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A Def ense of

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"We shall begin to have peace İn the Near East as soon as the W est droJl5 its wholly futile habit of hating hirn.''

f7'he thc folloıciıın rırticlc The Glarlstonian " bag and bag- responsible under the capitulaıtions, Europe ha,·e ı;tained the name of th'!' j not an eııenl\· of the Tuı·k: and no-
ıcriter of
. tıflkes ıcithoırt apo/llrJZI or l'o111pro- gaı;o; " policy which sought to >;olve not to the Turkish Governmcnt, but Turk. Far fronı deslring to extermi- lıody knows theo welı of cnnunon in~
:.: :.1e a1ı csli11ıale of llıe ,\'crır 1-:a.1t- the Near Ea><t:crn prohlem by _drlv- to thcir own Consuls. Thus ·under nate bis non-Moslem neighhors, h:ı 1 terest.~ which bind thc two ııeoıılt>s
ern aitııatio1ı, uttrrly oııııosecl to that ing 'l'uFkcy out of Europe (there the Turkish flag a numlıer of semi- has "'atcbed them ı·ise to the high- hetter than the t wo peoples them-
prncra/ly accevtcd iıı thk< coıı ntry "·otıld he no Near · Ea.stern problem lndependent communities exiı;ted est rıosltions in his empire. In thou- selve;; knol\' it. Even today v•hP.n
nıul in ll'e.•tern f:urop t>. it is to be to<lay iC fifty years ago Europe had side by side, the 'l'urkish Government sands of provincial to·.vns and vil- the Aı-meniaııs of l'aris, Loııdon and
_:niıf for hiııı that he lı<t.'! .•ııcıır snme hl'cn driven out of Turkey) has had maintaining its contact with them lages he h'ts lived as neighbors with New York havc filled the world wlth
"mc iıı .tlıc tro:ıb/ed rcyi»ıı -• of u-1ıic1ı itı< chance since the Turkish armi- thı-ough their relig~ous heads in . them. Even today, when a Turkish · hat~ed of the Turk. the Arnıenian's
.. :r ıcrilC"s.] stice was sİ:;ned ıate in ıı.ns. Far Con ..-tantlnople and, ın the case of 1peasant goes on a journey he leave" j of rurkC'y are \vorking with the
from l<olving an:ı.·thing whatever, this ~orelgnerM, through their C-011>--uls. Jt hiM valua.bles \\•ith his Armenlau . Turks to Pl'.E:ser\·e the territorial in-
By CL.4IR PRICE lm.g and baggage buı;ln'ess has not ıs an excellent fact to remember. neighhor, and \\'hen an Armenlan 1 tegrlty of their country in .the Turk-
only hurled Greek lroops agaİnst when thc Turk is ::ı.ccused of not pcasant ıe.-..,,·es his home he depo,,it,; ish Nationallst ("'..overnment. MUMta-
HE Greco-Turkish ·war is

r . drooping to its end, and it has .

if .ın endurinı:- pcac<' "is C'\'eL'

