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Lesson Title: Paper Mache Forms

Grade Level: 6th grade Erin Pandolfino

Overview: Pre-cut cardboard pieces that the students will assemble into three dimensional
shapes. While assembling they will learn about the name of the shape they have chosen to
build, complementary colors, and understand how two dimensional objects can be assembled
to create three dimensional objects. The final product is to be painted using complementary

PA Standards:
1. 9.1. A, C and H: Production, Performance, and Exhibition of Visual Arts
A: Elements and Principles
C: Vocabulary
H: Safety Issues
2. 9.2. A and C: Historical and Cultural Contexts
A: Contexts of Works
C: Styles and Genre
3. 9.3. B, E, and F: Critical Response
B: Criteria
E: Types of Analysis
F: Comparisons
4. 9.4. C and D: Aesthetic Response
C: Environmental Influences
D: Artistic Choices

Learning Objectives: After completing this project, students will be able to

1. Understand the importance of incorporating the elements and principles of design
as well as being able to identify them (a), use the vocabulary properly and when
appropriate (c), and understand how to properly and safely use all materials as well
as what to do incase of an emergency.
2. Understand the purpose of three dimensional forms in the art room (a), and be able
to use full elaborate sentences while conducting an analysis three dimensional art
3. Know what elements and principles of design go into making three dimensional
objects and be able to identify which were used in the motivational materials (b),
know the ways art is to be analyzed such as craftsmanship, quality of piece,
completion, presentation and successfulness (e), and make comparisons between
different ways to execute the building process (f).
4. Understand the environment (school, peers, art decorations on the wall) around
them could influence or inspire them in different ways and to remain open minded
to these influences ( c), know what kind of artist choices have to be made to
improve and complete a project as well as give reason for those choices.

Motivational List: I will show the students images of geometric paper Mache projects and
plaster sculptures to show them what their general finished result would look like. Hans
Hoffman paintings featuring complementary colors. I want them to have a better
understanding of how two dimensional pieces combined can make a three dimensional object.
Lesson Title: Paper Mache Forms
Grade Level: 6th grade Erin Pandolfino

Vocabulary: Shape, Line, Color, Dimension, Hans Hoffman, Cube, Triangular pyramid,
Rectangular prism, Triangular-based pyramid, Paper Mache, Plaster, Sculpture.

Material List: Precut cardboard pieces (triangular-based pyramid, Square-based pyramid, cube,
Rectangular prism) sectioned off into baggies with one shape per bag, paper Mache mixture,
news paper cut into small/medium pieces inside sealed containers (enough for each table to
have one big container), paint brushes, water containers, blue, orange, purple, yellow, red, and
green washable fast drying paint, small bowls for paper Mache mix (enough for everyone to
have one), small plates to use as palettes, plastic table cloth to protect table, sample cubes,
several rolls of masking tape (possibly a hairdryer to speed drying time), and PowerPoint with
lesson information.

Preparation List: I will have a container with cut up newspaper on the center of each table with
the lid on until they may begin, I will tally a list of who wants to build what shape, distribute the
baggies with all the pieces and a diagram of what it should look like done, paint brushes and
paints will be in a box off to the side and given out once the class is ready to paint, to control
the amount of paint used I will pour them onto their “palette”.

Presentation of Motivation: While showing the images on the PowerPoint I will ask the students
questions such as;
1 Who knows what paper mache is?
2 Has anyone made paper mache art before? If yes, raise your hand.
3 Have you seen paper mache art on display before?
Once the basics of the project are covered I will give a brief explanation of complementary
colors and where they can be found on the color wheel. This is where I will explain how they
will be used in our project for today. Once the students seem to have an understanding of
complementary colors I will show them art work by Hans Hoffman and have them point out
what colors they see and which are complementary.
4 This painting is by an artist called Hans Hoffman. He is an artist who believed in order
to get the most out of a painting all the unimportant information should be cut out and
only the most important information should be painted. He liked simplicity.
5 As you can see they are very colorful. Can anyone tell me what colors are
complements to each other?
6 Does this give anyone ideas on how they would want to approach painting their
completed project?
This is when I introduce different geometrical shapes to the class. I want them to see there can
a great variety. I plan on not having the names visible so the students may interact with the
power point by raising their hand to name the different shapes. The next slide shows which
shapes they will have the choice of building today.
7 Explain the steps again while showing objectives slide
8 Read the main parts of todays goals
9 Set them free to gather the supplies and get started
Lesson Title: Paper Mache Forms
Grade Level: 6th grade Erin Pandolfino

