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Explain the statement “Communication is vital to our daily lives”

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are

all different in the way we perceive the world and use this
understanding as a guide to our communication with
others." - Anthony Robbins

Communication Is Integral To Human Life

Communication is deeply intertwined with the human existence. It is an integral part of
it. One cannot think of human life without communication. Can you imagine what would
happen if you are not allowed to talk for a long time? You would feel suffocated.

In personal life, we need to communicate to deal with various concerns and problems of
daily life. In professional life also, it is communication that helps us to build healthy
relations and credibility with co-workers.

Only speaking/talking is not communication. Communication can take place in many

forms. Sometimes, we communicate by 'talking' about our ideas, thoughts or emotions;
at other times, we may wish to communicate through the written word or even non-
verbally. Whatever form we choose, getting the message across is what communication
is all about.

Communication is a process that is dynamic, continuous, and irreversible but at the

same time, it is reciprocal in nature. It is an ongoing process.

Roughly, we can define communication as a shared meaning between two or more

individuals. The shared meaning arises out of the individual's experiences, background,
education and training. Similarity in experiences, background, training, etc. makes
communication successful between individuals.

Communication helps us to understand others. The inability to communicate can lead to

a lot of problems both personally and professionally.

Imagine a day without communicating! We can instantly feel the void it would create.
Can we ever forget that it is our ability to communicate verbally that distinguishes us
from animals? Communication helps form a powerful bond among people and makes
us social beings.
Besides, knowledge is not the sole requirement for the achievement of success. A
person may possess good knowledge, but his/her performance will be evaluated largely
on the basis of his/her ability to communicate. Therefore, if you are a good
communicator, you have better chances of success in life and in business.

Communication is a process of sending and receiving information among

people. Humans communicate with others not only by face-to-face
communication, but also by giving information via the Internet and printed
products such as books and newspapers. Many people believe that the
significance of communication is like the importance of breathing. Indeed,
communication facilitates the spread of knowledge and forms relationships
between people.

First of all, communication helps to spread knowledge and information among

people. For example, authors write books to impart knowledge to the World,
and teachers share their experience with their students. Also, friends or co-
workers discuss their ideas with each other, and companies exchange
information with their subsidiaries and customers. Besides, the advent of the
Internet not only allows people to have better access to knowledge and
information in all fields, but also makes it easier and faster to contact with
people around the World. Undoubtedly, the sharing knowledge and
information process cannot function without communication. As a result,
companies cannot operate, and humanity will be drowned in the abyss of

Communication helps to spread knowledge and information among people.

Moreover, communication is the foundation of all human relationship. At first,

strangers start talking and getting to know each other, and then the
relationships are formed when they have more interaction and
communication. Communicating helps people to express their ideas and
feelings, and it, at the same time, helps us to understand emotion and
thoughts of the others. As a result, we will develop affection or hatred toward
other people, and positive or negative relationships will be created.

It is no doubt that communication plays a vital role in human life. It not only
helps to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also
helps people to develop relationships with others. Therefore, the importance
of communication cannot be underestimated. Every day, we communicate
with a lot of people including our families, our friends, our colleagues, or even
strangers. We should learn how to communicate effectively to make our lives

What is communication? Where is it located and why do we need it? These are all questions that
you probably have never needed to think about. That does not mean it is not there though. It is all
around us at almost every moment. Communication is the process of sending and interpreting
messages that illicit a response.

We all communicate naturally. You are probably sitting in your seat, reading this and thinking, so
maybe just putting your head down while reading would be easier. Others can look at you and see
this happening. They may come up with several conclusions of why your head is down, but
regardless of the reason, you are still sending a message whether there was intent to or not. Your
nonverbal gestures, as well as verbal, are all forms of communicating.

Picture a life without communication. Technology, relationships, medicine, and much more would all
be affected and less education would take place. If we were stripped of communication, we would all
be in this world together, but very alone. How would anything have growth? Abilities, such as simply
pointing to an object would be a form of communication. With no form of communicating, where
would the world be today?

