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1.) If 5 m3 of certain oil weighs 45 kN calculate the specific weight, specific gravity and mass
density of the oil.

Solution: Given data: Volume = 5 m3

Weight = 45 kN

Weight of the oil

Specific Weight of the oil =
Volume of the oil
Specific weight of the oil
Specific gravity =
Specific weight of water
Specific weight of the oil
Mass density =
Acceleration due to gravity
Answer: 9 kN/m3 ; 0.917; 914.43 kg/m

(2) A liquid has a mass density of 1550 kg/m 3 Calculate its specific weight, specific gravity and
specific volume.

Solution: Given data: Mass density = 1550 kg/m3

Specific weight = mass density �Acceleration due to gravity

mass density of the liquid

Specific gravity =
mass density of the water
Specific volume =
specific weight

Answer: 1.52 �104 N / m3 ; 1.55; 6.57 �10-5 m3 / N .


1. A liquid is undergone a change of pressure from 6.87 MPa to 13.73 MPa to make the volumetric
change of 0.0113m3 to 0.0111m3. What is the bulk modulus of elasticity of the liquid?

Given data:
Increase in pressure, dp = 13.73-6.87=6.86 MPa.
Decrease in volume, dv = 0.0111-0.0113= -0.0002 m3
Initial volume v =0.0113
K = - dp .
Ans : 387.59 MPa.
2) If the volume of a liquid is decreased by 0.25% for a change of pressure from 6.5 MN/m 2 to
16.1 MN/m2, calculate the bulk modulus of the liquid.

Given data: Decrease in volume = 0.25 %
Increase in pressure, dp = (16.1-6.5) = 9.6 MN/m2

And K= - dp .
Answer: 3840 MN / m 2 .

3) At a certain depth of a liquid where the pressure is 850 N/cm 2 what will be the change in specific
volume and specific weight with respect to the surface? Given that the specific weight of that liquid at
the surface is 1025 N/cm3 and the bulk modulus of elasticity is 24x103 N/cm3.

Given data: Specific weight at surface = 1025 N/cm3
Bulk modulus = 24x103 N/cm3
Pressure at the surface is assumed to be zero
Change of pressure dp = (850-0) = 850 N/cm2
Let, at the surface specific volume is v1 and at that depth specific volume is v2
Specific volume at surface, v1 = = 9.75 �10 -4 cm3.
specific weight
And, K =- .
dv v
dv v -v
=> = -0.035 = 2 1
v v1
Specific volume at that depth , v2 = (1 - 0.035)v1
Specific weight at that depth = 1/ specific volume

[Note: Specific volume is used instead of the actual volume in the above equation]
Answer: 9.41�10-4 cm3 / N ; 1062.2 N/cm3


1) A plate (2m x 2m ), 0.25 mm distant apart from a fixed plate, moves at 40 cm/s and requires a
force of 1 N. Determine the dynamic viscosity of the fluid in between the plates.

Given data:
Change of velocity, dv = 40cm / s
Distance between the plates, dy = 0.25mm = 0.025cm.
Contact area A = 2x2 = 4 m2
Force required, F = 1 N
Shear stress, τ = F/A = 0.25N/m2
And, t = m.
-4 2
Answer: 1.56 �10 Ns / m

2) At a certain point in an oil the shear stress is 0.2 N/m2 and the velocity gradient is 0.21 s-1. If the
mass density of the oil is 950 kg/ m3 find the kinematic viscosity.

Given data:
Velocity Gradient = 0.21 s-1.
Shear stress τ = 0.2 N/m2
t = m.
=> m = 0.9524 Ns / m 2
Then, Kinematic viscosity, v = m / r

Answer: 10.02 stokes

3) If a certain liquid has a dynamic viscosity of 0.048 poise and kinematic viscosity of 3.50x10 -2
stokes what is the specific gravity of the liquid?
Given data: m = 0.048 poise=4.8 �10-3 N-s/m 2
v = 3.50 �10 -2 stokes = 3.5 �10-6 m2 / s

Now, Mass density ρ = μ/υ = 1371.4 kg/m3

Specific gravity = 1371.4/1000 = 1.37
Answer: 1.37

4) As shown in figure a cubical block of 20 cm side and of 20 kg weight is allowed to slide

down along a plane inclined at 300 to the horizontal on which there is a film of oil having viscosity
2.16x10-3 N-s/m2.What will be the terminal velocity of the block if the film thickness is 0.025mm? .


Given data:
Weight = 20 kg
Block dimension = 20x20x20 cm3

Driving force along the plane F = W sin 300 = 98.1N

Shear force t = F / A = 2452.5 N / m 2
Contact area, A = 0.2 �0.2m 2
Also, t = m
Answer: 28.38m/s.

5) If the equation of a velocity profile over a plate is v = 5y2 + y (where v is the velocity in
m/s) determine the shear stress at y =0 and at y =7.5cm. Given the viscosity of the liquid is 8.35 poise.

Given Data: Velocity profile v = 5 y2 + y
m = 8.35 poise
Velocity gradient, = 10 y + 1
t = m. = m .(10 y + 1)
Substituting y = 0 and y =0.075 on the above equation, we get shear stress at respective depths.
Answer: 0.835; 1.46 N / m 2

6) A hydraulic lift consists of a 50 cm diameter ram and slides in a cylinder of diameter 50.015 cm
while the annular space is being filled up with oil having kinematic viscosity of 0.025cm2/s and specific
gravity of 0.85 (shown in figure). If the rate of travel of the ram is 9.15m/min find the frictional
resistance when 3.85 m of ram is engaged in the cylinder.


