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Julie L. Meredith, M D
Nancy S. Rosenthal, MD

Differential Diagnosis of
Microcytic Anemias

ABSTRACT Anemias are classified on the basis of size of diagnostic laboratory procedures, and the patho-
the RBCs. In this scheme, the microcytic anemias are definedgenesis for each disorder.
as those in which the mean cell volume is <80fL. This
review describes the common types—iron deficiency anemia,Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common
thalassemia, anemia of chronic inflammation, and cause of a microcytic anemia. Iron deficiency is
sideroblastic anemia—as well as the clinical and laboratory also the most common nutritional deficiency in
findings in each. Diagnosis depends on the CBC, cell the world, although its prevalence is decreasing in
morphology (as observed on the peripheral blood smear), developed countries. In the United States, at-risk
and, in rare cases, the bone marrowfindings.Levels of iron, populations include children, adolescents, women 1
total iron binding capacity, free erythrocyte protoporphyrin, with pregnancy or menstrual blood loss, and
individuals with blood loss due to gastrointestinal
and ferritin in serum, as well as electrophoretic separation ofmalignancy and peptic ulcer disease. The hemo-
hemoglobins may also be included. globin level usually ranges from 8 g/dL to 12 g/dL
This is the second article in a three-part continuing education series on anemias. On (80-120 g/L), and the MCV is reduced.
completion of this article, the reader will be able to identify the common types of In the early stages of iron depletion disease, iron
microcytic anemias—iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, anemia of chronic stores are low, although hemoglobin synthesis is not
inflammation, and sideroblastic anemia —by reviewing appropriate laboratory test disrupted. With the onset of deficiency, the hemo-
results. globin level falls, and microcytosis and hypochromia
are evident on the peripheral blood smear (Fig 1).
From the Department The microcytic anemias are associated with a
of Pathology, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) below the lower
University of Iowa,
limit of normal, which is 80 fL in adults and 70 fL
Iowa City, Iowa.
in young children (ie, 1-12 years). Examination of
Reprint requests to
Dr Rosenthal,
the peripheral blood smear generally reveals the
Department of presence of microcytes and hypochromia. A
Pathology, University decrease in the mean corpuscular hemoglobin
of Iowa Hospitals and concentration (MCHC) correlates with the degree
Clinics, 200 Hawkins
of hypochromia.
Dr, 6233 RCP, Iowa
City, IA 52242-1009; The causes of microcytic anemias are diverse
or e-mail: nancy- and include iron deficiency, thalassemia, chronic
rosenthal@uiowa.edu inflammation, and sideroblastic anemia (shown in
decreasing order of prevalence). Microcytosis
occurs as a result of an important underlying fea-
ture: quantitatively deficient hemoglobin synthe-
sis that results from defects in the production of
either heme or the globin chains that comprise the
hemoglobin molecule. We will discuss the charac- Fig 1. Peripheral blood smear from a patient with iron
teristic CBC and peripheral blood smear findings, deficiency anemia showing microcytic, hypochromic
RBCs (Wright stain, original magnification x 1,000).

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Table 1. Laboratory Findings in Various Microcytic Anemias*
Microcytic Anemia Due to
Test Iron Deficiency Thalassemia Ch ronic Inflammation Sideroblastic Anemia
FEP level High Normal Normal Normal
Ferritin level Low Normal to increased High Normal to increased
MCV Low Low Low or normal Low, normal, or high
Percentage saturation Low Increased Normal Normal
RDW High Normal to high Normal High
Serum iron level Low Normal Low Normal
Serum TfR level High Normal Normal Normal
TIBC level High Normal Low Normal
FEP represents free erythrocyte protoporphyrin; MCV, mean corpuscular vo ume; RDW, red ce II distribution width; TfR, serum
transferrin receptor; TIBC, total iron binding capacity.
"The microcytic anemias are presented in decreasing order of prevalence.

