p. 416.. What is
- Customer responsiveness
important is that the changes introduced through the
- Management information
- Process flexibility complementary factors must be coordinated. This
Less synergistic approach, that takes advantage of the
value created through the synergy, presents a dis-
Risks tinctly new method of supporting decisions about
- Business strategy risk
Unsuccessful business strategy
- IS strategy risk Notwithstanding such benefits, value also implies
Unsuccessful IS strategy risk. IS benefits have traditionally been measured by
- Definitional uncertainty quite simple Žat least in theory. financial measures
Low degree of project specification like the return on investment andror the payback
- Technological risk
period. However, these types of financial measures
‘Bleeding edge’ hardware and software
- Developmental risk limit themselves to the financial benefits rather than
Inability to put the pieces together the broader concept of business value. Information
- Operational risk economics has sought to address this deficiency
Resistance to change w38,39x.
Humanrcomputer interface difficulties
The information economics method is a scoring
- IS service delivery risk
technique whereby value and risk categories are
Business Õalue of the IT departmentr functional area attributed a numerical score between zero and five.
Percentage of resources devoted to strategic projects For a value category, ‘0’ would signify ‘no positive
Percentage of time spent by IS manager in meetings with contribution’ while a ‘5’ would represent a ‘large
corporate executives
positive contribution’. For a risk category, ‘0’ would
Perceived relationship between IS management and top
management mean ‘no risk’ while a ‘5’ would signal a ‘large
risk’. Each of these categories is assigned a weight.
By adding the weighted scores of the value cate-
gories and subtracting the weighted scores of the risk
query, and generate a modest amount of direct bene- categories, one can calculate the total score of each
fits. However, the real value of such a database will project.
be reflected in marketing and sales performance. The value of the information economics method
Salespeople would be expected to integrate the lies with the fact that the scores are assigned by all
database into their activities, thereby improving the parties involved. End-users score risks and values in
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 79

the corporate domain, while IT specialists score IT- inter-organizational system. However, in contrast to
related categories. This way, the business contribu- the large potential market for the products and ser-
tion of the project can be assessed jointly, and a vices of most companies, an IS department or func-
consensus reached on the evaluation of a specific tion usually has limited opportunities to attract new
project. Most value and risk categories associated customers, although we acknowledge that this may
with information economics are quite unambiguous. change in the expanding electronic marketplace.
However, for a few of them, a short explanation may Given these circumstances, the satisfaction of exist-
be appropriate Žsee also Ref. w39x.. ing customers will be much more important than
Value linking incorporates the benefits and costs building up market share or acquiring new cus-
in other Žfunctional. areas. A typical example of tomers. Indeed, it will be critical to monitor existing
Õalue acceleration is the interest savings that can be customer satisfaction on a frequent basis, especially
achieved by repaying an outstanding loan with the if they can select among alternative suppliers of IS
accelerated recovery of accounts receivable. Mean- services. As a result, we suggest that the metrics for
while, Õalue restructuring refers to the efficiency the user perspective focus on three areas: Ž1. being
and effectiveness of employees: Does the new sys- the preferred supplier for applications and opera-
tem free up more time for employees to execute their tions; Ž2. establishing and maintaining relationships
own jobs? Strategic IS architecture assesses the de- with the user community; and Ž3. satisfying end-user
gree to which the project fits into the IS plan. needs.
Business strategic risk and IS strategic risk refer The percentage of IT applications that are man-
to the degree of risk in terms of how well the aged and delivered by the IS department will depend
company and the IS department, respectively, suc- heavily on the company-specific situation. When a
ceed in achieving their strategic objectives. Defini- company sets the ratio of internal vs. external devel-
tional uncertainty indicates the degree of risk in opment, it makes a strategic choice. During this
terms of how clearly the functional requirements and process, decision makers are likely to employ heuris-
specifications have been agreed upon. Technical un- tics such as wanting to develop and support strategic,
certainty relates to the risk associated with depen- highly competitive projects with in-house expertise
dence on immature, ‘bleeding edge’ technologies. while outsourcing routine and non-strategic projects
Operational risk Žor business organization risk. and w28x.
IS serÕice deliÕery risk reflect the degree of risk in IS specialists will need to establish and maintain
terms of how well the company and the IS depart- relationships with the community of current and
ment, respectively, will be able to adapt to the potential users in order to understand and anticipate
changes invoked by the project. their needs. Such a relationship will also be the basis
The principles of information economics are for building up the credibility of the IS department
clearly useful in determining the business value of an and function and creating trust between developers
IS project or the IS function as a whole. However, and users.
they fail to account for other perspectives that are User satisfaction should play an important role in
also important to IS measurement and evaluation. the overall evaluation of the IS department or func-
Measuring and evaluating IS from multiple perspec- tion. From the end-user’s perspective, the value of IS
tives Žcf. Ref. w3x. and in assorted ways is helpful to will be based largely on the extent to which it helps
assess its efficiency, effectiveness and transformative them do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.
potential, both at present and in the future. Our For example, managers will rely on IS outputs to
balanced IS scorecard includes three additional per- monitor and control both the internal and external
spectives that are detailed in the sections that follow. business environment, and help them make better
A broad cross-section of end-users Žand ideally
5. Measuring and evaluating user orientation
every member of the user community. should be
The end-user of an IS may be an internal cus- surveyed periodically using quantitative methods. In
tomer or in another company that is utilizing an addition, semi-structured interviews are recom-
80 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

