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1. To determine the disease / health of the individual first see the strength of
 Strong Lagna – Bhava
 Strong Bhavesh
 Strong Karak

2. The strength of these three with fructify the promise of sound health.

3. The house has to be strong to enjoy Raj Yoga, Dhan Yoga. Arishta will not be
that bad. Malefics should not be present there (either natural or functional)

4. Benefics if functional malefic will give some problems to health.

5. Malefics if functional benefics will still act as malefics.

6. Paap kartari Yoga for Lagna will make it weak.

7. The position of Lagna Lord (LL) is also important, in 6, 8, 12 houses it is bad.

8. Malefics aspecting Lagna and Lords of 6, 8, 12 are bad.

9. LL should not be debilated – weak, it will affect the health.

10. LL Nakshatra; lordship of the Nak ; planet which owns the Nak of LL if placed in
6, 8, 12 gives an element of ill health.

11. Nak of the Lagna is also important. Lordship of that Nak is also to be taken into
consideration. The placement of that planet will also determine good health.

12. Vipreet Raj Yoga is good for wealth but bad for health.

13. Aquarius Lagna people are not as robust as Capricorn Lagna people as in Aq
Lagna Sat is also 12th lord.

14. The position of Moon should also be seen. The strength of the Mind can
overcome medical mind related problems.

15. Moon + Saturn = Moon Weak gives Asthma/Phlegmatic diseases.

16. Aries Moon is prone to cold.

17. Placement of Sun is very important – Vital Energy comes from Sun.

18. Mental health is closely related to Physical health, hence the Moon, Sun and
Lagna have to be taken into consideration.

19. If Saturn occupies the 8th house then long life if Retrograde then long but
troublesome life, illness in old age.

Diseases Caused by Various Planets

Diseases are caused due to the imbalance of

Vaat = Air + Ether

Pitta = Fire + Water
Kapha = Water + Earth

Sun – Associated with Pitta, Dry and Hot,

Significator of health, Rules Bones/ Head/ Heart/ Stomach/ Right Eye

Affliction to Sun can cause: -

 Headache
 Fever
 Burns
 Inflammation
 Gall Bladder
 Heart Diseases
 Eye Diseases (Physical Problem to organ)
 Stomach related
 Bones
 Epilepsy
 Fear from Snake
 Irritable bowel syndrome
 Skin diseases (leprosy)

Moon – Diseases related to Vaat + Kapha

Significator of liquid/bodily (blood, urine, sweat, tears etc)

Signifies left eye.

If Moon is afflicted –

 mental disorder,
 poor confidence,
 T.B, Lung Diseases;
 Inflammation, indigestion,
 shivering fever (malarial),
 blood and cough
 Water borne
 Breast related
 Moon + Mars controls menstrual cycle in women. If afflicted then disorder to
 Fear from animals in water

Anything happening from 4th H of the Moon is an affliction to Moon (Ra) problem to
Mother, Problems in 4th, 8th and 12th from the Moon.

Mars – Governs pitta

 Vital energy
 Vigor and vitality
 Activeness
 Activates the house where it is sitting
 Considered good in 3, 6, 10 & 11. Problem in other houses to the organ it

If afflicted causes –

 Bone marrow
 Measles
 Burns
 Blood related disease
 High BP or Low BP
 Stone in Gall bladder
 Shooting fever
 Chicken Pox
 Small Pox
 Mental diseases (?)
 Fractures of bones and rupture of tissue
 Abortion, miscarriage
 Piles
 Wart
 Moon afflicted by Mars – aggressiveness.
Mercury – Constitutes tridosha Vaat, Pitta and Kapha

 Signifies intellect
 Skin
 Front Portion of Brain
 Nervous system
 Internal communication of body
 If afflicted gives mental illness
 Lack of intellect
 Nervous breakdown
 Aggressive language
 Leprosy and eczema
 Mercury in 7th house with Saturn or afflicted by Saturn may cause impotency
 Deafness and dumbness
 Liquid coming out of ear
 Stammering and stuttering
 White patches on the skin

Mercury basically gives mind related problems due to affected intellect. Behaves like
the planet associated with. Me+Ve could mean that mind is impotent, Merc in lagna
afflicted by Sun/Mars causes skin diseases.

