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*** Where Did The Bible Come From?


Everything started in Africa with Black people as they were the

first upright walking humans to emerge on earth about
200,000 years ago.

The first religious principles of right and wrong were written

by the Kushite King Ori in Africa around 3758 B.C. in what was
an ancient kingdom in Nubia, located in what is now Sudan.
Long before the story of Moses (Egyptian for Moses' name means
"child" so, Thutmose = child of Tut. "Moses" is actually the
result of a combination of the Egyptian words for "child of" and
"water" SWH - which was generally applied to the Nile as well.
So "Moses" would be a child of the water, one who was "born of"
or, metaphorically, drawn out of the water). Way back to almost
3000 BC (2870 BC), there existed a Classical African
Civilization in the northeast corner of the continent, roughly
where Egypt is today, called Kemet. The people of Kemet had a
moral code under which they preferred to live their lives, so as
to remain at peace with themselves and with others. They deified
this belief system within a Goddess, and called both the Goddess
and the moral code “Ma’at”.

Keep in mind that in the time period, the real story of Moses if
he existed was of a Black man. Moses (according to legend) was
born a Hebrew (Israelite) from the tribe of Levi. He spent 40
years in the House of Pharaoh Thutmose II, and from the time he
was an infant, passed as the Pharaoh's grandson. This was during
the same time that successor Amenhotep I ordered all Hebrew
males under the age of two to be killed. So, if Pharaoh, was a
Black man, which he was, it would of course follow that Moses
was Black also, which means the original Hebrews / Israelites
(Jews) in Africa were also Black. Thutmose III was the Pharaoh
of the Exodus who reigned from 1485 - 1431 B.C. For context
purposes, Egypt is about 380 miles from what is known as Israel
today as the crow flies. It would take approximately 6 days to
walk that distance unlike the 40 years the Bible claims Moses
walked thru the desert.

Beginning with the Roman Empire, everyone suddenly became White

according to the American / European educational system and
Hollywood movies by replacing true Black people with White
people and re-writing history and teaching the world that
everyone was White when in fact they were Black. This is how
White Supremacy works by re-writing and destroying the past.
There were 42 Principles which were intended to be a guide of
what people should do and not to do during the course of their
everyday lives in both mundane and formal activities. Today
those are being touted as the “42 Commandments of Ancient
Egypt”, but in reality, they are actually a cousin to what is
called the “Forty-Two Declarations of Purity” or “The 42
Negative Confessions” which people back then were supposed to
have made under Ma’at, and which were referenced on numerous
Egyptian tombs during that time. Later on, the 42 principles
would be reduced to 10 and called the 10 Commandments under the
Christian and Jewish religion.

The first book of religious principles was created by Black

Pharaoh Akhenaten & Queen Nefertiti of the 18th Egyptian
dynasty, 1550 B.C. - 1298 B.C. It was written by ancient
Egyptians about the inhabitants of Africa modeled after the one-
God religion for Aten which is the disk of the sun in ancient
Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of the God Ra. The
deified Aten is the focus of the religion of Atenism established
by Amenhotep IV, who later took the name Akhenaten in worship
and recognition of Aten. In his poem "Great Hymn to the Aten",
Akhenaten praises Aten as the creator, giver of life, and
nurturing spirit of the world. Aten does not have a Creation
Myth or family but is mentioned in the Book of the Dead. The
worship of Aten was eradicated by Pharaoh Horemheb after
Akhenaten’s death.

Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti went away

from the multi-God belief system (polytheism) in the 14th
century, around 1348 B.C. and created the one God system
(monotheism) that preached and lived a gospel of perfect love,
brotherhood, truth and spirituality 1300 years before the
alleged birth of Jesus Christ in 5 B.C. (which is actually
copying the Egyptian myth of Heru or Horus that existed 3000
years prior to White Jesus being created), 1958 years before the
Prophet Muhammad in 610 A.D., and 3206 years before Charles
Darwin in 1858 A.D., but it wasn't Christianity with a White God
and White Jesus until the Egyptians were conquered by the Romans
in 30 B.C.

The first five books of the of what would later become the Bible
are attributed to Moses and this leads us to the conclusion that
the earliest writings of what would become Christianity in book
form were written down by Moses if he really existed. Around
1300 B.C. it is said that Moses gave the Jews the laws of God
with only 10 Commandments of the original 42 principles and five
books of the yet un-created and un-named religion of
Christianity. Remember that Moses would have been Black and
lived in the palace with the Black Pharaoh.

