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The conversation is taken by a film called “The American President”. The film takes place in United
States and it talks about several situations in the White house. The president says some things that do
not have the literal meaning. For this reason, it will be determined how the semantics changes
according to the context.

In this document it will be analyzed that the semantics appears in different context and it is important
because it helps to understand the meaning of the word that can be used differently. Knowing that
semantics means the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure. Also, lexical
semantics is concerned with the meanings of words and the meaning of relationships among words,
while phrasal semantics is concerned with the meaning of syntactic units larger than the word. It will
be focused in the denotative that it is a translation of a sign to its meaning precisely to
its literal meaning and connotative meaning that it is a commonly
understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries.
Chart 1 :
Source : http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ommovies/TheAmericanPresident1.htm
English Spanish French
Phrase A really big fish. Un pez realmente grande. Un très gros poisson.

Denotative meaning A fish that is very big

Connotative meaning An important influential person
Authors: Llerena K. at all (2018)


In this chart the phrase “a really big fish” has a denotative meaning that refers to a fish that is very
big. It is the literal meaning of this phrase. But in the conversation as the president is talking with his
assistant he refers to an important influential person that is the connotative meaning. Also, it could
be named figurative sense and do not have anything related with fish. Finally, there are the phrases in
Spanish and French where happens the same.

Chart 2:
Source: http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ommovies/TheAmericanPresident1.htm
English Spanish French
Phrase An executive order Una orden ejecutiva De décret
Denotative meaning An order given by executives
Connotative meaning An official document
Authors: Llerena K. at all (2018)


In this chart there are the phrase “an executive order” and the denotative meaning that refers to an
order given by executives or a mandate of the executive congress and it is the literal meaning of the
phrase. In the connotative meaning this phrase refers to an official document that and it is the
connotative meaning. In this case happens the same in English, Spanish and French
Chart 3:
Source: http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ommovies/TheAmericanPresident1.htm
English Spanish French
Phrase Well, we should Bueno, deberíamos tener Eh bien, nous devrions
have a consensus un consenso sobre cómo avoir un consensus sur
on how the White la Casa Blanca va a comme la Maison
House is going to manejarlo. Blanche va gérer
handle it. cela.

Denotative meaning The White House is going to resolve manage a situation

Connotative meaning The politicians and people who work in the White House are going to
discuss about something
Authors: Llerena K. at all (2018)
In this chart the phrase “Well, we should have a consensus on how the White House is going to
handle it.” has a denotative meaning that refers to the White House is going to manage a situation. It
is the literal meaning of this phrase but it could be impossible because the White House is an object
and it can not resolve or handle situations. In the conversation it refers to the politician and employers
from the White House who are going to discuss about something. It is the connotative meaning or
figurative sense. Finally, in this case happens the same in English, Spanish and French, too.
Chart 4:
Source: http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ommovies/TheAmericanPresident1.htm
English Spanish French
Phrase Your father's on the ¿Tu padre está hablando Est-ce que ton père
phone with his por teléfono con su parle au téléphone
dentist? dentista? avec son dentiste ?
Denotative meaning The man and the The man is talking on the phone with the dentist
dentist are over or
inside the phone
Connotative meaning The man is having a phone conversation with his dentist
Authors: Llerena K. at all (2018)
In this chart the question “Your father's on the phone with his dentist?” in English the denotative
meaning refers the woman ask the girl if her father and the dentist are over or inside the phone. In
English, it is the literal meaning of this question. In the connotative meaning it refers to the man is
having a phone conversation with his dentist. Nevertheless, in Spanish and English languages the
connotative and denotative meaning could be interpreted in the same way and it means that the literal
and literal meaning is the same.

