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Construction Engineering 1 Underground Construction Technology


Part A – Underground construction technology

Ch-¬ng 1 – §Êt vµ c«ng t¸c ®Êt trong x©y dựng (3T)

Chapter 1 – Soil and Earth works in construction
Ch-¬ng 2 – TÝnh to¸n khèi l-îng c«ng t¸c ®Êt (4T)
Chapter 2 – Calculate the earth works volume
Ch-¬ng 3 – C«ng t¸c chuÈn bÞ vµ phôc vô thi c«ng phÇn ngÇm c«ng tr×nh (4T)
Chapter 3 – Preparation works for the underground construction

Ch-¬ng 4 – Kü thuËt thi c«ng ®µo ®Êt (9T)

Chapter 4 – Soil excavation techniques
Ch-¬ng 5 – Kü thuËt thi c«ng ®¾p ®Êt (4T)
Chapter 5 – Embankment & Backfilling techniques
Ch-¬ng 6 – Thi c«ng ®ãng cäc vµ v¸n cõ (6T)
Chapter 6 – Piling works and sheet piling work

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Chapter 1: Earth works in construction

Bµi 1 – Nh÷ng kh¸i niÖm chung vÒ c¸c lo¹i c«ng tr×nh vµ c«ng t¸c ®Êt
Unit 1 – General definitions of earth works and earth work projects
Bµi 2 – TÝnh chÊt kü thuËt cña ®Êt ¶nh h-ëng ®Õn c«ng t¸c thi c«ng
Unit 2 – Soil technical features that affect construction

Bµi 3 – Ph©n cÊp ®Êt trong x©y dùng c¬ b¶n

Unit 3 – Classification of soil in construction

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Unit 1: Earth work projects and earth works

Trong x©y dùng, ®a sè c¸c c«ng tr×nh ®Òu cã phÇn c«ng t¸c ®Êt. C«ng t¸c ®Êt chiÕm mét tû
träng t-¬ng ®èi lín, nã quyÕt ®Þnh chÊt l-îng vµ tiÕn ®é thi c«ng c«ng tr×nh. NÕu t¸ch riªng c«ng
t¸c ®Êt víi khèi l-îng lín th× cã thÓ coi nã lµ mét c«ng tr×nh lµm ®Êt.
In construction, earth works are common in almost projects. Earth works account for
relatively major portions and influence project quality and the rage of progress. If earth works are
in a big volume and is in a seperated package, it can be considered an earth work project.
Cã thÓ ph©n lo¹i c¸c c«ng tr×nh lµm ®Êt theo nhiÒu c¸ch kh¸c nhau.
Earth work projects can be classified in different types.

1. C¸c lo¹i c«ng tr×nh ®Êt/ Classification of earth work projects

1.1. Chia theo ®é bÒn c«ng tr×nh/ By the project durability

Cã 2 lo¹i c«ng tr×nh: C«ng tr×nh vÜnh cöu vµ c«ng tr×nh t¹m thêi
There are two project types: Permanent projects and Temporary projects
 C«ng tr×nh vÜnh cöu: Lµ c«ng tr×nh cã thêi gian sö dông l©u dµi: nÒn ®-êng bé,
®-êng s¾t, ®ª ®Ëp, kªnh m-¬ng….
Permanent projects: Projects for long-term use: road, railroad, dyke, canal…
 C«ng tr×nh t¹m thêi: chØ phôc vô trong thêi gian thi c«ng: hè mãng, r·nh ®Æt
®-êng èng.
Temporary projects: Projects in construction duration: foundation pit, ditches
for piping.

1.2. Chia theo h×nh d¹ng c«ng tr×nh/ By the project shapes

 C«ng tr×nh ch¹y dµi vµ c«ng tr×nh tËp trung:

Long-running shape and block shape projects
 C«ng tr×nh ch¹y dµi: ®ª, ®Ëp, ®-êng s¸…lµ c¸c c«ng tr×nh cã tiÕt diÖn ngang
nhá so víi tæng chiÒu dµi c«ng tr×nh
Long-running shape projects: dyke, dam, road… projects with narrow width in
comparison with the total length of the projects.
 C«ng tr×nh tËp trung: hè mãng, san mÆt b»ng… lµ c¸c c«ng tr×nh cã kÝch th-íc
theo hai ph-¬ng gÇn b»ng nhau
Block shape project: foundation, grading… projects with sizes is relatively

2. C¸c lo¹i c«ng t¸c ®Êt/ Classification of Earth works

Trong c«ng t¸c thi c«ng th-êng cã c¸c lo¹i c«ng t¸c ®Êt sau:
In typical construction, earth works are classified into following works:

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 §µo: h¹ ®é cao mÆt ®Êt tù nhiªn xuèng ®é cao thiÕt kÕ, thÓ tÝch ®Êt ®µo: V+, vÝ
dô: ®µo hè mãng réng, ®µo kªnh, ®µo ®-êng hÇm…
Excavation: reduce the elevation of the ground to the design elevation and the
volume of excavation is in positive value (V+). Ex, excavation for wide
foundation, canal, trench...
 §¾p: n©ng ®é cao mÆt ®Êt tù nhiªn lªn ®é cao thiÕt kÕ, thÓ tÝch ®Êt ®¾p: V-, vÝ
dô: ®¾p nÒn, ®¾p ®ª, ®¾p ®Ëp ®Êt…
Embankment: heighten up the elevation of the ground to the design elevation
and the volume of excavation is in negative value (V-). Ex, embankment for
ground, dyke, dam…
 San: lµm ph¼ng mét diÖn tÝch ®Êt, san bao gåm ®µo vµ ®¾p, l-îng ®Êt ®-îc gi÷
nguyªn. San cã thÓ kÕt hîp víi ®µo vµ ®¾p, vÝ dô: san b»ng mÆt ®Êt, san ®åi, san
nÒn ®-êng, san ®Êt ®¾p
Grading or leveling: Make the ground surface flat, including excavation and
embankment, the soil amount keeps remained. Grading or leveling can be
combined with excavation or embankment. Ex, grading ground, hill, road, etc.
 Hít (bãc): lÊy líp ®Êt kh«ng sö dông ë trªn (®Êt mïn, ®Êt thùc vËt, ®Êt «
nhiÔm), hít theo ®é dµy líp ®Êt lÊy ®i.
Removing: Remove the top un-used soil layer (humus, cultivated land,
contaminated land); remove according to removed soil thickness.
 LÊp: lµ viÖc lµm cho chç ®Êt tròng cao b»ng khu vùc xung quanh, lÊp ®Êt phô
thuéc ®é cao tù nhiªn cña khu vùc xung quanh, vÝ dô nh- lÊp r·nh, lÊp mãng,
lÊp quanh c«ng tr-êng võa x©y xong…
Backfilling: make the depressed area as heigh and flat as surrounding areas.
This task depends on surrounding ground elevations. Ex, backfilling for
ditches, foundation, the recently-built-site…

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Unit 2: Soil technical features that afect construction

1. Kh¸i niÖm/ Definition

§Êt lµ mét m«i tr-êng phøc t¹p cã nhiÒu yÕu tè ¶nh h-ëng (c¬, lý ho¸). Trong gi¸o tr×nh
nµy chØ ®Ò cËp tíi c¸c tÝnh chÊt cã ¶nh h-ëng lín nhÊt tíi kü thuËt thi c«ng ®Êt vµ ®Õn gi¸ thµnh
c«ng tr×nh ®Êt vµ n¨ng suÊt thi c«ng cña m¸y lµm ®Êt: träng l-îng riªng, ®é Èm, ®é dèc tù nhiªn,
®é t¬i xèp, l-u tèc cho phÐp …
Soil is a complex environment affected by a lot of factors. This program only mentions the
features that affect considerably earth works techniques, earth project cost, and productivity of
soil-machine such as: unit weight, moisture content, slope, swell, etc.

2. Träng l-îng riªng cña ®Êt/ Unit-weight of soil

- §Þnh nghÜa: lµ träng l-îng cña mét ®¬n vÞ thÓ tÝch ®Êt ë tr¹ng th¸i tù nhiªn.
Definition: weight of one volume of the soil unit in natural state
- C«ng thøc x¸c ®Þnh:  = (kG/cm3) víi G träng l-îng cña khèi ®Êt cã trong thÓ tÝch V
Formula:  = (kG/cm3) in which G is the weight of soil contained in V volume
- TÝnh chÊt: §Êt cã träng l-îng riªng cµng lín, c«ng lao ®éng chi phÝ ®Ó thi c«ng cµng cao.
Natures: The bigger soil unit-weight is, the higher labor cost for soil construction will

3. §é Èm cña ®Êt/ Moisture content

- §Þnh nghÜa: Lµ tû lÖ % cña n-íc chøa trong mét thÓ tÝch ®Êt, kÝ hiÖu lµ W.
Definition: The percentage % of water contained in one soil volume, symbolized by W

- C«ng thøc x¸c ®Þnh: W 

G  Go  (%) víi G, G : träng l-îng tù nhiªn vµ träng l-îng kh«
cña mÉu thÝ nghiÖm.
G  Go 
Formula: W  (%) in which G, Go are natural weight and dried weight of the
tested sample.
- TÝnh chÊt:/ Natures:
 §é Èm cña ®Êt ¶nh h-ëng ®Õn c«ng lao ®éng lµm ®Êt rÊt lín. §é Èm cña ®Êt thÓ
hiÖn ®é tån t¹i cña n-íc trong thÓ tÝch ®Êt. MÆc dï khi xÐt ®Õn møc ®é khã dÔ
®Õn c«ng t¸c thi c«ng ta ph¶i xÐt ®Õn nhiÒu yÕu tè kh¸c n÷a nh-ng nh×n chung
®é Èm ¶nh h-ëng kh¸ lín ®Õn c«ng t¸c thi c«ng. §Êt -ít qu¸ hay kh« qu¸ ®Òu
lµm qu¸ tr×nh thi c«ng ®Êt khã kh¨n.