Jupiter – Kapha

 Governs liver, gall bladder, spleen

 Digestive system
 Ear (physical structure)
 Diabetes
 Fat on the body
 Laziness
 If afflicted; obesity, liver diseases
 Jaundice
 Diseases related to spleen
 Trouble to digestive system
 Saving grace of the horoscope
 Secondary growth (cancerous tumors)
Saturn – very slow moving planet, therefore long terms diseases, Vaat prakriti and
some kaph

 Chronic diseases
 Legs and feet
 2nd half of large intestine, rectum, anal portion
 Arthritis, piles, cancer
 Can accelerate any disease
 If sat afflicts moon can give mental illness
 Tumor
 Depression
 Injuries
 Disease of hands and legs
 Falling from heights
 If Sat is 5th lord poisted in the 6th house – may cause diseases of legs.

Rahu – acts like Saturn, Complicated diseases

 Hiccups
 Unforseen Fear
 Phobia
 Leprosy – skin diseases, Specially during Rahu – Mercury / Mercury – Rahu
 Wounds difficult to heal
 Fear from snake
 If Moon + Rahu the Unmad (Phobia, Boils and Ulcers)

Ketu – Gives diseases difficult to diagnose and all diseases like Rahu, any disease
starting in the dasha of Ketu will lead to surgery ultimately (very true in my case too)

 Epidemics
 Ulcer
 Liver
 High Fever
 Deafness
 Diseases caused by poison
 Mouth ulcer
 Erupting fever
 Small pox
 Swine Flu
 Viral
 Defective Speech
 Stomach Worm
Venus – Vaat and Kapha prakriti

 Infliction to face
 Face
 Eyesight
 External Sex Organs
 Pancreas (later part)
 If Venus is afflicted – Hormonal disorder
 Water borne diseases
 Kidney and Bladder
 Urinary Problems
 Sexual disorder
 Represents semen
 Urinary system
 White patches
 Appendix / Thyroid
 Diabetes (lesser significator)

To see the onset of a disease –

1. See the strength of Lagna / Lagna Lord, Moon, 8th House and 8th Lord.
2. Check the span of Aayu – Aayu Khand
3. A person may fall sick during t he dasha of Malefics (for the lagna)
4. During the dasha of Tri Shad AAya
5. During the dasha of Trik Pati
6. During the dasha of 22nd Dreshkon Lord, 64th Navamsha Lord and 85th
Dwadashamsha Lord.
7. During the dasha of Mandi’s dispositor
8. If Dasha lord is in Trik Bhav afflicted by malefics or afflicted by another Trik Lord
9. During he Dasha of a planet under Rah/Ketu Axis

** If Lagna is in Rahu Ketu Axis

** If there is benefic aspect on these lords then the outcome will be positive.
** If Lagna Lord is strong, that shows recovery.
** Diseases have to be seen in respective divisional charts D1, D3, D9 and D30

1. We have to see Lagna, LL. Lagna should be strong, Lagna is said to be strong if,

 Benefic aspect
 Benefic Planet in Lagna
 Own lord in Lagna or aspect
 Lagna in Shubh Kartari
 Vargottam Lagna
 Yoga formed in Lagna with benefic

2. LL should also be strong.

 Lagnesh Vargottam,
 Exalted
 Good awastha,
 Own house
 Kendra / Trikon
 Shubh Kartari
 PACE with benefic
 Benefic Vargas

3. Strength of Moon

 Paksha Bala
 Kendra Trikon
 Associated with may planets
 Adhi Yoga, Amla Yoga etc
 Vargottam
 Not in 6, 8, 12
 Not afflicted

