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Contribution of MP-ASI Substitution of Flour Kelor Leaf (Moringa oleifera L.) and Extract
Papaya (Carica papaya), to Protein Sufficiency in Toddlers


Dosen Pengampu : 1. Stephani Diah Pamelasari, S.S., M.Hum.
2. Fidia Fibriana, S.Si., M.Sc.

Disusun Oleh :


Contribution of MP-ASI Substitution of Flour Kelor Leaf (Moringa oleifera L.) and Extract
Papaya (Carica papaya), to Protein Sufficiency in Toddlers

The most important aspect of national development is human resources (SDM). Qualified
human resources are built on various factors. One of them is nutritional status. In addition to
education status, nutrition is also a determinant of human resources of a region. The better the
nutrition of the population of a region then the human resources are likely to be superior to the
regions with less nutritional status.

An important role of nutrition can be seen in the process of human growth and
development. Toddlers are times of growth and development occurs very rapidly. In this period
of toddlers need a lot of nutritional intake in sufficient quantities and of course with good quality.
According to Welasasih & Wirjatmadi in 2012, if the input of nutrients does not fit the needs of
children is feared will cause inhibition of physical growth and brain development of children
under five. In other words toddlers will experience a deep interference and this is called Protein
Energy Lack (PEM).

Until now the state of Protein Energy Lack (PEM) is still a serious nutritional problem that
must be addressed. This is regarded as a serious problem because cases of infant mortality due
to malnutrition reoccurred with an almost flat area across the country. Several other cases found
children who are in critical condition due to malnutrition experienced (Anonymous, 2009).

According to data from the Depkes in 2017, malnutrition rate for under-fives (under 2 SD)
in Indonesia, gave a fluctuating result that in 2007 was found malnutrition rate of 18.4% which
decreased to 17.9% an increase of 2.3% in 2013 or 19.6% which comprises 5.7% malnutrition and
the remaining 13.9% is malnourished. This figure fell again to 11.1% in 2016. And in 2017 found
cases of malnutrition in Indonesia rose sharply to 18.1%. This indicates that Indonesia is still
classified as a nutritional emergency (> 5%).

Various studies have revealed factors that underlie the number of nutrient inputs of
under-five children, among others: poverty, parental education status, unbalanced nutrition, and
disease. According to Aprilian 2017, poverty is one of the causes of the emergence of less
nutrition cases related to the availability and consumption of family food. Then the status of
parent education is also a determinant factor of childhood nutrition. In general, parents with
higher education status more attention to the daily intake of family members. This is based on
their awareness of the importance of dietary nutrition. Foods that do not contain balanced
nutrition, have the potential to cause malnutrition (Sholikah, 2017). Then according to Octavia
2017, a history of disease or infection can lead to a decline in one's nutritional status. Protein
consumption is also associated with one's nutritional status.
In general, many protein sources consumed by Indonesian people, especially toddlers and
children from sources of animal protein such as cow's milk. Cow's milk is widely selected because
of its ease found everywhere. However, the minus value of the source of animal protein is the
price that is relatively expensive for the middle class down if for daily consumption. Meanwhile
some people have problems with the source of animal protein. This requires that those who are
allergic to milk Cows are looking for other alternatives to meet their protein needs. Vegetable
protein sources are touted as an alternative source of protein whose nutritional content is not
less than the source of animal protein. Sources of vegetable protein we encounter many types of
nuts, one of them in the form of processed, soy milk. Unfortunately, according to Ginting 2009,
soybean production in Indonesia is only able to meet about 38% of total consumption needs. In
other words as much as 62% still rely on imports. Therefore, another alternative is needed as a
daily nutritional requirement. Which of course high nutritious and cheap that can be reached by
all circles of society.

Kelor Plants (Moringa oleifera L.)

Kelor plants (Moringa oleifera L.) can be used as a source of high protein alternatives.
Because Kelor is a super nutrient tree plant as a source of nutrients of society cheaply and easily
to support the health of Indonesian people independently and naturally (Amzu, 2014).
Furthermore Krisnadi (2013) said: view its content, Kelor deserves to be called "Miracle Tree" or
"Trees of Life" and "Super Nutrition". Not without reason, the super nutrient content of Kelor has
been verified by various scientific institutions and universities in various parts of the world. The
information is then used for the humanitarian movement to overcome malnutrition (poor
nutrition) in poor African countries. Millions of people have been saved by consuming Kelor.
Doeer and Cameron (2005) stated that the nutritional content of moringa is very good to meet
the nutritional needs for pregnant women and toddlers. In meeting the nutritional needs of
pregnant women, pregnant women consume enough.

The Kelor plant contains 46 powerful antioxidants that protect the body from free
radicals. Kelor leaf contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, Vit B, calcium, potassium, iron,
and protein, which are easily digested and assimilated by the human body. The amount is many-
fold from food sources that have been used as a source of nutrition for nutritional improvement
in many parts of the country. Moringa is known to contain more than 40 antioxidants. (Krisnadi,
2015). According to Donovan, 2007 Kelor plant has the potential to overcome the problem of
malnutrition, because flour Moringa leaves have protein content three times higher than milk

According to Ndong et al. (2007) protein content in moringa flour can reach 35%.
However, the value of protein digestibility kelor leaf kelor still low enough that is equal to 56,1 ±
8,9% caused by high fiber bound protein component in moringa leaf. In addition, another
constraint of the use of Kelor is the low acceptance of consumers due to the very strong aroma
of the kelor leaf. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve the availability (bioavailability) of
moringa protein, one of which is by the technology of making Moringa protein concentrate or
MPC (Moringa Protein Concentrate). In the form of MPC is expected to eliminate the aroma of
kelu kelu langu, so as to improve the acceptance of the community to the moringa as a superior
alternative to milk substituents in biscuit products for malnourished children.