Poikilocytosis often occurs, and elliptocytes, target not an acute phase reactant and is therefore not
cells, and bizarre RBCs are present. The red cell dis- elevated in the anemia of chronic inflammation.
tribution width (RDW) is elevated in the later stages The goal of IDA treatment is to supply suffi-
of iron deficiency. Thrombocytosis is also com- cient iron to remove the hemoglobin deficit and
monly seen, but the WBCs are unaffected. The CBC replenish iron stores. Although oral administra-
and cell morphology (as shown on peripheral blood tion of iron is the treatment of choice, parenteral
smear), particularly in severe cases of iron defi- therapy is sometimes required. Only rarely are
ciency, suggest the presence of IDA; a low iron level, RBC transfusions necessary to prevent cardiac or
an elevated total iron binding capacity (TIBC), and cerebral ischemia, such as in severe anemia or to
a reduced percentage saturation of iron must be support patients whose rate of chronic iron loss
present to confirm the diagnosis (Table 1). The fer- exceeds the rate of replacement possible with oral
ritin level, an indicator of total body iron stores, is or parenteral therapy. •
usually low. As an acute-phase reactant, ferritin may 0
increase in concentration with infections and Thalassemia s
chronic inflammation, and in these settings may be Common in Asian, Mediterranean, and African e
falsely elevated as an indicator of iron stores. The populations, the thalassemia syndromes are hered- £
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) level is itary disorders of globin synthesis. Classification of E
increased before the serum iron and TIBC results the two main subtypes, alpha (a) and beta (3), is o
become abnormal and is therefore an early indicator based on which of the globin chains is affected.
of the disease. If the iron study results are inconclu- Thalassemia trait is often confused with IDA
sive, a bone marrow examination (the gold standard on the basis of the CBC and peripheral blood
for diagnosis of IDA) may be performed, although smear findings. To distinguish thalassemia from
this is rare. other causes of microcytosis, several indices based

Recently, serum transferrin receptor (TfR) con- on parameters derived solely from the CBC have
centration was evaluated for diagnostic efficacy in
iron deficiency.2 The TfR is a transmembrane pro-
tein present on the cell surface of virtually all cells, Glossary
and is required for iron binding and entry into the Cell hemoglobin distribution width—Red cell index that quantifies
cell. The number of TfR molecules on the cell sur- cell hemoglobin concentration as related to cell volume; decreased
face reflects the iron requirement, and iron depri- in patients with thalassemia trait.
vation induces the cell to synthesize more Cytokine—Protein released by specific cells, which on contact with
receptors. A form of the receptor is detectable in specific antigens, acts as an intercellular mediator, as in the
serum, and when its level is elevated, has been generation of an immune response.
shown to be a reliable and early indicator of Serum transferrin receptor (TfR)—Transmembrane protein present
depleted iron stores in IDA. Unlike ferritin, TfR is on all cells that facilitates the entry of iron into the cell; increased in
patients with iron deficiency anemia.©

