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catch (coger) dive (zambullirse) hit (golpear) jump (saltar) kick (dar una patada)
lose (perder) run (correr) score (marcar) shout (gritar) train (entrenar)
throw (tirar) win (ganar)

play: basketball / football / tennis (jugar al baloncesto / al fútbol / al tenis)

do: athletics / judo (hacer atletismo / yudo)

go: cycling / snowboarding (practicar el ciclismo / hacer snowboard)

1 Mira los dibujos y completa los verbos.

tr a i n 1 r __ n

2 d __ v __ 3 k __ c __

4 t __ r __ w 5 h __ t

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

6 w __ n 7 j __ m __

8 c __ t __ h 9 l __ s __

10 s __ o __ t 11 s __ o __ e

2 Subraya las respuestas correctas.

Ben and his friends usually go / play skateboarding in the park.

1 Students at my school do / play basketball.
2 My brother does / plays athletics in the summer.
3 Lily goes / plays swimming every day at six o’clock.
4 My dad usually loses when he does / plays golf.
5 I play / do hockey at the weekend.
6 I love going / doing yoga.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

3 Completa las oraciones con los deportes del cuadro.

athletics basketball cycling football judo tennis

When you play football, you kick the ball and try to score a goal.
1 When you play _______________, you hit a ball with a racket.
2 When you do _______________, you try to throw your opponent onto the
3 When you go _______________, you ride a bike.
4 When you play _______________, you throw the ball.
5 When you do _______________, you run and jump.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

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