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The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo Sciences

A Veritas Foundation Staff Study By Archibald B. Roosevelt & Zygmund Dobbs 1964
- Highlight Loc. 20-23 | Surrey, England, where a Fabian coat-of-arms brazenly depicts socialism as a political wolf in sheep's
clothing. Commissioned by George Bernard Shaw in 1910; for over 30 years it was privately displayed in the socialist inner-circle,
who gloated over successful masquerades as "mild reformers" and "righteous liberals". Arrogantly, the socialist leaders picture
themselves as shaping the whole world with hammer blows while relegating their followers to the role of blind worshippers praying
before the image of socialist propaganda.

Highlight Loc. 23-25 | The Fabian Window is now displayed in Beatrice Webb House, a memorial financed by the world socialist
movement. The two figures wielding hammers are G. B. Shaw and Sidney Webb.

- Highlight Loc. 264-80 | In a few years the Johns Hopkins University group turned out large numbers of teachers and professors who
infiltrated universities such as Columbia, University of Chicago, Yale, Harvard, and the University of Wisconsin. In short order this
same group managed to secure a firm grip on the text book publishing business in America. Under the title of Citizens Library of
Economics Politics and Sociology, with Richard T. Ely as general editor, this group issued textbooks with a strong socialistic bias,
under the aegis of "social science". These textbooks were authored by such socialists as Richard T. Ely, John A. Hobson (British
Fabian), E. A. Ross, Jane Addams (Fabian socialist social worker), Robert Hunter, John Spargo, Thomas Kirkup, Lester F. Ward,
Franklin H. Giddings and Charles Zeublin.(27) These text books were used in most of the colleges and universities in the United
States at the turn of the century, and some have survived as required reading to the present day. Thus the early success in influencing
educated men and women through a small handful of people in sensitive positions encouraged the socialists to develop special
techniques for infiltrating important control centers of our society. The socialist permeation of the book publishing business became so
extensive that today they have not only succeeded in promoting the publishing, writing and distributing of exclusively socialistic
material, but they also have a firm grip on the reviewing of books which, in the final analysis, determines what the general public
reads. A generation after Johns Hopkins created its socialistic flying squad who became instructors and professors at other
universities, the director of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (later the League for Industrial Democracy--American Fabians)
reported: "I am continually coming across professors in colleges, ministers, journalists, social workers, and collegians of various
professions, formerly members of undergraduate Chapters, who are now doing splendid work in bringing the Socialist or radical point
of view before the great unreached public--working, sometimes most quietly, but effectively, nevertheless.

- Highlight Loc. 663-79 | "Socialism, then, appears quite practicable within this frame of reference, as a long-term proposition. Its
gradual advance might well preserve order and law, keep enough internal checks and discontinuities to guarantee a measure of
freedom, and evolve new and real forms for the expression of democracy. The active agents in effecting the transition will probably
be, not the working class, but some combination of lawyers, business and labor managers, politicians and intellectuals in the manner
of the first New Deal, or of the Labor government in Britain." (4) Political Murder Called a "Habit" Although he favors a peaceful
"creeping socialism", he looks upon the mass murder of millions in the Soviet Union as mainly a psychological problem of the
murderers: "The habit of violence is hard to abandon; especially when it has worked in the past. A revolutionary elite always has the
wistful conviction, based on experience, that it is easier to dispose of opposition by firing squads than by arguments." (5) In the first
statement, Mr. Schlesinger concedes that under socialism there may be "a measure of freedom" and new forms "for the expression of
democracy". He assumes the new ruling class will be made up of the intellectuals and the professional element. This would naturally
lead to a caste system in which class rule would evolve into hereditary succession. Parents usually fight to pass on to their children the
positions and status which they have acquired. This is wholly at variance with the ideal of rule by the most capable. Schlesinger's
admission that at best only "a measure of freedom" will be allowed in the New Order, combined with his tolerance of the Soviet's
mass murders recalls the old adage that "if you scratch a socialist you will find a fascist". Mr. Schlesinger's socialist orientation readily
accounts for the true nature of his writings, which are a modern, slick exposition of the Fabian socialist approach. The books of both
Senior and Junior Schlesingers are required reading in college classrooms throughout the United States, and their slant on history
represents the current teaching in this country. Actually, they do not teach history, but politics,--a socialism of the Fabian variety.