4. Houses 3, 6, 11 should be occupied by malefics. Mandi in 3, 6, 11 gives the

native fighting ability

5. Benefics in Kendra / Trikona

6. 8H/8L should be strong

7. No planet in 8th House except Saturn, but it should also not be in enemy sign,
debilitated, afflicted or combust.

9. Strong AK in Kendra or Trikona, natural significator Sun should be strong.

10. Benefic Influence on 6th H or 6th Lord

11. Lagnesh should be stronger than the 6th Lord.

12. Lagna should have more benefic bindus than 6th and 8th House

13. Signs in descending order of capacity to fight diseases: -

1, 5, 9
2, 6, 10,
3, 7, 11
4, 8, 12

14. If dasha is not connecting with the Trik or Trishadaaya houses and Dasha Nath
is strong.

15. In transit, the Paap grah or Malefics should not afflict Lagna, Lagna Lord and

Parameters of Unsound Health

1. Weak lagna

2. Malefic in Lagna

3. Aspected by Malefic

4. Paap Kartari

5. Lagna Lord in debilitation

6. Less SAV Bindus

7. Enemy house, Combust, Paap Kartari, Defeated in Planetary War or in Trik Bhav

8. Weak Moon; afflicted Moon by virtue of Paksha Bal and placement.

9. 3, 6, 11 Not occupied by Malefics

10. Absence of Benefics in Kendra and Trikon

11. Weak 8th Lord

12. Weak Atma Karak

13. Gullik in Kendra / Trikon

14. Lagnesh when generally with Sun or Moon indicates bad health

15. Less AV in Lagna and 8th House

16. Retrograde planets not good for health, not able to confer good results

17. A retrograde in 8th House is not good

18. If LL is strong and benefics are in Kendra Trikon then good health.


 Strong Lagna/LL
 Strong 8th L
 Favourable Dasha
 Benefic Transit
 Influence of Jupiter on Dasha Nath is a period of Health, even if you fall
sick you will recover quickly

Diseases by Birth

1. If there is a dasha of Natural Malefic at the time of birth.

2. If dasha of functional Malefic

3. Planets associated with Malefics

4. Dasha of Afflicted Trik Lords, connected with Lagna / Lagna Lord or Moon and
Vice Versa.

5. Weakness in Lagna / LL by birth

6. If Moon is afflicted there can be Balarishta

7. See Arishta bhang yoga for saving grace

 Strong Jupiter in Lagna or Aspecting Moon or Lagna

 Benefics in Kendra or Trikona
8. Moon in 6, 8, 12 specially in 8th House is very bad.

9. If Moon is in 6, 8, 12 and LL is stronger it is a saving grace.

10. If LL is also aspected by Malefics then possibility of Arishta increases.

11. 8th House strength should be checked if strong then NO Arishta. Lagna & LL
should also be checked along with the strength of Moon.

12. Check out the dasha order along the current transit.

13. If all negative then Arishta Confirmed.


1. Moon in 6, 8, 12 aspected by malefics arishta in 4th Year, if also aspected by

benefics then arishta in 8th year.
2. Retrograde benefics in 6, 8, 12 aspected by Malefics OR
3. Benefics in 6, 8, 12 aspected by Retrograde Malefics and no saving grace. The
child can die within one year. There should not be any benefic influence or lagna also.
4. Moon in Kendra with all Malefics
5. If birth is during Moon’s Hora at the time of Sun Rise/Set and Lagna is in Rashi
Gandanta, it is a clear case of Bal Arishta.

Vajra Mushti Yoga

6. Malefics from 10th House to 4th House, Eastern Portion.
7. Benefics from 4th to 10th House – Western Portion.
8. Birth is in Keet Rashi
If these three are simultaneously prevailing, Jatak can die within 15 days.

9. Lagna in Paak kartari and if LL is in 7th House and defeated in Planetary War
death can be within one month.
10. Mars/ Saturn/ Sun together or separately in 6th or 8th House – balarishta.
11. If one malefic is in 6th or 8th and aspected by another Malefic.
12. Rahu in Kendra afflicted by Malefics.
13. Birth at the time of Eclipse & Lagna aspected by Saturn and Mars.
14. If all planets are weaker in strength and placed in dual signs.
15. Benefics in visible part of horoscope and malefics in invisible part.
16. Rahu in 7th aspected by Sun and Moon not aspected by Benefics.
17. If Saturn, Mars aspect Lagna and Sun and Moon are with Rahu.
18. If Saturn is in 10th House, Moon is in 6th House and Mars in 7th House
19. Sun in 9th, Mars in 7th, Jup or Venus in 11th.

See the transit of Moon over the strongest death inflicting planet or Malefic. Also see
the transit of Moon on Natal Moon. – For Death


1. Strong Jupiter in Lagna

2. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in Kendra in benefic positions, provided they are not
combust, defeated in Planetary War, not in Paap Kartari or inimical signs.