Pharaoh Akhenaton's teachings were copied and distorted into

what Christianity is today by the self-proclaimed Roman Emperor,
Flavius Valerius Constantine in the 4th century, 312 A.D. for
political purposes to control the masses that allowed for
slavery, racism and White supremacy to exist under the belief
and fear of God by its followers. Constantine is perhaps best
known for being the first Christian Roman emperor. His
association with Christianity began with a fateful battle for
control of the Western Roman Empire. Constantine faced Western
Roman Emperor Maxentius at the Tiber River's Mulvian Bridge in
312 A.D. - Fourth-century historian and Bishop Eusebius of
Caesarea reported that before the great battle Constantine saw a
flaming cross in the sky bearing the words "In this sign thou
shalt conquer." Constantine did indeed conquer, routing and
killing his enemy on a day that loomed large not only for the
Emperor but for the Christian faith. Constantine would use his
newly beloved faith to increase and expand his power.

In 325 A.D., Constantine had the beginnings of the Christian

Bible written and put together at the first Council of Nicaea
using the texts and principles of the ancient Egyptians and
writings of Moses and named it Christianity under the Bible. The
Roman Empire needed a face for the new religion and the
construct of Jesus Christ began. The story of Jesus was copied
from the Egyptian story of Heru or Horus found in Egyptian

Eusebius (Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine “Father of Church

History“) attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and was a
friend of Emperor Constantine, who also attended and made the
keynote speech. Constantine instructed Eusebius to organize the
compilation of a uniform collection of new writings developed
from the primary aspects and principles of religious texts that
were in existence from Egypt to be submitted at the Council to
begin the process of writing the Bible.

According to history experts, the story of Jesus as a living

mortal person would have been born around 5 B.C. - The story of
the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 30 A.D. was based upon the
myth of the Persian savior God Mithra, who was crucified in 600
B.C. The Indian Mitra was essentially a solar deity,
representing the "friendly" aspect of the sun. So too was the
Persian derivative Mithra, who was a "benevolent God" and the
bestower of health, wealth and food. The Romans combined the
stories of Heru / Horus and Mithra to create White Jesus Christ
who was crucified.

In 380 A.D., Christianity was proclaimed to be the religion and

law of the Roman Empire. Failure to follow the law or disagree
with the church of Christianity resulted in severe beatings and
death. In 381 A.D. the Council of Constantinople, the second
ecumenical council of the Christian church, was summoned by
Emperor Theodosius I and a meeting in Constantinople occurred.
The Council of Constantinople also declared finally the Holy
Trinity with the Trinitarian doctrine of the equality of the
Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son.

In 391 A.D., Christian Emperor Theodosius I ordered the

destruction of all Egyptian temples including the library of
Alexandria in Egypt by burning all texts, scrolls, parchments
and written evidence of the ancient Egyptian religion that was
the foundation of but contradicted the newly formed Christian
religion and proved it was copied from ancient Egyptians. The
Roman Empire created Christianity by copying the religious
principles from Egypt and other religious / mythical stories of
the time period and then combined them to form Christianity
under the Bible which they wrote.

Over a period of 462 years there were 7 Ecumenical Councils

where the current living Roman Emperor gathered his Catholic
Popes for a conference of ecclesiastical dignitaries and
theological experts convened to discuss and settle matters of
Church doctrine and practice in which those entitled to vote on
the contents and construction of the religion of Christianity
and the creation of Jesus Christ to be the face of the religion
that would inspire the masses to believe in God. The popes voted
on what would and would not go into the Bible and then created a
figure named Jesus (Yeshua) Christ to be the living example and
face of the religion.

The following Ecumenical Councils were convened to create the

Bible, Christianity and Jesus Christ (Christianity) under the
Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Defined:
An Ecumenical Council was a meeting of the Bishops of the whole
church convened to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine
and practice for the act of teaching or that which is taught.

*First Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.

*First Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D.
*First Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D.
*First Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D.
*Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D.
*Third Council of Constantinople in 680 A.D.
*Second Council of Nicea in 787 A.D.

The first 7 Ecumenical Councils convened to create and write the

Bible and form Christianity between 325 A.D. and 787 A.D. – Then
between 869 A.D. and 1965 A.D. another 14 Ecumenical Councils
were convened by the Roman Catholic church (Vatican) to modify
and edit the contents of the Bible, the teachings of
Christianity voted on by church elders / Bishops and how the
church governed itself.

What all this means is the Roman Empire gathered church clergy
members together to vote on and create what would and would not
be included in the Bible. If the Bible truly was a book
containing the word and teachings of God, how and why would
mortal men be allowed to vote on, debate and create what is or
is not included in the book that is supposed to be the word of
God? Stories and books that did not suit the Roman Empire were
not included or later phased out known as the books of the
Apocrypha (Old Testament).

