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Oscar Wilde wrote about that extraordinary story "The picture of Dorian Gray" that takes place in
the late 1890's in London. So, as a thinker he shows the possible dangers of the beauty belief. A
good comment on Wilde work is that he did understand a lot about human nature and we will be
able to see it during the presentation.


1) The artist Basil Hallward paints a picture of his friend, the young and very
handsome Dorian Gray. This art is the most important work of his life. This
portrait also will be more important for Dorian Gray himself. Because when
Dorian sees the portrait he makes a wish. He wishes to make a change: he
would remain the handsome young man in the picture and the portrait would
grow old.

2) Basil’s Friend, Lord Henry, is interested in Dorian and teaches Dorian to value
beauty and pleasure above things. He follows this teaching and does not feel
responsible. He sees his life as a great work of art. With the passage of time,
Dorian’s secret life becomes worse and he does terrible things to keep his

3) Dorian still looks young, handsome and good, but the face in the picture
changes. The picture grows older and ugly because every ugly act that Dorian
Gray does shows the corruption of Dorian’s soul. We will make a question for
you. Can Dorian hide this picture of his corrupted soul forever? Or can he
erase his past?


In order to know deeply about the book, the picture of dorian Gray talks about
a portrait that holds a horrible secret and puts people´s life in danger. The story is
about loving the beauty and the danger of doing this more than the necessary. The
worshipping of pleasure and the corruption of a man’s soul by this love and by not
being punished by his acts.
Other important thing is the relation with the characters, we can see in this book,
a lot of Wilde’s personality: basil is what he think he was, Henry what the world thinks
of him and Dorian what he would like to be.

BASIL (Carol)
Basil Hallward, a renowned painter, who delights in the beauty of Dorian and asks to
portray him. The portrait of Dorian Gray is Basil's masterpiece. Basil refuses to believe
that his supposed friends, Henry and Dorian, can be really bad. Unfortunately, he pays
for his optimism and good faith with the highest price—his life. As Henry and Dorian
drift farther and farther away from him, Basil grows more and more tragic—his truly
artistic temperament leads him into worshipping beauty where he sees it (in Dorian),
and it clouds his vision. He tries to guide Dorian towards decency, so in love is he with
the memory of that innocent boy, but the knowledge of how Basil has dictated his now
tortured existence with his painting and his passion, enrages Dorian. Basil shows a
very strong feeling for Dorian and so he becomes sad when he sees him transforming.
The book does not show the physical characteristics of Basil, however we know that
he is a good man.

HENRY (Maria)
We don’t know how Henry looks like exactly, his appearance, because the book
does not mention. We just know that, according to Dorian, he has a beautiful voice
and a dark romantic face.
About his personality, we can say that he is an aristocrat and cult who has
polemic opinions about life, like death and others things. He also strongly defends
beauty and youngness, and the importance of living the living moment. He is seen as
a bad influence toward another, second Basil.

DORIAN (Carla)
First, we know about Dorian’s standing beauty and charm. It can be confirmed
when Lord Henry is introduced to him:” wonderfully handsome, with red lips, honest
eyes and gold hair. Another information is that he plays the piano.
This character has a complex personality and we can say that his soul is
corrupted by dangers of the beauty belief. In addition, he does a very cruel act, for
example, he puts people´s life in danger.
On the other hand, Basil can see goodness and innocence in Dorian.

**** Even with the passage of time, he continued young and handsome. (pag 59
ultimo paragrafo).

Capítul Resumo/esquema

CAP 1 Basil tells about the portrait and about Dorian to Henry
Importância do quadro para ele
Trechos marcados:
- “I will not exhibit this picture because I am afraid that have shown in the
secret of my own soul.” Basil (p. )
- He couldn’t be happy If he couldn´t see him every day/ He explains that
Dorian is all his art.

CAP Dorian is in love and want to Marry an actress

3/4 Afastamento entre Dorian e Basil

CAP 5 They go to the theatrum to watch Dorian’s wife and Henry criticise the
lady. Dorian decided to break up with her.
Atuação criticada por Henry
Dorian é influenciado pela critica (a falta de beleza na atuação da moça)
Termina com Sybil
1° transformação no quadro
Dorian ao perceber, quer se salvar, decide reatar com a moça (não por amor)
- Now the moment looked cruel. It was certainly strange. (Dorian)

CAP 6 Sybil’s death

Dorian não sente nada
Henry traduz o acontecimento como algo belo

CAP 7 Basil sees negatives changes on Dorian;

Culpa Henry por isso
Dorian esconde o quadro

CAP 8 Dorian hides the portrait

Dorian se safa (não é relacionado ao suicídio, visto que isso seria ruim para sua

CAP 9 Dorian love himself more

Dorian passa a ter mais interesse pela corrupção da própria alma
Basil fala sobre as mortes de pessoas inocentes para Dorian

CAP 10 Dorian kills Basil after he finds out the truth about the portrait
- "I worshipped you too much (...) You worshipped yourself too much. We
are both punished" said Basil

CAP 11 Alan Campbell* is blackmail by Dorian to get away with Basil’s body.
Dorian e Henry get closer.
Influência de Henry sobre a beleza
Dorian é influenciado a ponto de vender a própria alma
- “ I'll stay with the real Dorian” Dorian
- “the gods have been good to you. But what the gods give they quickly take away.
You have only a few years in which to really live, perfectly and fully. Live your life
now, while you are still young.” Henry
“I will grow old and horrible, but this painting will always stay young”. He is so obsessed with
this idea that he would sell his soul to stay young and the picture grow old. Dorian.

The end
Dorian is sure that the picture can change, because he believes that he might become a
better person
When he sees that the picture do not change, he tries to destroy it using a knife but he is
actually killing himself.


The famous story of Dorian Gray and his crimes committed in the name of his exaggerated
vanity address very important issues about human behavior and moral corruption. In the book,
beauty is treated as a starting point for all the wickedness of Dorian Gray. In his name, crimes
are committed, carried out suicides and premeditated betrayals. Without remorse, guilt or fear,
Dorian Gray had only one goal: to remain young and beautiful.

For many the story can be scary or perverse. However, as we researched, Oscar Wilde's
intention, the author of the book, was to teach ethics, morals and principles, discussed in the
form of dialogues of his characters. The book presents a profound reflection on the value of
art, about artistic production, about the beautiful, about narcissism.

We can also say that this book is a critique of eighteenth-century English society, with a series
of allegories to the moral and spiritual decadence of that same society, always so smiling and
beautiful but dirty and rotten on the inside. We believe that any book should entertain, make
you think, and / or convey some lesson. That is why, we recommend reading this book for its
ability to make us reflect and, in the end, give us a lesson on human behavior.

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