Given data:

Mass density of the oil r = 0.85 �1000 = 850 kg / m3

50.015 - 50.0
Oil thickness, dy = = 7.5 �10-3 cm
m = r .v = 0.021 N-s/m 2
Shear stress t =m = 42.7 N / m 2
Since 3.85m of ram is engaged the contact area becomes
A = 2.p .r.L = 6.0475m 2

Total frictional force F = τ A. =258.23 N

Answer: 258.23 N

7) A tape of 0.015 cm thick and 1.00 cm wide is to be drawn through a gap with a clearance of
0.01cm on each side. A lubricant of dynamic viscosity 0.021 Ns/m 2 completely fills the gap for a length
of 80 cm along the tape. If the tape can withstand a maximum tensile force of 7.5 N calculate the
maximum speed with which it can be drawn through the gap.

Given data: Dynamic viscosity 0.021 Ns/m2
Clearance dy = 0.01 cm
1 80 = 160cm2 = 1.6 �10-2 m2
Contact area = 2 ��

Shear stress, τ = F/A and the maximum tension the tape can with stand =7.5 N
Maximum shear stress the tape can withstand, τ = 0.467185 kN/m2

Also shear stress,

t = m.
=0.021� = 210dv

Substituting the value of τ in the above equation, we get

dv = 2.23 m/s

Answer: 2.23 m/s.

8) Determine the torque and power required to run a 15 cm long and 5 cm diameter shaft running at
the rate of 500 rpm in a 5.1 cm diameter concentric bearing flooded with oil of dynamic viscosity
100 centipoise.

Given data: - Rotational speed = 500rpm
Dynamic viscosity =100 centipoise.
Diameter of the shaft = 5 cm
Length of the shaft = 15 cm
p dN
Peripheral speed, v = = 1.31m / s
Velocity gradient , = 2620 s -1
Shear stress on elementary area t = m . = 262 N / m 2

Force on that area , F = t (2p rL)

= 12.34 N

Total torque required T = F r =0.617 N-m

Total power required W = T ω = 32.3 watt.

Answer: 0.617 N-m and 32.3 watt.

9) A thrust bearing having a 12cm diameter pad rotating on another pad separated by an oil film of
1.5 mm of dynamic viscosity 85 centipoise. Compute the power dissipated in the bearing if it rotates at
150 rpm.


Given data:-
Rotational Speed =150 rpm
Diameter of the pad = 12 cm = 0.12 m
Dynamic viscosity = 85 centipoise
Linear Speed of the element on the ring = w r
t = m . = 837.76 r N/m 2 for the ring
Shearing stress for the elementary area on the ring, shown in Figure (b)
d F = t .dr.r.dq .

Torque acting on the elementary area, d T = r.d F = t .r 2 .dr.dq .

R 2p

Total torque T =�
�t .r 2 .dr.dq .
0 0

Power required = T ω
Answer: 0.178 watt.

Surface tension:
1) Find the pressure inside a water droplet having diameter of 0.5 mm at 20 0C if the outside
pressure is 1.03N/cm2 and the surface tension of water at that temperature is 0.0736N/m.

Given Data: - Given s = 0.0736 N / m.
r = d / 2 = 0.5 / 2 = 0.025mm.
Pressure inside the droplet, p = .
Answer:- 1.62 N/cm3 .

2) The inside diameters of the two arms of a U-tube are 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm respectively. Now if
it is partially filled with water having surface tension of 0.0736 N/m and zero contact angle what will be
the difference in the level of miniscii between the two arms.(shown in figure)

Given data:
Diameter of the tubes 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm respectively
2s cos q c
Capillary rise in a tube h = .
r gr
For water contact angle q c = 0 and specific weight, r g =9810 N/m .
0 3

Which gives h1 = 30 mm when tube diameter is 1mm

And h2 = 20 mm when tube diameter is 1.5 mm.

Answer: 10mm.

3) Compare the capillary rise of water and mercury in a glass tube of 2 mm diameter at 20 0C
.Given that the surface tension of water and mercury at 200C are 0.0736 N/m and 0.051N/m respectively.
Contact angles of water and mercury are 00 and 1300 respectively.

Given data: Surface tension of water, σw = 0.0736 N/m
And surface tension mercury, σm =0.051N/m

2s .cos q c
Capillary rise in a tube h = .
r gr
For mercury specific weight , w = r g = 9810 �13.6 N / m3 and q c = 130

Capillary rise for mercury hm = -6.68mm

Note that the negative sign indicates capillary depression.
For water specific weight = 9810 N / m3 . and q c = 0

The capillary rise for water , hw = 15mm

Answer: - 15mm rise and 6.68mm depression.

4) Find the excess pressure inside a cylindrical jet of water 4 mm diameter than the outside
atmosphere? The surface tension of water is 0.0736 N/m at that temperature.

Given data: Surface tension of water σ = 0.0736 N/m

Excess pressure in a cylindrical jet p = .
Answer: - 36.8 Pa.

5) Air is forced through a tube of internal diameter of 1.5mm immersed at a depth of 1.5 cm in a
mineral oil having specific gravity of 0.85. Calculate the unit surface energy of the oil if the maximum
bubble pressure is 150 N/m2.

Given data: Bubble pressure = 150 N/m2
9810 �0.85 �1.5
Pressure of overlying oil = ( ) N/m2
Effective Pressure element to surface tension
9810 �0.85 �1.5
p = (150 - ) = 24.92 N / m 2 .
r = 1.5 / 2 = 0.75mm.
Answer:- 9.34 �10 -3 N / m.

