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Certificado del Sistema de Gestion de la Calidad NOR UNE-EN ISO 9001 ER-0078/1997 ABNOR, Asocacin Espafola de Normaleacin yCetficaion,crifica que a organizacion AZOR AMBIENTAL, S.A. Alspone de un sistema de gestion dela calidad conforme con la Norma UNE-EN 50. 9001:2008, pata las actividades: que se relizan en Fecha de emision: Fecha de renovacion: Fecha de expiracion: AENOR Edad de crfieain de sistemas de gestion de la calidad acedtado por EMAC con ace {2 producin de ingots de plomo duce aleacones de plomoy Perdigones de cazay tro deportivo. FILA POLVORISTA - CR MADRID, KM, 387, 30500 - MOLINA DE SEGURA (MURCIA) 1997-02-05 2012-04-07 2015-04-07 Avelino BRITO MARQUINA Director General de AENOR érav, 6. 28004 Madd. Espaa Tel 902102 201 - winwaenores Asociacion Espafola de Normalizacion Certificacion din N° OYC-SCO03 AEUORes miembro de la RED Net (Red internacional de Cefn) |: RR a aI (=) * 7 *, Ke. Saal THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK CERTIFICATE IQNet and AENOR hereby certify that the organization AZOR AMBIENTAL, S.A. PILA POLVORISTA - CR MADRID, KM. 287 ‘30500 - MOLINA DE SEGURA(MURCIA) Espana for the following field of activities Production of pure lead ingots, ead alloys and lead shot for hunting and sporting shooting. has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 9001:2008 Issued on: 1999-08-01 Renewed on: 2012-04-07 Validity date: 2015-04-07 Registration Number: ES-0078/1997 Michael Drechsel President of IONet Executive Officer 10Ret Partners: ABNOR Spain AFNOR Certf‘cation France AIB-Vingate Intemational Belgium ANCE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus C189 lialy COC Crina COM China CYS Caech Republic Cro Cert Crouta DOS Noldsse Guile Geren tas Sem eor ELOT Greece FCAV Brazil FONDONORMA Voncsisla ICONTEC Colombia TMI Moses INORG Tsien Inspecta Certification Finland [RAM Argentina JOA Japan KEQ Korea MS2T Hungary, Neue Ae Nor vey neds Ireland PCRC Polond Quality Austra Austna RR Ruseta Sit oraed SQ Stveria, SIRIM OAS lntersuonal Notayea Se oe SRAC Romania TEST St Petersbung Russin TSE Turkey YUOS Serban "Nets repreentod inthe USA by: APNOR Certicton, C180, DOS Holing Seta and NSA ne "The Hist oF10Net partners sali tthe tne ove of tie certeate:Upceted ifort fe ouange eater eres com

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