One ancient document is the famous Moabite Stone written in the

Moabite dialect; the Siloam Inscription, found near Jerusalem,
is an early example of Hebrew. The Hebrew Bible was inspired by
the texts written by the ancient Egyptians following the one God
system. The same can be said of the Quran of Islam that follows
the early teachings of what the ancient Egyptians created and
laid out. Remember that Moses gave the religious teaching to the
Jews who traveled to Israel which is very close to Saudi Arabia
and how the Quran (Islam) came to be from following the same
religious principles and stories of the time period that spread
throughout the land.

Hundreds of years later Christianity and the Bible was used by

White slave owners to control African slaves and their
descendants by breaking their will and their connection to their
heritage and spirituality promising them salvation for obedience
to their masters as written in the Bible, giving them hope for
ascension into heaven if they endured the brutal life as slaves
on earth without question. African slaves were not Christians
nor did they bring the Bible with them from Africa. Slave
masters said Black people did not have souls and they were only
worth 3/5s of the value of a White man.

Generations later Black people are still following the teachings

of their old masters with the Bible that allowed for their
ancestors to live as slaves for hundreds of years under
Christianity and the Bible. There are many passages in the Bible
that talk about masters and allow for the treatment of slaves
and slavery. Does this sound like the word of a benevolent God
or the writings of man to control people?

The Bible that was written by the Roman Empire has been re-
written and edited into many versions many times over the
centuries to include the King James version published in 1611 in
England after translation from Latin into English. At that time
the Bible contained a total of 81 books. In 1684 the Vatican
removed 14 books from the Bible which essentially were the books
of the old testament known as the Apocrypha. The books of the
Apocrypha were not officially recognized as part of the canon
until the Council of Trent in 1546 A.D., and then only by the
Roman Catholic church. There are some 250 quotes from Old
Testament books in the New Testament by the writers of the New
Testament, but none from the Apocrypha. Once again, the word of
God is changed, edited and re-written by man.

To expand its reach and control, the Roman Catholic Church

(Vatican City) led to the offshoot formation of the Lutheran,
Presbyterian, Protestant, Methodist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian,
Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Evangelical, Seventh-Day Adventist,
Orthodox, Baptist and many other churches under the Catholic

Modern religion is used by man to control the masses and derive

money from the followers in the form of tithings. This practice
is what the Roman Empire created and used under their tax
collection practices of the time period to force citizens to
give tribute to the Empire. In today’s world, tithing is
collected by churches who in turn funnels over $100 million per
year back to the Vatican under the program known as Peter’s
Pence. Peter’s Pence are donations or payments made directly to
the Roman Catholic Church in Rome once a year by the churches.

The Peter's Pence Collection (Denarii Sancti Petri and "Alms of

St Peter") derives its name from an ancient custom. In the 9th
century in England, King Alfred the Great collected money, a
"Pence," from landowners as financial support for the Pope. The
practice began under the Saxons in England and spread through
Europe. Both before and after the Norman conquest the practice
varied by time and place; initially, it was done as a pious
contribution, whereas later it was required by various rulers,
and collected, more like a tax. Today, the Peter's Pence
collection supports the Pope's philanthropy, funds operating
costs and enriches the wealth of the Vatican which is estimated
to be in the trillions of dollars. The Vatican is just the
modern-day version of the Roman Empire as it is the Roman
Catholic Church based in Rome, Italy.

The Bible, Torah and Quran are fundamental copies of what the
ancient Egyptians started, but each book was distorted and
changed from the original Egyptian concepts into what they are
today. The changing of the stories was done to serve the needs
of the rulers and leaders of the time period for their own
motivations of controlling their people with religion by
convincing them it was the written word of God.
The Egyptian Ankh (symbol of life) was the first true cross
which was changed into the Christian cross by removing the loop
and replacing it with a straight piece to replace the Egyptian
symbol of life.

Free your mind to think beyond what you have been taught from
the book that was written to control you. There is more to the
story than what a White washed and hidden history and what
Hollywood is telling you. Believing in God and spirituality is
NOT the same thing as following the Bible and religion that was
written by man and re-written many times over the centuries to
control the masses. The Bible adapted to the time period it was
in to maintain control of the people who followed it.

How is it possible that a book (Bible) that was written and

compiled roughly 1700+ years ago (325 A.D.) some 300 years after
the story and death of (alleged) Jesus in 30 A.D., using some of
the texts and writings of Moses (1300 B.C.) and ancient
Egyptians totaling some 3300 years ago (1348 B.C.) under the one
God system in Africa created by a Black Pharaoh is full of the
same White sounding names that exist today such as: Peter, John,
James, Andrew, Thaddeus, Matthew, Philip, Thomas, Simon, Jude,
Luke, Mark, Mary, Peter, Paul, Abraham, Gabriel, Isaiah, Samuel,
Isaac, Joseph etc.…?