Fluid pressure and its measurement:

1. Convert a pressure head of 10 m of water column to kerosene of specific gravity 0.8 and
carbon-tetra-chloride of specific gravity of 1.62.

Given data: Height of water column, h1 = 10 m
Specific gravity of water s1 = 1.0
Specific gravity of kerosene s2= 0.8
Specific gravity of carbon-tetra-chloride, s3 = 1.62

For the equivalent water head

Weight of the water column = Weight of the kerosene column.
So, ρ g h1 s1 = ρ g h2 s2= ρ g h3 s3

Answer:- 12.5m and 6.17m.

2. Two pipes on the same elevation convey water and oil of specific gravity 0.88
respectively. They are connected by a U-tube manometer with the manometric liquid having a specific
gravity of 1.25. If the manometric liquid in the limb connecting the water pipe is 2 m higher than the
other find the pressure difference in two pipes.

Given data: Height difference = 2 m
Specific gravity of oil s = 0.88
Specific gravity of manometric liquid s = 1.25

Equating pressure head at section (A-A)

PA + 2 �1.25rW g + ( h - 2) rW g = PB + h �0.88 rW g

Substituing h = 5 m and density of water 998.2 kg/m3 we have PA-PB = 10791

Answer:- 10791 Pa

3. A two liquid double column enlarged-ends manometer is used to measure pressure

difference between two points. The basins are partially filled with liquid of specific gravity 0.75 and the
lower portion of U-tube is filled with mercury of specific gravity 13.6. The diameter of the basin is 20
times higher than that of the U-tube. Find the pressure difference if the U-tube reading is 25 mm and the
liquid in the pipe has a specific weight of 0.475 N/m3.

Given data: U tube reading 25 mm
Specific gravity of liquid in the basin 0.75
Specific gravity of Mercury in the U-tube13.6
As the volume displaced is constant we have,
a 1
Y = 25 = 25 � 2 [a, A→X-Section of tube and basin]
A 20

Equating pressure head at (A--A)

P1 + X r w g + ( Z + Y ) r w g �0.75 + 25 �13.6 r w g
= P2 + ( X + Y ) r w g + (Z + 25) �0.75 r w g
Put the value of Y while X and Z cancel out.

Answer: 31.51 kPa

4. As shown in figure water flows through pipe A and B. The pressure difference of these two
points is to be measured by multiple tube manometers. Oil with specific gravity 0.88 is in the upper
portion of inverted U-tube and mercury in the bottom of both bends. Determine the pressure difference.


Given data:
Specific gravity of the oil in the inverted tube 0.88
Specific gravity of Mercury in the U-tube13.6

Calculate the Pressure difference between each two point as follow

P2-P1= h ρ g = h S ρw g

Start from one and i.e. PA or PB.

Now, PX = PA + 10r wg
Similarly, PY = PX - 3 �13.6r w g
PZ = PY + 4 �0.88r wg
PU = PZ - 5 �13.6r w g
PB = PU - 8r w g

Rearranging and summing all these equations we have PA-PB = 103.28 ρw g

Answer: - 10.131 kPa

5. A pipe connected with a tank (diameter 3 m) has an inclination of θ with the horizontal and
the diameter of the pipe is 20 cm. Determine the angle θ which will give a deflection of 5 m in the pipe
for a gauge pressure of 1 m water in the tank. Liquid in the tank has a specific gravity of 0.88.


Given data: Diameter of tank = 3 m

Diameter of tube = 20 cm
Deflection in the pipe, L = 5 m
From the figure shown
h = L sinq
If X m fall of liquid in the tank rises L m in the tube. (Note that the volume displaced is the same in the
tank is equal to the volume displaced in the pipe)
2 2
3 0.2
xp = Lp
4 4
or x = .
Difference of head = x + h = L sinq+L/9
� 0.04 L �
And �Lsinq + ��0.88 = 1
� 9
Substitute L = 5m in the above equation.
Answer: q=12.870

6. At the top of a mountain mercury-barometer reading is 56 cm and thermometer reading is

-50 C. while at the foot-hill the reading is 75.2 cm. assuming dry adiabatic condition determine the
height of the mountain. R=287 joule/[kg(m) deg C abs]

Given data: At the top pressure P = 56cm
At the bottom pressure P0= 75.2 cm
At the top of the hill temperature T = -50C = 268 K

The pressure and temperature variation for dry adiabatic condition is given as
T � g ( z - z0 ) �n - 1 � �
=� 1- � � �
T0 � RT0 � n � �

And P � g ( z - z0 ) �n - 1 �
�n -1
1- � � �
P0 � RT0 � n � �

For dry adiabatic Condition n = 1.4. Now solve for (Z-Z0)

Answer:- 2289m.

7. An empty cylindrical bucket with negligible thickness and weight is forced with its open end
first into water until its lower edge is 4m below the water level. If the diameter and length of the bucket
are 0.3m and 0.8m respectively and the trapped water remains at constant temperature. What would be
the force required to hold the bucket in that position atmospheric pressure being 1.03 N/cm2

Let, the water rises a height x in the bucket

By applying the Boyle’s Law at constant temperature we have

p p
p1 �(0.3)2 � �(0.8 - x) = patm �(0.3) 2 �0.8
4 4
Also, Downward pressure ion the bucket, p1 = patm + (4 - x) �9810
Solve for, p1 and x.
p1 = 6.46 �104 N / m 2
x = 0.610m
Total upward force exerted by the trapped water F1 = p1 � �0.3 = 4.57 �10 N / m
2 3 2

Downward force due to the overlying water and the Atmospheric Pressure
F2 = [1.03 �104 + 9810 �(4 - 0.8)] � �0.3 2
Answer: 1.62KN

Hydrostatic force on surface

1. A vertical gate of 5 m height and 3 m wide closes a tunnel running full with water. The pressure
at the bottom of the gate is 195 kN/m2. Determine the total pressure on the gate and position of the
centre of the pressure.


