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“​The quality of our lives is based in the quality of our relationships.”

International Etiquette

In this paper research, etiquette will be discussed. Not only the significance, meaning of the
word, but also, its impact from an evolutionary perspective, the history, why is it important and
finally the remarks of the class that had this subject as the main for insightful, memorable and
entertaining lectures.

Meaning of the word

The word etiquette comes from a French background. This noun, depicts the customary code of
polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession, group, socio-economic
status or ethnicity. Perhaps, some others know etiquette by its various synonyms as protocol,
good manners, manners, polite behavior, code of behavior, rules of conduct, decorum; in other
words, a guide to be a socially savvy.

Evolutionary significance
The evolutionary biology seeks at the origin of behavior and the motivation behind it. According
to Charles Darwin, there’s universality among races and cultures, regarding facial responses to
disgust, shame and a lot of other much more complex emotions. These responses are not learned
but innate, this conclusion arose after Darwin identified same behavioral patterns of responses
among young infants and blind people.
According to Val Curtis, this development and evolution of actions was crucial with the forming
of manners behavior. Manners play an important evolutionary role, in the prevention of disease
and death. For those who were hygienic, kind to each other, are more able to benefit from their
affiliation writing an social community, and stand much more chances of not only survival, but
for reproduction, and in consequence to thrive and pass on their genes to generations yet to
Historical Background, written records
Africa, middle East
The first written record about etiquette, can be portrayed by an ancient Egyptian literary
composition. The Maxims of Ptahhotep was written during the 3rd millennium BC by Ptahhotep,
an Egyptian Vizier that lived during the late 25th century BC and early 24th century BC. The
text composition encompass self-control and kindness towards other beings, and civil virtues as
truthfulness. To avoid open conflict wherever possible, should not be perceived as weakness but
as a fine skill, a way of doing social art. The focus is placed on seeking justice, however it is
God’s will, will prevail in the end.

In Asia
Confucius was a philosopher, editor, politician and Chinese teacher of the Spring and Autumn
period of Chinese History. He lived his life from the 551 to 479 BC.
He is know worldwide, by the Confucianism, the oriental philosophy that put praise on personal
and governmental morality, justice, sincerity and correctness of social relationships.

Europe Baldassare Castiglione (Dec 6 1478 - Feb 2 1529), count of Casatico, an Italian, and he
was a soldier, diplomat, courtier and prominent Renaissance author, most known by his book,
The Book of the Courtier. His work emphasized of courtesy book, regarding the courtier’s
etiquette and morality; and thanks to this it was very famous and influential in the 16th century
European court circles.
Later on, it was the Sun King, Louis XIV (1638 - 1718) that took a royal hunting lodge in
Versailles, a small village located 25 miles southwest of the capital, and transformed it into
perhaps one of the most popular palaces in the world, and officially moving his court and
government to that palace in 1682. In the palace, thanks to this tactic was that Louis the great
learnt how to handle the nobility and impressed foreign dignitaries, using entertainment
ceremony and a highly codified system of etiquette to assert his supremacy.
Why is etiquette important
It seems that social savviness gives people not only more chances of survival and reproduction,
but also for better quality life, by acquiring and maintaining better social relationships, solving
difficulties and problems, and maintaining peace.
With the society focusing too much more on academic preparation, and or just physical well
being, or fitness, the subject social savvy might be seen as superfluous. However, this set of skill
are really important for people who work and deal with a lot of people, and a smooth interaction
is a must; these are politicians, diplomats, managers, entrepreneurs, educators and what not.
It can be said, it is important to everyone, because everyone is exposed to one and others,
whether is family, friends, coworkers, others or strangers, in order for establishing and
maintaining good relationships, practicing good etiquette and manners is required.
Etiquette, manners and good behavior are indeed the holy grail for living a long, happy, and
joyful live, and bringing the best of others.
In conclusion, I see, that attending lectures of international etiquette, or at least etiquette is a
requirement for everyone. We, human beings are social beings, and will always be exposed to
The International etiquette class, that I attended was very insightful and useful; this is because
during the class we learnt so many thing that we wouldn’t through books and so on. There were
also several times, when the Professor, and thanks of his experience, He was able to explain a lot
of differences among cultural characteristics and differences. Specially the difference between
Orientals and Occidental backgrounds. Also some typical things such us for making business in
asia, knowing how to drink and knowing how to play golf are really good skills for closing a
I think and believe, it is absolutely important, if not required for everyone to take this kind of
courses; whether your academic background, age, sex, ethnicity, religion, political association or
sport club. This is because, with being much more aware about our behavior and our influence
and impact, we would live better lives and make those around better, by setting the example.
And with time, we would be able to achieve world peace, with soft power of etiquette.

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