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been applied. A normal RDW is thought to be require blood transfusions. The peripheral blood
more consistent with the presence of thalassemia.3 smear shows microcytic, hypochromic RBCs with
Other indices are based on the discrepancies polychromasia, as well as rare teardrop cells and
among the MCV, RBC count, and the hemoglobin fragmented cells. The reticulocyte count is ele-
levels.4,5 The finding of an MCV <72 fL was vated. Hemoglobin electrophoresis reveals a fast-
recently shown to be more effective than these moving hemoglobin, HbH, composed of B
indices in selecting patients with a high probabil- tetramers that form as a result of the lack of a
ity of thalassemia trait.6 Another index of RBC chains. HbH levels may be decreased during the
heterogeneity, the cell hemoglobin distribution concomitant iron deficiency. The presence of
width, may differentiate thalassemia trait from HbH may also be established by incubating blood
other causes of microcytosis, and is available on with brilliant cresyl blue, which results in diffuse
some hematology instruments. A cell hemoglobin stippling of the RBCs.
distribution width (defined as the standard devia- The deletion of all four a-chain genes results in
tion of the product of the RBC volume and hemo- the production of only Bart's hemoglobin, which
globin concentration) of less than 3.05 suggests binds oxygen so tightly that it is unable to release
the presence of thalassemia trait.7 it to the tissues, resulting in fetal death due to
hydrops fetalis.
a-Thalassemia results from deletion of one or more ^-Thalassemia
of the four a-chain genes on chromosome 16. This Like the a thalassemias, B-thalassemia also may
leads to abnormal a-chain synthesis, a relative arise from gene deletions. More often, however,
Test Your
excess of B chains, and a reduction in the amount the condition develops as a result of point muta-
Look for the CE of hemoglobin in the RBC. tions of the B-globin gene located on chromo-
Update exam on The severity of the disease is correlated with the some 11. As with a-thalassemia, the severity of the
Anemias (906) in the number of genes deleted (Table 2). A single dele- disease depends on the number of abnormal genes
September issue of tion, the silent carrier state, causes no clinical dis- inherited. With only one abnormal gene, B-tha-
Laboratory Medicine.
ease. Deletion of two genes causes a mild lassemia minor (or trait), a benign microcytic ane-
Participants will earn
3 CMLE credit hours. microcytic anemia, a-thalassemia minor (or trait). mia similar to IDA, is seen. When two (3 genes are
Bart's hemoglobin, consisting of tetramers of y markedly abnormal, the more severe B-tha-
chains derived from fetal hemoglobin, is present at lassemia major occurs. A third clinical syndrome,
birth but disappears soon after. In older children thalassemia intermedia, results from (1) a
and adults, the hemoglobin electrophoresis pattern homozygous disorder with less impaired B-chain
is normal, and diagnosis is often made on the basis production or (2) severe variants of a hetero-
of exclusion. Although rarely needed, molecular zygous disorder. Transfusions may be required for
diagnostic techniques can assist in diagnosis. this condition. Although no treatment is necessary
A condition associated with deletion of three a for B-thalassemia trait, B-thalassemia major
genes, hemoglobin H (HbH) disease, causes a requires transfusion support.
mild to moderate hemolytic anemia. Although The peripheral blood smear in patients with B-
HbH disease may be severe, it generally does not thalassemia major shows severely hypochromic,
microcytic RBCs, as well as marked anisopoikilo-
ubtypes and Laboratory Features of ((-Thalassemia cytosis with teardrop and target cells, nucleated
Hemoglobin RBCs, and prominent basophilic stippling (Fig 2).
No. of Gene Electrophoresis B-Thalassemia trait is associated with mild ane-
Subtype Deletions Clinical Findings Result mia, and often the MCV is lower than expected for
Silent carrier 1 Normal 1%-2% Bart's* the degree of anemia. Although the RBC count is
often elevated, the RDW may be normal.
a-Thalassemia trait 2 Microcytosis; 5% Bart's*
The diagnosis of 8-thalassemia trait is confirmed
+ or - mild anemia
by hemoglobin electrophoresis, which shows mildly
HgH disease 3 Microcytosis; 25% Bart's; elevated HbA2 (3.5%-8.0%) and HbF (l%-2%)
mild to moderate anemia 3%-30% HgH levels. Patients with 3-thalassemia major produce
Hydrops fetalis 4 Lethal in utero 100% Bart's no HbA and markedly increased amounts of HbF
HgH represents hemoglobin H.
•Amount of Bart's hemoglobin present at birth.

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(>94%) and HbA2 (l%-6%). Quantitation of HbA2 ! * >
by anion exchange chromatography is necessary for
accurate diagnosis. Concurrent IDA can cause a

o.o o
falsely reduced HbA2 level. High-performance liq-
uid chromatography has been applied to distinguish
and quantitate hemoglobins, and several molecular
methods can be used to detect the genetic defects in
^-thalassemia. •

