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STUDOVANÝ OKRUH (downloaded by Nora Al Sheikh):

1/coll`s fracture may possibly cause injury to which of the following?

a-flexor pollicis
b-abductor pollicis
c-adduuctor pollicis
d-extensor pollicis longus * (logické – jako jediný jde z předloktí)

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 101 ‫ص‬

2/in SCI which of the following in not of complications?

b-systemic hypertention
c-pressur sorses
d-orthostatic hypotension

3/in yellow and red flags which of the following not considered as red flag in these

a-history of carcinoma
b-psychosocial factor
c-bowel problems
d-excess weight loss

‫للتسهيل عليكم فقد وجادت لكم الجاابه الصحيحه لسؤال الفلجا او العلم الصفر والحمر‬
‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 54 ‫ص‬

4/which of following not needed in testing the trapezius ms?

a-head flexion *
b-head extension
c-head rotation
d-head lateral flexion
5/which of following not needed in testing the splenius capitis ms?

a-head flexion *
b-head extension
c-head rotation
d-head lateral flexion

6/which ms draw air brows together to downward and inward making horizontal

b-corrugator *
c-orbicularis oris
d-lateral ptyroid

7/which ms of body flexes hip and abducting it and (medially) rotates it?

b-tensor facia lata * (+ pomocná flexe kyčle, abdukce, vnitřní rotace, extenze v koleni)
d- rectus femoris

(srov. s m. sartorius – flexe kyčle, zevní rotace, flexe v koleni)

8/rickets is deu to defficincy of vitamine?

d-d *

9/applind electrical stimulation to area for long lasting period cause?

a-skin irritation *
b-weakness of ms
c-edema occure

10/which of following not risk factor for osteoporosis?

a-enclosed family history
b-fracture in gym exercises *
c-low calcium intake
d-corticosteroid medications

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 243 ‫ص‬
11/coronary arteries suppling heart when?

c-in between
d-not related to systole or diastole , supplying heart every time

12/the heart valve responsible in preventing blood from return to right atrium
when it is passed to right ventricle is ?

a-mitral or bicuspid *(gresit)


13/the term dysapraxia refers to?

a-inability to perform purposfull movements
c-slow motion
d-involuntary movement *

14/patient coming to you suffering from pain at calves due to walkinf 200 feets
this patient has?

a-calf strain
b-arterial insufficiency
d-varicos vein

15/what is the best electrical modality shosen to treat infective wond?

a-Low Level laser

b-ultraviolet radiation *
c-galvainc stimulation

16/in electrical stimulation intensity of muscle contraction(shortening) depend

on ?

a-shape of current and electrical device used

b-duration of ttt
c-size of electrodes
d-intensity and frequency of current
17/when you sit-up a patient from long sitting after prolonged
period of bed rest following major back surgury,
the patient experience an orthostatic hypotention and suddenly will fall,,what is
yor response?

a-immediatly return patient to original long sitting

b-call the phycitian
c-rite down this in patient`s review
d-assure him it`s O.K dont worry it`s normal decrease in Blood Pressure due to a
long rest period
‫هذا السؤال شكيت فيه شوي لن المعروف ان اذا الواحد حس بدوخه على طول نرجاعه لوضعيته السابقه بس‬
‫ما ادر ياليت احد يفيدني بالموضوع هذا‬
18/‫ جاايب رسمة‬Deltoid

whish nerve supplying ms in this pic?

a-axillary *
c-long thoracic

19/in degenerative joint disease which is not occure?

a-increased with weight bearing on the joint ?????

b-gradual onst ??????
c-stiffness at morning
d-increaser after prolonged period of unactivity

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 42 ‫ص‬

20/in normal milestone baby can jump by both legs in swing at ?

a-12 monthes
b-24 monthes
c-18 monthes
d-30 monthes (poate)
‫وهذا السؤال بعد شاكه فيه‬

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 201-200-199 ‫ص‬
21/Bennett's fracture is ?

a-little finger
c-middle finger
d-distal end of radius

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 101 ‫ص‬

22/in clinical examination you must do all of the following except?

a-observe the patient examin both affected unaffected

b-review patient sheet
c-focus only on areas of patient`s complai *
d-respect the sesitizers of patients

23/which of the followin fractures treated by skeletal traction?

c-shaft of femur

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 92 ‫ص‬

24/which of the following is a possible cause for anterior pelvic tilting?