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Moisture content has great impacts on labor costs in earthwork construction.

Moisture content represents the existence of water in a soil volume. Among the
factors affecting soil construction, moisture content is a relatively important
factor. Either soil is too wet or too dry can cause difficulties to soil
construction process.
 §Êt kh« qu¸ lµm cho chi phÝ viÖc ®µo ®Êt t¨ng lªn, lµm gi¶m n¨ng suÊt ®µo ®Êt.
If soil is too dry, the labor cost will increase, the productivity of soil excavation
will decrease.
 §Êt -ít qu¸ th× g©y dÝnh, c¶n trë ®é c¬ ®éng cña c¸c thiÕt bÞ thi c«ng, vÖ sinh
lao ®éng trªn c«ng tr-êng.
If soil is too wet, it will cause sticky conditions which prevent the mobility of
construction machines and cause impacts to the cleanliness of the construction
 §é Èm cña ®Êt ¶nh h-ëng rÊt lín ®Õn qu¸ tr×nh ®Çm ®Êt. Mçi lo¹i ®Êt muèn ®¹t
®-îc n¨ng suÊt vµ hiÖu qu¶ cao trong qu¸ tr×nh ®Çm th× ph¶i ®¹t ®-îc ®é Èm
®Çm nÐn tèi -u. Th«ng th-êng mçi lo¹i ®Êt cã mét ®é Èm mµ ë ®ã ®Êt cã thÓ
®Çm chÆt nhÊt (lóc ®ã n-íc trong ®Êt ®ãng vai trß nh- dÇu mì b«i tr¬n trªn bÒ
mÆt h¹t ®Êt t¹o lùc dÝnh gi÷a c¸c h¹t ®Êt vµ lµm cho ®Êt cã ®é chÆt cÇn thiÕt)
Moisture content remarkably affects the soil compaction. Soil can only reach
high productivity and effectiveness if the moisture content for vibrating is
optimum. Normally each soil type has its own moisture content for the most
compacted condition (water acts as an lubricant to lubricate soil grains and
causes strength to adhere soil grains together and consequently creates
 Dùa vµo ®é Èm mµ ng-êi ta ph©n ra c¸c lo¹i ®Êt nh- sau :
Based on moisture content, soil is classified into following grades:
 §Êt kh« cã : W <5%
Dry soil: W <5%
 §Êt Èm cã : W = 5% - 30%
Humid soil: W = 5% - 30%
 §Êt -ít cã : W > 30%
Wet soil: W > 30%
 Cã thÓ x¸c ®Þnh gÇn ®óng tr¹ng th¸i cña ®Êt b»ng c¸ch bèc ®Êt kiÓm tra thö.
Soil state can be tested by hand-touching

4. §é dèc tù nhiªn cña ®Êt/ Natural slope of soil

- §Þnh nghÜa : lµ gãc néi ma s¸t cña ®Êt lín nhÊt cña m¸i dèc khi ta ®µo hay ®¾p mµ kh«ng
g©y sôt lë ®Êt. Ký hiÖu lµ i.

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Definition : is the maximum internal friction angle of the soil (or the maximum value of
the angle of sliding plane) which causes no landslide or cave in during excavating of
backfilling. Symbolized by i.
Uniform loads

H×nh 1. §é dèc tù nhiªn cña m¸i dèc/ Picture 1. Natural slope of sliding plane

- C«ng thøc/ Formula: i  tg 

Trong ®ã/ in which:

: gãc cña mÆt tr-ît/ angle of the sliding plane
B: ChiÒu réng cña m¸i dèc/ Width of sliding plane
H: ChiÒu cao hè ®µo/ Height of the excavation pit.
- Ng-îc l¹i víi gãc dèc th× ta cã ®é so¶i cña m¸i dèc/ In contrast to slope angle, we have
1 B
the factor m    cotg
i H
- TÝnh chÊt/ Natures:
 §é dèc tù nhiªn phô thuéc vµo/ Natural slope depends on:
 Gãc ma s¸t trong cña c¸c h¹t ®Êt/ Internal friction angle of soil grains
 §é dÝnh cña ®Êt/ Adhesiveness of soil
 T¶i träng t¸c dông lªn mÆt ®Êt/ Loadings on ground surface
 ChiÒu s©u hè ®µo (cµng ®µo s©u cµng dÔ g©y sôt lë, do ®ã cµng ®µo s©u
th× gãc ®µo cµng ph¶i réng)/ Depth of the excavated pit (the deeper the
excavation, the higher possibility of landslide. So, the angle of
excavation should be larger for deeper excavation)

 Khi ®µo ®Êt t¹m thêi ph¶i tu©n theo ®é dèc cho phÐp cho ë b¶ng 1
Temporary soil excavation must conform to the Allowable slope in Table 1.

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B¶ng 1. §é dèc m¸i ®Êt cña c¸c hè ®µo t¹m thêi

Table 1. Slope of soil sliding plane of temporary excavation pits

§é dèc lín nhÊt cho phÐp khi chiÒu sè hè mãng b»ng (m) /
Maximum allowable slope when the height of excavated pit (m):
1,5m 3m 5m
Gãc TØ lÖ Gãc TØ lÖ Gãc TØ lÖ
Lo¹i ®Êt
nghiªng ®é dèc nghiªng ®é dèc nghiªng ®é dèc
Soil type
m¸i dèc (Ratio) m¸i dèc (Ratio) m¸i dèc (Ratio)
(Angle of (Angle of (Angle
the slope) the of the
slope) slope)
§Êt m-în (Imported surface 56 1:0.67 45 1:1 38 1:1.25

§Êt c¸t vµ c¸t cuéi Èm 63 1:0.50 45 1:1 45 1:1

Sand and humid sand with
§Êt c¸t pha 76 1:0.25 56 1:0.67 50 1:0.85
Sandy soil
§Êt thÞt 90 1:0 63 1:0.50 53 1:0.75
Mixed sand & clay soil
§Êt sÐt 90 1:0 76 1:0.25 63 1:0.5
Hoµng thæ vµ nh÷ng lo¹i ®Êt 90 1:0 63 1:0.50 63 1:0.5
t-¬ng tù trong tr¹ng th¸i kh«
Yellow-color clayay soil and
similar soil in dry state.

ChiÒu s©u cña mét sè hè ®µo v¸ch th¼ng ®øng mµ kh«ng cÇn chèng ®ì trong c¸c lo¹i ®Êt kh¸c
Depth of vertical excavation pits without any supporting system

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B¶ng 2. B¶ng h¹n chÕ vÒ chiÒu s©u hè ®µo kh«ng cÇn chèng

Table 2. Limitation of excavation depth without propping

Lo¹i ®Êt ChiÒu s©u kh«ng v-ît qu¸

Soil type Depth limit

§Êt c¸t vµ ®Êt lÉn sái s¹n 1m

Sand and sand mixed with gravels
§Êt c¸t pha 1,25m
Sandy soil
§Êt thÞt vµ ®Êt sÐt 1,5m
Mixed of sand & clay soil and Clay
§Êt thÞ ch¾c vµ ®Êt sÐt ch¾c (khi ®µo ph¶i dïng cuèc chim, xµ 2m
Firm clay (excavating with mattock or crowbar)

- Cã thÓ dïng c«ng thøc sau ®Ó tÝnh to¸n chiÒu s©u th¼ng ®øng mµ kh«ng cÇn ph¶i chèng ®ì
lµ/ May use the following formula to calculate the vertical depth without prop:
2. cos

H th 
 90o   
sin 2  
 2 
- Nh-ng gi¸ trÞ tÝnh to¸n kh«ng ®-îc lín h¬n gi¸ trÞ trªn (chó ý c«ng thøc trªn ch-a kÓ hÖ sè
an toµn.)
However, the calculation values should not be bigger than the above value (Note: the above
formula does not include the safety factor)

5. §é t¬i xèp/ Swell

- §Þnh nghÜa: Lµ tÝnh chÊt thÓ hiÖn kh¶ n¨ng thay ®æi thÓ tÝch cña ®Êt tr-íc vµ sau lóc ®µo.
Ký hiÖu:  (%)
Definition: The nature cheracteristic of the soil representing the capability to change
volume of soil before and after excavation. Symbolized by:  (%)
V  Vo
- C«ng thøc x¸c ®Þnh/ Formula:   .100%
Trong ®ã/ Legend:
 V0: ThÓ tÝch ®Êt nguyªn thæ, lµ thÓ tÝch ®Êt cßn n»m nguyªn vÞ trÝ cña nã ë vá tr¸i
®Êt khi kiÕn t¹o/ Bank volume in natural state before excavation
 V: ThÓ tÝch ®Êt sau khi ®µo lªn trong gµu m¸y xóc, ®æ ®èng trªn bê hoÆc trong
thïng xe vËn chuyÓn/ Volume of soil after excavation
- TÝnh chÊt/ Natures:

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 Cã hai hÖ sè t¬i xèp/ There are two swell factors

