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Se fac 4 sedinte pe saptamana.

Ridicarile se executa in 1-2 secunde, coborarile in 2-4 secunde.

Incalzire 5 minute plus exercitiile 1,2,3,4,5,7 inainte de fiecare sedinta
O sedinta trebuie sa aiba 50 minute = 10-12 exercitii, odihna 1 minut intre exercitii.
Revenire 5 minute, mers usor si exercitii de respiratie la sfarsitul fiecarei sedinte

Ex 1. Aplecari pe scaun

30s, pauza 10s, 30s, pauza 10s, 30s

1. Sit on the edge of a chair, gripping the back of it.
2. Straighten your arms, keeping your back straight, and pull your upper body forward so you feel a stretch. Hold for
30 seconds.
Ex 2. Barbia in piept

30s, pauza 10s, 30s, pauza 10s, 30s

1. Get into a seated position on the floor.
2. Place both hands at the rear of your head, fingers interlocked, thumbs pointing down and elbows pointing straight
ahead. Slowly pull your head down to your chest. Hold for 30s
Ex 3. Coate inapoi

30s, pauza 10s, 30s, pauza 10s, 30s

1. Stand up straight.
2. Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward and elbows out.
3. Then gently pull your elbows back aiming to touch them together.

Ex 4. Aplauze

3 serii de 10
1. Stand with your hands together, arms extended directly in front of you. This will be your starting position.
2. Keeping your arms straight, quickly move your arms back as far as possible and back in again, similar to an
exaggerated clapping motion. Repeat 10 times, increasing speed as you do so.

Ex 5. Rotiri mici de brate

10 rotiri fata, 10 rotiri spate, odihna 30s, 10 rotiri fata, 10 rotiri spate
1. Stand up and extend your arms straight out by the sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and
perpendicular (90-degree angle) to your torso. This will be your starting position.
2. Slowly start to make circles of about 1 foot in diameter with each outstretched arm. Breathe normally as you
perform the movement.
3. Continue the circular motion of the outstretched arms for about ten times. Then reverse the movement, going the
opposite direction.

Ex 6.1. Flotări

Până la epuizare , odihna 2 minute.

Ex 6.2. Genuflexiuni Până la epuizare , odihna 2 minute.

Ex 6.3. Abdomene Până la epuizare , odihna 2 minute.

Ex 7. Mers lateral cu banda elastica

3 pasi stanga, 3 pasi dreapta de 5 ori, pauza 30 secunde si repetat

1. Position a band around your lower legs. The resistance can be applied closer to the knees for an easier movement
or around the ankles or feet for a more advanced movement.
2. With the band in place, assume an athletic standing position, with the knees and hips slightly bent, feet shoulder-
width apart, and the head and chest up. This will be your starting position.
3. Staying low, take a slow, lateral step. Keep your toes pointed forward and stay low. After completing the step,
follow with the opposite leg. Step slowly, resisting the band. Keep the feet at least shoulder width apart to
maintain band tension.
4. Continue to laterally step in this manner to complete the set for the desired number of repetitions before switching
to walk in the opposite direction.


Ex 8. Ridicari frontale

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

1. Hold the dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing your thighs.
2. Keep your arms straight with a slight bend at the elbows but keep them locked. This will be your starting position.
3. Raise the dumbbells in a semicircular motion to arm's length overhead as you exhale.
4. Slowly return to the starting position using the same path as you inhale.
5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Ex 9. Ridicari din aplecat

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

1. Begin in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand. With the knees slightly bent, flex at the hip to lean
forward. Ensure that your back is straight and stays that way for the duration of the exercise. Allow your arms to
hang perpendicular to the floor, with the wrists pronated and the elbows pointed to your sides. This will be your
starting position.
2. Initiate the movement by flexing the elbows and transversely extending the shoulder, rowing the dumbbells
toward your torso. Your shoulders should stay retracted, squeezing your scapulae together throughout the
movement. The upper arms should be perpendicular to your torso.
3. Continue the row until the elbows are inside of 90 degrees, contracting your shoulders as you pause at the top.
4. Return to the starting position, taking care to maintain both shoulder and spinal positioning. Repeat for the desired
number of repetitions.

Ex 10. Presă Explozivă cu Ganterele

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 11. Ridicari laterale

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 12. Impingeri de la piept

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 13. Aplecari

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 14. Ridicări pe Vârfuri cu Ganterele în mâini

4 Serii a câte 20 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex15. Fluturări din Aplecat

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 16. Extensii cu Ganterele la Ceafă

3 Serii a câte 10-12 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii.

Ex 17. Flexii Alternate cu Ganterele

3 Serii a câte 20 repetări. Odihnă: 30 de secunde intre serii

Ex 18. Aplecari laterale

3 seturi a cate 10 miscari.

Tine cate o gantera de 1-2 kg in palme, bratele pe langa corp, spatele drept si abdomenul incordat. Indoaie-ti trunchiul in
stanga cat de mult poti. Opreste-te cateva secunde in aceasta pozitie, apoi revino la pozitia de start si repeta miscarea pe
partea dreapta.

Ex 19. Rotiri laterale

3 seturi a cate 10 miscari.

Stai dreapta, cu picioarele usor departate si tine o gantera cu ambele maini, bratele intinse in fata pieptului. Miscandu-ti
trunchiul, roteste-ti bratele spre stanga cat de mult poti. Opreste-te cateva secunde, apoi roteste-le catre dreapta.

Ex 20. Gantera la genunchi

Repeta miscarea de 10-20 de ori pentru fiecare picior.

Tine o gantera in ambele palme, bratele drepte in sus, deasupra umarului drept si indreapta piciorul stang in exterior,
sprijinindu-l in varf. Dintr-o singura miscare, incearca sa atingi gantera de genunchiul stang.

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