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Deejune Torrino 9/12/16

1A – McHi

Ch. 19 – The Natural Sciences

1. “The natural sciences take within their scope not the human mind and human behavior…
but instead the natural world and ourselves as biological species within it” (323).
a. The sciences, rather than focusing on humans, focus on the relationship of
humans with their surroundings. Moreover, the focus on human’s relationship
with the world, perhaps, allow the science field to discover more about people and
their attitudes as they exist in this world.
2. “Of all the general patterns that scientists seek, … perhaps the most significant in
furthering knowledge are universal causal relationship” (326).
a. Scientist must observe the cause and the effects of scientific phenomena.
Furthermore, the observance of these causes and effects might aide to a better
understanding of the known and unknowns of the world.
3. “…the natural sciences neither refute nor support spiritual or religious interpretations of
the universe and the human role within” (326).
a. The scientific world does not meddle with religion because religion involves
personal beliefs. Personal beliefs are unique to each individual and does not apply
to the generalization method that is usually used in the science field.
4. “Science is shared knowledge, knowledge shared publicly, communally, and
internationally” (334).
a. The science filed is composed of different ideas by different people forming a
bigger main idea. In order for advancement to occur, knowledge and information
must be shared and must circulate to provoke new ideas.
5. “The common turn of phrase “it’s just a theory” suggests that a theory is not to be taken
seriously – that it is a conjecture not grounded in fact. In the sciences, however, theories
are taken much more seriously as major scientific achievements” (345).
a. Scientific discoveries begin with informed ideas that has the potential to become a
legitimate discovery. Moreover, forming theories often mark as the beginning
process of a groundbreaking discovery in the science field.
Deejune Torrino 9/12/16
1A – McHi

“Science is shared knowledge, knowledge shared publicly, communally, and internationally.”

In the existing modern world, information and ideas are continuously flowing throughout

the world. People of different backgrounds, locations, and preferences are able to share their

ideas and opinions with each other. Similar to the sharing of ideas throughout different scientists

in different science fields, music made by artists from different countries are shared throughout

the world and is appreciated by different people.

Music plays a large role in a person’s everyday life because it stimulates our moods and

evokes thoughts. Nowadays, it is quite common for fandoms, a group of devoted fans of, usually,

a musical artist. Musical artists are able to spread their music and increase their following by

sharing their work through the different social media platforms. Worldwide known artists such as

the boyband One Direction became successful through the sharing of music by their first

followers. As their music is shared more, people from different parts of the world gained access

to their music and caused their success to build up. Furthermore, as One Direction’s popularity

boosted, more people became more curious and gained the desire to listen to their music. In

seventh grade, I was one of the many people around the globe that became enthralled with their

music and the idea of becoming a member of the One Direction fandom. Sharing preference is

music allowed individuals from different parts of the world to unite and bond over a common

factor. Similarly, concepts and ideas are constantly shared in the science field. Scientists, who

works from different parts of the globe and in different branches of science, are able to share and

communicate their ideas to their colleagues. The sharing of different scientific ideas and

discoveries allows more advancement in the science field and allows progress in different

projects, researches and experiments.

Deejune Torrino 9/12/16
1A – McHi

Whether it is music or scientific ideas, the sharing of knowledge in different platforms

allows the world to evolve and look forward to better and newer ideas. Furthermore, sharing

knowledge allows the human race, as a whole, to improve human’s connections with the world

they exist.
Deejune Torrino 9/12/16
1A – McHi

Ch. 20 – Mathematics


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