Given data: Area of the gate = 5x3 = 15 m2

The equivalent height of water which gives a pressure intensity of 195 kN/m² at the
h = P/w =19.87m.
Total force F = wAx.
And x = 19.87 - 2.5 = 17.37m
Centre of Pressure h = x + G [IG = bd3/12]
Answer: 2.56MN and 17.49 m.

2. A vertical rectangular gate of 4m x 2m is hinged at a point 0.25 m below the centre of gravity of
the gate. If the total depth of water is 7 m what horizontal force must be applied at the bottom to keep
the gate closed?

Solution : Given data: Area of the gate = 4x2 = 8 m2

Depth of the water = 7 m
Hydrostatic force on the gate
F = wAx x = 5 +1 = 6 m
= 4.7 �10 N
h = x + G = 6.22m.
Taking moments about the hinge we get,
F �0.03 = P �0.75

Answer: 18.8 kN.

3. A vertical gate of 2m x 2m rests with its top edge 1 m below the water level. Find the depth of
such a horizontal line that a) the force on the top half is equal to the pressure on the bottom half. b) The
moments of the force at both half about the line are equal.


Given data: - Area of the gate = 2x2 = 4 m2

Depth of the top edge 1 m

(a) Let, the depth of such a line is x from the top of the gate.
F1 = Force on the upper part = wAx = w(2 �x).(1 + ).
� �
2- x �
F2 = Force on lower part = wAx = w{2(2 - x)} � (1+ x) �
� � �
� �2 �
Equating these two x =1.24m.
(b) Now if h1 and h2 be the depth of centre of pressure from the top of water surface.
h = x + G and from the figure Y1 = (1 + x) - h1
Y2 = h2 - (1 + x ).
Taking moments about (A...A)
1 1 = F2Y2 and solve for x

Answer: - 1.24m and 1.167m.

4. An opening in a dam is covered with a plate of 1 m square and is hinged on the top and inclined
at 60 to the horizontal. If the top edge of the gate is 2 m below the water level what is the force required
to open the gate by pulling a chain set at 45 0 angle with the plate and set to the lower end of the plate.
The plate weighs 2200 N.


Given data: Area of the gate 1 m2

Total force on the gate –

F = wAx where x = 2 + sin 600

I G sin 2 600
Depth of the centre of pressure h = x +
Distance of the application point of Force from the hinge = (h - 2). = 0.53m.
Taking moments about the hinge , T .1sin 45 = F �0.53 + 2200 � cos60
0 0

Or, T = 18.66
Answer: 18.66 kN

5. A vertical gate of height H and width B held water to its one side up to the top level. If the plate
is divided by N such lines that the total force on each plate is equal then show that a) the height of the
each portion is given by h=H√(r/N) and b) the depth of centre of pressure of each portion is given by
hp= (2/3)H[r 3/2- (r-1) 3/2]/ √N

Solution: a) Let, the forces on each plate be F1 ,F2 ,F3 etc.

F1 = w( Bh1 )
h1 + h2
F2 = wB (h2 - h1 )
h +H
F3 = wB ( H - h2 ) 2
and F1 = F2 = F3
Thus we have
2h12 = h22
2h22 = h12 + H 2

\ h1 = H 1/ 3
h2 = H 2 / 3
hr = H r / N

b) Let, h1 , h2 , and h3 are the depth of the centre of pressure below the
h1 12 Bh1 2 2
h1 = + = h1 = H 1/ 3
2 Bh1 h1 2 3 3
h1 + h2 1
B (h2 - h1 )3
h2 = + 12
2 h +H
B (h2 - h1 )( 1 )
2 33/ 2 - 13/ 2
= H( )
3 3
2 r 3/ 2 - ( r - 1)3/ 2
hr = H{ }
3 N
6. A gate closing an opening is triangular in cross section and 1 m long. It is hinged on the top and
freely supported at one of the bottom ends as shown in the figure. If the gate weighs 25 kN/m 3 find the
height of the water that will automatically open the gate.

Solution :
Let, the height is h.
Weight of the gate (downward)
W = �1.5 ���
1 1 25 = 18.75KN acting at 1/3 m from B
Force on the vertical surface
FH = 9810 ��
1 h �h / 2 acting at h/3 m above B.

Upward pressure on the horizontal surface

FV = 9810 ���
1 1 h acting 1/2 m from B.

Equate the sum of moments about B to zero.

Answer: - h = 0.438m.

7. As shown in figure what would be the height of water level h when the gate will automatically tip?

Horizontal force on the vertical plane. (Acting at h/3 m above hinge)
h -1
F1 = 9810 � �(h - 1) �1
Vertical force on horizontal plane. (Acting at 0.5 m from the hinge)
F2 = 9810 �(h - 1) ��
1 1
Take moments about the hinge and equate.

[Note that the width of the plate (perpendicular to the plane of paper) is taken as unity.]

Answer: 2.732 m.