:. he huilt in the NPar Ea,.,'t its
Turkish trenches, but has thrown knol\·ing ho\V to rule his minorities, hiı; goods :.or _s:ıfekeeping \Vith his pha ı.::emal Pasha has an Armenian
once more J)('<'ome clear that · Isl:ını
into a storm of unrest which that he specifically refralned from Turklsh neighhor. The Turkish peas- aide-de-camp. and . there are a nuın­
rC':ıchf'ı< ali the \Vay to the back hills ruling them. He left them in large ant is an ignorant, docile person ber. of Armenian Deputieiı in tht•
of Java. it İM time the-· \V<;st rPal- part to rule themseh·es. , ... ıth ....·hom anybody can get along o?ı. Grand N:ıtlonal Assemlıly,
- ·_::: ~ :- ~· : n nıust be the Turk.
izcd that the Turkİ:;h Nation is now, 11-luch nıight be said both for and neighboı·ly terms; he iı-ı a good-na- The old· Turklsh Uovernmenet of
will remain for several centuries againMt this theocratic community tured farmer; as bovine as his own Constantinople, .a G-Overnment which
,· Ever since the Congress of Berlin, and
to conıc, thc largest and · most de- system of governmcnt. l!ndoubted- ox team, who asks only to he left in fact was anythlng but 'l'urkish.
.",e \Vest has proposed to sol ve the
pendablc population in the Near ly the tendency in Turkey, "-" well alone in pea-::e; he is the vcry' fuun- ordered the deportations of 19la as
ar Eastern prohlt>nı by a cam-
F.ast. \Vhether the \Vest likes it or as in the other enlightened :ıreas dation of the economic Near Ea.st. it bad oı'<lered every -bit of trouble
. _;n of hatred directed ug-.ıinst the
not, thc Turk is the only pos.qible of Islam, has İ>een aga.inMt it and to- There bas never bcen trouble be-. . "ith the Armenlans before that date.
.'Urk. As a reı;ult, the Near East
baffis of any solution of the Neaı· ward a more secular and Western , t-Neen him and his Annenian neigh~ - ı ıt "'as the enemy of '.l'ur~s and Ar-
;,. today reduced to th.e most gha...o.;tl~·
And we shall be- form of govemment. Ru-t conserva- : hor except on onler:ı from Constan- ' menians alike, an· eneıny a.gain.st
' · -- 3 it has ever kn.)wn. In fifty Eastern problem.
gin to ilave veacc in the Ncar East tive oplnion. not only anıong l\fos- tinople. which Turks and Armenlans had re-
, __ : s of assiduous aııplication to th<'
as soon as the \Vest drops iL-; wholly lems but amonı; the Christian com- ' Yet despite thc inberently peace- ,·olted on se\•eral memorable occ.a-
: __.r Eastern ı>rohlem, Turk-hating
-_ -~ solved nothing. it iı-ı time a
futile habit of hating him. munities as well, is stili unaI:ıle to : able Turk, the \Vest has rung with · slons, notahly in 1908, when· Turks
'W trick '''as tried. in <>rdPr to understand the Turk visualize any ı;overnment which does · " massa ere " charges against him. · and Armenians · rejoiced together a.t
in the Treat}' o( S~vres, the aright, it İM neces.<:ary to realize that not cxist by divlne sanction. Thus • The \\•orst of the..<:e charges have to their supııosed libera.tıon.
Rut had
of Unioiı ·and Prog-
:.·est·s hablt of batini';" the Turk ha.<; Eastern and Western theories ·of far the most promlsing start Is that do wlth uie great Armenian deporta- : the Commlttee
:-:·::.ciıed its climax. 1 doubt whether government differ. Religion and made by the Turkish Natlonallst tions of 1915. Whatever mllitary ' ress been the Twelve .Dlsclples them~
been for evac- · seıves, they· could not have ı.urvlved
.:. : solution of tht> Near Ea.<rtern, government are essentially one in Government of Angora, whiclı is try- hasis therc may have
: : ~: _m which tht' S~vrt>ı; Treaty the East and the Church-Sta•e is the lng to free iL<;elf of the dea.d hand of uating the Armenians from the ·rear against the coın'bined
intrlgue of the
For the Iaııt
- __~- __ ~ is "·idely understood. Im- organization not merely of the ruling religious tradition; and the miracu- of the Turkish armles operating on : Embassies of Pera.
century tııe F.:uropean . .Embassi.es
- '.ne that thc United Stateı; had l\.ioslems, but of the Chrlstian and lous rise of the Angora Government the Ru5slan front (and a French ·
··: n defeated in the ıate war~ and Jewish minorlty oommunities ııs evidences nnt only the strength and officer told m~ in Cons"tantinople that ha.ve
had onl)' o.n e point 'ôf agree-
ment in thelı· a.ttitudes toward the
' ' ' t_ the pe:ıce treaty which its ene- well. The Turkish Govcrnmcnt is a virillty of . .the Turkish Nation, but 2:.!,000,000 francs were smuggled
' 'ea souı:-ht to ımrıoı;e on it pro- Jlfoslem Govcrnment, in which the the marvelous PO\ver ·of
progress through the Turkish ııne.9 on one Turkİsh C'..ovemmenet. i. e .. a .deter-
'_'·:_:d to deprive it <>f ali its teı·ri- ~uıtan is the Caliph of Sunui lllos- which has been pent up ·wıthin it occasion for the purpose of
•• ·rats- inination to prevent it from becom-
in the Turklsh lng- strong enough to stand on its
"", ry. except. let uı; say, the State of, lems who comprisc the majority of, during the !ast century. when · Eu- ing " the Armenians
deports.tions own feet. Thc old Turkish G-Overn-
: _.>.st Virginia, nnd pro1>0..ed. fur-f 1 lslam. and the Sheik ul lslam iş -a' ropean intrigue in Constantinople rear), it is true that the
· - rmore, to makt• over in _perpetuo · menıher of the Turkish Cabinet. in ' has persistently_ strangled it,
-·-... 1
cost an ocean of Armcnlan blood and ment wa.s' dellberately and · releiıt-
tTnder this community System of that they wcre ordered by the Turk- ıessly rotted l>y every lntriıru.­
.,.. il<: en<'mieı; complete iinancial. lhe same way lhe Armenian com-
~-"ionomic :ınd military control over ınunity lo; organlzed under the government, Turks, '. Arme'lllanı;, ish G-Overn,ment in Constantlnople. known to an unscrupulous European
scnres of Turkiı<h diplomaey. Jslain has demanded
: :en the State of \\Test Vİrginia. By <.'atholikoı; of the Gregorian C.."huı·ch, Greeks and .Je"·s have been peaceful ıt is also true that
s and Mayorı; resigned again and .again in tlıe strongeı..-t pos-
_ · :: : _ıing thiı; species of sudden the .Je\vish community under it.« neighbors fur centuries. fo'r the Turl' Governer_
sible- terms an impartlal investiga-
· -ath on the stıunge,,1. population in <:rand Rahbi, and the Greek com- is the most tolerant of ali the emplre rathet· than obey Constantinople's
, .<' .Near East. the Si'vreı; Tn at:r munity under not only its religious huilders .who ha\'e
risen and fallen order, that thousand::; of Turks tion into the source of the ma..'!..'!llcr••
men and · onlers wlıich have gone out !rom
•· •oı>osed to pacify th•• trouhled Near head. but its seçular head as well. in European history. !<'rom th<> day sa\'ed the lives "of A.tmenian
-~ ·