 0 : lµ ®é t¬i xèp ban ®Çu khi ®Êt ®µo lªn ch-a ®Çm nÐn/ initial swell factor
of soil after excavation but before compacting.
  : lµ ®é t¬i xèp sau khi ®Êt ®· ®Çm nÐn/ Swell factor of soil after

B¶ng 3. §é t¬i xèp cña ®Êt/ Table 3. Swell factor of Soil

Lo¹i ®Êt §é t¬i xèp ban ®Çu §é t¬i xèp sau khi ®Çm
Soil tyes Initial swell Swell after compacting
§Êt c¸t, sái 8 - 15% 1 - 2,5%
Sand and gravels
§Êt dÝnh cÊp I – IV 20 - 30% 3-4%
Cohesive soil graded I - IV
§Êt ®¸/ Rock 30 - 45% 10 - 30%

Phụ lục 3. TCVN 4447-1987/ Appendix 3. TCVN 4447-1987

Tªn ®Êt HÖ sè chuyÓn tõ tù nhiªn Ghi chó
Soil types sang ®Êt t¬i Note
Conversion factor from
natural state to loose state
Cuéi 1,26 – 1,32 §èi víi tõng lo¹i
Pebble ®Êt cô thÓ, ph¶i thÝ
§Êt sÐt 1,26 – 1,32 nghiÖm kiÓm tra
Clay l¹i hÖ sè t¬i xèp
Sái nhá vµ trung 1,14 – 1,26 cña ®Êt t¹i hiÖn
Small & mediem gravels tr-êng (For
§Êt h÷u c¬ 1,20 – 1,28 specific type of
Organic soil soils, there might
Hoµng thæ 1,14 – 1,28 be a need to
Yellow-color clayey soil perform field
C¸t 1,08 - 1,07 testing to verify
Sand swell factors).
C¸t lÉn ®¸ d¨m vµ sái 1,14 – 1,28
Sand mixed with macadam and gravels
§Êt cøng ®· næ m×n t¬i 1,45 – 1,50
Hard soil after mine explosion
§Êt pha c¸t nhÑ 1,14 – 1,28
Light sandy soil
§Êt pha c¸t nhÑ nh-ng lÉn cuéi, sái, ®¸ d¨m 1,26 – 1,32

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Sandy soil with little pebble, gravels and

§Êt pha sÐt nÆng kh«ng lÉn cuéi, sái, ®¸ d¨m 1,24 – 1,30
Hard clay soil without pebble, gravels and
§Êt c¸t pha cã lÉn cuéi, sái, ®¸ d¨m 1,14 – 1,28
Sandy soil mixed with pebble, gravels and

 §Êt cµng r¾n ch¾c hay cÊp ®Êt c¸ng lín th× ®é t¬i xèp cµng lín, khi thi c«ng sÏ
gÆp nhiÒu khã kh¨n, gi¸ thµnh thi c«ng t¨ng. T¨ng khèi l-îng ®Êt thõa ph¶i vËn
chuyÓn ra khái mÆt b»ng
The harder the soil or the bigger the soil grade, the bigger the swell factor, the
more difficult for the construction, the higher the construction cost, and the
more spoils generated to off-haul of the site.

 §Êt xèp, rçng cã ®é t¬i xèp nhá, cã khi cã gi¸ trÞ ©m./ Soft and porous soil has
smaller swell (sometimes having nagative values)
VD : lo¹i ®Êt bïn chøa nhiÒu lç rçng, khi ®µo lªn n-íc ch¶y hÕt, c¸c h¹t ®Êt
dÞch chuyÓn l¹i gÇn nhau  gi¶m thÓ tÝch V < Vo  < 0.
Eg, Mud soil contains hollows, after excavating, water in hollows is flowed out,
the soil grains move closer to each other  lower the volume V < Vo  < 0.

6. L-u tèc cho phÐp/ Allowable flowing velocity

 §Þnh nghÜa : Lµ tèc ®é cña dßng ch¶y mµ kh«ng g©y xãi lë ®Êt.
Definition: The velocity of the water flowing that causes no landslide.
 TÝnh chÊt/ Characteristics:
 §Êt cã l-u tèc cho phÐp cµng lín th× kh¶ n¨ng chèng xãi mßn cµng cao.
The higher the allowable flowing velocity of water of a soil type, the higher
possibility of anti-landslide.
 §èi víi c¸c c«ng tr×nh b»ng ®Êt cã tiÕp xóc víi dßng ch¶y nh- ®Ëp, kªnh ,
m-¬ng… cÇn quan t©m ®Õn tÝnh chÊt nµy khi chän ®Êt thi c«ng.
For earth work projects contacting the flows of water such as dam, cannal,
ditch, etc., it is advised to consider this character while selecting soil types for
 Mét sè l-u tèc cho phÐp cña mét sè lo¹i ®Êt/ Allowable flowing velocity for some soil

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B¶ng 4. B¶ng l-u tèc cho phÐp/ Table 4. Allowable flowing velocity

STT Lo¹i ®Êt L-u tèc cho phÐp Vcp (m/s)

Soil type Allowable flowing velocity
1 §Êt c¸t/ Sand 0,45 - 0,8
2 §Êt thÞt ch¾c/ Firm mixed sand 0,8 - 1,8
and clay soil
3 §Êt ®¸ 2 - 3,5

 Khi thi c«ng c¸c c«ng tr×nh gÆp dßng ch¶y cã tèc ®é lín h¬n l-u tèc cho phÐp
ta ph¶i t×m c¸ch gi¶m tèc ®é dßng ch¶y (gi¶m ®é dèc mÆt ®Êt) ®Ó b¶o vÖ c«ng
tr×nh hoÆc kh«ng cho dßng ch¶y t¸c dông trùc tiÕp vµo c«ng tr×nh (®¾p ®ª,
chuyÓn h-íng dßng ch¶y).
When constructing projects whose water flowing velocity is bigger than the
allowable velocity, it is advised to lower the flowing velocity (the slope of the
ground surface) to protect the project or hinder the flows from having direct
affect on the project (embankment for dyke, redirecting the flows)

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Unit 3: Soil Classification

1. ĐÞnh nghÜa/ Definition

- Lµ c¸ch ph©n lo¹i ®Êt dùa trªn møc ®é khã dÔ khi thi c«ng (b»ng thñ c«ng hoÆc b»ng m¸y).
Is a method of soil classification in terms of hard or easy to work with in construction
(either manual method or mechanical method)

- CÊp ®Êt cµng cao th× cµng khã thi c«ng.

The higher grade of the soil is, the harder the constructability is.
- Ph©n cÊp b»ng b»ng ph-¬ng ph¸p thñ c«ng: dùa vµo møc ®é hao phÝ thêi gian cña ng-êi
c«ng nh©n, khi ®µo mét khèi l-îng nhÊt ®Þnh. Thêi gian ®µo trªn thÓ tÝch cµng lín th× cÊp
®Êt cµng cao.
Classification of the soil by manual method: depends on the time loss of a worker when
excavating a specific amount of soil. The more the excavation time, the higher the grade of
the soil
- Ph©n cÊp theo c¬ giíi: dùa vµo møc ®é hao phÝ ca m¸y cña m¸y ®µo 1 gµu khi ®µo mét
khèi l-îng ®Êt nhÊt ®Þnh V. Sè ca m¸y ®µo trªn ®¬n vÞ thÓ tÝch cµng cao th× cÊpp ®Êt cµng
lín hay lo¹i ®Êt ®ã cµng r¾n.
Classification by mechanical method: depends on the productivity loss of an excavator in
the operation shift of the machine when it excavates a specific amount of soil. The more
shifts, the higher the grade of the soil.

2. Ph©n cÊp ®Êt dùa trªn viÖc thi c«ng ®Êt b»ng thñ c«ng/ Grading by manual soil

Cã thÓ ph©n thµnh 4 cÊp theo b¶ng sau/ There are 4 grades as in below table:

B¶ng 5. Ph©n cÊp ®Êt trong thi c«ng thñ c«ng

Table 5. Soil grading in manual construction

C«ng cô tiªu
CÊp ®Êt Tªn c¸c lo¹i ®Êt
chuÈn x¸c ®Þnh
Grade Soil type
Defined by
§Êt c¸t, ®Êt phï sa c¸t båi, ®Êt ®en, ®Êt mïn, ®Êt c¸t pha sÐt,
®Êt sÐt, ®Êt hoµng thæ, ®Êt bïn.
Sandy soil, alluvial soil, black soil, humus, sand-clay mix
I soil, clay, yellow-color clayey soil, mud.

C¸c lo¹i ®Êt trªn cã lÉn sái s¹n, m¶nh sµnh, g¹ch vì, ®¸ d¨m
ë møc ®é < 20%, kh«ng cã rÔ c©y to, cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn,
d¹ng nguyªn thæ hoÆc t¬i xèp, hoÆc ®-îc ®em tõ n¬i kh¸c

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®Õn ®æ nh-ng ®· bÞ nÐn chÆt tù nhiªn.

These soil types contain gravels, crushed ceramic or brick,
macadam accounting for < 20%, no tree roots, having
natural moisture content in original or soft state, or are soils
from other places and were naturally compacted.
C¸t ®en, c¸t vµng cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn.
Black sand and gold sand have natural moisture content

Sái, ®¸ d¨m, ®¸ vôn ®æ thµnh ®èng.