8. As shown in figure what would be the height of water level h when the gate will automatically tip?

The gate will tilt when the centre of pressure acts above the hinge.
A= �1 = 1.16h.
sin 600
h sin 2q
Depth of the centre of pressure, x = + I . = 0.67 h
2 Ah 2

The tipping condition is 0.67h = (h-1)

[Note that the width of the plate (perpendicular to the plane of paper) is taken as unity.]

Answer: 3.03m.

9. The length of a tainter gate is 1m perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Find out the total
horizontal force on the gate and the total hydrostatic force on the gate.

Solution :
Horizontal hydrostatic force on the gate-
Fh = wAx
Where projected area A = 3×1 = 3 m².
= 44.145 KN.
The vertical force which is equal to the weight of water displaced by the shaded area –
The area of the shaded portion-
p 1
= �62 - �3 3 �3 = 1.63m2 .
12 2
The vertical force, V = 9810 �1.63 � 1 = 15.99 KN.

The resultant force, F = FV2 + Fh2 and tanq = FV / Fh .

Answer: 46.95 KN and θ = 19.90 With horizontal

10. A solid cylinder of 2.4 m diameter and 2.5 kN weight rests on the bottom of a tank which is one
meter long. Water and oil (specific gravity 0.75) are poured into the two sides of the cylinder up to a
depth of 0.6m and 1.2 m respectively. Find the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical component of
the force that keeps the cylinder touching the tank bottom.
Solution: Given data: Specific gravity of the oil = 0.75
Diameter of the cylinder = 1.2 m

Force = wAx. Horizontal force acts opposite to each other Resultant.

1.2 0.6
FH = 9810 �0.75 � �(1�1.2) - 9810 �(1�0.6) � = 3531.6 N
2 2
The Vertical force is the volume of water and oil displaced in each side-

p  1
V1 = Water Displaced = 1     1.2 -  0.6  1.2 - 0.6 m3
2 2 2

  2
1 p 2 3
V2 = Oil Displaced = 1� �( �2.4 )m
4 2
FV = V1 �9810 + V2 �9810 �0.75
= 12659 N.

Weight of the log (downward) = 2500N.

Answer: - 3.53 kN. And 10.15 kN.

11. A gate as shown in fig, is hinged at O and it is in the form of a quadrant of a circle of radius 1m.
It supports water at one side. If the length of gate is 3.5m find the force required to hold the gate.

Horizontal force component
FH = wAx
1 Where A is the projected area = 3.5 x1 = 3.5m2
= 9810 �(3.5 �1) �
= 17167.5 N
And it acts at a distance 1/3 m from hinge
The vertical force is the weight of the water held
1 1
= �p r 2 w �3.5 = �p �12 �9810 �3.5 = 26966.6
4 4
Acting through the centroid of the water held and is

located at /3 m from the vertical line through A.

Now, taking moments about the hinge we get

1 4
Fh � + FV � = F �1
3 3p
Answer:- 17.16 kN.

12. A quarter circle (10 m diameter) gate which is 10 m wide perpendicular to the paper holds water
as shown in the figure. Find the force required to hold the gate. The weight of the gate can be neglected.

Horizontal force
FH = w. A.x
= 9810 �5 �10 �5 / 2
= 1.226 MN
And it acts at a distance of 5/3m from the bottom end.
And the upward vertical force is the weight of the imaginary water body held over the plate.
FV = 9810 �10 �[52 - .p .52 ] = 5.26 �105 N
And it will act through its C.G. which is Determined
as follow-
4 R 20
C.G. of area A1 = = m away from AA.
3p 3p
C.G. of total area about AA is 2.5m away from AA.
\ C.G. of A 2 => A1 � + A2 �x = A �2.5
x = 3.88m

Distance from ‘O’= (5-3.88) = 1.12m.

Taking moments about O => Fh � + FV �1.12 = F �5
Answer:- 5.26 �10 N
13. Determine the total hydrostatic force on the curved surface as shown in the figure. The width of
the curved portion is 2 m perpendicular to the paper.


Horizontal force on the surface

FH = w. A.x.
= 9810 �2 �2 �2 / 2 Where A is the vertically projected area
= 39240 N

Now, the area covered by the curve a=�

x 3 dx = 4m 2

Volume of water held over the surface = 4×10 = 40 m³.

Vertical force FV will be the weight of water held by the curved surface
FV = 40 �9810 = 392400 N and resultant hydrostatic force F = FH2 + Fv2

Answer: 394.4 kN.

14. The hemispherical dome as shown in the figure weighs 25 kN and holds water. The dome is
fixed to the floor by 3 bolts equally spaced. Find the force on each bolt.

The total vertical upward force can be calculated by the weight of imaginary volume of
water held over the structure.
Volume of the imaginary cylinder
V1 = p r 2 L
= p �32 �8 = 226.19m3
Now, the volume of the bottom hemispherical
1 4
V2 = � p r 3 = 56.56m3
2 3
Volume of the shaded part
p p 5 2
V3 = D 2 L = �( ) �5 = 9.8 �10-3 m3 .
4 4 100
Imaginary Volume of the water over the dome

V = V1 - (V2 + V3 ) = 169.62m3 .
Total upward force F = 169.62 �9810 = 16.64 �105 N .
Three bolts are there, force on each bolt is F/3.
Answer: 554.6 kN on each bolt.

1. A wooden cylinder of length L and diameter L/2 is floating on water with its axis vertical. Find
the metacentric height if the specific gravity of wood is 0.6

Given data: Length of the cylinder = L
Diameter of the cylinder = L/2
Specific gravity of wood = 0.6

For flotation weight of the cylinder should be equal to weight of the water displaced.