Upon reviewing what role communication plays in our daily lives, we find out that it is one of the most
important talents known to mankind. Without it, we are lifeless. We must remember to speak
ethically to avoid any possible miscommunication. Messages are sent and received throughout the
day, whether we intend to or not. Without any way to communicate, the world as we know it would
be stagnant.

2. Differentiate face-to-face (in person speaking situation) from mediated (with-a-remote-

audience speaking situation).

Face-to-face interaction (less often, face-to-face communication or face-to-face discourse) is a

concept in sociology, linguistics, media and communication studies describing social interaction carried
out without any mediating technology.


Face-to-Face, Co-Located Audience Channel

When speaking to an audience in person, a speaker uses both verbal and non-verbal
methods to communicate the message. The sounds that a speaker makes are
interpreted as words. The sounds are transmitted through an audio (or auditory)
channel as sound waves and are received by the listeners in the audience. Speakers
also use their hands to make gestures, change their facial expressions, and project
images or words on a screen. These cues are received by the listeners through the
visual part of the channel: their sense of sight. When the speaker and the audience are
in the same room at the same time, the channels of communication are synchronous, in
real time.

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Channel

Speakers also use communication channels that are mediated, meaning there is
something between the speaker and the receivers. In some cases, the auditory and
visual signal is mediated by a computer to convert what the speaker says and does into
a digital signal that is transmitted to remote audiences. Computer Mediated
Communication (CMC) is able to overcome physical and social limitations of other forms
of communication, and therefore allow the interaction of people who are not physically
sharing the same space. Computer mediated digital channels may be synchronous,
when remote audiences are listening to the speech via computer conferencing or
streaming audio and video at the same time the speech is being delivered. The channel
might also be asynchronous, when audiences listen to the speech at some time after
the speech was delivered, perhaps via a website like youtube.com or vimeo.com. The
message delivered through CMC channels could be only audio, but is likely to involve
both audio and video, which uses the auditory and visual senses of the humans to
decode the digital signals and process the message.

3. What is “frame of reference” in communication? Is it possible for two people to have

exactly the same frame of reference? Defend your answer

The frame of reference is whatever you understand is the position of those with whom
you propose to communicate.

You want to teach integral calculus to a class? What language does the class speak or
understand? Are there environmental issues? (eg is the class next to a war zone?) What
is their existing level of understanding of mathematics? What is their level of maturity?

You want to ask someone to marry you? Has she indicated she feels close to you? Are
there possibly cultural issues? Is she single? Do either of you have children? What are
your plans for the future?

In summary, you need to know where they are, before you put into the mix whatever you
want to add.

And, of course, this is only one of the one ways in one way communication!

This is really more than a Quora question can respond to - I have marginally skimmed
the surface of only two possible situations in one of several situations in one of the forms
of communication. So multiply the possibilities about a million-fold. Maybe I have
pointed out some of the areas where difficulties might arise.
A frame of reference is a complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to
filter perceptions to create meaning. The frame can include beliefs, schemas,
preferences, values, culture and other ways in which we bias our understanding and

• Frame of reference is the way a person perceives the world and their surroundings

• Frame of reference comes from: parents, teachers, experiences, culture, education, and the

4. Why is silence considered as a feedback? Do you agree that “there is no such thing as
zero feedback”?

Silence is also considered as a feedback because when someone is in silence it's either he
doesn't have any objections or he is still thinking about the idea presented to him.
Silence considered feedback because the receiver has already understand what speaker have
Others might say that silence meant a thousand words.

But rationally speaking, communication is a two-way process that indicates a sender and a receiver.

How will the sender know if his message was sent if the receiver gave silence as a feedback?

In short, silence is not considered a feedback even though the receiver got the message.

