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Dimension/Level % of RATING SCALE TOTAL

5 4 3 2 1
Methods/Workman 30 % Excellent Very Good Good Needs Poor
ship improvement
() () () () ()

Use of tools, 30% Used it Less errors With minimal Less ideas Don’t know
materials & properly errors
() () () () ()

Safety work habits 20% 100% correct 95% correct 90% correct 85% correct 80% correct
& housekeeping
() () () () ()

Wise use of 15% Used it Less errors With minimal Less ideas Don’t know
time/Speed properly errors
() () () () ()

Fluency of oral 14% 100% correct 95% correct 90% correct 85% correct 80% correct
Flow of thoughts
() () () () ()

Score Equivalent: 5- 95 4-90 3- 85 2- 80 1- 75

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