3. Lagna Lord strong in Kendra / Trikon (and if further aspected by benefics).

4. Moon in 6th or 8th if day birth Krishna Paksha or Night birth if Shukla Paksha
causes Arishta Bhang if benefics aspect Lagna in case of Shukla Paksha/Night Birth and
if Malefics aspect Lagna if Krishna Paksha/Day birth.

5. Sun in Virgo Sign in 12th House, Age = 100 years. Also if Tula Lagna and Sun in
12th House then 100 years age.

6. If all planets are Sheershoday provided they are not retrograde.

7. Rahu in 3, 6, 11 aspected by benefics.

8. Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in Lagna.

9. Malefics in Vargas of Benefic Planets.

10. Moon in 6 or 8 aspected by its own lord.

11. Saturn in 11th House in Cancer Lagna.

12. Benefics in Kendra Trikona aspecting Malefic Planets.

13. LL in Lagna aspected by most of the planets.

14. Full Moon aspected by all the planets.

15. Vargottam Lagna or Moon aspected by all planets.

16. Benefics in 6th, 7th or 8th from the Moon, but not aspected or conjoined by

17. Jupiter & Mars conjunct/aspecting.

18. if any benefic is winning in planetary war and making connection with another

19. If Jupiter and Venus strongly disposed in Kendra.


1. Moon is the most important significtor of Mind & Emotions

2. Mercury is the significator of Nervous system – Logic and intelligence

3. Jupiter is significator of wisdom

4. For mind related ailments look for 5H, 5L + 1H, 1L + 4H, 4L

5. Affliction is bad or if moon is in malefic yogas

Classical Combinations

1. If Moon is associated with Sat and Aspected by Mars, it gives mental illness. If
it happens in Kendra or Trikona then not so bad, but if in 6, 8, 12 then very bad.

2. Moon with Rahu in 8th House, obsessive mental illness. But if aspected by Jup
then recovery can be there provided 5thH and 5th L and Mercury are strong.
3. If one or two malefics in 8th house and Moon and Venus together in Kendra, it
leads to Mental Illness.

4. Sat and Mars together in 6th or 8th.

5. If Birth during eclipse and Sat + Mars in 6th or 8th and Jupiter not in Trikon then
it leads to Unmad.

6. Moon in 6th house, Rahu in Lagna then it is called a dragged moon.

7. Moon + Sat in 8th House – Unmad

8. Jupiter in Lagna and Saturn in 8th House.

9. A week Moon with Saturn in 12th House

10. Jupiter + Mars opposition = Unmad.


Mercury is the significator of speech – Mook Rashis are the watery signs 4, 8, 12.

1. Mercury as 6th Lord placed in Mook Rashis and afflicted by Saturn.

2. Mercury as 6th Lord in ________ afflicted by Malefics – skin disease also.

3. Mercury in 9th house, Venus in 10th sometimes gives Stamerring.

4. Malefics in 4, 8, 12 Rashis, Moon in Taurus at the end of Rashi afflicted by

Malefics then speech loss; if aspected by benefics also then late speech.

5. 2nd Lord with Jupiter in the 8th house. (if with 4th L then Mother etc.)

6. Full Moon in Lagna with Mars; or Moon , Merc, Mars together or aspecting each
other and afflicted by Malefics

7. A person will be deaf and dumb by birth if :

 3rd H and 3rd L under the influence of Malefics. The Moon should be
 8th H and 8th L should be afflicted as it is in a chronic disease.
 Rahu and Ketu in 3/9 or 5/11 axis will give conditional hearing (will hear
what he wants to hear)
 See afflicted dasha/antar dasha/pratyantar dasha related to 3 rd H, 3rd L at
the time of birth. 5/11 left and 3/9 right ear.
 Mercury being the 6th lord or in the 6th H afflicted by Saturn.