Not even the Romans of that time period had names like that. If
the names didn’t exist back during the time period, what are the
chances that the people in the Bible attached to those names
actually existed? Typical male names of the time period were:
Atticus, Augustus, Cassius, Cato, Cyprian, Felix, Julius,
Lucius, Magnus, Marcus, Maximus, Octavius, Rufus, Septimus,
Tiberius and Urban etc.

After all it was in the time period where Jews were Black and
Black Pharaohs lived when the original teachings of religion
were being practiced and written down by ancient Egyptians. How
many White sounding modern names do you think existed 3300 years
ago in Black Egypt in Africa? In African spirituality there was
NO DEVIL or HELL. That was also created by the Roman Empire to
scare people into following their teachings of Christianity.
The Roman Empire created Christianity to control their people
thru fear of something they could not see, touch, feel, hear or
smell. That fear was of a God that punishes the wicked and
rewards the obedient. That is a fear that is much stronger than
the fear of the lash or sword. Control of the population was
needed so that the poor, which numbered in the many thousands
would not rise up and kill the rich and powerful which were few.
Fear of God is what kept the rich in power and in control of the

In today’s world the mega-church pastors are multi-millionaires

because they funnel the church tithings into their own bank
accounts by using the blueprint (Bible) that was created by the
Roman Empire to control the masses thru the fear of God. They
will then say that God’s blessings gave him his expensive house
and car and if you also want God’s blessings – all you have to
do is donate tithings to the church every Sunday. Some churches
have ATM machines in the lobby, want to see your tax return or
tell you how much to donate. I was not aware that God needed and
required money in order for you to receive his blessing.

Summary: The Bible and Christianity were created by the Roman

Empire by copying the religious principles of ancient Egyptians
in their belief in God and then twisting it around to allow for
slavery, the devil and hell as a means to control their
population. Disobeying the word of God in the Bible was
professed that it would result in your soul being cast into hell
for an eternity of suffering. Disobedience to the Bible was a
violation of Roman law because you violated the word of God that
they created. That resulted in beatings and death and the idea
that your soul would be cast into hell to suffer an eternity of
pain and misery.

The Romans took the good parts of the Egyptian religion and
added the threat of death and hell to control their population
thru fear. To justify the atrocities of the Romans upon their
population and other countries, they claimed it was the will and
word of God. It is the perfect book to control the masses
because everything good that happens is attributed to God if you
have faith and follow the teachings of the Bible and everything
bad that happens is attributed to the devil because you lacked
faith and did not follow the teaching of the Bible. Either way
the book of the Bible, Torah or Quran are perfectly written to
control the population of the people that follow it. They are
all basically the same concept of following the word of the God
that they believe in which was written by man based upon the
first religious principles of the ancient Egyptians.

Keep in mind that the Egyptian principles of religion followed

the 42 principles of Ma’at and there was no devil or hell until
the Roman Empire created it.

How did the White skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired picture of
Jesus come to be in our time period as the son of God? The Bible
was written about 300 years after the estimated time period of
his death when the original Jews were Black that fled Africa
during the Exodus led by Black Moses (If the story were true,
however I will explain later on it is not).

Originally Jesus was depicted as non-European in paintings

because he was Jewish (Black) so Pope Alexander VI commissioned
new paintings of Jesus using his son Cesare Borgia as the model.
He then allegedly “ordered the destruction of all art depicting
a Semitic Jesus with dark skin”, so today we have a White Jesus
as our popular image of Jesus.

In 1503 A.D. - Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) under the

authority of the Roman Catholic Church elite, had his son’s
picture, Cesare Borgia, put up as Jesus Christ in the Western
World. He employed Leonardo da Vinci as a military architect and
engineer, who in return to express his appreciation, painted
many pictures of his son Cesare. The Catholic Church gave their
consent to allowing Cesare’s picture to be put up and portrayed
as Jesus Christ to deceive the whole world to think Christ was
European and White to go along with the religion they created.

Originally the portraits of Cesare showed him to have dark hair

and brown eyes but over time the church modified his image to
what is pictured today of White Jesus having dirty blonde hair
and blue eyes which is the typical image and features of the
idea of the perfect White man. Ironically Adolph Hitler believed
the master race was White having blonde hair and blue eyes.
The original King James Bible of 1611 had the Apocrypha in it,
but in 1684 A.D. under the Vatican’s direction, they made an
agreement to take 14 books out of the King James Bible. Hundreds
of years before they put this image up of White Jesus Christ,
they realized that it was written in the Wisdom of Solomon
located in the Apocrypha what Jesus Christ would have really
looked like. The Vatican realized that it was written that
Christ and his people were not White Europeans, but instead were
actually the original Hebrews, who were Black people.

