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1. Промоделировать WJNT и проверить в настройке конфиргурации системы как это


2. Разобраться с настройкой CSTPI - очередь программ и т.д.

CAD модель инструмента может быть импортирована в Roboguide только в формате


Для управления скорости с PLC - настройка OVERRIDE SELECT SETUP


Minimum: Not available Maximum: Not available Default: Not available KCL/Data:
Not available Program: RW UIF: Not available CRTL: Not available Data Type:
INTEGER Memory: Not available
Name: Maximum Number of User-defined Alarm Messages that can be Defined
Description: Determines the size of the array $UALRM_MSG. Note that a controlled start is
to changed the size of the array. These messages are displayed by executing a UALM statement.
Power Up: Requires a controlled start to take effect.


While the robot is executing a program, it reads the lines ahead of the line currently being
executed (look-ahead execution).

Minimum: Not available Maximum: Not available Default: Not available KCL/Data:
Not available Program: RW UIF: Not available CRTL: Not available Data Type:
ULONG Memory: Not available
Name: Override change rate
Description: The value of $OVRD_RATE indicates the rate of changing override of 10%-100%.
For example, when $OVRD_RATE = 25, override is changed as follows. V.FINE - FINE - 1 - 2 -
3 - 4 - 5 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 75 - 100
Power Up: Changes to this variable take effect immediately.


Minimum: Not available Maximum: Not available Default: Not available KCL/Data:
Not available Program: RW UIF: Not available CRTL: Not available Data Type:
POSITION Memory: Not available
Name: Tool Coordinate System
Description: $utool is used by KAREL system only. For TPE user, the corresponding variable is
$MNUTOOL. $utool defines the location and orientation of the tool that is attached to the
The position in $utool is defined with respect to a fixed coordinate system on the robot faceplate
and is the origin of the TOOL FRAME. By default, the value of $utool is set to $NILP, which
means the position of the TCP is identical to the location and orientation of the faceplate
coordinate system. You must change the value of $utool to define the specific tool you are using.
Power Up: Effective with next motion

Minimum: Not available Maximum: Not available Default: Not available KCL/Data:
Not available Program: RW UIF: Not available CRTL: Not available Data Type:
POSITION Memory: Not available
Name: User Coordinate Frame
Description: $uframe is used by KAREL system only. For the teach pendant programmer, the
corresponding variable is $MNUFRAME. $uframe is the position of a user frame of reference.
All programmed positions are defined with respect to $uframe. Any value you assign to $uframe
is defined with respect to the world coordinate system. By default, $uframe is identical to the
world coordinate system, meaning $uframe = $NILP.
Power Up: Effective with next motion

Minimum: NIL Maximum: NIL Default: NIL KCL/Data: RW Program: RW UIF:
Not available CRTL: Not available Data Type: POSITION Memory: Not available
Name: User Frame Array
Description: This system variables contains the positional value of the user frame used by the
teach pendant system. This is a two dimensional array. The inner dimension is the frame number
(1-6). The outer dimension is the group number (gnum). The frame number is
When $MNUFRAMENUM[gnum] is between 1 and 6 the system uses the following userframe:
$MNUFRAME[gnum, $MNUFRAMENUM[gnum]] If $MNUFRAMENUM[gnum] is zero the
null frame is used. If $MNUFRAMENUM[gnum] is 14 $GROUP[gnum].$UFRAME is used.
Power Up: N/A
Screen: SETUP Frames

Minimum: 0x0 Maximum: 0x15 Default: 0 KCL/Data: RW Program: RW UIF: Not
available CRTL: Not available Data Type: INTEGER Memory: Not available
Name: User Tool Frame Number
Description: Used as the index into $MNUTOOL.
Power Up: N/A
Screen: SETUP Frames, TOOL teach pendant instruction

Minimum: 0x0 Maximum: 0x15 Default: 0 KCL/Data: RW Program: RW UIF: Not
available CRTL: Not available Data Type: INTEGER Memory: Not available
Name: User Frame Number
Description: Used as the index into $MNUFRAME.
Power Up: N/A
Screen: SETUP Frames, teach pendant position programming



Purpose: Permits execution of one out of a series of statement sequences, depending on the value
of an INTEGER expression.
Syntax: SELECT case_val OF
{ CASE(value{, value}):
{statement} }
{ statement }>
case_val : an INTEGER expression
value : an INTEGER constant or literal
statement : a valid KAREL executable statement

GET_TPE_PRM Built-in Procedure

Purpose: Gets the values of the parameters when parameters are passed in a TPE CALL or
MACRO instruction.
Syntax : GET_TPE_PRM(param_no, data_type, int_value, real_value, str_value, status)
Input/Output Parameters:
[in] param_no :INTEGER
[out] data_type :INTEGER
[out] int_value :INTEGER
[out] real_value :REAL
[out] str_value :STRING
[out] status :INTEGER
• param_no indicates the number of the parameter. There can be at most ten parameters.
• data_type indicates the data type for the parameter, as follows:
— 2: REAL
— 3 : STRING
• int_value is the value of the parameter if the data_type is INTEGER.
• real_value is the value of the parameter if the data_type is REAL.
• str_value is the value of the parameter if the data_type is STRING.
• status explains the status of the attempted operation. If not equal to 0, then an error has
• If the parameter designated by param_no does not exist, a status of 17042 is returned, which is
error message: "ROUT-042WARN TPE parameters do not exist." If this error is returned, confirm
the param_no and the parameter in the CALL or MACRO command in the main TPE program