mended in order to gain deeper insights. If the IS Table 5

department ‘loses’ an important customer, detailed Measures for the internal process perspective
follow-up efforts to ascertain the reasons behind this Planning
loss would be appropriate. Percentage of resources devoted to planning and review of
IS activities
The indices resulting from involvement surveys
are very important, but they must be treated with DeÕelopment
care. It is useful to distinguish between objective and Percentage of resources devoted to applications development
subjective measures Žsee Ref. w17x.. The indices re- Time required to develop a standard-sized new application
sulting from surveys are clearly subjective measures, Percentage of applications programming with re-used code
Time spent to repair bugs and fine-tune new applications
as opposed to many of the other measures that are
part of a balanced IS scorecard. More objective Operations
measures may be obtained from systems usage data. Number of end-user queries handled
BSC does not explicitly prescribe a set integration of Average time required to address an end-user problem
objective and subjective measures, since manage-
ment must decide what it wants to do with the
information presented, for example when weighting
different measures in a DSS. have proved to be useful in overcoming these diffi-
culties and enabling the evaluation of software pro-
gramming productivity w49,51x.
The lines of code metric has several variations,
such as counting only executable lines or logical
6. Measuring and evaluating internal processes
lines. Differences in counting methods can make it
difficult to precisely define the number of lines of
Internal operations may be assessed by measuring code. Perhaps more importantly, this metric is sub-
and evaluating three of the basic processes per- ject to misinterpretation, because more lines of code
formed by the IS department: Ž1. the planning and may reflect programming inefficiency rather than
prioritization of IS projects; Ž2. the development of additional functionality or programming features. In
new IT applications; and Ž3. the operation and main- the same way, the different levels of expressiveness
tenance of current IT applications. Other processes inherent in different languages will also affect the
may also be considered, such as hardware and soft- number of lines of code that are typically generated
ware supply and support, problem management, user for a given program. Given these provisos, however,
education, the management of IS personnel, and their it is a relatively simple and straightforward opera-
usage of efficient communication channels. tional measure.
The IS department or function should aim to Function points measure software size based on a
deliver high-quality services to its users at the lowest structured evaluation of user requirements w47x. They
possible cost. This can only be achieved by manag- are independent of the development methodology,
ing its processes in a cost-efficient manner. Areas for tools or language used to build the software. Func-
improvement by monitoring the operational mea- tion point analysis is used widely to measure the
sures displayed in Table 5. These measures should number of inputs, outputs, inquiries, and files used in
not only be followed through time, but should also an application. Such an analysis enables a calculation
be compared to industry standards and averages. It is of the function points that a given programmer has
also important to use a standard set of metrics. completed in a specific unit of time. Despite its
Our recommendations can be illustrated by con- popularity for benchmarking the productivity of pro-
sidering software development. The lack of reliable grammers, it must be recognized that the effort
size and complexity metrics in this activity area has associated with the development of a given IT appli-
contributed to notorious difficulties in setting and cation will also be based on factors such as the
adhering to project budgets and schedules w49x. Stan- language, tools, and methods employed, and the
dard metrics such as lines of code or function points skills of the project team.
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 81