Read more on Brainly.ph - https://brainly.ph/question/594407#readmore

Silence is not a conversation.because you can't speak even a little word or greetings to the
people that you want to speak of.silence is marked as attitude.

5. We often hear people blurting out that a certain person’s message is “out of context”.
Cite at least 2 instances where conversations were out of context.

 Entertainment: with The Times reporting its frequent abuse by promoters with, for example, "I
couldn't help feeling that, for all the energy, razzmatazz and technical wizardry, the audience
had been shortchanged" being pared down to "having 'energy, razzmatazz and technical
 Politics: Firing of Shirley Sherrod: In 2010, Breitbart released a video of a speech of a USDA
director, Shirley Sherrod, that suggested that she was racist against a white farmer that
approached her for help. Shortly after, Sherrod was fired for the remarks in the video. Later, a
longer video showing the entire speech showed that Sherrod explicitly rejected the racist
interpretation of the short clip that was originally published. Sherrod sued Breitbart and others
for defamation and the case was settled out of court.
 Travel: The Guardian ran an article in May 2013 with the subheading "Sri Lanka has the hotels,
the food, the climate and the charm to offer the perfect holiday, says Ruaridh Nicoll. It's just a
pity about the increasingly despotic government".[26] A highly edited version of this piece was
immediately posted on the official Sri Lankan news portal under the heading "Sri Lanka has
everything to offer perfect holiday" [sic].[27]
 Pseudohistory: A book review in The New York Times recounts Lerone Bennett Jr.'s "distortion
by omission" in citing a letter from Abraham Lincoln as evidence that he "did not openly oppose
the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party" because, as Lincoln explained, "they are mostly my old
political and personal friends", while omitting to mention that the remainder of the letter
describes Lincoln's break with these former Whig Party associates of his, and his anticipation of
"painful necessity of my taking an open stand against them."[28]
 Alternative medicine: Analysis of the evidence submitted by the British Homeopathic
Association to the House Of Commons Evidence Check On Homeopathy contains many
examples of quote mining, where the conclusions of scientific papers were selectively quoted to
make them appear to support the efficacy of homeopathic treatment. For example, one paper's
conclusion was reported as "There is some evidence that homeopathic treatments are more
effective than placebo" without the immediately following caveat "however, the strength of this
evidence is low because of the low methodological quality of the trials. Studies of high
methodological quality were more likely to be negative than the lower quality studies."[29]

For example, if a senator is quoted as saying, "I beat my wife ... . " it seems to mean one
thing, but if the rest of that part of the interview was about playing chess with her but that
information isn't included with the quote, then the quote is misleading because it was taken
out of context.
Here is that famous example that I mentioned earlier: "He (Judas) went away and hanged
himself. Go and do the same."
What we have here is two separate sentences from different passages of the Bible. The first
sentence is taken from Matthew 27:5b and is the account where Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss
and was paid 30 pieces of silver by the chief priests and elders. After he did this, he felt remorse
and went back to them and said, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." But they said,
"What is that to us? See to that yourself." And he threw the pieces of silver into the sanctuary
and he departed: and he went away and hanged himself.
The last sentence in that statement is taken from Luke 10:37b and is part of the story of the
Good Samaritan. In part it says, "There was a man traveling down the road and he was beaten
and robbed by some unsavory men and left on the side of the road to die. Over the next several
hours three different men came by, a Priest, a Levite and a Samaritan. The first two passed by on
the other side of the road but the Samaritan (half-breed) stopped, put the man on his own beast,
took him to an inn and paid for the innkeeper to take care of him. He also told the innkeeper
that if he owed more, he would pay him when he returned."
Then Jesus, who was responding to a lawyer's question, said, "Which of these three do you think
proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?" And the lawyer said, "The
one who showed mercy toward him." And Jesus responded, "Go and do the same." Here we have
two true statements when taken separately, but when they are linked together, they become
untrue. That's what it means to take things out of context.

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