The Apocrypha had to be taken out and credited as unscriptural

and not divinely inspired, by the Catholic Church to hide their
deception. Portraits of a White Jesus existed prior to the
painting of Cesare Borgia, but they were random representations
of the image of Jesus passed down through time as an idea of
what a White Jesus would have looked like. Remember that the
Romans were White and their religion was written to portray
everyone in the Bible as White. They couldn’t have the son of
God or God himself as being Black when they were enslaving Black
people under the authority of the Bible which is supposed to be
the word of God.

Does it make sense that a Black God with a Black son (Jesus)
would allow for Black people to be enslaved by his word and
having White slave masters? The Romans wrote the Bible so that
God and Jesus were envisioned, assumed and accepted as being
White and the enslavement of Black people was God’s will.
There never was a White Jesus (Yeshua) but there may have been a
man named Jesus who lived but he was not the son of God.

The Romans created Jesus by copying the Egyptian story of Heru

and the miracles in the Bible to give people faith to believe
God would invite them into the kingdom of heaven if they
followed the teaching of the Bible and feared going to hell.
This was how the Roman Empire controlled the masses in order for
the wealthy to remain rich and powerful while the masses
suffered in poverty and despair.

These are the ancient mythological stories from where the story
of Jesus was copied, combined and created as a living person and
then written about in the Bible 300 years after his alleged

1) Horus / Heru (Egyptian) – 5000 years ago, born of a virgin on

December 25, star in the east, had 12 disciples, walked on
water, healed the sick, restored sight, was crucified, dead for
three days, resurrected.

2) Mithra (Persian) - 3200 years ago, born of a virgin on

December 25, star in the east, had 12 disciples, performed
miracles, was crucified, dead for three days, resurrected.
3) Krishna (Hindu) – 2900 years ago, born of a virgin, star in
the east, performed miracles, called the son of god, son of a
carpenter, was crucified, resurrected.

4) Dionysus (Greek/Roman) – 2500 years ago, born of a virgin on

December 25, traveling teacher, turned water into wine, called
the holy child, crucified, dead for three days, resurrected.

5) Jesus Christ (Jewish/Roman) – 2000 years ago, born of a

virgin on December 25, star in the east, performed miracles,
walked on water, had 12 disciples, healed the sick, restored
sight, turned water into wine, son of a carpenter, called the
son of God, was crucified, dead for three days, resurrected.
Between the time period of 3000 B.C. - 500 B.C. there are
stories of 19 saviors that were crucified before the story of
Jesus was written. These stories were used during the early
Councils to write the Bible and create Jesus (Yeshua).

Horus of Egypt, 3000 B.C.

Thulis of Egypt, 1700 B.C.
Krishna of India, 1200 B.C.
Crite of Chaldea, 1200 B.C.
Atys of Phrygia, 1170 B.C.
Thammuz of Syria, 1160 B.C.
Hesus of the Celtic Druids, 834 B.C.
Bali of Orissa, 725 B.C.
Indra of Tibet, 725 B.C.
Iao of Nepaul, 622 B.C.
Hindoo Sakia, 600 B.C.
Mithra of Persia, 600 B.C.
Alcestos of Euripides, 600 B.C.
Quexalcote of Mexico, 587 B.C.
Wittoba of the Telingonese, 552 B.C.
Prometheus of Caucasus, 547 B.C.
Quirinus of Rome, 506 B.C.
Dionysus of Greece, 500 B.C.

The story of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4-3:24 is just an ancient

mythological false story because they never really existed. Adam
and Eve didn't really exist, otherwise we would also have to
accept that, according to the Bible story, Adam was created as
first human ever, about 6000 years ago. But there is a lot of
documented, proven physical evidence that humans lived long
before that. That doesn’t even account for the fact that modern
man evolved from lesser humanoids millions of years prior to the
story of Adam and Eve.
The first skillful humans emerged in Africa about 2 million
years ago. How do we know this? We know this because we have
discovered their bones buried across sub-Saharan Africa and
parts of Europe. If Adam lived about 6000 years ago he would
have emerged at the very beginnings of the earliest Egyptian
societies, pre-dynasty, which would have made Adam a Black man
along with Eve a Black woman and therefore God himself because
he created man in his own image (Black).

According to the Bible in Genesis 2:10–14 lists four rivers in

association with the Garden of Eden: Pishon, Gihon, the Tigris,
and the Euphrates. It also refers to the land of Kush translated
as Ethiopia which is where the Garden of Eden was alleged to be
located. Ethiopia 6000 years ago was the land of Black people
much like it is today. Outside of the falsities of Adam being
the first human, the realities of dinosaurs and the concept of
Adam and Eve being White it is clear the Bible is full of false
claims and untrue stories.