Now if the depth of immersion is h,

Weight of water displaced = Weight of the cylinder
Mass density of wood �Volume = specific weight of water �Volume displaced
p L2 p L2
0.6 �1000 � � �L = 1000 � � �h
4 4 4 4

h = 0.6
\ Depth of centre of of buoyancy from the free surface = �0.6 L = 0.3L
Metacentric height
GM = - BG Where I0 is the second moment of area
p �L �
And BG = AB - BG of waterline plane about YY' = �� �
64 �2 �
h L
=(L- ) -
2 2
=0.2 L
Answer: - 0.1739 L m. (The negative sign indicates the body is in unstable equilibrium.)

2. A wooden cylinder of length L and diameter D is to be floated in stable equilibrium on a liquid

keeping its axis vertical. What should be the relation between L and D if the specific gravity of liquid
and that of the wood are 0.6 and 0.8 respectively?

Given data: Specific gravity of liquid = 0.6
Specific gravity of liquid = 0.8

If the depth of immersion is h

Weight of water displaced = weight of the cylinder
p 2 p
D L �0.6 = D 2 h �0.8
4 4
The depth of immersion h = L .
h 3
Height of centre of pressure from bottom x = = L
2 8
Then, BM = I / V = D /12 L

BG = (OG - OB ) =
For Stable equilibrium
D2 L
or >
12 L 8
Answer: L < 0.817D.

3. A hollow cylinder closed in both end, of outside diameter 1.5 m and length of 3.8 m and specific
weight 75 kN per cubic meter floats just in stable equilibrium condition. Find the thickness of the
cylinder if the sea water has a specific weight of 10 kN per cubic meter.

Solution :

Given data : Outside diameter 1.5 m

Length L = 3.8 m
Specific weight 75 kN/m3

Let the thickness t and immersion depth h.

For flotation
Weight of water displaced = weight of the cylinder

p � p �
p { 1.5 �t} 3.8 + 2 � �1.52 �t �
(1.52 �h) �10 = � �75
4 � 4 �
Assuming the thickness is very small compared to the diameter

h = 91 t
I0 1.545 �10-3 p
BM = = as we have I 0 = 1.54
Vsubmerged t 64
�L � 3.8 91
BG = � - h �= [ - t]
�2 � 2 2
For the cylinder to be in equilibrium
Solving for t we have t = 0.0409 or 0.000829m

Answer:- t = 0.83 mm

4. A cone is floating in water with its apex vertically downward has a vertical height H and
diameter d. If the specific gravity of the material is S, find the condition for stable equilibrium.
Given data:

Let, immersed depth be h and diameter of the cone at the water line be d1
For floating – Weight of water displaced = Weight of cone

1 p d12 1 pd2 d1 h
\ h= HS From geometry = .
3 4 3 4 d H
So, h = HS 1/ 3
The C.G of the cone is 3/4 th of the height above the apex.
3 3 3
BG = (OG - OB) = H - h = ( H - HS 1/ 3 ).
4 4 4
p d14
2 2 1/ 3
I0 64 = 3d1 = 3.d .S .
BM = =
Vsubmerged p d14 h 16h 16 H
1 d .S 1/ 6
BM > BG. Substituting the values we get, H < [ ]
2 1 - S 1/ 3
1 d .S 1/ 6
Answer:- H < [ ].
2 1 - S 1/ 3

5. To find the metacentre of a ship of 10,000 tonnes a weight of 55 tonnes is placed at a distance of
6 m from the longitudinal centre plane to cause a heel through an angle of 30. What is the metacentre
height? Hence find the angle of heel and its direction when the ship is moving ahead and 2.8 MW is
being transmitted by a single propeller shaft at the rate of 90 rpm.

Given data:
Weight of the ship, W = 107 kg
Angle of heel θ = 30
Distance of the weight X = 6 m
Weight placed w = 5.5 x 104
Metacentric height
w. X
W tan q
=0.629 m.

Torque transmitted - T=P/w =2.97 �105 N - m.

w.h. tan q ' = T .

Answer:- 0.629 m and 0.27º.

6. A log of wood of 1296 cm2 cross section (square) with specific gravity 0.8 floats in water. Now if
one of its edges is depressed to cause the log roll, find the period of roll.

Solution :
Let, h be the depth of immersion and L be the length (perpendicular to the page)
Since the section is square its dimension should be 0.36 m x 0.36 m
For flotation
Weight of water displaced = Weight of the log
L �0.1296 �0.8 = h �0.36 �L

Then, h = 0.288 m.
0.36 h
BG = - = 0.036
2 2
�L �0.363
BM = = 12 = 0.0375
Vsubmerged 0.36 �0.288 �L

( )
GM = BM - BG = 0.0015 m

2 KG2 0.362
Time period, T = . and we have, K G 2 =
p GM 12
Answer: 5.38 second.

7. A float valve controls the flow of a liquid. The spherical float has a diameter of 15cm and it is
connected with a valve through a weightless link ‘AOB’ mounted at the hinge O. The length of the link
AO is 0.2m and that of OB is 0.5m. The oil flow stops when the free surface of liquid is 0.35 m below
the hinge. Now if the valve is to be pressed by a force of 10 N what should be the weight of the float?
The angle AOB is given as 1200 and the link AO should be vertical when the flow is to be stopped. The
specific gravity of the liquid is given as 0.88.

Given data: Diameter of the float 15 cm
Specific gravity of the liquid 0.88

Let, the centre of the Spherical float is h m below the top of the liquid surface.
h = (0.5cos 300 - 0.35) = 0.083m.
Volume of liquid displaced
V= �p x dy


�p (0.075 - y
= )dy

=0.050 m 3 .

