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Name Description
boundaryFaces Extract boundary faces from set of grid cells
colorbarHist Make colorbar with histogram on top
outlineCoarseGrid Impose outline of coarse grid on existing grid plot
plotBlockAndNeighbors Plot a coarse block and its neighbors to current axes (reversed Z axis)
plotCellData Plot exterior grid faces, colored by given data, to current axes
plotContours Plot contours of cell data
plotFaceData Plot face data on exterior grid faces to current axes (reversed Z axis)
plotFaces Plot selection of colored grid faces to current axes (reversed Z axis)
plotFaults Plot faults in model
plotGrid Plots exterior grid faces to current axes
plotGridVolumes Plot partially transparent isosurfaces for a set of values
plotSlice Plot Cartesian slices of cell data on faces
plotWell Plot well trajectories into current axes

gaussianField Compute realization of lognormal, isotropic permeability field
grdecl2Rock Extract rock properties from input deck (grdecl structure)
logNormLayers Compute realization of lognormal, isotropic permeability field
makeRock Create rock structure from given permeability and porosity values
permeabilityConverter Add tensor permeability to the grdecl.permtensor
permTensor Expand permeability tensor to full format
poreVolume Compute pore volumes of individual cells in grid

Create rock structure from given permeability and porosity values

rock = makeRock(G, perm, poro)
rock = makeRock(G, perm, poro, ‘pn1’, pv1, …)

G Grid for which to construct a rock property structure
perm Permeability field. Supported input is:
A scalar. Interpreted as uniform, scalar (i.e., homogenous ad isotropic)
permeability field repeated for all active cells in the grid G.
A row vector of 1/2/3 columns in two space dimensions or 1/3/6 in columns three
space dimensions. The row vector will be repeated for each active cell in the grid
G and therefore interpreted as a uniform (i.e., a homogenous), possibly
anisotropic, permeability field.
A matrix with column count as above, but with ‘G.cells.num’ rows in total. This
input will be treated as per-cell values, resulting in heterogeneous permeability
Porosity field. Can be either a single, scalar value or a column vector with one entry
per cell. Non-positive values will result in a warning

Optional Parameters:
Net-to-gross factor. Either a single scalar value that is repeated for all active cells, or a
‘ntg’ column vector with one entry per cell. ‘ntg’ acts as a multiplicative factor on porosity
when calculating pore volumes. Typically in the range [0 .. 1]

rock Valid rock with properties for each active cell in the grid

G=computeGeometry(cartGrid([10, 20, 30], [1, 1, 1]));
r1=makeRock(G,100*milli*darcy, 0.3);
r2=makeRock(G,[100, 100, 10]*milli*darcy,0.3);
K=logNormLayers(G.cartDims, repmat([400, 0.1, 20], [1, 2]));
phi=gaussianField(G.cartDims, [0.2, 0.4]);
ntg=rand([G.cells.num, 1]);
r3=makeRock(G,convertFrom(K(:), milli*darcy), phi(:), 'ntg', ntg);
plotCellData(G,poreVolume(G, r3)), view(3), axis tight

function [f, varargout] = boundaryFaces(g, varargin)

Extract boundary faces from set of grid cells

f = boundaryFaces(G)
f = boundaryFaces(G, cells)
[f, c] = boundaryFaces(…)

G – Grid data structure
cells – Non-empty subset of cells from which to extract boundary faces
Optional. Default value: `cells = 1:G.cells.num`, meaning all external faces for all grid cells
will be extracted. This amount to extracting the entire boundary of ‘G’

f – List of faces bounding the sub domain given by ‘cells’
c – List of specific grid cells connected to the individual faces in ‘f’. This may be useful for
plotting cell data (e.g., the cell pressure) on the sub domain faces by means of function


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