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I am addressing Innate versus Adaptive immunity.

This immunology website is run by the

British Society for Immunology. It details the differences between active and passive immunity.
For Innate immunity, it describes the defense mechanism, as a “hard-wired” strategy to respond
to infection. I found this description helpful because it describes innate immunity as something
that is automatic and genetically determined. This site also describes adaptive immunity as a
highly specific response with an ability to develop a persistent “immune memory.” I found this
description of adaptive immunity very helpful because in essence the adaptive response is more
about memory rather than adaptation as the name suggests. Adaptive immunity makes it
possible for us to remember previously encountered pathogens and remove them from our
bodies faster than we’re able to during a primary infection. Immunizations given to babies help
them develop an adaptive response. A good question to think about is: Are there any negative
consequences with priming adaptive immunity through the use of immunizations in babies?


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