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Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngol 2017 ; 2311): g3-87

Management of Haematoma Auris by Minimal
Access Surgery and Steroid lnjection
Mahmydul Hassanr, Aftab U.Atuned2

Haematoma auis is a colledion of serosanguinousfluid between perichondrium and cartilage
of pinna. Vaious methd of aspiration / indsion and pressure bandage used to treat the
condition, here we are using steraid at the site after aspiration with a needle, no pressure
bgndage ordrain used. Totat 49 patientsweretreatedwith no untoward events.
Key word : Haematoma auris, aspiration, steroid injection

lntroduction: haematoma tocollect underthe Perichondrium

Haematoma auris is a collection of blood / on both sidel
serosanguinous fluid between the auricular
Ohnsen et al2 demonstrated the sub
Cartilage and perichondrium.
perichondrialsite of the haematoma in rabbits
The haematoma is usually produced by and that while subcutaneous haematoma
trauma or occaslonally spontaneously, reabsorbs without consequence. sub-
Specially during sleep time there may be perichondrial serosanguinous fl uid stimulates
collection of fiuid due to torsional affect of
the proliferation of mesenchyma cells in the
perichondrium & cartilage in the pinna.
overlying perichondrium with these
This occurs almost exclusively on the anterior chondroblast forming new cartilage in 7-10
surface of the auricle where the skin is tightly days which result in cauliflower ear deformity.
adherent to the underlining perichondrium
Schuller eta13 stated there is usually a history
so that shearing force applied to the ear of trauma after sports like rugby, like
separates the Perichondrium form the
wrestling or occurs spontaneously. The
cartilage. On the other hand on posterior
haematoma is painless, after some time
surface intervening areolar tissue allows the
present with slight itching and inflammation
skin to glide over the Perichondrium .
is minimal. there is always a tendency of
Rarely a tear through the cartilage can allow patient to palpate it, squeezes it, with the
intention of recover away spontaneously, such
1. Professor of Otolaryngology, National a subperichondrial haematoma tends not to
institute of ENT, Dhaka be absorbed but to persists unless drained
2. Associate Prof. of ENT, Green Life Medical or deformed ear.
College, Dhaka
Address of Correspondence: Dr. Mahmudul lf left untreated ,the natural out come is
Hassan, Professor of Otolaryngology, National thought to be deformity of the pinna and the
institute of ENT, Dhaka. Mobile: 0'1819211501
classic "cauliflower" or "wrestler"s ear, rnore
rarely supervening infection either
spontaneously or iatrogenic,
may lead to
perichondritis and cartilage
Pandyaa demonstrated experiment
in rabbits
and found components of fibrosis
, immature
chondrogenesis and osteogenesi.
organizing haematoma.
in ti"
Mana.gernent option of the hematoma
requirils evacuation with strict
,="p"ir. ini,
is achieved through eitiier u"pir"tion,
incision, either anteriorly or po.t.rioriy
prevent recollection, use oi
bandages or splintss of various
applied on both side
them in prace with ;r:t
ff,lJ:i: :::H: department of ENT & Head_Neck
recollection; or a drain is lelt
rn incislon site6 i S.:-:=-,
a posterior incision rryith excision Shahid Suhrawardy Medicai
a disc Co, ._,
cartilage and placement of Dhaka, Nationat lnstitute
a suction drains. of ENT (N E.. _
Through and through mattress or quilting Tejgaon, Dhaka, and private
sutures for compression, these from January 20OS to Dece__:-
cotton wool bolstern, buttons,o,.,1
2A16 for a duration
anO sificon of eleven yuur. __ ,, i
rubber splintsl2. 49 PatientS were studied,
"rong -=-
were female & 36 were male.
tf e* _
: t

Most authors says, after seven

to ten days
Ale _=
was 15-45years.
aspiration is ineffective and
that rrrg"ry for r
removalof the organizing
hematomulf n.*fV Selection of patients:
formed cartilage with/without
perichondriurn is necessary."r"rfy.irg a. lnclusion criteria _ patient
with Haerr= :,_-, t
Giffinj: auris with in 2 week of duration
described doing this through ai _ _ _
incisions parallel acute inflammEtion were
to the helix or antihelix. included
b. Exclusion criteria _ patients I
ha. -
Aims and objective: perichondritis, thickened pinna
or a:-
The objective of this study lnflammation were excluded E
was tPtruut
aylis bV compterety evacuating
ano-to prevent its reacumulation
. F

preventing known complications thu] Procedure with Equipment
cauliflower deformity and perichonOrites 1 . Syringe -3mt- (2) for aspiration.
applied a very minimal surgicalinterference.
2. 5 mg/ml Dexamethsone.