- Highlight Loc. 682-86 | Actually, they do not teach history, but politics,--a socialism of the Fabian variety. The impact of
Schlesinger socialism extends far beyond the classroom. The preachings of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., as Special Assistant to the
President of the Untied States were heard not only in the United States, but throughout the world. According to standard Fabian
practice these avoid the name of socialism and masquerade under harmless sounding labels. The Schlesingers are only the culmination
of a long-time process of infiltration into the teaching and writing of history by the Socialists, who early began to use history as a
political weapon. History the Hidden Persuader

- Highlight Loc. 686-94 | Socialist and communist academicians have over-run the field of history largely by default. History is
commonly misconceived as a rather abstract subject little related to everyday life. But leftists realize that those who control the
teaching of history set the tone for the philosophy of history. The philosophy of history in turn determines the thinking about the
direction in which society is travelling. Socialist infiltrators into our colleges and universities are interested solely in proving that
society is predestined towards socialism. Alternatives are either ignored or derided as unworkable. Professor F. A. Hayek in his
Capitalism and the Historians says: "The influence which the writers of history thus exercise on public opinion is probably more
immediate and extensive than that of the political theorists who launch new ideas. It seems as though even such new ideas reach wider
circles usually not in their abstract form but as the interpretations of particular events. The historian is in this respect at least one step
nearer to direct power over public opinion than is the theorist."

- Highlight Loc. 695-98 | "Most people, when being told that their political conviction shave been affected by particular views on
economic history, will answer that they never have been interested in it and never have read a book on the subject. This, however,
does not mean that they do not, with the rest, regard as established facts many of the legends which at one time or another, have been
given currency by writers on economic history.

- Highlight Loc. 700-702 | it is via the novel and the newspaper, the cinema and political speeches, and ultimately the school and
common talk that the ordinary person acquires his conceptions of history. but in the end even those who never read a book and
probably have never heard the names of the historians whose views have influenced them come to see the past through their
spectacles." (6)

- Highlight Loc. 834-35 | expressed was certainly far broader and must more realistic and intelligent than either Marx's or Beard's.

- Highlight Loc. 808-35 | Charles Beard had co-authored with James Harvey Robinson The Development of Modern Europe in 1907.
This was a highly successful work which popularized the socialistic teachings of Karl Marx. It achieved a wide acceptance as a
textbook in American colleges. Beard, at this time, became associated with the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (known today as the
League for Industrial Democracy). (31) The Intercollegiate Socialist Society had organized Fabian socialist branches in scores of
universities and colleges of America. With this socialist background Beard was in a position not only to write but also to find a market
for his books. In 1913, he wrote An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. (32) This was heavy artillery
designed to demolish the lofty reputations of the Founding Fathers. It was one of the most audacious pieces of historical deception of
all time. James Madison, one of the framers of the United States constitution, and the fourth President of the United States, was
caricatured as an exponent of a Marxist type of economic interpretation of history 21 years before Marx was even born. Beard selected
for his text a twisted extract form one out of 85 essays issued under the joint title of The Federalist in order to get support for adoption
of the Constitution. The essay he chose was James Madison's Federalist 10, printed in the New York Packet, November 23, 1787.
Beard used the unpardonable trick of quoting part of one paragraph and then skipping about 150 words before tacking on part of a
later paragraph. Historian Douglass Adair states: "Apparently Beard's use of Madison's Tenth Federalist was, in part, at least, a matter
of political strategy--a device, quite self-consciously adopted, of wrapping himself in the American Flag as he muckraked the motives
of the Founding Fathers, and, by implication, pointed to the Constitution as an instrument of class exploitation." (33) Beard,
deliberately created the illusion that our Founding Fathers were "a conspiracy of predatory minority groups concealing their operations
behind the rhetorical false face of 'We, the People'". (34) In the portion that Beard extracted out of context from Madison's writings he
tries to show that Madison attributed a purely economic and selfish motivation to the building of the American Republic. This accords
with Marx's economic interpretation of history propounded about 70 years after Madison wrote the Tenth Federalist. But part of the
section omitted by Beard, reads: "A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as
well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to
persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties,
inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for
their common good. So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion
presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their
most violent conflicts." (35) The above statements of Madison directly contradicts Beard's false picture of Madison. Madison's view of
social relations as above expressed was certainly far broader and must more realistic and intelligent than either Marx's or Beard's.