Gravels, macadam, crushed stones are piled up.
Gåm c¸c lo¹i ®Êt ë cÊp I cã lÉn sái s¹n, m¶nh sµnh, g¹ch vì,
®¸ d¨m, m¶nh chai ë møc ®é > 20%, kh«ng lÉn c¸c rÔ c©y
to, cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn hoÆc kh«. Dïng xÎng, mai
Includes soil types of Grade I, have gravels, crushed ceramic hoÆc cuèc bµn x¾n
II or brick/glass, macadam accouting for > 20%, no tree roots, ®-îc thµh miÕng
has natural moisture content or is in dry state. máng.
Use showel or
§Êt ¸ sÐt, cao lanh, ®Êt sÐt tr¾ng, sÐt vµng cã lÉn sái s¹n,
mattock to take
m¶nh sµnh, g¹ch vì, ®¸ d¨m ë møc ®é < 20%, kh«ng cã rÔ
out the thin layer
c©y to, cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn hoÆc kh« r¾n, d¹ng nguyªn thæ
of soil
hoÆc ®-îc ®em tõ n¬i kh¸c ®Õn ®æ nh-ng ®· bÞ nÐn chÆt tù
Clay, gypsum, white clay, gold clay mixed with gravels,
crushed ceramic or brick/glass, macadam accouting for <
20%, no tree roots, has natural moisture content or is in dry
state, or are soils from other places and were naturally
§Êt ¸ sÐt, cao lanh, ®Êt sÐt tr¾ng, sÐt vµng, sÐt ®á, ®Êt ®åi nói
cã lÉn sái s¹n, m¶nh sµnh, g¹ch vì, ®¸ d¨m, m¶nh chai ë Dïng cuèc chim
III møc ®é > 20% cã lÉn c¸c rÔ c©y, cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn hoÆc kh« míi cuèc ®-îc.
cøng hoÆc ®em ®æ ë n¬i kh¸c ®Õn nh-ng cã ®Çm nÐn. Use mattock.
Clay, gypsum, white clay, gold clay, red clay mixed with
gravels, crushed ceramic or brick/glass, macadam accouting
for > 20%, with tree roots, or are soils from other places and
were naturally compacted.
C¸c lo¹i ®Èt trong ®Êt cÊp III cã lÉn ®¸ hßn, ®¸ t¶ng.
§¸ ong, ®¸ phong hãa, ®¸ v«i phong hãa cã cuéi sái dÝnh kÕt
IV ë ®¸ v«i, xÝt non, ®¸ quÆng c¸c lo¹i ®· næ m×n vì nhá.
Includes soil types in Grade III, have different mix of stones,
and different ores crushed by mine.

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3. Ph©n cÊp ®Êt dùa trªn viÖc thi c«ng ®Êt b»ng m¸y/ Grading by mechanical soil

3.1. Ph©n nhãm ®Êt cho m¸y xóc (4 nhãm)/ Grading by excavator (4 grades)

B¶ng 6. Ph©n nhãm ®Êt cho m¸y xóc

Table 6. Grading by excavator

Nhãm M« t¶ lo¹i ®Êt
Grade Description of soil
I - §Êt cã c©y cá mäc kh«ng lÉn rÔ c©y vµ ®¸ t¶ng, ®Êt cã lÉn ®¸ d¨m.
Soil with grass (no tree roots and big stones) or macadam
- C¸t kh«, c¸t cã ®é Èm tù nhiªn, ¸ c¸t, kh«ng cã lÉn ®¸ d¨m.
Dry sand with natural moisture content (no macadam)
- §Êt bïn dÇy d-íi 20cm, kh«ng cã rÔ c©y, sái s¹n hoÆc ®Êt kh« lÉn ®¸ cã ®k >
Soil with mud (≤ 20cm thick), no tree roots, soil with gravels or stones (radius >
- §Êt ®ång b»ng cã líp trªn dÇy < 80cm hoÆc ®Êt vun thµnh ®èng bÞ nÐn chÆt.
Delta soil with the top layer < 80cm thick or compressed soil in pile.
II - Sái s¹n cã lÉn ®¸ to.
Soil with gravels and stones
- §Êt sÐt -ít mÒm kh«ng lÉn ®¸ d¨m, ¸ sÐt nhÑ, ¸ sÐt nÆng lÉn ®Êt bïn dÇy d-íi 30cm
cã lÉn rÔ c©y.
Humid clay without macadam, clay with mud (≤ 30cm thick) with tree roots
- §Êt ®ång b»ng cã líp d-íi dÇy tõ 0,8 - 2m.
Delta soil: the bottom layer is 0,8 - 2m thick
- §Êt c¸t mÒm lÉn sái cuéi < 10%.
Soft sand with gravels < 10%.
III - §Êt sÐt nÆng vì tõng m¶ng, ®Êt sÐt lÉn ®¸ d¨m dïng xÎng, mai míi x¾n ®-îc.
Hard clay, clay with macadam that can be digged up using shovel.
- §Êt bïn dÇy < 40cm.
Soil with mud < 40cm
- §Êt ®· ®-îc næ, ph¸.
Soil after mine explosion
- §Êt ®ång b»ng cã líp d-íi tõ 2 - 3,5m.
Delta soil with bottom layer is 2 - 3,5m thick
- §Êt ®á, vµng ë vïng ®åi nói cã lÉn ®¸ ong, sái nhá, kÕt cÊu ®Æc, cøng.
Red soil and gold soil in mountainous area mixed with laterite, small gravels, hard
and solid composition

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- §Êt cøng lÉn ®¸ qu¶ dõa hay sÝt non.

Hard soil with big stones.
IV - §Êt sÐt cøng tõng líp lÉn ®¸ th¹ch cao mÒm, ®Êt ®· ®-îc næ ph¸.
Hard clay with gypsum stones and soil after mine explosion.

3.2. Ph©n nhãm ®Êt cho m¸y ñi (3 nhãm)/ Soil grading by dozer (3 grades)

B¶ng 7. Ph©n nhãm ®Êt cho m¸y ñi/ Table 7. Soil grading by bulldozer

§Êt nhãm M« t¶ lo¹i ®Êt

Grade Description of soil
I - Líp ®Êt cá mäc kh«ng lÉn rÔ c©y vµ ®¸ d¨m.
Soil contains grass but no root and macadam
- §Êt bïn kh«ng cã rÔ c©y dÇy < 20cm.
Soil with mud (no tree roots) < 20cm thick.
- §Êt ®ång b»ng cã líp trªn dÇy < 60cm.
Delta soil with top layer is <60cm thick
- §Êt vun thµnh ®èng bÞ nÐn.
Compressed soil in pile
II - Sái s¹n kh«ng cã lÉn ®¸ to.
Soil with gravels in large size
- §Êt sÐt mÒm -ít kh«ng lÉn lén ®¸ d¨m hoÆc ¸ sÐt nÆng
Humid clay (no macadam)
- §Êt bïn dÇy > 30cm
Soil with mud > 30cm
- §Êt lÉn ®¸ t¶ng.
Soil with big stones
- §Êt ®ång b»ng dÇy trªn 1,2m.
Soil delta > 1.2m thick
III - §Êt sÐt vì tõng m¶ng, xÎng, mai kh«ng x¾n ®-îc.
Broken clay. Cannot use shovel to dig up.
- §Êt sÐt lÉn sái s¹n, ®¸ d¨m, c¸t kh«.
Clay with gravels, macadam and dry sand
- §Êt bïn dÇy trªn 30cm.
Soil with mud > 30cm thick
- §Êt lÉn ®¸ t¶ng.
Soil with big stones.
- §Êt ®ång b»ng dÇy trªn 1,2m.
Soil delta > 1.2m thick

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Chapter 2 – Calculation of earth works volume

Bµi 4 – Xác định kích thước công trình đất và phương pháp tính khối lượng công tác đất.
Unit 4 – Earth work design. Identify the sizes of earth-work projects. Principles to calculate
earth-works volume.
Bµi 5 – TÝnh khèi l-îng c«ng tr×nh ®Êt cã d¹ng h×nh khèi (hè mãng, ®èng ®Êt)
Unit 5 – Calculate the earth work volume for Block-shape earth work projects (foundation, soil
Bµi 6 – TÝnh khèi l-îng c«ng tr×nh ®Êt ch¹y dµi.
Unit 6 – Calculate the earth work volume for Long-running shape earth work projects

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Unit 4: Calculate the sizes of earth-work projects and principles to calculate

earth-work volume.

1. X¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc c«ng tr×nh ®Êt/ Calculate the sizes of earth work projects

1.1. Kh¸i niÖm/ Definition

- ViÖc tÝnh to¸n khèi l-îng ®Êt cã ý nghÜa rÊt quan träng trong viÖc thiÕt kÕ vµ thi c«ng c¸c
c«ng tr×nh cã liªn quan ®Õn c«ng t¸c ®Êt.
Soil quantity calculation is important in Design and Construction of earth work projects.
- VÒ mÆt thiÕt kÕ: cã tÝnh ®-îc khèi l-îng ®Êt th× míi tÝnh ®-îc dù to¸n th«ng qua viÖc dù
b¸o khèi l-îng vµ bãc t¸ch tiªn l-îng.
Design: Cost estimate can only be developed after the soil volume is calculated through
quantity estimates breakdown.
- VÒ mÆt thi c«ng: viÖc tÝnh khèi l-îng ®Êt gióp ta lËp kÕ ho¹ch tæ chøc thi c«ng vµ phôc vô
cho viÖc thanh quyÕt to¸n khèi l-îng.
Construction: the soil quantity calculation can help to manage the construction and help the
quantity finalization for final inspection and accounting.
- C¸c c«ng tr×nh ®Êt th-êng cã kÝch th-íc rÊt lín theo kh«ng gian 3 chiÒu nh- ®ª, ®Ëp, nÒn
®-êng, nÕu lÊy kÝch th-íc tÝnh to¸n sai lÖch mét Ýt còng cã thÓ dÉn ®Õn sai kh¸c rÊt lín khi
tÝnh to¸n khèi l-îng ®Êt  sai dù to¸n, sai lÖch trong tæ chøc thi c«ng.
Earth work projects normally have big sizes and have three dimensions, such as Dyke,
dam, road base. So, if the sizes are incorrectly calculated, it will remarkably affect the soil
quantity and cause wrongs to the earth works estimates and construction management.
- Mçi d¹ng c«ng tr×nh ®Êt kh¸c nhau sÏ cã c¸ch x¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc kh¸c nhau. Trong bµi
nµy, ta sÏ x¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc cña mét sè d¹ng c«ng tr×nh th-êng gÆp.
Different earth work projects have different methods of size calculation. In this session, we
will calculate the sizes of common projects.

