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This project proposed a scheme for up-sampling piecewise smooth signals

and its extension to images by modeling images as lines of piecewise smooth
signals. The method improves classical linear reconstruction results by making use
of an additional non-linear reconstruction method based on FRI theory.

The method is further improved by using a self-learning approach which

also makes use of FRI. The resulting algorithm outperforms state of-the-art
methods and does not require the use of external datasets.

The resolution enhancement results using novel hybrid reconstruction

method introduced. The samples y0 are the low-pass coefficients of 2-level wavelet
decomposition applied to a high-resolution piecewise smooth signal and the
original resolution is recovered.

When the signal is exactly the discrete-time version of model, our method,
compared to the linear reconstruction and the total variation method, is able to
achieve nearly perfect reconstruction. The algorithm is tested where the high-
resolution signal is not exactly a scan-line of an image.

The result of comparisons between reconstruction, the linear reconstruction,

and the total variation method shows that the model is an accurate representation of
the scan-lines such that proposed method is still efficient in this case. The result
also proves the universality of the method in the sense that it works robustly with
different down sampling kernels. In this part, up-sampling of low-resolution
images obtained by down sampling the original ones by a factor A using the 2-

level 2D wavelet decomposition with bi-orthogonal filters are tested and those
obtained by down sampling with a linear spline.

The method is universal as it works with different blurring kernels. The

results demonstrate that the proposed basic (fast) method, with no learning
involved, outperforms other reconstruction-based algorithms, e.g. total variation,
contour let and even one of the dictionary learning methods. The improved method
FRESH is robust and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in different categories.
Moreover, the method leads to visually pleasant edges. The PSNR value for
upsampled image is 26.962. Using Laplacian filter, PSNR value of 57.1217 is


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