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Voltaire De Villa



Designing of Compost Pit in Urban Areas


What is compost?

It is a mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves or

manure, organic kitchen waste like: old rotten fruits and vegetables, and raw materials

used for fertilizing the soil. By making a compost pit, you can have your own real

organic fertilizer for your own benefits especially for your plants. Having a small space

like an area of 3x3ft with a depth of 5ft is a good example of a compost pit size. The

composting process involves four main components: organic

matter, moisture, oxygen, and bacteria. It only takes 2-3 weeks before you can use it,

but it also depends on the depth and condition of the soil. By putting a lot of soil above

the compost and adding some vermi-compost worms which you can buy in some

garden stores, there’s a chance of speeding up the process. By doing this, you already

help the environment by making of your very own real and organic fertilizer.

 To promote GIS to residential area so they can be aware of this computer


 To show the importance of making their very own compost pit and the

benefits of it.


The Geographic Information System (GIS) can help you in guiding you for choosing an

ideal area or space for your compost pit. The area must be quite far in any kinds of

bodies of water. We as Agricultural and Biosystem engineering students, must

considerate the site of our compost pit. The GIS can also help us the weather patterns

and the elevation of our grounds which we must know in order for our compost pit of not

being flooded during rainy seasons. We can also explain further this computer

application for them to inform of what the GIS can really do to us.

1. Locate a good area with a partial to direct amount of sunlight for

prevention of foul smell due to decomposition of organic matters.

2. Use a 3x3ft area of your space for your compost pit and dig with a depth

of 5ft. The site must not be very near to your house.

3. Put all of your kitchen waste, old dried leaves and all of your organic stuffs

in your compost pit. After that, you must water it quickly because it needs

some moisture for it to be decompose. Applied plenty of soils on the top of

your organic stuffs. For optional, you can also add some vermi-compost

4. By using the GIS, you must look the location of your compost pit to

consider the different kind of factors like: elevation of your place/city and

annual rain pattern. You must also check if there’s a bodies of water

nearby to prevent leakage of organic waste coming from your compost pit.
5. After 2-3 weeks of waiting, you can use your very own real and organic






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