The pictures we have of Adam and Eve are of White people so that
in itself is another false story perpetrated by the Roman
Catholic Church in the Bible. According to the Bible God created
the creatures on the land and man on the 6th day. According to
this story the dinosaurs, which lived 230 million years ago
(bones and fossils prove it), were created on the same day as

How likely is it that a 230 million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex

was walking around with Adam and Eve who were created only 6000
years ago? Why is there no mention of the dinosaurs in the Bible
living with Adam and Eve? There are only modern mammals such as
sheep, goats, pigs, horses, camels, elephants, alligators etc...
but no great giant ferocious reptiles or giant man-eating
creatures. That is because the story is not true.

Slavery in the Bible: Here are some of the passages from the
Bible that clearly supports slavery in both the Old and the New
Testaments. When using common sense, these passages that claim
that God condoned slavery clearly demonstrates that the Bible
was not written by men inspired by God but are merely the flawed
writings of flawed men to control their population through the
fear of God.

* Ephesians 6:5, Slaves obey your earthly masters with respect

and fear and sincerity of heart, just as you would show to
Christ. Here God says for slaves to obey their master as if he
was God himself.
* 1 Timothy 6:1, All who are under the yoke of slavery should
regard their masters as fully worthy of honor, so that God's
name and our teaching will not be discredited. Here God says
that slaves should honor thy masters in the name of God.

* Colossians 3:22, Slaves, obey in everything those who are your

earthly masters, not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but in
singleness of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever your task, work
heartily. Here God shows that he is in complete acceptance of a
slave's position, and encourages slaves to work hard.
* Titus 2:9, Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to
give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be
refractory, nor to pilfer, but to show entire and true fidelity.
Once again God shows that he is quite enamored of slavery.

* Exodus 21:1, Now these are the ordinances which you shall set
before them. When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six
years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. If
he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in
married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master
gives him a wife and she bear him sons or daughters, the wife
and her children shall be her master's and he shall go out
alone. But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my
wife, and my children; I will not go out free,' then his master
shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or
the doorpost; and his master shall bore his ear through with an
awl; and he shall serve him for life. Here God describes how to
become a slave for life, and shows that it is completely
acceptable to separate slaves from their families. God also
shows that he completely endorses the branding of slaves through

* Exodus 21:7, If a man sells his daughter into slavery, she

will not go out the way male slaves do. Here God allows for a
father to sell his own children into slavery.

* Exodus 21:20, If a man beats his male or female slave with a

rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished,
but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or
two, since the slave is his property. Not only does God condone
slavery, but he is also completely comfortable with the concept
of beating your slaves, as long as you don't kill them.

* Exodus 21:32, If the bull gores a male or female slave, the

owner must pay thirty shekels of silver to the master of the
slave, and the bull must be stoned. Not only does God condone
slavery, but here God places a value on slaves as 30 shekels of

* Leviticus 19:20, If a man lies sexually with a woman who is a

slave, assigned to another man and not yet ransomed or given her
freedom, a distinction shall be made. They shall not be put to
death, because she was not free. Here God says it’s alright for
men to have sex with slave woman in which would be considered
rape because the slave woman has no rights so the man will not
be punished.

* Leviticus 25:44, Your male and female slaves are to come from
the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may
also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and
members of their clans born in your country, and they will
become your property. You can will them to your children as
inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you
must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. Here God
states where you may purchase your slaves, and clearly specifies
that slaves are property to be bought, sold and handed down.

* 1 Peter 2:18, Servants be subject to your masters with all

respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
Here God says to respect all masters, even the unjust ones.
Beatings are alright as long as the slave is not killed.

* Deuteronomy 21:10, When you go forth to battle against your

enemies, and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands,
you may carry them away as captive into slavery. Here God says
that the losers of a battle may be taken hostage as slaves.

* Deuteronomy 23:15, You shall not give up to his master a slave

who has escaped from his master to you. Here God says that
whoever has the slave owns the slave and doesn’t address why the
slave ran away in the first place even if from brutality.

According to the Bible God approved of slavery. This sounds like

the writings of man and not the word of God unless you believe
that God approved of enslaving and mistreating his children.
White Christians using the Bible read that slavery was allowed
under their religion and thus the African Slave Trade began with
Black people being treated like animals and having the worth of
3/5’s of the value of a White person. Black people were said to
have no souls and it was God’s will that they become slaves.

Even if these versus were written 1700+ years ago, the same
versus still exist in today’s Bibles and those same versus were
used by White Christians hundreds of years ago to enslave
Africans and start the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in which Black
people were captured, beaten, raped, tortured, brutalized, kept
ignorant and devalued as human beings all in the name of God.
Where was White Jesus to protect them and answer their prayers?
If the Bible is the written word of God, and these are the words
of the Lord, then you can come to only one possible conclusion:
God is an impressive advocate of slavery and is fully supportive
of the concept. As you can see, these slavery passages present
us with an immense contradiction:

On the one hand, we all know that slavery is an outrage and a

moral abomination. As a result, slavery is now completely
illegal throughout the developed world.