The measurement and evaluation of IS planning, cesses and the economic environment is incom-
development and maintenance activities should yield pletely known, while there is a considerable degree
useful data about the productivity of different re- of ambiguity relating to future events. Such a system
sources. Managers can be informed about the perfor- would automatically build and execute task-specific
mance of specific people and technologies on spe- models in response to user requests employing AI
cific projects and compare the productivity of inter- techniques Žsee also Ref. w19x..
nal staff with that of contractors. This will enable Clearly, the ability of IS to deliver quality ser-
them to pinpoint problem areas more easily and vices and to lead new technology assimilation efforts
produce better estimates of the time and resources in the future will depend on the preparations that are
needed to complete specific projects. made today and tomorrow. IS managers must assess
Demand for services can be expanded in two future trends and anticipate them. Unanticipated cir-
alternative ways: by finding new customers for exist- cumstances can probably be dealt with through ex-
ing services or providing additional services to exist- tensive external Žoften high-priced. support. How-
ing customers. By monitoring both the customer and ever, the preferred course of action is to train and
internal process perspectives, IS managers will know develop internal people so that when specific exper-
what the demand is for different services and how tise is needed, it can be found in-house.
efficiently they can provide those services. As a Table 6 reflects the need to Ž1. continually en-
result, this will put them in a better position to hance the skills of IS specialists; Ž2. periodically
decide what services they will provide, and to whom, upgrade the applications portfolio in order to take
and what resources will be needed to meet particular advantage of technological advances; and Ž3. gain a
levels of service demand. thorough understanding of emerging technologies as
well as their specific suitability to the company’s IS
architecture. Meanwhile, Fig. 3 illustrates how inno-
vation and learning efforts can raise competence
7. Measuring and evaluating future readiness levels that in turn will improve business performance

In addition to managing current performance, there

is also a need to measure and evaluate the readiness Table 6
of the IS department or function for the future. The Measures for the future readiness perspective
future readiness perspective is concerned with: Ž1. IS specialist capabilities
continually improving the skillset of IS specialists in IS training and development budget as a percentage of the
order to prepare them for potential changes and overall IS budget
Expertise with specific existing technologies
challenges in the future; Ž2. regularly updating the Expertise with specific emerging technologies
applications portfolio; and Ž3. putting effort into Age distribution of IS staff
researching emerging technologies and their poten-
Perceived satisfaction of IS employees
tial value to the organization. Taken together, such Turnoverrretention of IS employees
preparations can establish an organizational vision Productivity of IS employees
for the assimilation and application of a new technol-
ogy, such as knowledge-based systems Žsee Ref. Applications portfolio
w32x., or the re-engineering of a particular business Age distribution
Platform distribution
process set w48x. Technical performance of applications portfolio
The idea of a knowledge-based systems applica- User satisfaction with applications portfolio
tion may be extended to develop an enterprise mod-
eling system, which is essentially a ‘‘knowledge Research into emerging technologies
centric, enterprise wide decision support system’’ IS research budget as a percentage of the overall IS budget
Perceived satisfaction of top management with the reporting
Žw1x, p. 100.. This system is designed to operate in
on how specific emerging technologies may or may not be
conditions that are imprecise and uncertain, where applicable to the company
human factors play a major role in business pro-
82 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

Fig. 3. How innovation and learning lead to future performance improvements.

