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To Whom It May Concern:

Please accept my highest recommendation for Anthony Gianaras as a candidate for school leadership
roles. Anthony possesses a comprehensive set of skills and positive, intentional dispositions that make
him one of the highest potential educational leaders with whom I have worked in my role as a faculty
member in Drake University’s Education Leadership program. Anthony demonstrated effective leadership
in his Drake cohort, and in doing so earned the respect and trust of his professors and peers alike. It was
evident to me as a faculty member that he fully dedicated himself to the program, as was evidenced by the
quality and thought-provoking nature of his work. Anthony’s skills as a communicator are remarkable; he
is an excellent speaker and he genuinely listens and responds thoughtfully and respectfully in individual,
small group, and large group discussions. He has already established a strong track record as a leader in
his evident commitment to students and families, and I have no doubt that his willingness and capacity to
learn and develop professionally will continue to be a hallmark of his career.

Anthony has been proactive in seeking out (and being sought out for) a wide and impressive range of key
leadership roles in every environment in which he has worked, competed, or studied. He has served on his
school’s leadership team, led professional development efforts in the Marzano Instructional Framework/
worked in a School for Rigor, and taken responsibility for leading his professional learning community. He
has also taken part in the school’s leadership advisory and MTSS task forces, as well as the district’s
legislative action team. Anthony has established himself as a true teacher-leader, with competency in
instructional technology, his use of data to guide learning, excellent parent communication, service on IEP
teams, and his work in trauma-informed environments. With his background and capacity for building
relationships, he is well qualified to hire, develop, mentor, and evaluate high quality professional staff, and
to establish and maintain effective engagement with parents, families, and other community stakeholders.

Ultimately, Anthony’s personal strengths truly set him apart as a leader: He models a high level of
integrity and ethics, and is an exemplar of servant leadership. He is conscientious and shows great respect
for all with whom he comes into contact. In short, Anthony Gianaras is clearly ready to accept
responsibility as a highly effective school leader, allowing him to impact school environments and the
lives and learning of young people in a profound manner. If I can further elaborate on his qualities in this
regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at (515) 271-2082 or at randal.peters@drake.edu.


Dr. Randal Peters

Associate Professor
School of Education
Drake University

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