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Definition: Sign:

Obesity Obesity is an excessive or abnormal  Out of breath

buildup of fat that can interfere with
 Heartburn
health. (WHO, 2011)
 Skin problems
Someone who is said to be obese if
there is an increase or enlargement  Irregular menstruation
of their body fat cells. (Myers,
 Knee pain
 Snoring
Abdominal obesity, also known as a
distended stomach, or clinically  Back pain
central obese, is a collection of
 Varicose veins
Group: abdominal fat found in the
abdominal area. (Wikepedia, the  High blood pressure
1. Desi Nurul Hikmah
free encyclopedia).
 Depression
2. Hilwa Fakhriyah
3. Qori’ah Anna Fadillah

4. Sri Mulyati Sari

University of Muhammadiyah

Faculty of Nursing- 4th Semester

June 2017
Symptoms: Prevention: Reference:

 ARound
face.  Limit intake of foods 1. (WHO, 2011)
 Chubby cheeks. containing fat and 2. (Myers, (2004)).
What do chin.
 Double you include in a carbohydrates. 3. (Wikepedia, the free
 The neck is relatively short.  Increase consumption of encyclopedia).

Here are a couple

 Swollen chest andof ideas…
enlarged vegetables and fruits, 4. (health.detik.com)

breasts containing fatty including legumes, whole 5. (Juanita, 2008)

grains and nuts. 6. (WHO, 2014)
 Perform regular physical
 Belly bulge and abdominal
wall multiply and both legs are
 Reduce sugar, salt and fat
generally x-shaped with both
content in processed foods.
inner groin between each other
 Providing healthy and
and cause blisters.
nutritious food choices that are
(Juanita, 2008) affordable to consumers.

(WHO, 2014)

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