Demonstration/Procedure: Have the plastic table cloths set up on each table, including the
demonstration table. Have the table set up with everything needed to conduct a
demonstration. The students will gather around the table to observe. Remind them to pay close
attention to make sure they follow instruction. Students are encouraged to ask questions
during the demonstration but must raise their hand and be called on.
1 Begin by showing them the pieces of my shape and ask what they think it will build
2 Show how to lay all the pieces flat with the parts that connect against each other
3 Explain a little tape goes a long way while I tape my sections together
4 Ask students what they think could go wrong during this stage
Once the shape I am building is built I will give directions on how they will paper mache on the
surface. This stage is crucial because any mistakes can be easily seen unless they choose to use
a darker color on that particular area to help hide the mistake.
5 Grad a small handful of paper from my bin
6 Explain that I am taking what I think I will need because once my hands are wet with
the mixture I do not want to put my hands back in the paper box because I could get
more pieces wet which would ruin the main supply.
7 Dip the first piece I want in the mixture and smooth with my fingers to squeeze out
excess water then smooth it onto the surface of my shape.
8 Explain that it must be smoothed out without any creases so it looks well made.
During this time, I may take a few questions the students may have about this stage of the
process. Although it may seem straight forward to me a student may be confused on how much
paper to use and what to do if they select too big of a piece for the area they are covering. I
want there to be as little frustration as possible.
9 Show them what to do when a piece of newspaper goes around a corner.
10 Explain how to know when the first layer is fully done and begin the second layer
11 Explain why it is important to do at least two layers.
Grab my premade cube with only the paper on it. I will show this to them so they can see how
their finished result will look like. If there are any flaws I can see, I will point them out to the
students so they know what to avoid doing. I want them to understand craftsmanship will be a
part of their grade when they finish the assignment. I will then show the class my painted cube
to give them a general idea on how the shape will looked painted.

In the center of each table there will be bowls with the paper mache mix and a small bin of
precut newspaper strips. The students will choose which shape they want from the designated
bins on the counter. They will also pick up a roll of masking tape.

Review: Students will take turns showing their completed artwork and explain why they made
the artistic choices they did. Why did you choose this color? How do you think our finished
projects compare to the examples shown? How are they similar? How are they different? What
elements and principles did you use in your piece? How can you apply what you learned today
to future projects?
Lesson Title: Paper Mache Forms
Grade Level: 6th grade Erin Pandolfino
Clean up: Should begin to take place the remaining 5-10 minutes of class depending on class
size and mess. All remaining news paper strips will be returned to the main container in the
center of the tables, which I will be around to collected once filled. The shapes will be set off to
the side on the counter to dry. Bowls with remaining mix carefully poured into the main
container with the mix and the bowls may be thrown away. Students will wash their hands and
help wipe down the plastic table cloths so they are ready to be reused.

Assessment: For the project to be considered successful students should be able to;
1 Understand what paper mache is
2 Understand and define complementary colors and what three dimensional means
3 create a project that shows good craftsmanship and meet all criteria
4 Know who Hans Hoffman is and be familiar with some of his work
5 Give a statement behind why they made certain artist choices and defend their work

Extensions: Incase there are students who finish up before the rest of the class and there is
enough time left, I will allow the student to quietly work on any unfinished projects they may
have. If they do not have anything unfinished they may build a second shape for fun.

Language Arts Extension: The Students will write up a brief letter addressed to a future student
about what they learned about three dimensional geometric shapes and tell them about which
one they built.

Special Needs Extension: Adjustments can be made to the project to accommodate any and all
students. Some adjustments would be giving them more time to plan and complete the
projects. The adjustments could be limiting color choice, assisting in applying paper Mache, and
assisting in building the chosen form.

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