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Student: Barbu Andrei,Barbu Cristian

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Major: Finance and banking
Series: 02
Year: 1
Group: 1

Economic dictionary

B English
1. Balanta de venituri si cheltuieli Balance of income and expenditure
2. Balanta fluxurilor de capital Cash flow Balance
3. Balanta Balance
4. Balanta comerciala Balance of claims and liabilities
5. Balanta contabila Financial statement
6. Balanta de plati Balance of payments
7. Balanta pasiva Passive balance
8. Banca centrala Banker’s bank
9. Banca Decontarilor Internationale Bank for International Settlements
10. Banca Bank
11. Banca agicola Lands bank
12. Banca comerciala Business bank
13. Banca cooperatista Cooperative bank
14. Banca corespondenta Corresponding bank
15. Banca de cliring Clearing bank
16. Banca de depozit Deposit bank
17. Banca de economii Savings bank
18. Banca de emisiune Bank of circulation
19. Banca de investitii Investment bank
20. Banca de referinta Reference bank
21. Banca de rezerve Reserve bank
22. Banca de schimb Exchange bank
23. Banca de scontare Acceptance bank
24. Banca de stat State bank
25. Banca emitenta Issue bank
26. Banca fondatoare Parent bank
27. Banca garanta Underwriter bank
28. Banca ipotecara Mortgage bank
29. Banca nationala National bank
30. Banca pe actiuni Joint-stock bank
31. Banca-consortiu Consortium bank

32. Bancher Banker

33. Bancnota Bond
34. Bancnote Bank notes
35. Bani Money
36. Barter Barter
37. Bears Bears
38. Beneficiar Beneficiary, consignee
39. Bilant contabil Balance sheet
40. Bilant de sinteza Summary estimate
41. Bilet de ordin Promissory bill
42. Bilete de banca Bank notes
43. Birou de desfaceri Sales office
44. Bisnitar Racketeer
45. Bisnita Racket
46. Blocada economica Economic blocade
47. Blocarea conturilor Blockading of accounts
48. Blocat Blocking
49. Bonificatie Bonification
50. Bonuri de tezaur Treasury bonds/bill
51. Bord Board
52. Brevet Patent
53. Breveta Patent
54. Brevetabil Patentable
55. Broker Bill broker
56. Broker de asigurari Insurance broker
57. Broker de bursa Stock broker
58. Broker sef Chief broker
59. Brut Gross
60. Brut pe net Gross for net
61. Buget Budget
62. Buget de cheltuieli Expense budget
63. Buget de consum Consumer budget
64. Buget final Consolidated budget
65. Bugetul cheltuielilor Budget of expenditure
66. Bugetul cheltuielilor in curs Operating budget
67. Bulletin bursier Consolidated tape
68. Bulletin de schimb Exchange bulletin
69. Bum/explozie de marfuri Commodity boom
70. Bunuri de calitate inferioara Goods of low quality
71. Bunuri de larg consum Consumer goods
72. Bunuri lichide Liquid goods
73. Bunuri mobile Personal estate
74. Bunuri mobiliare Personal estate
75. Bunrile unui transport Consignment goods
76. Bursa tranzactiilor la termen Futures exchange
77. Bursa Exchange
78. Bursa de marfuri Goods exchanges
79. Bursa de marfuri si materii prime Commodity exchange
80. Bursa de valori Stock exchange
81. Bursa deschisa Open exchange
82. Bursa inchisa Exchange (broker’s board)
83. Bursa valutara Currency market

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