Jupiter governs the hardware of the ears and Mercury the software. 11H/L Left ear
and 3H/L Right ear

Classical Combinations for deafness

1. Mercury in 6th, 8th 12th house aspected by Saturn.

2. Mercury and Venus in 12th House.

3. Malefics in 3, 5, 9, 11 houses not aspected by benefics, jatak may be deaf by


4. Mercury and 6th L in 6, 8, 12 houses aspected by Saturn.

5. Sun and Mercury in 3, 6, 11 houses and Mars & Saturn in 7th House.

6. Mercury and Sun in 3, 6, 11 aspected by Mars and Saturn

7. Debilitated Venus with Rahu.

8. Mercury and 6th Lord in 4th House and Saturn in Lagna.

9. Venus in Taurus or Sagittarius in Lagna and Moon aspected by Venus.

10. At night birth Venus in 5th House and Mercury in 6th House.

11. Moon, Mars, Mercury together under Ra/Ke in 3th or 11th house.

12. Saturn aspecting 6th House as well as Mercury being 6th Lord.

13. Mercury 3rd H, 3rd L, 11th H, 11th L if get benefic influence then saving grace.

1. Lagna – if LL is afflicted.

2. Moon and Mars combination

3. 6th and 8th House – 4th happiness and vehicular, significator = Mars.

4. 4th L in 6th H, 6th L in 4th H (exchange, Nakshatra Exchange also to be taken)

5. Moon conjunct with Mars or aspected by Mars.

6. Mars in 8th H from Moon.

7. Mars placed in 4th House

8. Ketu & 4th Lord in 6th House.

9. Saturn, Mars, Rahu in 8th House.

10. Yoga of accidental death: -

 Mars and Sat in Lagna and Moon in 8th

 Sun in 10th aspected by Mars
 Sun in Lagna and Sat under Ra/Ke – fall from height.
 4H Mars and Saturn or Sun in 7th house – fire related accidents.
 Drowning, 4th L conjoined with Malefics in Kendra.
 Saturn in 4th H, Moon in 7th house and Mars in 10th House.
 LL in 4th house with 4th Lord and aspected by 10th L

Asthama / Swine Flu/ Lungs Related / Pneumonia

Tuberculosis – 4th H , 4th L and Moon

 If Moon and Sun are in exchange in D1 or D9

 If Sat is with Moon and aspected by Mars.
 Sun and Moon in Cancer or Leo Rashi
 If Lagna aspected by Mars + Saturn
 If LL conjoined with Venus and placed in Trik Houses
 If Mars is in 4th H from Karakansh Lagna and Rahu in 12th H
Combinations for Thyroid

 3rd H, 3L & Venus (Hormonal Imbalance)

 If 3rd H, 3L & Venus afflicted can lead to Thyroid
 If 4th H, 4th L & Venus are afflicted – it can cause eye related problems or
Vehicular Accidents


 90 – 95% - caused due to environmental issues

 5 – 10 % - caused due to genetical issues
 25 – 35 % - Tobacco
 30 – 35 % - Obesity
 15 – 20 % - Chronic infections

Caused due to

 L & LL are associated or afflicted by Malefics

 If L & LL associated with 11th H, 11th L or planet placed there in and making
connection with afflicted Jup.
 Connection of L & LL with 8th H & 8 L, see dasha MD, AD connection with
8thH, 8th L
 All above principles should be applicable simultaneously – See the life span

Heart Diseases

 4th H, 5th H & Sun

 4th denotes physical heart
 5th is for emotions
 Any afflictions to Leo can lead to Heart disease
 Analyse Sun – Sun in paap kartari
 Sun in PACE with 6,8,12 Lords
 If 5th House from Sun is afflicted
 Sun in Libra
 Mars in Rahu/Ketu Axis in PACE with Saturn

Classical Principles

 Sun in Aquarius in Lagna

 If 4th H is with Sat, Mars & Jupiter (Jupiter indicates fat)
 If 4th H, 5th H & Sun is afflicted
Eye Diseases

 2nd H, 2nd L and Sun for Right Eye

 12th H, 12th L & Moon for Left eye
 Karak for vision – Venus
 Venus in Lagna in 2nd H if afflicted will lead to small eyes
Classical Principles