in the future. Perhaps paradoxically, the current indi- 2. collect and analyze data on the following items:
cators Žof competence. may be more difficult to Ø corporate strategy, business strategy, and IS
measure than either the leading Žinnovation. or lag- strategy;
ging Žperformance. indicators. Ø specific objectives and goals related to the
corporate, business and IS strategy;
Ø Žtraditional. metrics already in use for IS per-
8. Building a balanced IS scorecard
formance measurement; and
In building a company-specific balanced IS score- Ø potential metrics related to the four balanced
card, the following steps are recommended: IS scorecard perspectives;
1. create an awareness for the concept of the bal- 3. clearly define the company-specific objectives and
anced IS scorecard among top management and goals of the IS department or functional area from
IS management; each of the four perspectives;
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 83

4. develop a preliminary balanced IS scorecard based BSC framework. For example, better staff skills
on the defined objectives and goals of the enter- Žfuture readiness perspective. will reduce the fre-
prise and the approach outlined in this paper; quency of bugs in an application Žinternal operations
5. receive comments and feedback on the balanced perspective.. An application with fewer bugs will be
IS scorecard from management, and revise it more likely to meet end-user expectations Žuser ori-
accordingly; entation perspective.. This in turn will enhance the
6. achieve a consensus on the balanced IS scorecard support of core business processes Žbusiness value
that will be used by the organization; and perspective..
7. communicate both the scorecard and its underly-
ing rationale to all stakeholders.
It is essential to have a common understanding of 8.2. Performance driÕers
the corporate-level strategy and the IS strategy, and
have well-defined specific goals related to each be- A well-built balanced scorecard will include an
fore developing the balanced IS scorecard. Such a appropriate mix of outcome measures and perfor-
scorecard need not dictate the relative emphasis that mance driÕers. Outcome measures like program-
should be placed on the four perspectives, but will mers’ productivity Žnumber of function points per
likely be useful to remind both business and IS person per month. without performance drivers like
managers that these different perspectives do exist. staff education Žnumber of educational days per per-
The metrics included in the balanced IS scorecard son. do not communicate how the outcomes are to
should meet three criteria. They should be quantifi- be achieved. Furthermore, performance drivers with-
able, easy to understand, and ones for which data can out outcome measures may enable the achievement
be collected and analyzed in a cost-effective manner. of short-term operational improvements, but will fail
It is recognized that certain attributes, such as the to reveal whether the operational improvements have
quality of decision-making, do not have metrics that been translated into enhanced financial performance.
can be measured directly in quantitative terms. In An IS services department may invest signifi-
such cases, it will be important to relate these at- cantly in staff training in order to improve employee
tributes to other ones that can be quantified, like the productivity. If, however, there is no outcome mea-
perceived effectiveness of a manager, as rated by sure for employee productivity Že.g., lines of code or
others on a pre-determined scale. function points., if it will be difficult for IS manage-
Kaplan and Norton w24x also stress the importance ment to determine whether its strategy has been
of adhering to three principles in order to develop a effective. Outcome measures are more or less generic
balanced scorecard that is more than a group of Žuser satisfaction, productivity, employee satisfac-
isolated and eventually conflicting strategies and tion., but performance drivers are more company-
measures: specific and will often be based on the particular
Ø build in cause-and-effect relationships; strategy that is being pursued.
Ø include sufficient performance drivers;
Ø provide a linkage to financial measures.
8.3. Linkage to financial measures

The ultimate aim of many balanced IS scorecards

8.1. Cause-and-effect
will be to support the management of IS perfor-
mance in a manner that improves the overall finan-
A strategy is a set of assumptions about cause- cial outcomes of the enterprise. ‘‘A failure to convert
and-effect. If cause-and-effect relationships are not improved operational performance into improved fi-
adequately reflected in the balanced scorecard, it will nancial performance should send executives back to
not translate and communicate the company’s vision the drawing board to rethink the company’s strategy
and strategy. These cause-and-effect relationships can or its implementation plans’’ w24x. Further, we must
involve several or all four of the perspectives in the continuously keep in mind the fact that measure-
84 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