Papaya (Carica papaya)

All parts of papaya plants can be used as medicine. Meat fruit, flowers, stalks, and roots
papaya. Mature papaya meat contains 3 vitamins A, C, and B complex, amino acids, calcium, iron,
enzyme and others. Protein contained in papaya is very easy to digest. Papaya is very beneficial
for someone who has digestive disorders, runs an unhealthy diet and consume lots of protein
that is difficult to digest. Papaya not only contains a lot of protein that is easily absorbed, but also
helps the absorption of various other proteins in the body. Nutritional content of raw fruit is
higher than ripe fruit, Raw fruit contains only 1/3 calories mature fruit, but has a higher protein
content. Raw fruit contains only 2/3 carbohydrates. Raw flesh meat contains less beta carotene.
But the content of beta carotene in the skin of raw fruit is higher (Karyani, 2001).

According to Suryaningsih 2012, optimal digestion and absorption process is important so

that the body can enjoy various important nutrients that are beneficial for growth and
development. One of them is protein digestion and absorption in the intestine. The body needs
a variety of digestive enzymes, namely proteases (to digest proteins), lipases (to digest fats) and
amylase (to digest carbohydrates). This proteolytic enzyme is common in several fruits such as
Kiwi, Pineapple, and Papaya. Pineapple contains bromelain, while papaya contains papain. All of
these compounds are useful to maximize the destruction of proteins in the digestive process.
This is in line with the results of research conducted Agustina 2008, in papaya fruit contains
papain enzyme (a type of proteolytic enzyme) that plays a role in accelerating the process of
protein absorption.

With the nutrient content as described above, papaya can be used as a substitute of leaf
biscuit Kelor. Processing papaya in the form of processed foods will be better because people
usually consume papaya without being processed.


Generally Breastfeeding Assistance (MP-ASI) in infants in the form of biscuit made from
teirgu flour or rice teung. This is considered a lack of food diversity. Wheat as raw material wheat
flour whose existence still relies on imported commodities. (Erizal, 2012). Biscuits are snacks that
are usually made from flour or other types of flour. Usually, in the process of making biscuits,
added fat or oil that serves to soften or make crunchy, so it becomes more delicious. Biscuit is a
popular food among the people. Biscuits are a practical food because they can be eaten anytime,
biscuits also have a relatively long shelf life. Various types of biscuits have been developed to
produce biscuits that are not only tasty but also healthy. By adding certain foods like moringa
flour into the process of making biscuits, biscuits can be generated with added value that is good
for health.

Tools and materials

The ingredients used in this research are leaf of raw material of biscuit formula (wheat
flour, sugar, egg, coconut milk, skim milk, butter, and baking powder) and papaya juice. While
the tools used include blenders to smooth the leaves of dry Kelor at the time of manufacture of
flour is also used to obtain papaya juice. Then there is a container to make biscuits dough and
mixer for easier when mixing process. Then there is a pan that is used as a place to put the biscuit
dough that will oven.


The first step of making biscuits from Kelor leaf that is substituted with papaya juice is the
making of Kelor leaf flour itself. According to Hidayati's research in 2017, Moringa leaf (Moringan
oleifera L.) used is young leaves picked from branches of trees that are more or less from the first
leaf stalk (under the bud) until the seventh leaf stalk is still green, although the old leaves can be
used from the leaves The moringa is not yellowing. Furthermore, the moringa leaf is washed with
clean water and then traced from the stem of the leaves, then spread over the wire mesh (oven
shelf rack) and set the thickness in such a way that is then dried in an oven with a temperature
of approximately 45 C for approximately 24 hours (already quite dry ). The production of flour
from dried leaves is used dried blender (Philips brand) and sieved with 100 mesh sieve to
separate the small rods that cannot be crushed with a blender, then stored in an airtight plastic

Then the making of biscuits continued with the making of the dough, which is mixing all
the ingredients into one. The first is mixing sugar, eggs, and margarine into one by shaking it until
it expands. Then wheat flour, flour kelor leaf, vanilla, baking powder, salt, and milk mixed into
the dough and stirred until evenly distributed. After that done papaya fruit juice and stirred again
until the dough is smooth. The next step is printing the dough according to taste on the pan that
has been smeared with margarine and flour. And finally the dough that has been printed ready
to dioven until the color becomes golden brown approximately 20 minutes at a temperature of
150 C (Soetomo, 2006).


Based on the results of the description above it can be concluded that one of the efforts
to improve the nutritional status and reduce the problem of malnutrition in infants is the
diversification of nutrition. The nutrient content in Kelor leaf (Moringa Oleifera L.) and papain
enzyme in Papaya (Carica papaya) can be used as a packed milk in the form of biscuits.


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