the o;ort of pro- itı; present ruler. Constantine , b••ing he first so;i foot on European soil women and boys and girls by hiding Coıistantinople
and \Vhich in West-
.., ~ _,...ı one rould finıl issııing from no ı;tyled. not ı..:ing of Grcece,
hut King do\\·n to thc present the Turk, ·as n them iıı their homes, and that U: em eyes have sta.ined the name of
Turkish Calılph. But Constnnti-
.ce on earth except that charminl! of the Helleneı;_ This (•ommunity ruler of subject peoples, haı> becn large number of theı;c Armenians lts
up to .the nople ha.<ı never permitted itself · to
• :_~:e aı<ylum "'hich Is F.uroııe. sy~em of guvernınent io; dceply em- characteriz<'d by a broad live-and- who ha\·e since been given
investigated. •
\\'t-ver. the Gı·eco-Turkish 'var İı< lıed<lc<l in the ..ocial fabric of the ıet-live tolerance. He hewed out his Amerlcans or the Near East_· Relief be
·,.· . ·.ring ·the end of ltş pitiful course Near East and Is C'arried down to the great empiı·e in a day \vhen savagl' have taken the first opportunity to
·Howcver, the· old ring "·hlch ran
thelr Turklsh the Turkish Govemnıent . in Con-
:,,nd_the Si'vres Trcaty i" even more very smallest ı;roups, e\·cn the ninety fighting abİlity "'as the slngle stand- e><eaı.>e and return to
-_ : aıl nol\' than it 'vas on the after- Abys..~inians in Jerusalem havlng ard by which natlons rose and fell; homeı;. \\'hen one has
seen Turks stantinople is gone. Talaat is ılen.J.
is in Go;rnıany anıl F.ın· cr i:;
-:>on of Jlla~· 11. 10-LO. It is once thelr own community organi7.a- he is stili a great soldier, but he ha,; and Armenlans .ılining together, one Djemal
nıor<.> Jl(lssible to make :ı freo;h "tart tions. Indeed, it lo; carried further never lıeen a fanatlc. NÔ such gra- renli:ı:es lhat thelr problem is not supposed to he in ı.;,alıul ur ı.;:ıır.-1i . ;
J\Iusmplııı · ı..: ..111·:1
in thc :'l!<>ar East. to appralse the t.ha_n the native ·populations, for he- tuitous nıll3Sacres for rellglon's sake one of a simple · rachıl or religious tan .or . lx;th.
Tıırk for l\'hat he . İı< and to begin ·rorc the \\'ar foreigners in Turkey as have st<ılned the name of almost feud. The Turk is not an enemy of
· ·
d th e A rmenıan ·
. C Contı'nu~'
on Pagc 2:! ) "''
-'!!i!ding on hinı accordingly. also had theİl' O\vn group><, \vho \\'ere every oth~r nation in Southeastrrıı the Armenıan an