 Sun in Lagna
 Sun in Lagna in Aries – inflammation or redness
 If Sun in Cancer – Catrat
 Sun in Leo – Night Blindness
 Sun in Libra – Blindness
 Weak Moon aspected by Saturn but no aspected by Jupiter
 Sun in 2nd House
 2 Malefics in 2nd House
 Moon in 2nd House aspected by Malefics
 Sun and Moon in 2nd House – Night Blindness
 Squint – Saturn – Affliction to Moon and 12th House
 Moon in 6th H not aspected by benefics
 Moon being 6th L sitting in House of Retrograde planets, 6th Lord
 Sun Venus and Mars together in any house
 Venus as 6th Lord in Lagna and any retrograde benefic in 6, 8, 12
 2nd L/12L in 6, 8, 12 houses from venus
Combinations of Blindness

 Moon in 2nd H from Sun associated or afflicted by Malefics

 Debilitated Moon in 6th or 12th H afflicted by Malefics
 Combust Mars in Lagna
 Moon in Lagna in Taurus @ 19 (Rohini – Own Nakshatra) or in Pisces 20
(Revati – Mercury Nak)
 Lagna Lord in 8th H in Rashi of Malefic planet
 Mars in 6th H from the Moon
 Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn in any sequence when placed in 2, 6, 8, 12 houses
 If malefics are at 6/12 axis problem to left eye
 If Malefics in 2/8 axis problem to right eye
 Sun under Rahu/Ketu axis and Malefics occupying trines
 Sun / Moon in 6th & 8th House (problem to both eyes)
 Mars & Saturn in 6th & 8th house
 Sun and Moon in 12th House afflicted by Malefics
 Moon and Venus in 2nd H afflicted by Malefics
Blindness since Birth

 LL , 2nd L, Sun together in 2nd H

 Sun & 2nd L together with 4th L; gives blindness to mother
 Sun / 2nd L together with 3rd L blindness to siblings
 Sun / Moon/ Venus/ Mars/ Saturn in any of the signs
 Birth in eclipse and Saturn is debilitated and combust
 Sun under Rahu / Ketu Axis and Mars and Saturn in Trikon
 LL / 2nd L / Sun and Venus placed in 6/8/12 houses
 LL/2nd L/12th L and Venus all in 6/8/12 houses

One Eyed Blindness

 Moon in Leo in 7th House conjoined or aspected by Mars.

 Sun in Cancer in 7th H aspected by Mars or Conjoined with Mars.
 Sun / Moon @ 6/12 axis gives the spouse one eye problem


 2nd L, 12L and Venus are debilitated in Navamsha aspected by Malefics

 Mars in 12th H and Saturn in 2nd Causes injuries in Left and Right Eye
 2nd L, 6th L, 10th L with Venus in Lagna, indicates loss of one eye; due to


 Saturn and Moon together aspected by Mars.

 Moon and Rahu in 8th House
 Saturn in 6th or 8th House conjoined with Mars
 Sun, Moon, Mars together either in Lagna or 8th House aspected by Malefics
 Birth @ time of eclipse and Jupiter NOT in Lagna/Trikona and Sat and Mars
in 6th or 8th House
 Rahu in Lagna & Moon in 6th House


 Houses to be seen – 6th & 7th houses along with Venus

 If all 3 are afflicted then possibility of disease
 For surgery – see PACE of Mars, 8th H and Saturn
Joints Pain

 If dual signs are afflicted, Mercury and Jupiter afflicted by Saturn

Kidney Disease

 6th H / 6th L
 7th H / 7th L
 If afflicted by Saturn then – stone in kidney
 If Jupiter in 5th H afflicted by Sat then stone in Gall Bladder

Skin Problems

 Lagna / LL and Mercury affliction

 Moon in 4th H from Karakamsha Lagna, afflicted by Mars or Ketu
 Mars as 6th L in Lagna
 Saturn as 6th L in Lagna
 6th L conjoined with Sun in Lagna
 6th L conjoined with Saturn in Lagna
 Mars in Lagna; Sun in 8th H and Saturn in 4th H

White Patches
 Moon in Venus afflicted by Malefics placed in Watery Signs
 Saturn, Mars, Venus in Watery Signs afflicted by Malefics
 Moon + Mars + Saturn in Aries or Taurus
 Moon in Lagna; Sun in 7th H and Saturn + Mars in 2nd H or 12th H
 Mercury in Aries; Moon in 10th H and Saturn + Mars Conjoined in any House


