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TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018


USEK to train art conservators

Lebanon’s first degree Crisafulli noted. “The return on
investment to the institution is very
in restoration set up low and the cost of establishing the
to fill a ‘dire need’ required laboratories is too high.
“The program offers a variety of
in Middle East options for experimental learning,
in-class projects and internship,” he
added. “Additional facilities
By Maghie Ghali [include] chemistry and physics lab-
The Daily Star oratories available on campus, in
addition to a specialized laboratory.”

EIRUT: Come September, In their final year, the students will
the Universite Saint-Esprit present a final project – the restora-
de Kaslik will launch its tion of a work of art, chosen accord-
School of Restoration and ing to their field of specialization.
Conservation of Cultural Property With the degree in hand, the grad-
and Sacred Art, the country’s first uates would be able to start a mas-
university degree in art restoration. ter’s at the University of Urbino or
Initiated in partnership with join a master’s program USEK is
Italy’s University of Urbino and sup- planning to launch in three years.
ported by the Italian Embassy in “Students, in both universities,
Lebanon and the Italian Cultural will also have the possibility to
Institute, the three-year bachelor’s exchange experiences and enrich
degree aims to train the new gener- their training,” Crisafulli said, “not

Photos courtesy of U
ation of Lebanese conservation pro- only on a technical scientific level
fessionals specializing in sacred art. but also a sociocultural dialogue
“This program was devised to fill between different cultures.
a dire need in the Middle East – a “As for job opportunities, gradu-
region which is rich in heritage col- Crisafulli said students will be able to work on paintings, mosaics, frescoes, archives, manuscripts, visuals and cloth. ates with an MA could become train-
lections and sacred sites,” Italian ers or establish a private specialized
Cultural Institute Director Edoardo benefit of future generations.” and photographs.” Each field spe- would only target sculptures and studio in the field,” Crisafulli added.
Crisafulli told The Daily Star. USEK decided to partner with the cialization will accept students in frescos on a site, but not deal with “They can also benefit from the
“With conservation and restora- University of Urbino because it is one batches of 10 only in order to ensure the architecture of the site.” possibility of collaboration with the
tion projects being carried out in a of the oldest schools of conservation they have ample one-on-one access Despite the wealth of heritage in Directorate General of Antiquities,
haphazard and unprofessional and restoration in Europe, Crisafulli to instruction, which will mostly be the region, schools of conservation as well as with museum curators,
manner by unspecialized individu- said. In addition, it has successfully practical experience-based. and restoration are uncommon, archive centers, private collectors.”
als in the region, this program [will] established five programs around the “Students will have the chance to leaving many conservation projects Students are being accepted for
equip qualified experts with the world, in Tunisia for instance. work on … paintings, mosaics, fres- to be completed by foreign profes- the academic year 2018-2019 and
necessary foundations, skills and The degree will offer three field of cos, archives, manuscripts, visuals sionals. USEK’s program seeks to fill entrance examinations will be held
expertise to preserve and conserve specialization – “stone and material and cloth,” Crisafulli said. “The the niche. “There [is currently] a lack on Aug. 13.
the different forms of physical or derivatives,” “painted artworks” program deals with heritage items, of specialists in the field in the Arab
tangible cultural heritage for the and “printed and digital documents, not whole sites. For example, we world who would be able to teach,” For more information, visit usek.edu.lb.

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