Published: July 3, 1921

Copyright © The New York Times
A Defense of Young Turkey
( Contlnued trom Page .6. ) : Europea.n intrigue at Constantinople
. i is itself tb·~ Near Eastern problem;
Pa..cıha, thc 39-year-old leader of the ; the curse of the Near East hns hccn
Turkish N:ıtlonalist Government. wru.; ; the European embassies a.nd the Le-
Enver·s most bitter ene_wy in the ol<l ' vantine concesslon hunters of Con-
days, and owes his gi'eitt.· ,v.ar fam•! '. stantınople. The only way !n 'vhic1ı
to the fact t]:ıat Enver sertt him .to 1 a permanent. peace. can be devised in
!he Dardanelles to gl\'e the Hritislı j the Near J~st. '1:lth a. maximum of
a chance to ljill him. ~he National- 1 justice to ~ıı tJıe Near Eastern peo-
ist GoYcrnmcnt at prcsent comprh;es l ı>les concerned, is blo" letting these
ali thut is fine and hopeful in thc İ cruclfied peoples lhemsel'\·es do th~
Turkish nation. &nd, "'"'·ith tbe old : devising. E~·entually it must ·com~
Russian nightmare removed,, it is : to thls. For the present, it proın­
stı-ong enouglt to stand aıonc even 1 _ l ses much that a Turklsh Govern-
against the.embassies of Pera. ~ 1 ment at last exists which is actually

· For the last century Ttırkey han 1 representatıve ot the Turks and their
neveı- had a chance. Tbroughont a i minority communities,, and a Rus-
century of steady ·;sabotage by the sian ·G6vernment exists which Is not
most po"·erful polif?Cal influenccs in hostilc.
ı Etırope the Near ·Eastern problem · Meanwhile. it is high time tha.'t the
1 ha.cı . been slowly built up to · the pro- '\rest, "~hicb bas produced one ghast-
portions of a world scandal. Euro- ly mess after a_nother in the .Ne.a r
pean intrigue at Constantlnople nev~.. Ea.st by hating the Turk-it is time
has and nc\·er ·.vill succeed in reach- tbs.t the \Vest gave the Turk a
ing any permanent solutlon of it, for chancc.

Published: July 3, 1921

Copyright © The New York Times

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