On the other hand, most Christians claim that the Bible came
from God. In God's Word, the "creator of the universe" states
that slavery is perfectly acceptable. Beating your slaves is
fine. Enslaving children is fine. Separating slave families is
fine. According to the Bible, we should all be practicing
slavery today.

That is your Christian Bible.

The story of Noah’s Ark and the Flood: The story of Noah may be
part of the Abrahamic canon, but the legend of the Great Flood
has prebiblical origins, rooted in the ancient civilizations of
Mesopotamia. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh dates back nearly
5,000 years (3000 B.C. – 2500 B.C.) which is a 12-tablet poem
and is thought to be perhaps the oldest written tale on the
planet. These writings are dated older than the writings of
Moses. In it, there is an account of the great sage Utnapishtim,
who is warned of an imminent flood to be unleashed by wrathful
gods. He builds a vast circular-shaped boat, reinforced with tar
and pitch, that carries his relatives, grains and animals.

After enduring days of storms, Utnapishtim, just like Noah of

the Bible in Genesis, releases a bird in search of dry land. The
Mesopotamian flood myth is an antecedent of the Noah story in
the Bible. According the Bible which has no definitive dates,
the estimated time period for the great flood, taking into
account of cross referencing the names, time of their living and
ages with other characters in the Bible, it is estimated that
the biblical flood occurred around 2304-2348 B.C.

This happens well after the flood in the story of Gilgamesh.

Also, according to the Bible in Genesis 9:28-29, Noah died 350
years after the flood, at the age of 950. The maximum human
lifespan, as depicted by the Bible, diminishes rapidly
thereafter, from almost 1,000 years down to the 120 years as
with Moses in Genesis 6:3. – So then, the story of Noah’s Ark
was copied from the story of Gilgamesh that occurred at least
100 years or more before the story of Noah and up until the
flood, and people lived for almost 1000 years. Isn’t it odd that
no record of ancient Egyptian history has ever listed a single
Pharaoh, Queen or anybody living for or ruling for almost 1000
years if that is how long people lived back then?

God, Abraham and the Exodus: According to Jewish tradition,

Jewish history begins with the covenant established between God
and Abraham around 1812 BC (over 3,800 years ago), during the
Bronze Age, in the Middle East which is not located in Africa
(Egypt). The Torah (Jewish Law), the primary document of
Judaism, was allegedly given to the Jews by the Prophet Moses
(Moshe) about 3,300 years ago. Jews believe that God appointed
them, the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an
example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world. According
to the story, Moses was the main founder of Judaism, but Jews
say they can trace their history back as far as Abraham to 1800
BC – 1638 BC (162-year span).

Moses supposedly led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt around

1440 BC during the Exodus BACK to the lands of Canaan in Israel.
How did these so-called Jews get from Israel to Egypt to become
slaves in the first place given that they went BACK to Israel
during Exodus? There is no story about them leaving Israel to go
to Egypt just to become slaves from where they then went BACK to
Israel to the lands of Canaan.

If Jews had been living in Egypt as slaves for centuries praying

to the God who they call Abraham, why is there no mention of the
Pyramids and Sphinx in the old testament of the Bible or the
Torah? Surely the object of their bondage would have been
mentioned in their religious books. Furthermore, Egyptian
pyramid building began around 2950 BC and ended around 2325 BC
(625-year span). The pyramids were completed about 525 years
before the Hebrew God Abraham was born and almost 900 years
before Moses (1391 BC -1482 BC) supposedly led the Jews out of
bondage of building the pyramids via the Exodus.

This is another example of a good story that when looked at

closely falls apart. If Moses really existed he would have been
Black in order to live in the palace with a Black Pharaoh and
Black Queen. Then the pyramids were already completed before the
famed story of Exodus even took place based on who the Jews
called Abraham according to their story from who they were
delivered from bondage in Egypt. It looks like there really was
NO Jewish Exodus as the story goes which means the Jews were not
slaves building the pyramids as the story claims because the
pyramids had already been built.

Finally, if Jews had actually been slaves and fled Egypt during
the alleged Exodus, the people claiming to be Jews would have
also have had to been Black. However, the Jews that occupy
Israel today who claim they are the descendants of the Jews from
the story of Exodus are White. Now how did that happen? It’s
extremely unlikely and improbable that White people were living
in Black Egypt / Kemet as slaves over 3800 years ago. After all
Africa is the land of Black people.