‫مو حاط خيارات عشان كذا اللي يعرف جاواب السؤال هذا ياليت يكتبه‬

25/ osteomyelities is?

a-infective inflammation of the bone due infective bacteria entered into bone
b-decreased bone density and increased porosity
c-vit d defficiency
d-due to repetitive trauma

26/when patient coming for you has limited ROM due to pain to decrease edema in
addition to leg elevation you can use which type of electrical stimulation?


27/ iontophoresis uses which type of current?

b-direct current *

28/anterior pelvic tilting is causing exaggerated lumbar lordosis due to?

a-adductor tightness
b-tightness of tensor facia lata
c-bilateral fixed hip flexor contracture
d-tightness in hamstring ms

29/ in angint pectoris chest pain present in?

a-pain at pectoral region

b-pain at base of the heart
c-pain refferd to shoulder

30/which of the following is a possible cause foe anterior pelvic tilting?

a-weak lateral trunk ms

b-tightenea tensor facia lata
c-tight hamstring
d-sever weakness of abdominal muscles
31/in contracture of lower lumbar back ms it affect pelvis by?

a-anterior pelvic tilting with upper thorcic kyphosis

b-anterior pelvic tilting with lordosis
c-posterio pelvic tiltig with lordosis
d-no effect on the pelvis

32/in condromalacia consider in the ttt?

a-patellar tapping and strenthening of the quadriceps

b-strenthening vastus medialis only
c-strenthening vastus lateralis only
d-strenthening of hamstring

33/in Rynaudes diseaes it is?

a-vascular insufficiency disease

b-intermittent claudication
c-thromosis in lower limb
d-varicose veins

34/ in bronchitis there is?

‫ بالنسبه للسؤال هذا انا اللي اعرفه انه دراي كف بس هو حاط جاواب‬c ‫بس الصح بنظري الجاواب اللي‬

a-dry cough
c-extended clear mucus secretions
d-edema in lower limbs

35/in pulmonary edema there is?

a-lower limb ischemia

b-lower limb edema and forthy secretions
c-thin clear sputum
36/in talipus equino vars?

a-ankle D.F everted adducted

b- P.F INVERSION abbducted
c- D.F everted abbucted
d- P.F INVERSION adducted

34/the arterioles charactarized with?

a- large thick walls suppling organs

b- a networks of small vessels have thin walls
c- a networks of small vessels have thick walls

35/ the main muscle resposiple for climbing stairs and coming from reclined
bringing knee to chest?

a-rectus femoris
c-quadratus lumborum

36/the level of superficial abdominal reflex is?


37/If the proximal bone of joint fixed the distal part of joint move in sequence
so this is ?

a-ACL Training
b-closed chain ex
c-open chain ex
d-non of the above
38/ modality can increase the temprature of fat?


39/MAXIMUM knee flexion in gait at ?

a-initial swing
b-mid swind *
c-initial contaci
d-foot flat

40/which of the following muscles is weak and the patient cant supinate forearm
to open the door using it

b-biceps brachii *

41/in carpal tunnel syndrome the entrapped nerve is the?

b-median *

42/in which location the median nerve freqently or mostly entrapped?

43/exercises there energy demand not depend on oxygen?

b-anaerobic *

44/ in wax therapy it`s temperature should be kept at?

‫هذا السؤال ابي اجاابته لهنتوا يعني‬

45/ using the following U.S parameters to heat a deep strain ?

a- pulsed 1 Mh *
b- continuos 1 Mh
c- pulsed 5 Mh
d- continuos 5 Mh

46/accessory movement is?

a-necessary to copletion of joints ROM

b-Passivly occure
c-under voluntary control

47/orthotist is?

a-person who designate and fabricate the prothesis

b-person who designate and fabricate an orthosis
48/in ttt of anterior neck pain 3rd degree which is contra indicated?

a-stretchig scar tissue so put head in extention

b-ultra sonic to decrease adhesions
c-put the head in flexion to avoid deformity *