1.2. KÝch th-íc mét sè c«ng tr×nh th-êng gÆp/ Sizes of some common projects

1.2.1. Víi c¸c c«ng tr×nh ch¹y dµi/ Long-running shape projects (Trench
KÝch th-íc nÒn ®-êng, kªnh m-¬ng, hÖ thèng ®ª ®iÒu: §Ó tÝnh to¸n khèi l-îng c«ng t¸c
®Êt ng-êi ta chia c«ng tr×nh thµnh nhiÒu ®o¹n, mçi ®o¹n n»m gi÷a 2 mÆt c¾t cã tiÕt diÖn ngang
F1,F2, thÓ tÝch cña mçi ®o¹n lµ Vi th× tæng c¸c Vi sÏ lµ thÓ tÝch cña c«ng tr×nh ch¹y dµi. §Ó tÝnh c¸c
thÓ tÝch ®Êt Vi th× ta ph¶i x¸c ®Þnh diÖn tÝch mÆt c¾t ngang.

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Dimensions of road base, canal, dyke and dam: To calculate the earth-work volume, the
project is devided in parts, each part is laid between the 2 sections F1,F2, volume of each part is Vi,
then the sum of Vi is the total volume of the long-running shape project. To calculate the soil
volume Vi, the area of the section cuts are required to be calculated first.

VD: §Ó tÝnh to¸n khèi l-îng c«ng t¸c ®Êt cña mét con kªnh cã chiÒu dµi L, mÆt c¾t ngang
nh- h×nh vÏ 3/ To calculate the earth work quantity for a canal with L length, its section is
reflected in Picture 3:
 KÝch th-íc ®¸y d-íi m-¬ng/ Size of the canal bottom: b
 ChiÒu dµi kªnh/ Length of canal: L
 ChiÒu cao ®µo ®Êt lµ h ( cèt ®Êt tù nhiªn vµ cèt ®¸y mãng lÊy ë b¶n vÏ kü thuËt)
Depth of soil excavation: h (natural elevation of the ground and elevation of the
bottom of the pit can be obtained from design drawings).
 HÖ sè m¸i dèc/ Slope factor: m

mh b

H×nh 2. Khèi l-îng c«ng tr×nh ®Êt TH cèt ®Êt tù nhiªn t-¬ng ®èi b»ng ph¼ng

Picture 3. Quantity of earth work projects with flat surfaces

Nh- vËy, bÒ réng c¹nh trªn cña hè ®µo trong tr-êng hîp cèt ®Êt tù nhiªn t-¬ng ®èi ph¼ng/
The width of the top side of the pit is relatively flat (flat surfaces):
a = b + 2mh
NÕu cèt ®Êt t¹i vÞ trÝ ®µo, ®¾p c«ng tr×nh ch¹y dµi, kh«ng b»ng ph¼ng th× cã thÓ x¸c ®Þnh
c¸c diÖn tÝch mÆt c¾t ngang nh- sau/ If the soil surface at the location of the long-running shape
project is not flat, the area of section is calculated as below:


mh 1 b mh2
mh1+ b + mh2

H×nh 3. Cèt ®Êt kh«ng b»ng nhau, mÆt ®¸t kh«ng b»ng ph¼ng/ Picture 4. Unflat soil surface

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F = FABCD – (F1 + F2)

 h  h2    mh12  mh22

F =  1 b  mh1  mh  
2  

 2    2 
- Khi ®µo mét hè mãng c«ng tr×nh, lo¹i ®Êt vµ chiÒu s©u hè ¶nh h-ëng tíi hÖ sè m¸i dèc cña
When excavating a foundation, the soil grade and the pit depth affect the sliding plane
factor of the pit.

- ChiÒu réng ®¸y mãng b¨ng, mãng ®éc lËp tèi thiÓu ph¶i b»ng kÝch th-íc ®¸y mãng céng
0,1m bª t«ng lãt vÒ 2 phÝa, kho¶ng c¸ch ®Ó ®Æt v¸n khu«n vµ neo gi»ng, t¨ng thªm 0,2m
(TCVN 4447-1987, môc 3.9).
The width of the spread foundation or isolated foundation is at least relative to the sum of
the foundation bottom and 0.1m of lean concrete at both sides - the distance to place
formwork and bracing anchor system, add 0.2m (TCVN 4447-1987, item 3.9)
- Trong tr-êng hîp cÇn thiÕt cã c«ng nh©n lµm viÖc d-íi ®¸y mãng th× kho¶ng c¸ch tèi thiÓu
gi÷a kÕt cÊu mãng vµ v¸ch hè mãng ph¶i lín h¬n 0,7m.
In the cases where workers are required to work at the foundation bottom, the minimum
distance between the foundation structure and the foundation wall is > 0.7m

- NÕu hè mãng cã m¸i dèc th× kho¶ng c¸ch gi÷a ch©n m¸i dèc vµ ch©n kÕt cÊu mãng Ýt nhÊt
ph¶i lµ 0,3m.
If the foundation has sliding plane, the distance between the foot of sliding plane and the
foot of foundation structure is 0.3m at least.
- NÕu hè mãng lín vµ rÊt lín, thi c«ng b»ng m¸y th× kho¶ng l-u th«ng ph¶i lÊy réng h¬n
kÝch th-íc c«ng tr×nh tõ (1 – 1,5m)
If the foundation is big, construction is performed by machine, the circulation road should
be larger than the structure size from 1 – 1,5m

VÝ dô/ Example: X¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc hè ®µo cho mét c«ng tr×nh cã ®¸y F = a.b vµ chiÒu s©u ®¸y
hè mãng lµ h/ Calculate the size for the excavation pit of a project where the bottom area F = a.b
and the depth of the foundation bottom is h.
C¨n cø vµo cÊp ®Êt vµ chiÒu s©u hè mãng ta x¸c ®Þnh ®-îc hÖ sè m¸i dèc/ Based on the soil
grade and the foundation depth, the slope factor is calculated as below:
 ChiÒu s©u hè ®µo ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh:
H = h + hbt lãt
h lµ chiÒu s©u ch«n mãng theo thiÕt kÕ/ the depth of foundation as design
hbt lãt là chiều sâu lớp bê tông lót/ the height of the layer of lean concrete

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 X¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc ®¸y hè ®µo/ Calculate the size of the pit bottom:

100 100

a1 am a1

H×nh 4. X¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc hè ®µo mãng ®¬n

Picture 5. Calculate the size of isolated foundation

a = am + 2a1 + 0,2
b = bm + 2a1 + 0,2
Trong ®ã/ in which:
am, bm lµ kÝch th-íc hè mãng; a1 lµ kho¶ng c¸ch thi c«ng - kho¶ng l-u kh«ng;
0,2m lµ phÇn bª t«ng lãt ®æ réng h¬n ®¸y mãng vÒ hai phÝa.
am, bm: size of foundation; a1: clearance spaces; 0,2m is the lean concrete poured
larger than the foundation bottom towards the two sides.
 X¸c ®Þnh kÝch th-íc miÖng hè ®µo/ The size of the opening is calculated:
A = a + 2m (H+h1)
B = b + 2m (H+h1)

4. Ph-¬ng ph¸p tÝnh/ Methods of calculation

- Dùa vµo c¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p tÝnh thÓ tÝch cña h×nh häc kh«ng gian.
Based on the methods of volume calculation of solid geometry.
- Khi c«ng tr×nh cã h×nh d¸ng ®óng víi c¸c h×nh th«ng th-êng nh- h×nh trô, h×nh hép, h×nh
nãn... th× chØ cÇn ¸p dông nh÷ng c«ng thøc s½n cã ®Ó tÝnh.
If the project shape is similar to the common geometrical shape such as cylinder,
parallelepiped, cones, etc., the available formulas for calculating those shapes can be used

- Víi nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh cã h×nh d¸ng phøc t¹p, ta ph¶i dïng ph-¬ng ph¸p tÝnh gÇn ®óng, sao
cho sai sè n»m trong ph¹m vi cho phÐp. §Ó n©ng cao ®é chÝnh x¸c, ta ph¶i chia lµm nhiÒu
h×nh khèi råi tæng céng lại
If the project shape is complex, using approximation for the calculation which allows
tolerances in the calculation as long as the tolerances are within the allowable limits. For
better accuracy, the project should be divided into different parts and the final calculation
is the sum of all parts.