Vertical force on the float

F = 0.050 �9810 �0.88
= 432.69 N .
If the weight of the float is W
Net vertical force = (F – W)
Taking moments about the hinge –
10 �0.2 = ( F - W ) �0.5sin 300
or W = 424.69 N.

Answer:- 424.69 N

Liquid in relative equilibrium:

1. An open rectangular open tank 6m x 4.5m x 3m high containing water up to a level of 2m is
accelerated at 3m/ s2 A)horizontally along the longer side. B) vertically downwards and C) vertically
upwards D) in 300 inclination with horizontal along the longer side. Find in each case the shape of the
free water surface and the pressure on the bottom and on the side walls.


Case a) tan q = Length = 6m.
zmax = 2 + 3tan q = 2.918
zmin = 2 - 3 tan q = 1.082
Answer: 2.918m and 1.082m.

Force on – bottom 529.74 kN

Leading face 25.84 kN
Trailing face 187.94 kN
Side faces 104.64 kN on each side.

Case b) Downward acceleration 

az = g + 3
= 12.81 m / s 2

Case c) Upward acceleration

az = g - 3
= 6.81m / s 2
Case d) Inclined acceleration

ax = 3cos 300
az = 3sin 300
tan q =
az + g
zmax = 2 + 3 tan q
zmin = 2 - 3 tan q

Answer: 2.69 m and 1.31 m.

2. An open cylindrical container 0.5m in diameter and 0.8m in height ,filled with oil upto 0.5 m and
rotating about its vertical axis. Find the speed at which the liquid will start to spill over and also the
speed at which the point of the bottom centre will just exposed. The specific gravity of liquid is 0.88.

Solution :

Given data: Diameter of the cylinder 0.5 m

Height of the cylinder 0.8 m
Case a) The liquid will start to spill over when the maximum height at the periphery becomes 0.8 m.

w 2 R2
zmax = z0 + ; z0 = 0.5 m
Case b) The bottom of the centre will expose when z0 will be zero and zmax will be still 0.8 m while
some oil may spill over.
w 2 R2
thus max = z0 + ; z0 = 0 m
Ans : 13.72 rad/s , 15.84 rad/s.

3. An upright manometer of limbs 1m high and 0.5 m apart are filled with water upto 0.5 m.
now if it starts rotating about a vertical axis 0.2m apart from one limb at the rate of 10 rad/s what would
be the levels of liquid in the two limbs ?

Solution :

Given data: The radius of rotation of the two limbs are r1 = 0.2 m and r2 = 0.3 m

Minimum ref. point of the parabolic shape being Zmin .

r 2w 2
z1 = zmin + 1
r22w 2
z2 = zmin +
Also z1 + z2 = 0.5 �2 = 1m (Since the total volume of liquid is constant)
Answer: 0.627 m and 0.373 m.

4. A conical vessel with the base open is filled completely with water and is rotated at 60 rpm.
If only 0.0142 m3 of water is left then calculate the ratio of radius and height of the cone.

Solution :
Let H be the total height of the cone H and R be the radius.
w 2 R2
The depth of the paraboloid, z =
z+ z' dz w R 2 z
= tan q = = =
Now, R dx g R
So we have, z = z '

Volume of water left V = 13 p R H - 12 p R z

2 2

H w 2R2
We have z = = [side of the cone is tangential to the parabola]
2 2g
From the above two equations calculate the value of the ratio R/H

Answer: R/H = 0.73

5. An open tank of 5 m length contains upto a depth of 2m of oil of specific gravity 0.8. Now
if the tank accelerates along a 300 inclined plane keeping the bottom of the tank horizontal at 3.5 m/s 2
what would be the shape of free water surface? Also find the pressure intensity at the bottom, front and
rear side of the tank.
Solution :

Given data: Length of the tank 5 m

Depth of the oil 2 m
Acceleration along the plane 3.5 m/s2

a x = 3.5cos 300 = 3.03m / s 2

a y = 3.5sin 300 = 1.75m / s 2
Total vertical acceleration g + ay.
\ tan q = = 0.2621
ay + g
\ Depth of the oil at either end
�5 �
h = 2 �� tan q �
�2 �

h1 = 2.65m
h2 = 1.34m
Fluid kinematics:
1. Calculate the velocity of water flowing through a pipe system in which the flow first
enters a pipe of 0.2 m diameter and releases to another pipe of 0.1 m diameter. The water flows at a rate
of 2200 litre per hour.

Solution: Given data: Flow rate Q = 2200 lph

Velocity of water at the first pipe

Q 2200 / 3600
V1 = 1 = �10-3 = 19.5 �10-3 m / s
A1 p
If A2 and V2 are the cross sections and velocity in the second pipe
Using continuity equation, AV 1 1 = A2V2
Substituting the values V2 = 7.78 �10 m / s

Answer: V1 = 1.95 �10 m / s and V2 = 7.78 �10-2 m / s
2. What will be the change of velocity of water through a nozzle of diameter 0.01m if a
change of flow takes place from 1500 lph to 1200 lph?

Given data: Flow Rate Q1 = 1500 lph
Q2 = 1200 lph
A = �0.12 = 7.85 �10-3 m 2
From the continuity equation we get
V1 = 1 and V2 = 2
Substituting the values after the unit conversions of flow rate V1=5.3 cm/s V2= 4.2 cm/s

Answer: 5.3 cm/s and 4.2 cm/s

3. The two scalar components of velocity field are given for two flow system. Find the third
component of the velocity. For case I) u=x3 +2y2 +z3 and v= -x2y – yz - xy. And II) u= log (y2 + z2) and
w= log (x2 +y2).