SQRT Built-In Function

Purpose: Returns a REAL value that is the positive square root of the specified REAL argument
Syntax : SQRT(x)
Function Return Type :REAL
Input/Output Parameters :
[in] x : REAL
• x must not be negative. Otherwise, the program will be aborted with an error.
Example: The following example calculates the square root of the expression (a*a+b*b) and
that this is the hypotenuse of a triangle.
SQRT Built-In Function
c = SQRT(a*a+b*b)
WRITE (’The hypotenuse of the triangle is ’,c::6::2)

SET_REAL_REG Built-In Procedure

Purpose: Stores a REAL value in the specified register
Syntax : SET_REAL_REG(register_no, real_value, status)
Input/Output Parameters :
[in] register_no : INTEGER
[in] real_value : REAL
[out] status : INTEGER
• register_no specifies the register into which real_value will be stored.
• status explains the status of the attempted operation. If not equal to 0, then an error occurred.
See Also: SET_INT_REG, GET_REAL_REG, GET_INT_REG Built-in Procedures

FOR...ENDFOR Statement
Purpose: Looping construct based on an INTEGER counter
Syntax : FOR count = initial || TO | DOWNTO || final
DO{stmnt} ENDFOR
[in]count :INTEGER variable
[in]initial :INTEGER expression
[in]final :INTEGER expression
[in]stmnt :executable KAREL statement
􀁺 Initially, count is set to the value of initial and final is evaluated. For each iteration, count is
compared to final.
􀁺 If TO is used, count is incremented for each loop iteration.
􀁺 If DOWNTO is used, count is decremented for each loop iteration.
􀁺 If count is greater than final using TO, stmnt is never executed.
􀁺 If count is less than final using DOWNTO, stmnt is never executed on the first iteration.
􀁺 If the comparison does not fail on the first iteration, the FOR loop will be executed for the
number of
times that equals ABS( final - initial) + 1.
􀁺 If final = initial , the loop is executed once.
􀁺 initial is evaluated prior to entering the loop. Therefore, changing the values of initial and final
during loop execution has no effect on the number of iterations performed.
􀁺 The value of count on exit from the loop is uninitialized.
􀁺 Never issue a GO TO statement in a FOR loop. If a GO TO statement causes the program to
exit a
FOR loop, the program might be aborted with a ``Run time stack overflow'' error.
􀁺 Never include a GO TO label in a FOR loop. Entering a FOR loop by a GO TO statement
causes the program to be aborted with a ``Run time stack underflow'' error when the ENDFOR
statement is encountered.
􀁺 The program will not be translated if count is a system variable or ARRAY element.
See Also: Appendix E , ``Syntax Diagrams,'' for additional syntax information.
Example: Refer to the following sections for detailed program examples:
Section B.4 , "Position Data Set and Condition Handlers Program" (PTH_MOVE.KL)
Section B.5 , "Listing Files and Programs and Manipulating Strings" (LIST_EX.KL)
Section B.8 , "Manipulating Values of Dynamically Displayed Variables" (CHG_DATA.KL)
Section B.9 , "Displaying a List From a Dictionary File" (DCLST_EX.KL)
Section B.11 , "Applying Offsets to a Copied Teach Pendant Program" (CPY_TP.KL)

IF ... ENDIF Statement

Purpose: Executes a sequence of statements if a BOOLEAN expression is TRUE; an alternate
sequence can be executed if the condition is FALSE.
Syntax : IF bool_exp THEN
{ true_stmnt } < ELSE
{ false_stmnt } >ENDIF
bool_exp : BOOLEAN
true_stmnt : An executable KAREL statement
false_stmnt : An executable KAREL statement
• If bool_exp evaluates to TRUE, the statements contained in the true_stmnt are executed.
Execution then continues with the first statement after the ENDIF.
• If bool_exp evaluates to FALSE and no ELSE clause is specified, execution skips directly to
the first statement after the ENDIF.
• If bool_exp evaluates to FALSE and an ELSE clause is specified, the statements contained in
false_stmnt are executed. Execution then continues with the first statement after the ENDIF.
• IF statements can be nested in either true_stmnt or false_stmnt .
TRUNC(x) returnes the value of x after any fractional part has been removed.
For example, if x = 2.5, the .5 is removed and a value of 2 is returned.
ROUND(X) returns the value of half adjust x. For example, if x = 2.5, a value of 3
is returned.

CURPOS Built-In Function

Purpose: Returns the current Cartesian position of the tool center point (TCP) for the specified
of axes even if one of the axes is in an overtravel
Syntax : CURPOS(axis_limit_mask, ovr_trv_mask <,group_no>)
Function Return Type :XYZWPREXT
Input/Output Parameters :
[out] axis_limit_mask :INTEGER
[out] ovr_trv_mask :INTEGER
[in] group_no :INTEGER
• If group_no is omitted, the default group for the program is assumed.
• If group_no is specified, it must be in the range of 1 to the total number of groups defined on
the controller.
• The group must be kinematic.
• Returns the current position of the tool center point (TCP) relative to the current value of the
system variable $UFRAME for the specified group.
• axis_limit_mask specifies which axes are outside the axis limits.
• ovr_trv_mask specifies which axes are in overtravel.
Note axis_limit_mask and ovr_trv_mask are not available in this release and will be ignored if
See Also: Chapter 8 POSITION DATA
Example: Refer to Section B.5 ,"Using Register Built-ins," for a detailed program example.
Section B.5 ,"Using Register Built-ins" (REG_EX.KL)
Section B.1 , "Setting Up Digital Output Ports for Monitoring" (DOUT_EX.KL)

Enable the listing of KAREL programs

Enable the listing of KAREL programs by setting the $KAREL_ENB system variable to 1. Open
the SYSTEM Variables screen (Menu→NEXT→SYSTEM→Variables), and scroll down to
$KAREL_ENB. Press ENTER, and change the value to 1. The modification is immediate, you do
not need to restart the controller.

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