 Mars + Venus conjoined in 8th H

 Mars + Venus anywhere in the Sign of Mars
 Moon, Venus in the sign of Mars aspected by Saturn
 Karakamsha Lagna having Gullik
 Trikon associated with Mercury


 Saturn aspected by Malefic

 Saturn in Lagna – Mars in 7th House
 Saturn in 12th H and Mars connected with Lagna Lord
 LL and Mars in 7th H and Saturn in 12th H
 Sun; Saturn in 7th H and Mars in Scorpio
 8th H, 8th L afflicted
 Saturn in trik houses afflicted by Mars or placed with Mars.

Dental Problems

 2nd H, 2nd L / 7th H, 7th L

 Aries or Taurus rising in 1st or 2nd House aspected by Malefics
 Malefics in 7th H afflicted by another Malefic, no aspect of Benefic
 Rahu placed in 2nd H from 7th Lord may lead to deformed teeth
 Rahu in Lagna or in 5th H
 2nd L and 6th L together aspected by malefic
 Rahu or Ketu in 6th H

Different types of Diseases

 Mars; Saturn and Jup in 4th H – Heart disease

 11th L in 6th H – Multiple diseases
 Saturn and Mars in 6th H and Rahu and Sun either together or aspecting,
long term/chronic diseases.
 Rahu/Ketu; Saturn in 8th H, Moon in Lagna; life long problem of indigestion,
stomach related diseases
 Jupiter & Rahu in Lagna; teeth oriented disease
 6th L in 3rd H, stomach related disease chronic in nature
 Saturn in 6th H, leg oriented diseases
 Rahu/Ketu in 6th H; teeth or lips oriented diseases
 Lagnesh; Mars or Mercury; LL in the Rashi of Mars/ Merc aspected by
inimical planet – anal related diseases
 Moon in the Navamsha of Cancer or Scorpio – associated or aspected by
Malefics – “Gupt Rog”
 Mars; Mercury & lagna lord together in Leo in the 4 th or 12th H then Anal or
rectum related
 Any malefic in 8th H also gives venereal diseases (sexually transmitted)
 Jupiter in 12th H also gives venereal disease
 Mercury, 6th L and Mars together - problem to genetical organs
 8th L in 8th H – body more prone to diseases
Combinations for Trouble to Body
 Presence of Malefics in Kendra
 4th L in 6th H; 6th L in 4th H mutual exchange
 Influence of Mars on the Moon
 Mars placed or aspecting 4th H
 10th H occupied by Sun aspected by Mars from 4th H - Vehicular accident
 Lagna occupied by Sun and Saturn under Rahu / Ketu Axis; fall from height
 4th H with Mars and Sun/Sat (or/and) in 7th H – accident because of fire

Injury due to Weapons

 Mars and Saturn in Lagna and Moon in 8th H
 4th L with Ketu in 6th H
 Saturn / Mars + Rahu in 8th H
 Rahu / Ketu in 6th/8th/12th H with kendra or trikona lords

 LL with 4th L in 4th H and aspected by 10th L
 Saturn in 4th H; Moon in 7th H and Mars in 10th H


 Venus and Saturn in 10th H

 Saturn in 6th H or 12th H from Venus
 Sun in ODD Signs and in Mutual aspect with Saturn
 Sun in even signs and Mutual aspect with Mars
 Lagna & Moon in Odd signs and aspected by Mars sitting in even signs
 Moon in Odd Signs; Merc in even sign and both aspected by Mars
 Lagna; Moon and Venus in Odd signs
 Venus in Sign or Retro Planet
 LL in Lagna and Venus in 7th H
 Moon; Saturn Conj in 4th H or 10th H from Mars


 5th H; 5th L; Jupiter & Venus – if afflicted

 Pancreas – Major Part – Jupiter / Minor Part – Venus
 Debilitated Jupiter in 6; 8; 12 houses
 Saturn / Rahu afflicting Jupiter
 Venus in 6th H; Jup in 12th H
 5thL in 6;8;12 or PACE with 6;8;12
 Retrograde Jupiter in 6;8;12 afflicted by Malefics
 Debilitated or Combust Jupiter under Rahu / Ketu Axis

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