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Holy God, We Praise Your Name Word fon in Te Den ace vers. gan Franz Muse found in KathoachesGoangbuch Vim, 1 Ciryate: Caren A: Walworth 1859 a “Sranget by Benjamin at We praise thee, O God we acknowledge thee ob the Lord ‘Alehe earth doth worship thee the Father avlating o G D G Ann a pF a a Gene iG ¥ ee = = = == =, f aes f LHo - ly God, we praise your name; Lord. «ofall, == we 2Hak, the glad =—ce - ‘les tial’_‘hymn ‘an - gel choirs =a - 3lo, the «ap - os - tol - ic train joins your sa- cred 4Ho - ly Fa - the, ho - ly Son, Hoey aspire et D3 3—0— 3, 432-3. 3 3—;3—0— 3. 43 3—f3—9—3_ T4335 3 33 —0—3 3 31323 bb 145 TaD) G D G G D G Amin G DR G + +— ete oe ee > 2 feat = t bow be = fore you. Saints on earth your mule. = ae - claim; bove are rais - ing: cher - u- bim ond ser - a - phim, name fo hal-low; prop - cts. swell the © glade - rain, three we name you, though ines - sence. on - ly one; —9—0— 3-7 3—9- 3 3—; 303-432 3. 5—5—3—_}3—0- 3 313 —0— 3 Fi 3 35. 7 55a: 3 313 BG (ee G D DGB Amin =D ie 2 i ——— oat F i t t all in. heaven a - bove a - doe you. In - fi - nite your in| un-ceas- ing cho. - rus _prais-ing, fill the ‘heavens with ad the while - robed mar - tyrs fol - low; and from mom to un - di - vi - ded God, we claim you, and, a - dor - ing, 3: 3 3—0— 3 993 30 2 = or 3. pope 6 ii —. 3 5 4—b—1 78 5 14 M4 as cD c D G Cc Bun DG = —— 5 f vast do - main; ev - er - last - ing is your rei sweet ac ~ cord: "Ho = W, | bow Dye shoe eye eal set of sum, — through =the chureh_—=the.=— song goes on. bend the knee while we own —the.=o mys. = ster - ae 5 6—l7 & 37 — 8. 4—t3 Copyright © 2010

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