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Factors Affecting Senior High School Track Preferences of

Grade 10 Students at Doña Rosario High School

Academic Year 2017-2018: Basis for Career Guidance


A Research Paper

Presented to the

English Teacher of the School Education

Doña Rosario High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

English 10

Presented by:

Kimberly Shen Ajero

Jessel Ann Ortego

Stefhanny Enfectana

Desiree Dela Cruz

Anjelo Buhayo


Tracks is important to decide for Grade 10 Students who completes

the Junior High School because it’s a long-term journey for students. If

you chose wrong track you might not succeed what you wanted to be.

Hence, it will affect the students when they apply to work, it will affect

them to not complete the track nor strands because the student is not

grateful because of the wrong decision they made. Futhermore , some

people chose their tracks because their parents, friends or their relatives

wanted to.

Most of the people are having a hard time to become productive in

their life wherein they are becoming idle because they were not able think

of what to do during decision-time for their registration of what school or

what track they want. Some people are inspired for boosting their

productiveness for their parents they were motivate to chose their right

tracks because they wanted to succeed and to fulfill their dreams for their

parents because every youth wanted to make their parents proud.

We wanted to show to the students the importance of this research

to make them realize how important to study and how hard it is. We

wanted to help them not to regret some of the things that might destroy

their future and have a pessimism. We wanted to achieve from this

research is to thought the students to chose right tracks for them.

The tracks aforementioned are as follows:

1. Academic, which is divided into three strands:

a. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

b. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

c. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

1.2 Technical-Vocational, which is divided into four strands:

a. Agricultural-Fisheries

b. Home Economics

c. Industrial Arts

d. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

1.3 Sports

1.4 Arts and Design


This study aims to determine the factors affecting the Track

Preferences of Junior High School Students in Doña Rosario High School.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What makes the student decide for their tracks for senior high school?

1.1. Does the parents force their child to pick their tracks?

1.2 Does the financial is the problem for choosing the tracks?

1.3 What is the student feel about the tracks they chose?

1.4 Does your friends wanted to chose what track are fit for you?

1.5 Does your friend help to chose your track?

1.6 Does anyone inspires you to chose a track?


The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual

framework shown in Figure 1 which has a three part process: the input,

process and output.

Input – This includes the socio-demographic profile of the students,

their choice of field of study to specialize, their track preference and the

factors that affect their preference.

Process – In the research process, this includes determining their track

preferences and determining the leading factors that affect their


Output – This study would identify the track preferences of Grade 10

students of Doña Rosario High School and the factors that affect them

which can be used as basis for a career guidance program of the said

school and for certain institutions that would like to design and implement

a Senior High School program.

•Socio- •Tallying of Data •Senior High
Demographic School Preferences
Profile of •Weighting the
Respondents Extent of Influence •Leading Factor(s)
of the Factors
•Track Preferences •Basis for a Career
•Factors that Affect
their Preferences •Insight for Design
Implementation of
SHS Program


This research may result of the students where we can found out

what is the factors affecting senior high school track preferences of grade

10 students. The students may forced to study by their parents or their

relatives. The students might have a financial problem to pay the all the

school fees to study. The students might have a wrong decision what they

chose. The students might be realize that those strands are not for them.

The students might be joined their friends want , to keep them together as

a group. They might have a pessimism to work.

In conducting a study on factors affecting senior high school track

preferences of grade 10 students at Doña Rosario High School the

following assumptions were made:

1. That all the respondents would be thinking that our research are


1.1. That all the respondents would be cooperative, active and reliable

to answer our questions with us.

1.2 That all the respondents might be realize the importance of this


1.3 That all the teachers’ would be affected by the performance of the


1.4 That all the students would be affected by the wrong decision

they’re making to choose tracks.

1.5 That all the parents would be having a hard time to teach their


This problem may affect the following:

Student – They were having a hard time to study because of their wrong


Friends – They might be stressed seeing their friends having a difficulties.