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Unit 5. Calculation of block shape earth-work projects

1. C¸c d¹ng h×nh khèi th-êng gÆp (hè mãng, khèi ®Êt ®¨p)/ Common shapes
(foundation pit, filling)

H×nh 5. Hè mãng, khèi ®Êt ®¾p/ Picture 6. Foundation pit, filling

2. C«ng thøc tÝnh/ Formula

V4 V4
a' d' v3

V1 d

b' c'
v2 V4

B c

H×nh 6. Hè mãng/ Picture 7. Foundation pit

- TiÕn hµnh ®o vÏ c¸c kÝch th-íc.

Calculate the sizes of the earthwork projects

- Tõ 4 ®Ønh ®¸y nhá, dùng 4 ®-êng vu«ng gãc víi ®¸y lớn, c¾t ®¸y trªn t¹i (A', B', C', D').
Erect 4 perpendicular lines from the 4 points of the smaller surface to the large surface,
contacting the larger surface at (A', B', C', D').
- Qua c¸c c¹nh ë ®¸y nhá, dùng 4 mÆt ph¼ng vu«ng gãc víi ®¸y trªn: 4 mÆt ph¼ng chia h×nh
khèi lµm 9 khèi nhá.
Erect 4 perpendicular planes to the larger surface through the sides of the smaller surface :
4 planes divide the block into 9 smaller blocks.

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Ta thÊy/ It is seen that:

V = V1 + 2.V2 + 2.V3 + 4.V4
1  d b 
V2  a H
Trong ®ã / Legend: V1 = a.b.H 2  2 

1 ca 1  c  a  d  b 
V3  b H V4    H
2  2  3  2  2 

- NÕu cao tr×nh cña c¸c khèi ®Êt ®µo V1, V2, V3, V4 kh«ng b»ng nhau th× nªn tÝnh riªng
tõng khèi, cao tr×nh cña c¸c khèi lÊy gÇn ®óng b»ng c¸ch tÝnh trung b×nh céng c¸c ®Ønh cña
khèi thÓ tÝch/ If the height of the blocks V1, V2, V3, V4 are not the same, calculations of
single blocks are suggested, the heights of blocks are relatively similar to the average sum
of the heights of all parts or blocks. The total volume

i 1

Tõ ®ã, suy ra/ Then, find out:

ab  a  c (d  b)  cd 
Trong ®ã/ legend:
a,b - chiÒu dµi, réng cña ®¸y d-íi hè mãng/ length and width of the smaller
surface of foundation
c,d - chiÒu dµi, réng cña ®¸y trªn hè mãng/ length and width of the larger surface
of foundation
H - chiÒu cao hè mãng/ height of the foundation
- C«ng thøc trªn cµng chÝnh x¸c khi 2 ®¸y hè cµng song song nhau.
The above formula is more accurate if 2 surfaces are parallel.

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Unit 6 - Calculation of Long-running shape earth work projects

Th-êng ¸p dông cho nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh cã c¹nh thø ba lín h¬n hai c¹nh cßn l¹i nhiÒu lÇn
nh- nÒn ®-êng, ®ª, ®Ëp...
Commonly apply for projects where the 3rd side is much bigger than the other two
remaining sides like: road base, dyke, dam, etc.

1. Ph-¬ng ph¸p tÝnh/ Methods of calculation

- Do mÆt ®Êt tù nhiªn kh«ng b»ng ph¼ng nªn chiÒu cao cña c«ng tr×nh lu«n thay ®æi. Do ®ã,
®Ó tÝnh chÝnh x¸c khèi l-îng ®Êt, ta chia c«ng tr×nh thµnh nh÷ng ®o¹n mµ chiÒu cao trong
mçi ®o¹n ®ã thay ®æi kh«ng ®¸ng kÓ
Because the natural soil surface is not flat, so the height of earth work project might vary.
Therefore, to correctly calculate the soil quantity volume, we devide the project into parts
where the heights do not vary significantly.
- Ta tÝnh thÓ tÝch Vi cña mçi ®o¹n/ Calculate volume Vi of each section
- Khèi l-îng thÓ tÝch ®Êt/ Soil volume:
V  Vi
i 1

- Chia cµng nhá th× kÕt qu¶ cµng chÝnh x¸c.

The smaller the earth work project is devided into parts, the more accurate the result of
A' b B'

h3 H2 h4

D' C'

 


h1 H1 h2

F C1 E
 D1 

H×nh 7. C«ng tr×nh ®Êt ch¹y dµi/ Picture 8. Long-running shape earth work project
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2. C«ng thøc tÝnh gÇn ®óng/ Approximation calculation

F1  F2
V1  l
V2 = Ftb.l
Trong ®ã/legend:
F1: diÖn tÝch tiÕt diÖn tr-íc/ Front area
F2: diÖn tÝch tiÕt diÖn sau/ Back area
L: chiÒu dµi h×nh khèi/ length of the earth work project
Ftb: diÖn tÝch tiÕt diÖn trung b×nh/ average area
ThÓ tÝch ®óng V thường/ The accurate volume: V1 > V > V2

§iÒu kiÖn ¸p dông c«ng thøc/ Conditions for application of the fomular:
h1  h2
- Gäi h1, h2 lµ ®é cao tr¾c ngang c«ng tr×nh cña mÆt c¾t giíi h¹n tr-íc F1, ®Æt H 1 
h1  h2
Assume h1, h2 are the heights of Front area F1 => H 1 
h3  h4
- Gäi h3, h4 lµ ®é cao tr¾c ngang c«ng tr×nh cña mÆt c¾t giíi h¹n sau F2, ®Æt H 2 
h3  h4
Assume h3, h4 are the heights of Back area F2 => H 2 
 C«ng thøc nµy chØ nªn ¸p dông khi/ This formula should be applided only when
l < 50m and |H1 – H2|  0,5m.

3. C«ng thøc cã ®é chÝnh x¸c lín h¬n/ Accurate calculation

- Tr-ît tiÕt diÖn bÐ A' B' C' D' chång lªn tiÕt diÖn lín, ta ®îc 4 ®iÓm A, B, C, D.
Slide the smaller area A' B' C' D' to match to the bigger area => A, B, C, D.
- Tõ C, D, h¹ 2 ®-êng vu«ng gãc xuèng mÆt ph¼ng ®¸y C' D' E F.
From C, D, erect 2 perpendicular lines to the bottom surface C' D' E F => C1 & D1.

- Khi ®ã, ta cã 3 khèi víi thÓ tÝch V1, V2, vµ V1 ë gi÷a.

Then, we have 3 volumes V1, V2, and V1 in the middle.
V = V1 + V2 + V1
Tõ h×nh vÏ, ta thÊy/ From the picture, we have:

V1 
F1  1   2   F2 .l
Trong ®ã/legend:
1, 2: diÖn tÝch ®¸y tam gi¸c cña khèi chãp/ area of the triangle bottom of the cones
F1, F2: diÖn tÝch 2 mÆt c¾t giíi h¹n c«ng tr×nh/ The accurate volume
l: chiÒu dµi c«ng tr×nh/ Length of earthwork part or project
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1 1
V1  1l V 2   2l
3 3

F1  1   2  F2  l  1  l  1  l
1 2
2 3 3
F1  F2  l  1 
V 1   2 l
2 6
- Khi ®é nghiªng cña m¸i dèc kh«ng lín, ®é tho¶i hai bªn s-ên c«ng tr×nh m=m1= m2, ta cã
thÓ chÊp nhËn sai sè: 1= 2 = 
If the slope is not much of slope, the two sides of the project have slope m=m1= m2, we can
accept the tolerance: 1= 2 = 

1   2 
h  h'h  h'm  1 h  h'2 m
2 2
Trong đó/ In which:
h1  h2 h h  F1  F2  1 2 
h h'  3 4 V   l  h  h' m.l
2 2  2 6 
- Ta thÊy c«ng thøc trªn ®· t¨ng ®-îc ®é chÝnh x¸c cña gi¸ trÞ V/ The above formula can
provide more accuracy of V.
- Th-êng ¸p dông khi L > 50m, |h - h'| > 0,5m/ Common applicable when L > 50m, |h - h'| >

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Chapter 3 – Preparation works for the underground construction

Néi dung ch-¬ng 3/ Contents:

Bµi 7 – Gi¶i phãng mÆt b»ng, tiªu n-íc lé thiªn

Unit 7 – Site clearance, surface dewatering
Bµi 8 – H¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm
Unit 8 –Underground water lowering
Bµi 9 – C¾m trôc ®Þnh vÞ, gi¸c mãng c«ng tr×nh
Unit 9 – Benchmarkings

Bµi 10 – Chèng v¸ch ®Êt (trong tr-êng hîp hè ®µo n«ng hÑp).
Unit 10 – Shoring & shielding for protecting excavation

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Unit 7 – Site Preparation works for construction
1. Gi¶i phãng mÆt b»ng/ Site clearance