Chart 5:
Source: http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/ommovies/TheAmericanPresident1.htm
English Spanish French
Phrase They're probably Probablemente no estén Ils ne discutent
not discussing his discutiendo sus dientes. probablement pas de
teeth. leurs dents.
Denotative meaning They maybe are His teeth are not probably discussing
discussing his teeth
Connotative meaning They are talking about something else
Authors: Llerena K. at all (2018)
In this chart the phrase “they're probably not discussing his teeth.” has a denotative meaning that
could be interpreted as they may not be discussing about his teeth. It is the literal meaning of this
phrase. Moreover, in denotative meaning in Spanish and French languages the denotative meaning
could be interpreted as his teeth are not probably discussing. Finally, in the connotative meaning this
phase refers to they are talking about something else. It is the figurative meaning of the phrase.

According to the analysis it could be concluded that in English language the phrases and sentences do
not have the literal and figurative meaning of the words and phrases. In addition, the denotative and
connotative meaning are different. It means that to know what the speaker is trying to say you must to
know about the context as the conversation develops and how the phrases appear. Also, the same
phrases could change the meaning in relation to the language. Finally, in some cases like in chart 4 in
the English language the denotative and connotative meaning is distinct but in Spanish and French
languages are the same.
Trevian, I. (2015). Linguistics Insights Studies In Language and Communication; English suffixes:
Stress-assigment properties, productivity, selection and combinatorial processes. Berlin:
Peter Lang Ag, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenchaften.

Fromkin, R. R. (2003 ). An introduction to Language. Los Angeles: HARCOURT BRACE.

Moure, O. (1999). Om Movies. Obtenido de
English Conversation:
The American President
PRESIDENT: Ten-fifteen is American Fisheries?
JANIE: Yes sir, they're giving you a 200-pound halibut.
PRESIDENT: Janie, make a note. We need to schedule more events where somebody gives me a
really big fish.
JANIE: Yes sir!
PRESIDENT: Janie, I'm kidding.
JANIE: Of course.
PRESIDENT: Janie, can you get me the number of a local florist?
JANIE: I'll take care of them, sir. Where do you want them sent?
PRESIDENT: No, I want to do it myself. I just need the number.
JANIE: I don't understand.
PRESIDENT: I want the phone number of a florist.
JANIE: You just want the phone number?
JANIE: I don't understand, sir. Is there a problem with ...
PRESIDENT: Janie, I want to send some flowers. I want to do it myself. I don't want a staff, I don't
want to issue an executive order ... I just want the phone number.
JANIE: I'll get it for you right away, sir.
MCCALL: How do you want me to handle the Sydney issue?
PRESIDENT: The Sydney issue?
LOUIS: Well, we should have a consensus on how the White House is going to handle it.
PRESIDENT: Well, I certainly hope that the Sydney issue refers to some way to some problem we're
having with Australia, because if it's anything other than that ...
JANIE: Uh-hem, Mr. President? Ms. Wade is here to see you.
PRESIDENT: Have her come in. I am finished here!
LUCY: Um, my Dad told me to tell you that he's on the phone with his dentist and that I should
behave myself and entertain you until he gets back.
SYDNEY: Oh, your father's on the phone with his dentist?
LUCY: No, he told me to tell you that he's on the phone with his dentist. He wants you to think that
he's a regular guy.
SYDNEY: So, who's he on the phone with?
LUCY: The Prime Minister of Israel.
SYDNEY: Oh! They're probably not discussing his teeth.
LUCY: I hope not!