Case I: Velocity field should satisfy the continuity equation. For a three dimensional flow the
�u � v � w
equation is + + =0
�x � y � z
The partial derivatives of u and v are
�u �
= 3 x 2 , and = - x2 - z - x
�x �
Substituting these into the continuity equation = x + z - 2x2
Integrating we have,
1 2
Answer: - w = xz + z - 2 x z + f ( x, y )

Case II:
As similar to the case I we can derive
�u � w
= 0, =0
� x �z
From the continuity equation =0
Integration of the above equation gives v = f(x,z)
Since u and w are symmetric function of x, y and z, v should also be a symmetric function.
So, v = log( x 2 + z 2 )

4. An incompressible fluid flows past a solid plate. If the x component of the velocity field is
given by u= x2y2 + 2xy, obtain the velocity field and also the acceleration at point (2, 2).
Solution: Since the flow is two dimensional, the continuity equation becomes
�u � v
+ =0
� x �y
The partial derivative of u is

= 2 xy 2 + 2 y
and substituing this into the continuity equation, we get
� v
= -2 xy 2 - 2 y
� y
Integrating the above equation
v = - xy 3 - y 2 + f ( x ).
and applying the boundary condition at y = 0, v = 0, � f ( x) = 0.
Now, V = ( x y + 2 xy ) $ i - ( 2 xy 3 + y 2 ) $j
2 2

Acceleration: r
r r �V
DV � V r r r = 0 because of steady flow.
Acceleration (total) = = + (V .�)V In which � t
Dt �t
rr r
Then, total acceleration = (V .�)V
Computing the dot product and substituting x and y coordinates (2, 2) of the point we get

Acceleration = 186.66$
i + 165.33 $j

Answer:- 186.66$
i + 165.33 $j

5. The velocity field of an incompressible flow is given by V = 3y 2i - 8xj. Verify whether the
fluid is in motion. If so, determine the expression for stream function and the direction of the stream line
through (1, 2).

Solution: From the given data: V = 3y2$

i - 8 x $j \ u = -3 y 2 v = -8 x

u � v
=0 =0 � �V = 0
�x � y
Now, u = -3 y 2
y = - y 3 + f ( x)
Also, - = -8 x y = 4 x2 + g ( y)
Answer: y = 4 x 2 - y 3 and tan q = 33.69 (at point 1,2)
6. Derive the equation of stream function and velocity potential for a uniform flow of stream
of velocity 5 m/s at a angle of 300 to the x-axis in a two dimensional field.

Solution: From the given data

u = 5cos 300 = 4.33 m / s
v = 5sin 300 = 2.5 m / s

�y �y
Now, from the definition of the stream function we get u = v=-
�y �
Integrating we have y = 4.33 y + f ( x) and y = - 2.5 x + f ( y )
So, the equation y = 4.33 y - 2.5 x (one of the streamlines has to pass through origin)
�f �f
Also, = -u = -v.
�x �y
Integration of the above gives f=-x +f(y) and f=y+f(x)
hen,f=2.5y -4.33x

7. The x- component of the velocity field for a two dimensional fluid flow over a plate is given
by u = 3y – y 2 .Where y is measured from the surface in a perpendicular direction. Verify if the flow is
rotational. If so find the rotational velocity at (3, 2).

Given data : u = 3 y - y 2 and the flow is two dimensional.
�u � v
From the continuity equation + =0 (two dimentional flow)
�x � y
\ =0 Integrating v = f ( x)
Now imposing the boundary condition, at y = 0 v = 0 => f(x) = 0.

The rotational component in the z direction

1 � u � v
wz = ( - )
2 � y � u
1 1
= [(3 - 2 y ) - 0] = (3 - 2 y )
2 2
Answer: wz at (3,2) = - (clockwise rotation)

8. For a given two dimensional flow the velocity component is v = -4y. Determine the algebraic
expression for velocity field and stream function. If the flow is irrotational find the pressure gradient at
point (2, 3). What is the direction of streamline through this point, the x-y plane being horizontal?

Solution : Given data : v = - 4y

� v
= -4
� y
Continuity equation gives =4 \ u = 4 x + f ( y)
� u � v
For irrorotional flow = � f '( y ) = 0
�y � x
And also if we assume u = 0 at x = 0. => f(y) =0
\V = 4 xi$- 4 y $j
y� = u - 4x \y = 4 xy + f ( x)

also = - v = -4 y \j = 4 xy + g ( y )
The stream function j = 2xy
(tan q ) 2,3 = -56.30
�u � u �p
r (u +v ) = -
�x � y �x
Pressure gradient
�u � u �p
r (u + v ) = -
�x � y �y
Substituting the value �p = -8 r ( xi$+ y $j )
Answer:- y = 2 xy, tan q = -33.690 and p = -4 r ( x 2 + y 2 )

9. For a two dimensional flow stream function is given as 5(y2-x3). Find out the velocity
components and the discharge passing between the streamlines through the point (3,2) and (4,2)

Solution: Given data:

y = 5( y 2 - x 3 ) and u = -
� y

So, velocity components v=
\ u = -10 y + f ( x)
v = 15 x 2 + f ( y )

At (3,2) y 1 = 5, At (4,2) y 2 = 40 and Q = ψ2 –ψ1

Answer:- u = -10 y + f ( x) v = 15 x 2 +f(y) Discharge Q =35 units

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