Bao gåm c¸c c«ng viÖc sau: ph¸ dì c«ng tr×nh cò (kh«ng sö dông n÷a), chÆt h¹ c©y cèi
v-íng vµo c«ng tr×nh, di chuyÓn må m¶, xö lý hÖ th¶m thùc vËt thÊp, dän s¹ch ch-íng ng¹i vËt...
Includes the following works: demolish old buildings (no more use), clear or cut down the
trees, move the tombs, treat the floristic composition, clear all the obstructions.
- Ph¸ dì c«ng tr×nh cò/ Demolish old buildings:
 Tr-íc khi ph¸ dì, xem nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh nµo cã thÓ tËn dông ®Ó lµm l¸n tr¹i cho c«ng
Before demolishing, check if any old buildings can be re-used as temporary office or
housing for workers.
 NÕu c«ng tr×nh cò ph¶i ph¸ dì th× cÇn lËp biÖn ph¸p an toµn khi ph¸ dì vµ ph¶i tiÕt
kiÖm vËt liÖu.
If the old buildings need to be demolished, a safety method for the destruction needs
to be prepared (materials saving is recommended).
- Khi di chuyÓn må m¶, ph¶i th«ng b¸o cho ng-êi cã må m¶ ®-îc biÕt, lËp c¸c biªn b¶n di
chuyÓn må m¶, thùc hiÖn tèt nh÷ng qui ®Þnh vÒ vÖ sinh m«i tr-êng.
Before moving the tombs, inform the relevant organizations and authorities, prepare the
report and comply with all environment regulations.
- L-u ý tíi nguån ®iÖn, n-íc phôc vô cho c«ng tr×nh.
Pay attention to the power and water supply for the project.
- Xö lý hÖ th¶m thùc vËt thÊp cã thÓ dïng søc ng-êi hoÆc dïng m¸y ñi.
Floristic composition may be treated by either manual method or bulldozers

- ViÖc ®µo bá rÔ c©y tïy thuéc vµo cÊu t¹o hÖ mãng, nÕu rÔ c©y kh«ng n»m trong khu vùc
mãng vµ khi nÒn ®¾p cao tõ 1m tíi 2,5m th× kh«ng cÇn ph¶i nhæ gèc c©y, nh-ng ph¶i c-a
chóng s¸t mÆt ®Êt, nÕu nÒn ®¾p cao h¬n n÷a th× cã thÓ ®Ó nguyªn c¸c gèc c©y khi c¸c gèc
c©y ®ã kh«ng cao qu¸ 0,2m.
Removal of tree roots depends on the foundation composition. If the root is not located in
the foundation area, and if the embankment or filling is from 1m - 2.5m, then it is not
necessary to remove the root, but to cut it close to the ground. If the embankment is higher,
the root may be remained un-touch but should not exceed 0.2m high.
- Víi c¸c gèc c©y qu¸ to víi ®-êng kÝnh trªn 50cm th× biÖn ph¸p ®¸nh gèc c©y nhanh nhÊt lµ
næ m×n.
If the tree root is too big (diameter > 50cm), the fastest removal method is mine explosion.

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- §¸ må c«i trªn vÞ trÝ c«ng tr-êng cÇn ph¸ bá hoÆc di chuyÓn.

Big stones in the site must be removed or destroyed.
- Bµn giao mèc giíi.
Hand-over the benchmarks
 LËp biªn b¶n, ghi râ ngµy, th¸ng, n¨m, vÞ trÝ c¸c mèc giíi bµn giao.
Prepare the minutes with date/month/year and locations of benchmarks.
 DÉn mèc giíi tíi nh÷ng vÞ trÝ æn ®Þnh xung quanh c«ng tr-êng vµ ph¶i cã rµo ch¾n
b¶o vÖ.
Transfer new benchmarks to stable and safe locations around the site and be
protected with hedging.

2. Tiªu n-íc bÒ mÆt khu vùc thi c«ng/ Surface dewatering on the construction site

2.1. Kh¸i niÖm/ Definition

- Tiªu n-íc bÒ mÆt c«ng tr×nh lµ kh«ng ®Ó cho mÆt b»ng thi c«ng bÞ ngËp óng, xãi lë lµm
mÊt tÝnh chÊt cña ®Êt nÒn.
Surface dewatering on the site plan aims to avoid flood on the site and soil erosion that can
damage the soil bases.
- Y nghÜa: Víi nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh ë trong vïng ®Êt tròng, mçi khi m-a lín th-êng bÞ ngËp
n-íc, g©y ø ®äng lµm c¶n trë ®Õn viÖc thi c«ng ®µo ®¾p ®Êt. Cã thÓ lµm ®Êt nÒn mÊt ®i tÝnh
chÊt vèn cã. Chi phÝ ®Ó sö lý khi ®Êt xÊu rÊt tèn. Do ®ã viÖc tiªu n-íc bÒ mÆt lµ hÕt søc cÇn
Significant: Projects located in the low-ground areas are normally flooded if it rains hard.
That causes much hinderance to the earth works, decrease the soil quality. It is also more
costly to treat soil of poor quality. Therefore, surface dewatering is much necessary.

2.2. §iÒu kiÖn vµ yªu cÇu chung/ Conditions and general requirements

- Tèc ®é ch¶y cña n-íc trong hÖt hèng m-¬ng r·nh tiªu n-íc kh«ng ®-îc v-ît qu¸ tèc ®é
g©y xãi lë ®èi víi tõng lo¹i ®Êt
Flowing speed of water in dewatering system should not be faster than the erosion speed of
each soil grade/soil type.
- §é dèc theo chiÒu n-íc ch¶y cña m-¬ng r·nh tiªu n-íc kh«ng ®-îc nhá h¬n 0,003; nÕu ë
thÒm s«ng vµ vïng ®Çm lÇy, ®é dèc cã thÓ gi¶m xuèng 0,001; nÕu ë c¸c tr-êng hîp ®Æc
biÖt cã thÓ lÊy 0,002.
The slope of drain trench should be ≥ 0.003 ; the slope at river bench or swampy areas can
be lower down to 0.001 ; in some special cases, the slope is 0,002.

- N-íc tõ hÖ thèng tiªu n-íc, tõ b·i tr÷ ®Êt vµ má vËt liÖu tho¸t ra ph¶i ®¶m b¶o tho¸t nhanh,
nh-ng ph¶i tr¸nh xa nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh s½n cã hoÆc ®ang x©y dùng. Kh«ng ®-îc lµm ngËp
óng, xãi lë ®Êt. NÕu kh«ng cã ®iÒu kÞªn dÉn n-íc tù ch¶y th× ph¶i ®Æt tr¹m b¬m tiªu n-íc.

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Water from the drainage system, soil pile and material mines should be fast dewatered and
be far from the available buildings or on-going buildings. If the drains are not available, it
is required to provide water pumping stations.

2.3. BiÖn ph¸p/ Methods

Tuú tõng ®Þa h×nh vµ tÝnh chÊt cña c«ng tr×nh mµ cã c¸c biÖn ph¸p
Depends on terrain and natures of buildings, there are some methods

2.4. Lµm c¸c m-¬ng r·nh tho¸t n-íc, ®¾p c¸c con tr¹ch ch¾n n-íc/ Provide the drains
and embankment to hinder water

- Ng¨n n-íc m-a trªn bÒ mÆt: §µo nh÷ng r·nh ng¨n n-íc m-a vÒ phÝa ®Êt cao, hoÆc ®µo
r·nh ®Ó ®¾p thµnh con tr¹ch, be bê ng¨n n-íc (r·nh nµy sÏ thu n-íc trªn mÆt trµn xuèng vµ
dÉn ®i n¬i kh¸c). KÝch th-íc r·nh ®-îc tÝnh to¸n theo tÝnh to¸n thñy lùc vµ phô thuéc vµo
bÒ mÆt l-u vùc.
Dewatering for ground surface: Excavate the drains or provide the embankment to hinder
water on surface. The size of drain depends on hydraulic power of the water and the
terrains of the area.

drains / trenches


drains / trenches


H×nh 8. R·nh ng¨n n-íc m-a trªn bÒ mÆt/ Picture 9. Drains for surface dewatering

2.5. §µo r·nh lé thiªn/ Exposed drain

- Áp dông/ Applicable:
 §èi víi nh÷ng hè ®µo lín,chiÒu s©u hè nhá/ For big excavation pit or pit with
narrow depth
 MÆt b»ng réng/ Large site
 L-u l-îng n-íc kh«ng lín/ Water volume is not big
 Thêi gian thi c«ng mãng nhanh/ Foundation construction time is short
- §µo r·nh tho¸t n-íc lé thiªn cã thÓ réng tõ 0,6 - 0,8m, s©u tõ 0,8 - 1m. N-íc trong r·nh
®-îc thu vÒ mét hè thu 1,5 x 1,5m, h = 1,5 – 3m.
The exposed drain is 0,6 - 0,8m wide, 0,8 - 1m deep. Water in drain is collected into a
collection basin 1,5 x 1,5m, h = 1,5 – 3m.
- Dïng cõ ®ãng xung quanh hè ®µo ®Ó gi÷ t-êng hè ®µo.
Install sheet pilings around the collection basin to protect it.

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- §¸y hè thu ®æ c¸t h¹t to, sái nhá.

Pour coarse sand and small gravels into the basin/pit bottom (filter layer).


i i

2 3

H×nh 9. HÖ thèng tho¸t n-íc mÆt cho hè mãng

Picture 10. Exposed drains in surface dewatering for foundation pit

1- Drains 2- Water collection basin 3- Pump station
- Nh-îc ®iÓm: ¶nh h-ëng mÆt b»ng thi c«ng, dÔ sôt lë hè ®µo
Disadvantages: may affect the construction site or cause landslide.