ments are not enough, since they must be used and tems management. The authors have recently ob-
acted upon by management. The balanced scorecard served the implementation of balanced IS scorecards
is not only an operational tool, but it can also be the in three large companies in Hong Kong. The evi-
foundation for a strategic management system. dence from these cases suggests that several com-
The following steps may be appropriate in order mon errors must be avoided when implementing this
to implement effectively the balanced IS scorecard concept. Three of these errors are discussed below:
as a strategic management system w24x: 1. failure to include specific long-term objectives;
Ø Clarify and translate the vision and strategy into 2. failure to relate key measures to performance
specific action programs; drivers by means of cause-and-effect relation-
Ø Link strategic objectives to team and individual ships; and
goals; 3. failure to communicate the contents of, and ratio-
Ø Link strategic objectives to resource allocation; nale for the balanced IS scorecard.
Ø Review performance data on a periodic basis, and A balanced IS scorecard can easily become part
adjust the strategy as appropriate. of the operational-level management system rather
than serving as the foundation for a strategic man-
agement system. In two of the three observed cases,
8.4. Format and content of outputs this was due largely to the absence of specific long-
term objectives, particularly related to the future
The balanced scorecard that we are presenting readiness perspective. With a continuing emphasis
here is essentially non-prescriptive, since all organi- on short-term goals, the performance objectives are
zations are unique and management will weight dif- unlikely to represent much of a change from ‘busi-
ferent measures accordingly during its decision-mak- ness as usual’ Žsee Ref. w15x..
ing. However, we can envisage a situation where a The strategic performance objectives in the orga-
balanced scorecard is implemented, for example, as nizations we observed were sub-optimal and rather
an Executive Information System with data feeding modest, or else peripheral to improvements in sys-
into the system on-line rather than in quarterly or tems performance. As a result, we believe that the
other asynchronous reports. Referring to Fig. 2, a effectiveness of a BSC for IS will be enhanced by
manager would therefore be able to ‘click’ on the including stretch goals that require significant im-
‘goals’ or ‘measures’ of one of the perspectives, and provements in key areas.
thereby drill down to extract current data on mea- Each of the observed companies was only able to
sures previously selected as being relevant to those identify a few cause-and-effect relationships and per-
goals. Brynjolfsson et al. w7x note that managing and formance drivers during their development of a bal-
coordinating increasingly complex systems requires anced IS scorecard. In one case, system availability,
increasingly sophisticated tools. These tools must, responsiveness to user requests, and timely delivery
however, be supported by mutually reinforcing prac- of new IT applications were agreed to be perfor-
tices. Existing practices may need to change and it is mance drivers for user satisfaction. However, the
the cultural characteristics of a business organization management team neglected to specify how the per-
that will determine its receptiveness to change. This formance in these three areas would be improved.
organizational distinctiÕeness or uniqueness will in- We would suggest that such improvements are
fluence both the format of outputs and the way that possible through different mechanisms, including the
they are used. development of employee skills, the adoption of new
development tools, andror the employment of better
project management methods. As a result, we pro-
pose that explicit cause-and-effect relationships be
9. Putting our proposal into practice identified before a balanced IS scorecard is imple-
mented. It is critical not only to relate performance
A few pioneering organizations have applied the drivers to the performance measures in each key
balanced scorecard concept to their information sys- area, but also to consider how each of the perfor-
M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88 85