- Highlight Loc. 835-41 | Douglass Adair sums up this chicanery succinctly when he says: "In fact, when Beard paraphrases form
Federalist 10 what he calls Madison's 'masterly statement of the theory' his method is to quote one passage of that essay incompletely;
to change subtly, but decisively, a key element in Madison's theory into Marxian terms; and then to buttress this misstatement of
Madison's 'economic determinism" with a footnote which is almost a verbatim transcription of a paragraph by Engels." (36) The
introduction to one of Beard's essays states: "Beard's main thesis that economic motives and interests dominated the 'Founding
Fathers' in their drawing up of the new federal constitution in 1787 led scholars, in the main, during the twenties and thirties to
subscribe to an economic interpretation of history." (37) Socialists

- Highlight Loc. 841-48 | Twisted American History Beard's slant was calculated to undermine not only the heroic picture of the
founders of our nation, but also to denigrate those features of independence, individualism and self- reliance that characterized the
pioneer era. Beard's historical muckraking, and Frederick Jackson Turner's prophesy of a future bare of opportunity for individual
development represent two great strategic blows against the basic structure of American history and traditions. The socialistic theme
outlined by Beard in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States was carried through all his subsequent
works. some eleven million copies of his 47 books have been sold. (38) As Beard's interpretations have dominated the teaching of
history in

- Highlight Loc. 848-49 | American schools, there is hardly an American alive who has not been exposed to this leftist virus. Since
Beard's death (1948) the socialistic slant on history has been continued by such persons as Carl Becker, Marx Lerner, and the two

- Highlight Loc. 850-56 | The historical perversions of Beard and his successors are not their own personal idiosyncrasies, but are
linked with the massive Fabian socialist movement in this country. The eleven million copies of Beard's works are a small part of the
flood of socialistic material which has discolored American history. His followers and imitators have issued many millions more that
are slowly corroding our people's veneration for the wise statesmen who conceived and made viable our constitutional form of
government, the envy of all mankind. This degrading process is not only reflected in college textbooks, but lurks in the pages of
historical novels, in motion pictures and in television programs. It has set the tone of historical thinking for the whole country. The
socialist game of "debunking history" has become a popular literary pastime. It festers in the Halls of Congress, the White House, and
even in the Judiciary system.

- Highlight Loc. 905-6 | the policy of sly deception in the name of scholarship was an attribute not only of Charles Beard but also the
entire corps of camouflaged socialists in the academic

- Highlight Loc. 911-17 | When Charles Beard and his cohorts sold the idea to the American educational system that history is
economically determined they pretended that this was a new American concept. Several generations of Americans have been taught
this false historical principle without knowing that they were being inoculated with Karl Marx's old formula of historical materialism,
or what is sometimes called the economic interpretation of history. The only thing unique about Charles Beard and his corps of
undercover socialists was the smooth technique with which this whole process was put over on the American public. Millions of
Americans, including teachers and academicians, did not suspect that this was a device to brainwash an entire nation and change the
whole concept of national destiny.

- Highlight Loc. 931-34 | "Judaistic" characteristics taken over by Christian society. He declared: "The Jew has emancipated himself in
Jewish fashion, not only by taking to himself financial power, but by virtue of the fact that with and without his cooperation money
has become a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of Christian nations. The Jews have
emancipated themselves insofar as Christian have becomes Jews."(1)

- Highlight Loc. 931-34 | "Judaistic" characteristics taken over by Christian society. He declared: "The Jew has emancipated himself in
Jewish fashion, not only by taking to himself financial power, but by virtue of the fact that with and without his cooperation money
has become a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of Christian nations. The Jews have
emancipated themselves insofar as Christian have becomes Jews."(1)

- Highlight Loc. 924-31 | Chroniclers of Marxism generally fail to note that Karl Marx did not arrive at his so- called "scientific
socialism" by "scientific" investigation and testing. Marx embraced socialism as a teenage youth, a san emotional belief and then spent
the rest of his life in constructing theoretical justifications for his creed,--just the reverse of the "scientific" methods that Karl Marx
and his followers profess. Bigotry Inspired Marx Marx's original historical theory was actually an anti-Jewish interpretation of history.
He later refined it into the formula called "an economic interpretation of history." In 1844, having elected to become a professional
revolutionary, Marx presented socialism as a revolution against the system of private enterprise which he characterized as a "Judaized"
economy. He labelled the noble principles of individual dignity and personal freedom as

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