Spanish Conversation:
El Presidente Estadounidense
PRESIDENTE: ¿Diez y quince son pesquerías estadounidenses?
JANIE: Sí señor, te están dando un halibut de 200 libras.
PRESIDENTE: Janie, tome nota. Necesitamos programar más eventos donde alguien me dé un pez
realmente grande.
JANIE: ¡Sí, señor!
PRESIDENTE: Janie, estoy bromeando.
JANIE: Por supuesto.
PRESIDENTE: Janie, ¿me puede dar el número de un florista local?
JANIE: Me ocuparé de ellos, señor. ¿Dónde quieres que te envíen?
PRESIDENTE: No, quiero hacerlo yo mismo. Solo necesito el número.
JANIE: No entiendo.
PRESIDENTE: Quiero el número de teléfono de una florería.
JANIE: ¿Solo quieres el número de teléfono?
JANIE: No entiendo, señor. ¿Hay algún problema con ...
PRESIDENTE: Janie, quiero enviar algunas flores. Quiero hacerlo yo mismo. No quiero un personal,
no quiero emitir una orden ejecutiva ... solo quiero el número de teléfono.
JANIE: Lo conseguiré para usted de inmediato, señor.
MCCALL: ¿Cómo quieres que maneje el problema de Sydney?
PRESIDENTE: ¿El problema de Sydney?
LOUIS: Bueno, deberíamos tener un consenso sobre cómo la Casa Blanca va a manejarlo.
PRESIDENTE: Bueno, ciertamente espero que el problema de Sydney se refiera a algún problema
que tengamos con Australia, porque si es algo más que eso ...
JANIE: Uh-hem, ¿señor presidente? La Sra. Wade está aquí para verte.
PRESIDENTE: Haga que ella entre. ¡He terminado aquí!
LUCY: Um, mi papá me dijo que te dijera que está hablando por teléfono con su dentista y que debo
comportarme y entretenerte hasta que regrese.
SYDNEY: ¿Tu padre está hablando por teléfono con su dentista?
LUCY: No, él me dijo que te dijera que está hablando por teléfono con su dentista. Él quiere que
pienses que es un tipo normal.
SYDNEY: Entonces, ¿quién está hablando por teléfono?
LUCY: El primer ministro de Israel.
SYDNEY: ¡Oh! Probablemente no estén discutiendo sus dientes.
LUCY: ¡Espero que no!

French Conversation:
Le Président Américain
LE PRÉSIDENT: Dix et quinze sont des pêcheries américaines?
JANIE: Oui monsieur, ils vous donnent un flétan de 200 livres.
LE PRÉSIDENT: Janie, prenez note. Nous devons planifier plus d'événements où quelqu'un me
donne un très gros poisson.
JANIE: Oui, monsieur!
LE PRÉSIDENT: Janie, je plaisante.
JANIE: Bien sûr.
LE PRÉSIDENT: Janie, pouvez-vous me donner le numéro d'un fleuriste local?
JANIE: Je vais prendre soin d'eux, monsieur. Où voulez-vous être envoyé?
LE PRÉSIDENT: Non, je veux le faire moi-même. J'ai juste besoin du numéro.
JANIE: Je ne comprends pas.
M. LE PRÉSIDENT: Je veux le numéro de téléphone d'un fleuriste.
JANIE: Tu veux seulement le numéro de téléphone?
JANIE: Je ne comprends pas, monsieur. Y a-t-il un problème avec ...
LE PRÉSIDENT: Janie, je veux envoyer des fleurs. Je veux le faire moi-même. Je ne veux pas de
personnel, je ne veux pas émettre de décret ... Je veux juste le numéro de téléphone.
JANIE: Je vais vous l'obtenir tout de suite, monsieur.
MCCALL: Comment voulez-vous que je gère le problème de Sydney?
M. LE PRÉSIDENT: Le problème de Sydney?
LOUIS: Eh bien, nous devrions avoir un consensus sur comme la Maison Blanche va gérer cela.
M. LE PRÉSIDENT: J'espère que le problème de Sydney se rapporte à un problème que nous avons
avec l'Australie, parce que si c'est quelque chose de plus que cela ...
JANIE: Euh-hem, Monsieur le Président? Mme Wade est là pour vous voir.
LE PRÉSIDENT: Faites-la entrer. Je suis fini ici!
LUCY: Hum, mon père m'a dit de te dire qu'il parlait au téléphone avec son dentiste et que je devrais
me comporter et te divertir jusqu'à mon retour.
SYDNEY: Est-ce que ton père parle au téléphone avec son dentiste?
LUCY: Non, il m'a dit de te dire qu'il parlait à son dentiste au téléphone. Il veut que tu penses qu'il est
un mec normal.
SYDNEY: Alors, qui parle au téléphone?
LUCY: Le Premier Ministre d'Israël.
SYDNEY: Oh! Ils ne discutent probablement pas de leurs dents.
LUCY: J'espère pas!

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