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university education hospital sebelas maret Surakarta

B. Understanding title
 Hospital
hospitals is a place to care for the sick, places that provide and provide health services
that cover various health problems
 Education
Definition of Education and Educational Objectives In General, Mas Wedan8 October
2016 Educational education, Understanding Education is a conscious and planned effort
to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process for learners to actively
develop their potential to have spiritual spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, as well as skills needed himself and society.
 University sebelas maret
the state universities in Surakarta consist of a number of faculties which organize
scientific or professional education in a number of disciplinary disciplines.

the university education hospital of sebelas maret surakarta is a place to care for the
sick who provide and provide health services that are supported with facilities to
produce students UNS in the field of intellectual health and full responsibility in solo.
C. background problems
1. quality of health services
the development of the health sector aims to raise the awareness, willingness and
ability to live healthy mandated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. in article 28 H
paragraph 1 affirms that every person has the right to health care, and article 34, paragraph 3
states that the state is responsible for the provision of appropriate public service facilities.
in addition to requiring professional staff, the hospital needs a standard facility that
ensures a better service. thereby the facility standard can not be separated from existing
standard of profession and medical service standard.
legally, there are currently no regulations on the standard of facilities set by the health
department. ever prepared are hospital service guidelines, medical service guidelines by
profession and equipment standards.
2. hospital education standards
the problems that are still faced in the development of health is not yet optimal quality
of health services. it is, among other things, caused by health care facilities that are less
embedded for health.
depkes has issued criteria or requirement of primary education hospital that is:
 major education hospitals have been accredited on 12 plus ministries
 affiliated networking / affiliated hospitals that are accredited with at least 5
service standards
the rapid increase of medical education institutions both government and private,
requires an increase in the number of educational hospitals. the results of research
conducted by the department of health with universities gadjah mada, in 2003 there
are 97 hospitals functioning as educational hospitals.

3. the need for a young doctor and a professional UNS co-as

the government's efforts to achieve the goals and objectives of public health
development are among others done by increasing the quantity of human resources
through needs planning and quality improvement through education.
hospitals in Surakarta with medical faculty are 2 separate organizations that
have their own organizational structure and legal basis. for the development of
physician skills can be obtained in the hospital. education which is not taught in
universities. in addition, to facilitate the provision of educational facilities for health
professionals and medical research vessels in Surakarta required a place to
accommodate these activities.

4. absolute requirements on medical education, especially UNS to have an educational hospital

The hospital used for coass UNS is Dr.Moewardi Hospital. but UNS itself must have its
own educational hospital because:
1. Dr.Moewardi General Hospital is less ready to become a UNS education hospital
2. The need for UNS to have its own education Hospital. the absence of an educational hospital
that accommodates medical education well and the number of young doctors who exceed the
capacity to be a major factor to establish an educational hospital in Solo.

the medical faculty of UNS works with several hospitals as a place of education for the
coass and it is:
1. Dr.Moewardi Hospital
2. RS Orthopedic Dr.Soeharso
3. Wonogiri Regional Hospital
4. Sragen Regional Hospital
5. Kartini Hospital Karanganyar
6. Boyolali Regional Hospital
7. RS Derah Sukoharjo
8. Mental Hospital Surakarta Region

Series 3

2014 2015 2016 2017

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