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The male sterilization

Thanks to the technological and medical advances every day are born new
methods, the existence of different types of contraceptive methods is a reality in
the XXI century. Neverthless not all of these methods are made with the same
purpose, the contraceptive methods like: pills, injections, intrauterine,
spermicides female sterilization (tubal total ligation) Vasectomy (male
sterilization) etc, they are created in order to avoid the pregnancy or conception,
but in the same way there are methods to avoid and prevents STD’s.
The most common and known (c.m) contraceptive method for preventing
unwanted pregnancies and STD’s is the condom masculine and feminine. Both
types of (c.m) are appropriated but its use depends of the sexual activity, number
of sexual partners, health implications, and desire of having children of each
One of the medical procedure for masculine sterilization non-permanent is the
Vasectomy, it is an ambulatory surgery which consist in cutting the men’s vas
deferens and are tied to avoid the sperm arrives to the final destination which is
the female ovule. The health implications are very low precisely because it’s an
ambulatory surgery, which doesn’t need general anaesthesia, it only uses local
anaesthesia, the healing process is very fast and treatable instead to the tubal
ligation. Consist in getting your tubes tied, this procedure is more complicated
than the Vasectomy, it needs general anaesthesia and health implications are
higher, according statics.
The 90% of men who have had this surgery ends up with positives results, the
main and remarkable difference between the Vasectomy and tubal sterilization is
that the first one, is reversible because you can re-connect the vas deferens and
star spelling sperm in the ejaculation over again, the second one provokes the
impossibility of procreating one more time after having the surgery, it is
Another good point with the Vasectomy as the best alternative regarding the
overpopulation, because is easier for a man to pregnant a lot of women in one
year than a women get pregnant twice in a year, so here is the point of the
responsibility that the male community has over the overpopulation point.
The vasectomy doesn’t have any repercussion in the sexual activity of the man,
the erection will be the same, the ejaculation remains same with the only
exception that the liquid doesn’t contain sperms. It’s quite important to mention
this fact because the male community, exists the taboo and rejection regarding
to the Vasectomy for the “cliché” and fear of losing their erections, ejaculations,
and sensibility.
As I already said not all of the (c.m) has the same purposes, some of them are
thought over the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and other to prevent STD’s,
but it’s wise to mention that the condom is the most accurate and confinable
method of these problematics, with 99% of reliability, this is the first method
recommended by Doctors and sexuality professionals.
Finally, is a real fact that Vasectomy is not the best (c.m) to avoid STD’s therefore
I think it must be considerate at the time of thinking in methods that helps to family
planning and overpopulation; with all the arguments already exposed before it’s
necessary that this alternative is taken into account for the male and female

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