Researchers – They were worried and having difficulties to answer of

these research.

Future Researchers – They were having a difficulties for their research

to accomplish.


This study will be focusing on the developing the wrong decision or

tracks in Grade 10 Students at the Dona Rosario High School chose. The

study will involve dissemination of survey form to the students.


Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of

behavior, skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience

which sought for quality education.

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution

to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. Vital results of

this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to

the following:

• To the Students - They will learn the importance of choosing right

tracks. In totality students are incharge of their own choice.

• To the Researchers – The Process and outcome of this study will

produce a great satisfaction, competence, and professionalism to the field.


• pessimism - a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe

that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future.

• idle - characterized by lack of effort or activity.

• connotes - (of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition

to the literal or primary meaning.

• dissemination - the act of spreading something, especially

information, widely; circulation.

• latter - situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Career preference is the process of decision-making. A great number of

studies, researches, and write-ups has been conducted for a period of time

and still emerged as one of the top-priority researches due to rapid

changing and need of time. This chapter is the presentation of literature

and studies from foreign to local which may directly or indirectly bearing to

study at hand. Relevance to present studies will give a big picture why

these literature and studies from foreign to local are used.

Foreign Literature

According to Howard and Ill stressed out that whenever students are in

their high school experience, they are the center of learning. In a

traditional high school, the center of the system is the content or subject,

not student learning. Howard and Ill present a system to promote the shift

from traditional content or subject –centered high schools to student-

centered high schools which is called as Collaborative Career Pathways – a

system of organizing the student learning interests and aptitudes around

career paths. It provides a structure for students to reference their

learning and comment each year of their high school experience. It allows

students to plan and practice their skills while creating a smooth and

successful transition to a post-secondary option.

Local Literature

According to Elmer (1989)14, career planning is life goal-setting. Without

such a plan,it is like making a journey to an unfamiliar destination without

a map. He proposed aCareer Planning Guide that will help the students in

choosing their appropriate coursefrom planning a career, steps in planning

career, goal-setting and self-understanding.Also, it reveals that guidance

and counseling is intervention of underemploymentindividuals and career

preparedness must be initiated.14 Soriano, A. S. and Roces. A Career

Guide. Baguio Allied Printers: 420 MagsaysayAve. Baguio City, p.1

The studies reviewed provide ample evidence that career

development program is inneed and must have a collaborative efforts

made by school administrator, teachers,and mostly guidance counselor in

crystallizing student’s career decision. Theteaching methodologies or

strategies must be improved and concentrate on student’slearning and not

by subjects.
Foreign Studies

According to the study conducted by Garcez (2007) , it was found out that

by increasing career development activities, which includes setting career

goals, students had a higher self-esteem. Maybe even more important,

however, is that students were more satisfied about the education they

were receiving. This will, in turn, hopefully lead to students having a

deeper desire and commitment to succeed in their education. Another

outcome of a higher self-esteem, is that those students chose more

difficult goals than students with low self-esteems. She noted that

excellent detailed plan for teaching parents and teachers how to teach

young students to set career goals. The plan requires a total community

effort through educators, parents, and businesses. Students must be given

an opportunity to identify and explore their desired careers. They can

accomplish this through the “School to Work Transition” or “Job

Shadowing Program.” Through the cooperative efforts of the entire

community, students can identify career choices, set career goals, and

have higher self-esteems at an early age. Ultimately, they will further their

education and have a better chance of succeeding in the “do or die” world

in which we live.
Local Studies

According to the study conducted by Siguan Jr. (1994), it was found out

that the students self-concept showed no significant influence on their

career preferences. The academic achievements of students proved to be

significant related to their career preferences. The school were students

came from had no influence on their choice of career. He recommends

that a more improved and functional guidance provided in school to help

students make sound career choices. The guidance services in school must

be collaborative efforts of the administrator, guidance counselors, and

teachers. Classroom teachers are encouraged to do their best in improving

teaching learning processes, considering that academic achievement of

student influences their career preferences.

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