How is it that it took Moses 40 years to walk from Egypt to

Israel which is only 380 miles in distance? This would be like
walking from Washington D.C. (Virginia) to Providence, Rhode
Island which is next to Connecticut which is next to New York.
Given the size of the group taking into account children,
elderly, animals and rest periods. The length of time it should
have taken is about 45 days on the fast end to about 5 months on
the slow end but not 40 years as claimed.

While the story of the Exodus is a great story, it falls apart

if you analyze the dates, timelines and characters of when and
where these events were supposed to have taken place. This is
another example of story fabrication and White supremacy being
passed down through time without question and accepted as truth.
Once again, the Roman Empire took grand liberties in creating
their religion and Bible.

How long did it take to write the Bible? The books of the Bible
were written at different times by more than 40 authors over a
period of approximately 1,500 years on three continents telling
some 52-66 stories about the teachings of God depending upon
which version of the Bible you read (Protestant, Catholic or
Orthodox) and whether you follow the old or the new testament.
There are also a varied number of books contained within the
Bible. Christian Bibles range from the 66 books of the
Protestant canon to the 81 books of the Ethiopian Orthodox
canon. The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) contains 24 books divided into
three parts: the five books of the Torah.

The oldest book of the Bible, according to most scholars, is

either Genesis or Job, both thought to have been written by
Moses and completed around 1400 BC, about 3,400 years ago. The
newest book, Revelation, was written around 90 A.D. by second
century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus,
Melito the Bishop of Sardis, Clement of Alexandria and the
author of the Muratorian fragment.

The books of the Bible were not being written continuously. For
example, 400 years elapsed between the completion of the last
book of the Old Testament, Malachi, and the beginning of the New
Testament with the gospel of Matthew. Man could not decide what
the word of God should include so they added to it and made it
up along the way.

This was much like the children’s game where a teacher whispers
a story to one child who then whispers it to another child who
then whispers it to another child. The story is passed around
the room until it reaches the last child who then has to repeat
the story out loud. Amazingly the story has changed and grown so
much that it doesn’t even resemble the original story that the
teacher told the first child. It’s human nature to add to and
embellish a story to make it more exciting to the listener which
makes the story teller seem more important because they have
told a great story.

The Catholic church has a very long, dark and sinister history
of deception and being involved in shameful, treacherous and
unscrupulous events over the centuries to further their agenda
and increase their wealth in the name of Christianity. Some of
these include the Knights Templar, The Crusades, Religious Wars,
Massacres of Jews, Native Americans and Millions of others over
the centuries, Slavery, Catholic Extermination Camps, The
Inquisitions, Heretic Trials, Medieval Witch Hunts, Corrupt
Popes, Church Corruption, Covering Up Pedophile Priests and many
more modern-day issues. Don’t forget the Roman Catholic Church
is the Vatican which is located in Italy in the capitol city of
Rome which used to be called the Roman Empire. Religion was
created by man to control the masses.

If you notice our modern timeline is only just over 2000 years
old which is when the Roman Empire conquered Egypt. We count
2000+ years on our calendar but we dismiss everything in the
B.C.E. era because that is when the ancient Black Egyptians
lived and were the greatest civilization on earth. The Romans
discarded the Black civilizations and created their own religion
and our modern-day timeline to be counted as if they were the
first people on earth. Our calendar is based upon the creation
of Jesus going forward which is why we are in the year of 2018.
The Romans created the religion and Jesus that we follow today
in the timeline that they created.

Most people won’t do the research to find out the truth because
they would rather keep believing the fairytale they were taught
as children and believing everything they have seen in Hollywood
movies. Sheep prefer to remain sheep so they blindly follow the
Shepard even to slaughter without question. Christians will
claim that everything that contradicts and questions the Bible
is false and that the existence of contradictory evidence and
facts is the Devil’s work.

Christians will use the Bible to try to prove that the contents
of the Bible are true including the story of Jesus who was
created by the Roman Empire. That’s like having a police
department investigate itself for killing an un-armed Black man
that was running away from them who they shot in the back. The
police department will rule the shooting was justified and that
the officer was in fear for his life. The self-ruling is no
charges filed against the guilty officer and the shooting was
justified. That is what it sounds like when Christians try to
defend the Bible and fake Jesus using the Bible as proof.

You can continue to believe in the good concepts of the Bible

which is based off ancient Egyptian principles of spirituality,
but also keep in mind that the Bible, Torah and Quran are
twisted and distorted concepts of Egyptian principles of
spirituality and they were written to control their populations
and many if not all of the stories contained within these books
never really happened, were completely fabricated or were copied
from previous ancient civilizations and changed in translation.
In order for the Catholic church and Christians to continue
covering up the truth about the Bible and denying anything that
threatens to expose the lies of the Bible, they will counter
every argument, presentation of proof and even documented
evidence that counters their teachings of the Bible in order to
maintain their control.

That is total control.

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