Anemia of Chronic Inflammation

Anemia of chronic inflammation (also known as
9 A*
anemia of chronic disease) is often seen in the set-
ting of malignancy (eg, carcinoma, lymphoma),
chronic infection (eg, tuberculosis, fungal infec-
Fig 2. Peripheral blood smear from a patient with p-thalassemia major showing
tion), inflammatory states (eg, rheumatoid marked microcytosis and hypochromia; note presence of teardrop and target
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis), and cells, and basophilic stippling (Wright stain, original magnification x 1,000).
other chronic diseases (eg, chronic renal failure).
Although the peripheral blood smear often shows of the RBC and is unavailable for heme synthesis.
normocytic, normochromic RBCs without signif- Enzyme deficiencies and DNA abnormalities
icant anisopoikilocytosis, significant numbers of within the RBC lead to the iron accumulation.
microcytic, hypochromic RBCs are present in Acquired forms may be due to systemic, meta-
25% of cases. The hemoglobin level usually bolic, or toxic disorders (Table 3). Excess alcohol
ranges from 8 g/dL to 12 g/dL. The MCV, when intake is a relatively common underlying cause,
abnormal, is usually mildly decreased, and RDW and ringed sideroblasts may be seen as part of a
is normal. The lowest reported MCV in a patient myelodysplastic syndrome.
with anemia of chronic inflammation is 61 fL.8 The CBC shows a markedly decreased MCV in
Reticulocytes are not increased appropriately for the hereditary forms; however, the MCV may be
the degree of anemia. Target cells, dimorphic normal or increased in the acquired forms. The *
RBCs, and RBCs with basophilic stippling are RDW is elevated, and RBC count is low in both o
rarely seen. Examination of the bone marrow forms. In addition, serum iron, ferritin, and FEP a
generally shows normal numbers and morphol- concentrations may be normal, although ferritin c
ogy of the erythroid elements. Storage iron is and FEP levels may be increased. The characteristic E
increased with decreased iron in sideroblasts. finding of sideroblastic anemia on the peripheral S
Serum iron level is generally decreased, TIBC blood smear is a dimorphic RBC population con- 0
level is low to normal, and ferritin concentration sisting of a microcytic, hypochromic population of c
is normal to increased. cells mixed with a relatively normal population
The cause of the anemia of chronic inflamma-
tion is thought to be multifactorial and due to fail- Table 3. Causes of Sideroblastic Anemia
ure of erythropoiesis, lack of iron for hemoglobin
synthesis, and decreased RBC survival time. These Acquired
defects can be attributed to sustained macrophage Alcohol
secretion of cytokines, whose broad effects result in
iron being unavailable for hemoglobin synthesis.9'10 Drugs (eg, antituberculous agents, chloramphenicol,
Because the anemia of chronic inflammation is chemotherapeutic agents)
usually mild, transfusions are rarely required. Idiopathic (eg, refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts
Treatment is usually limited to treating the under- [RARS], a myelodysplastic syndrome)
lying disorder, although some patients respond to Lead poisoning
recombinant erythropoietin therapy.11
Sideroblastic A n e m i a Autosomal dominant
Sideroblastic anemias are characterized by abnor- Autosomal recessive
mal iron metabolism within the RBC and may be
present as either acquired or hereditary disor- X-linked
ders.12 Iron accumulates within the mitochondria
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OQ CS RBCs, and prominent or coarse basophilic stip-
pling of RBCs may be seen. Bone marrow exami-
nation may reveal erythroid hyperplasia and the
presence of ringed sideroblasts. The diagnosis is
confirmed by the presence of an elevated concen-

o tration of lead in serum.

Microcytic anemias are common abnormalities
encountered routinely in the hematology labora-
tory. With careful evaluation of the CBC, periph-
eral blood smear, hemoglobin electrophoretic
pattern, and several useful serum tests, determina-
tion of the underlying cause is usually straightfor-
Fig 3. A peripheral blood smear from a patient with a sideroblastic anemia
showing a dimorphic RBC population (Wright stain, original magnification
ward. Bone marrow examination has limited
x 1,000). usefulness except in the diagnosis of sideroblastic
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Erythroid hyperplasia is often seen, and the iron iron and degree of inflammation modifies the response to
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