mance drivers will significantly improve one or more successfully implementing a balanced IS scorecard.
key measures of performance. For example, managers at Motorola identified seven
We also observed a surprising lack of intra- software development goals and then developed met-
organizational communication as the balanced IS rics for specific attributes, such as the effectiveness
scorecards were being developed. For example, in of the defect detection and fault containment pro-
two cases, the draft version of the balanced IS cesses w11x. Research of efforts to subsequently ex-
scorecard was only circulated to two or three mem- pand these software measurement programs into a
bers of the top management team and the IS man- balanced IS scorecard is likely to interest a wide
agerrchief information officer. The IS specialists range of business practitioners and academics.
were not told about the scorecard’s content or ratio-
nale. Not surprisingly, they had little enthusiasm for
a commitment to this concept.
Moreover, individual performance objectives and
10. Conclusions and implications
appraisal criteria for the IS specialists were not
linked directly to the balanced IS scorecard. As a
result, we wish to stress the importance of broadly We have proposed the application of the balanced
communicating both the purpose and content of the scorecard concept to business functions, departments
scorecard and firmly integrating it into the company’s and even individual projects. This paper has consid-
performance management system. Scorecard tem- ered the use of a BSC framework to measure and
plates and results that are communicated to employ- evaluate IT application projects and the IS depart-
ees using electronic mail or bulletin boards can ment or functional area as a whole. A concept ini-
motivate their efforts and reward them for meeting tially proposed as a decision-making tool for senior
targets. Our discussions and limited testing with staff business managers Žsee Ref. w21x. was examined in
members in the three companies also suggest that the IS management domain by proposing and detail-
graphical rather than tabular presentation formats be ing four IS evaluation perspectives: business value,
employed. user orientation, internal processes, and future readi-
The cases we studied reinforced a belief that ness. We have also considered specific metrics for
while the specifics of a balanced IS scorecard will each of the perspectives.
differ from company to company, it is beneficial to At this early stage of theorizing, the four perspec-
build upon a standard framework, such as the one tives and especially the related metrics represent a
presented here, rather than starting from scratch. In template rather than a definitive strategic IS mea-
one case where a clean-sheet approach was em- surement and management system. Future research is
ployed, the user perspective contained some mea- recommended in order to determine whether the
sures that were clearly related to internal operations, proposed perspectives and measures are a necessary
the business value perspective was poorly developed, and sufficient set. Nevertheless, the framework does
and the internal operations perspective neglected represent a strategic IS management tool that can be
measures for hardware acquisition, problem manage- used to monitor and guide specific projects as well
ment, and user training. as general performance improvement efforts.
Additional case studies are likely to reveal other The balanced IS scorecard will allow managers to
barriers, obstacles and errors that can hinder the see the positive and negative impacts of IT applica-
success of balanced IS scorecards. We would like to tions and IS activities on the factors that are impor-
encourage further study in this area as well as report- tant to the organization as a whole. The value of the
ing that not only focuses on implementation barriers, balanced IS scorecard rises if it is used to coordinate
but also considers the ways and means that may be a wide range of IS management processes, such as
used to overcome them. In particular, many organi- individual and team goal-setting, performance ap-
zations have now established software measurement praisal and rewards for IS personnel, resource alloca-
systems that could serve as a useful foundation for tion, and feedback-based learning. The management
the broader and more difficult task of developing and of both IS people and projects are likely to benefit
86 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

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measures that are agreed upon in advance. ments provided by delegates to that conference, Mas-
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we are convinced that the balanced scorecard con-
cept can be useful to IS managers as well as general
managers. However, our experience indicates that
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88 M. Martinsons et al.r Decision Support Systems 25 (1999) 71–88

Maris G. Martinsons is a professor of management at the City Robert Davison received his PhD in Information Systems from the
University of Hong Kong and Research Director of the Pacific City University of Hong Kong in 1998. His current research
Rim Institute for Studies of Management. His research and in- interests span the academic and business communities, examining
sights have been published in many English-language journals and the impact of group support systems on group decision-making,
translated into Chinese, French, Japanese, Latvian and Russian. learning and communication, particularly in cross-cultural and
He was cited recently as one of the most productive and influen- developing country settings, and informed by interpretive research
tial management scholars in Asia. Maris also has extensive con- methods. His previous work has been published in Information
sulting experience, including recent projects for clients based in and Management, the Journal of Global IT Management and
Canada, China, Latvia, Mongolia, and Sweden. His research and Group Decision and Negotiation.
consulting focus on information management, business communi-
cations, Chinese management systems, cross-cultural technology
transfer, and the strategic management issues that arise from Dennis Tse holds a BSc degree from the University of Waterloo
IT-enabled organizational change. As the Pacific Rim Editor of in Canada and a Masters of Arts degree from the City University
the Journal of Applied Management Studies, Special Issues Editor of Hong Kong. Until recently, he was Deputy Manager of Infor-
of the Journal of Management Systems and regional representa- mation Systems and Services at China Light and Power in Hong
tive of the Academy of Management, Maris has been active in Kong. Dennis is now an independent consultant specializing in IS
cultivating a global community that bridges the professional prac- planning as well as the measurement and evaluation of IS perfor-
tice and research of management. mance.

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