49/‫ جااب رسمة‬deltoid ‫في نفس المتحان مرتين يجايبها‬

which of the following is true about this muscle?

a-abduct only last degree of shoulder abduction

b-innervated by supracsapular n (m.supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor)
c-innervated axillary
d-this muscle may be absent
‫ المعروف ان‬axillary ‫ هو المسؤول عن تغذية هذي العضله فبالنسبه لي‬c ‫هو الجاواب الصح‬

50/ ‫ جااب رسمة طالب فيها معرفة‬dermatome of this part of the lower limb?

b-L4 (medial + palec)
c-L5 (dorsum of foot)
d-S1 (lateral - small toe)
‫طبعا السؤال لم يذكر لك اي جازء في الجاسم ولكن الرسمه تشير الى‬
medial & Dorsum of foot

51/‫رسمه مهمه جاداا وجاديده علينا كلنا وهي رسمة‬

classification of femoral neck fractures ?

‫طبعا الباشا مش بيسالك دي رسمة ايه‬

c-basic cervical
‫هذا السؤال ما فهمته كلش‬
‫الجاابه بالرسمه اللي جات في الختبار في كتاب‬
tidy 102 ‫صفحة‬
52/ ‫رسمه مهمه جادا ومعروفه‬
what is this deformity?

a-hallucis varus
b-hallucis valgus
c-bonion deformity

53/bunion deformity is?

‫وهذا السؤال بعد مدري صح جاوابه وال غلط‬
a-hallucis varus
b-hallucis rigidus
c-hallucis valgus
d-hammar toe

54/ from supine , when there is shortening of this muscle the( arm )
rased above table and and not down ,the muscle is?

d-pectoralis major

55/ fixed stiffness of 1st IPJ joint of big toe called?

a-hallucis varus
b-hallucis valgus
c-hammar toe
d-hallucis rigidus

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 66 ‫ص‬

56/‫رسمه لرفلكس في الطفال يوصفلك الرفلكس ومطلوب منك تعرف ايه هوه‬
baby supine lying abducting both shoulders with 90 elbow flexion
lower limbs extended and adducted at hips and extended at knees and
planter klexed ankles , what is this reflex??

a-Tonic labrynthinen reflex

b-Moro reflex

57/A THERAPIST performin test for patient and test was (+ ve)
the thigh of the patient rased some inches above examination table
what is the test name? what is the shortened muscle?

a-ober test> ilio tibial band

b-sraight leg raising test> hamstring
c-thomas> illiopsoas
d-thomson> gastrocnemeius

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 67 ‫ص‬

58/therapist performed trendlinburg test for pateint with (Rt) weakness

gluteus medius , when test is (+ ve) when patient perform single limb
support on RT lower limb , what is correct of the following about pelvis drop?

a-pelvis dosent drop as the patient lean by trunk to RT

b-pelvis wiil drop at left side
c-pelvis will drop at Right side
d-pelvis dosent drop as the patient lean by trunk to LT

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 69 ‫ص‬

59/THOMSON test for the ?

a-SHORTENING OF illiotipial band

b-INTEGRITY TEST OF achillis tendon
c-SHORTENING OF illiopsoas
d-INTEGRITY TEST OF quadriceps tendon

‫الجاابه في كتاب‬
tidy 68 ‫ص‬

60/‫جاايب رسمة كروكي كده يعني‬

tipialis anterior
‫وبيسال السؤال التي‬

to strenth this muscle you should?

a-maintain D.F and walking some steps on heel

b-walking on toes
c-sit at edge of plinth. rest foot on ground and dorsi flex to the full D.F


‫ في الرسمه على مكان‬6 ‫يرسم الرسمه ويحطلك ارقام عليها مثل هوه في الختبار حطلي رقم‬

‫وتحت سألني السؤال التالي؛‬

IN THE Above diagram nomber (6) refers to which of following?



‫طبعا الجاواب يعتمد على حفظك للرسمه‬

62/CHRONIC Inflammation of inside the vessels ?

‫هذا مدري وش جاوابه‬
.Endarteritis (endo-arteritis) = chronic inflammation of the inner layer of arteries

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