Materials & methods; 3. 1}%povidone iodine solution forclean _:

The present study was a prospective 4. Positioning:- patient in sitting positior-
observational study carried in the lateraldecubitous position
out at the on:_=
unaffected side. F
Managemeni oi Haerraioma Auris It,linrmal Access
lVahn:udul Hassan & Aftab U. Ar
Preparation : give light pressure at the penetrating site
1) Clean the pinna skin overthe Haematoma with sterile cotton then flucloxacillin 25t
with 10% povidone iodine sotution and let mg x 6 hourly for 5 days along with
it dry. analgesic parcetamol given with advice
to come after2 weeks and not to palpate
2) Put on sterile gloves by surgeon.
3) Now in one syringe drawdexamethasone
3 cc. Results:
4) Needle.asliration -use an The average amountof fluid /blood aspirated
1B/20 gauge
needlg to aspirate blood/serum from the 2.5 ml. Post operative complications were
most non dependant side of swelling tili nil, only 2 patients required repeate:
there is no fiuid inside the sri'relling after aspiration and injection dexamethasoi're
trr,rice. only one patient required 3 trme.
aspiration. Take out the syringe along wrth
fluid keeping needle in situ, the othei- aspiration & injection. patients were followe-:
up after 2 weeks.
syringe with Dexamethasone inject it
gently into the site exactly the same No perichondritis or thickening of pirr,
amountof fluid drawn from hematoma auris
thorough the previous needle kept in
situ, after injecting the Dexamaethasone
at the site take out the syringe & needle,
noticed in any case. lt was noticed all tr:
case were almostnormal pinna after2 wee'-rs
and rest 3 cases also noticed normal pir::
afler 2d & 3'd injection.


.;:. ,


Vol.23, No
There is littr lrrrLrr)\
.'",rlo[ll u *^]1,
recommendeJ:","^:,.1::." about cr
desisned rria, j11"'"'"o" il;;;i n ilY rr e
way incision,

Ha e m a tom
r]iq r," ,.,"
i J ll::.:iJ
JrJ ;"rH:
a, ;"J:: " References:
ourcome documenrins
of lare "rl r,Jliijstudy
.dl;;-:"-it reatrnent rhe
or rhe sruccess
1. Scott_Brown,s
ru, ora,
As before e ya
o r i, ur"" torlu"
2. Oilsen L,
fti,ffiry*flftH,;#; Skoog T, Sc_-
experimenrr, "^3'Y',t,o*u' ==
x,6TJ ;lt{i:.;:;:T i : I; ;:,? r j::::;;;;r:J,:,1,",,?,
ot a smarr fi
I xeconslructive =.:,.,
r,,oj,li'Lj l"_lion wirr .".n'orur 3. schurer or ";"'"'' 197: -'
napirr,^^"^,^udrulage has been
jlj *,v il. n,n
rne perichondriurn":o"il X."liff :y:r,
-r tre-coliection
strrr"."RH"n'ur-uan k Ie s K, i,''

i- ^-- till
u-. .,=.".'
Surgery ,;u;:rir rlill
stdes of the
pinnri-^L_ "s- applied on both 4.
enough ," then in

fi ,.ffil
pre ve n
"#""i,rr=ePrng t
^ "-"li'" "i'l"Jn
s :Ut-=-1,,f:,rur |i,r::, _
,'":["#::T;;S"ru ;,"**i'fd ;;:r,fu;tjlr",::;
j"j,l;'Jy:;:*IffiT".ffi 5i*nr*;"rl,,iln, ,
lszu7,'::=. _'

[il*il:"'["#lHij:= ,,=

i*ruri*****u*l' 5:il"t1""1
^:* s_A, Joachin
,::ffmy:i:i;.ili!,ii:. .
;il:T:di":,"J'}',"# j,i-''.

ff#il::?^r i'ii7ri,,"i,ilr:_:.
otorarynsoros . ..


#"1,?; l1i":1fl rrearmer: .

Conclusion: fiilH"",'#r i ;iili,,t:,;,1' =


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I r v,,,er rr uI aUrtcularhae16Sfg,- .
Laryngoscope .1991; ., t,
1ot, y):qli",
of Haematoma Auris by Minimal Access Mahmudul Hassan & Aftab U. Ahrned

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