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Unit 8. Lower the underground water
1. Y nghÜa/ Purposes

- Khi ®µo hè mãng mµ ®¸y hè mãng n»m d-íi mùc n-íc ngÇm cÇn thiÕt kÕ gi¶i ph¸p h¹
mùc n-íc ngÇm. V× khi tiÕn hµnh ®µo n-íc sÏ trµn vµo g©y sôp lë thµnh hè ®µo g©y khã
kh¨n cho thi c«ng ®Êt, ®Æc biÖt lµ trong tr-êng hîp ®µo thñ c«ng.
When excavating the pit for foundation, if the pit bottom is below the underground water
level, it is required to have solution to lower the underground water level. Because of water
will flow and damage the pit walls while excavating and cause difficulty for earth works,
especially in the case of manual excavation.
- Chó ý: ViÖc h¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm ph¶i ®-îc tiÕn hµnh cho ®Õn khi bª t«ng ®¹t mét c-êng ®é
Rn = 24kG/cm2 ®Ó tr¸nh n-íc ngÇm x©m nhËp vµo bª t«ng ph¸ háng tÝnh chÊt bª t«ng vµ
cã thÓ lµm ¨n mßn cèt thÐp.
Note: Water level lowering must be continued until the concrete reaches reinforcement Rn
= 24kG/cm2 to avoid underground water absorb into concrete and damage concrete quality
and rebar.
- H¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm lµ lµm cho n-íc ngÇm h¹ thÊp côc bé ë mét vÞ trÝ c¸ch mÆt mãng a =
0,5 – 1m b»ng ph-¬ng ph¸p nh©n t¹o.
This method is to make water level to be lower down approximately 0.5m to 1m from the
foundation surface locally at one location.
3 2 2

water table before lowing


H water table after lowring

H×nh 10. H¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm/ Picture 11. Lower the underground water level

- Khi thi c«ng ®Êt, ngoµi líp ®Êt n»m d-íi mùc n-íc ngÇm bÞ b·o hoµ n-íc, cßn ph¶i chó ý
®Õn líp ®Êt -ít trªn mùc n-íc ngÇm do hiÖn t-îng mao dÉn. ChiÒu dµy líp ®Êt -ít nµy
®-îc cho trong b¶ng sau:
In earthwork construction, a part from paying attention to the soil layer below the
underground water level, it is also required to pay attention to the soil layer which is above

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the underground water level caused by the capillatary. The thickness of the humid soil
layer is reflected in the following table:
Lo¹i ®Êt ChiÒu dµy líp ®Êt -íc n»m trªn mùc n-íc
Soil type ngÇm / Soil layer thickness above water level
C¸t th«, c¸t h¹t trung vµ c¸t h¹t nhá 0,3
Coarse sand, medium sand and fine sand
C¸t mÞn vµ ®Êt c¸t pha 0,5
Fine sand and sandy soil
§Êt sÐt pha, ®Êt sÐt vµ hoµng thæ 0,1
Soil with mixed clay and loess

2. C¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p h¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm/ Methods of lowering underground water

2.1. §µo r·nh ngÇm/ Underground drains

- Xung quanh khu vùc cÇn h¹ MNN, ®µo hÖ thèng r·nh ngÇm, s©u 0,8 - 1m.; i = 0,03 – 0,04
Excavate the underground drains of 0,8 - 1m deep.; slope factor i = 0,03 – 0,04 around
the area needed to be treated with underground water lowering.

- §¸y r·nh lµ líp dÔ thÊm : 50% c¸t h¹t to + 50% sái nhá.
The bottom of the drains is an easy-to-absorb water layer: 50% coarse sand + 50% small
bottom of pit


coarse sand & gravels

H×nh 11. CÊu t¹o r·nh ngÇm/ Picture 12. Composition of underground drains

- PhÝa trªn dïng c¸c vÇng cá ®¸nh máng ®Ó gi÷ cho n-íc phÝa trªn k thÊm vµo líp dÔ thÊm
Use the thin grass layers to hinder the top water layer absorbing into the drain bottom.
- Dïng ®Êt sÐt trªn cïng ®Ó kh«ng cho ®Êt r¬i vµo r·nh.
Use clay on the top layer to hinder soil falling into drains.
- N-íc hai bªn thÊm vµo r·nh, theo nh÷ng líp dÉn n-íc ch¶y vµo hè thu vµ ®-îc b¬m ra
ngoµi c«ng tr×nh.
Water of both sides absorb into drains and flows into the collection basin/pit and is
pumped out of the excavation pit
- Áp dông khi l-u l-îng n-íc nhá, thi c«ng mïa m-a.
Applicable if the water volume is limited, the construction in rainy season.

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2.2. Ph-¬ng ph¸p giÕng thÊm/ The Absorbing Wells method

Nguyªn lý: §µo nhiÒu giÕng xung quanh hè mãng. §é s©u cña giÕng Ên ®Þnh theo ®é cao
hót n-íc lªn cña m¸y b¬m vµ ®iÒu kiÖn ®¶m b¶o h¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm thÊp h¬n ®¸y hè mãng. Khi
®µo giÕng ®Ó tr¸nh ®Êt ë thµnh giÕng sôt lë ta dïng c¸c thïng gç ®Ó gi÷ v¸ch ®Êt. N-íc trong giÕng
®-îc ®-a ra ngoµi b»ng b¬m ly t©m.
Principle: Excavate some wells around the foundation. The depth of wells depends on the
intended elevation where water to be pumped up by pumps, and the condition that underground
water level is below the foundation pit bottom. To avoid landslide of wells during excavation,
materials like wood barrel is used to strengthen the pit walls. Water in wells is pumped out.


1: pump station
2: wood panels

H×nh 12. H¹ mùc n-íc ngÇm b»ng giÕng thÊm

Picture 13. Method of underground water lowering by wells

Áp dông : ¸p dông cho tr-êng hîp hè mãng nhá, hÖ sè thÊm k lín. ®é s©u h¹ mùc n-íc
ngÇm kh«ng qu¸ 4 – 5m, Do ®ã ph-¬ng ph¸p nµy thÝch hîp trong tr-êng hîp ®Êt h¹t th« cã hµm
l-îng sái, c¸t cao.
Applicable: for small foundation pit, the absorption factor k is big, the depth of water
lowering is ≤ 4 – 5m. This method is applicable in the case coarse soil consists of much gravels
and sand.

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Unit 9. Benchmarking, foundation layout.

§Ó ®-a c«ng tr×nh tõ b¶n vÏ thiÕt kÕ vµo ®óng vÞ trÝ cña nã trªn mÆt ®Êt, ta cÇn x¸c ®Þnh
tim, trôc, b×nh diÖn c«ng tr×nh trªn thùc ®Þa, bao gåm c¸c c«ng viÖc : c¾m trôc ®Þnh vÞ, gi¸c mãng
c«ng tr×nh.
To allocate a project from the design drawings to its location on site, we need to identify
the gridlines, dimensions of the building on site including benchmarking and foundation layout.
Tõ cäc mèc chuÈn, cao tr×nh chuÈn (®-îc bªn mêi thÇu bµn giao), dùa vµo b¶n vÏ thiÕt kÕ
mÆt b»ng ®Þnh vÞ, ta triÓn khai c¸c trôc cña c«ng tr×nh theo 2 ph-¬ng b»ng m¸y tr¾c ®¹c, th-íc
thÐp, ni v«, qu¶ däi, d©y thÐp.
Based on the national benchmarks and elevations (handed over by the project owner), the
drawings of location layout coordinates, we execute the grid lines into 2 directions using
surveying equipment such as theodolite.

1. C¾m trôc ®Þnh vÞ c«ng tr×nh/ Install the bench marks

1.1. Dïng cäc ®¬n/ Use single piles

- Mçi mét trôc ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh bëi 2 cäc (hay nhiÒu cäc tuú theo mÆt b»ng c«ng tr×nh) C¸c
cäc ®Þnh vÞ ®-îc bè trÝ sao cho dÔ nh×n thÊy, kh«ng ¶nh h-ëng ®Õn c«ng t¸c thi c«ng vµ
®-îc b¶o vÖ trong suèt thêi gian thi c«ng.
Each gridline is defined by 2 piles (or more depended on the building plan). The piles are
located where to be easy to see, and not affect to the construction works and are protected
during the construction duration.

- Cäc ®Þnh vÞ cã thÓ lµm b»ng gç víi tiÕt diÖn 40x40x1000 hay b»ng thÐp ®-êng kÝnh 20.
Benchmark piles may be made of either wood (40x40x1000) or steel (diameter 20).
small nail
small slot



wood pile rebar d=20

H×nh 13. C¾m trôc ®Þnh vÞ b»ng cäc ®¬n/ Picture 23. Benchmarking by single piles

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- ¦u ®iÓm/ Advantages:
 Í t v-íng trong qu¸ tr×nh thi c«ng
Almost causes no affect to the construction
 DÔ b¶o qu¶n
Easy for protection
- Nh-îc ®iÓm/ Disadvantages:
 Cäc dÔ bÞ ®ãng lÖch  tim trôc khã chÝnh x¸c
Piles may be inclined or out of alignment, the centre line is hard to define.
 Th-êng xuyªn kiÓm tra b»ng m¸y kinh vÜ trong qu¸ tr×nh ®ãng.
It is suggested for regular checking by theodolite during the pile installation.

1.2. Dïng gi¸ ngùa/ Use support system

- Gåm 2 cét gç vµ 1 tÊm v¸n ngang bµo ph¼ng ®-îc ®ãng vµo phÝa sau cña cét ( ®Ó khi c¨ng
d©y, v¸n kh«ng bÞ bËt khái cét ).
Support system consists of 2 wooden piles and 1 flat wood panel or plank to be added to
the back of the piles (to avoid the case that the planks may be casted out while tensioning
- Trªn tÊm v¸n bµo ph¼ng cã c¸c ®inh nhá - lµ vÞ trÝ ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh c¸c trôc ®Þnh vÞ.
Small nails are marked on the flat planks – to facilitate the benchmark line definition.

- Khi dïng gi¸ ngùa ®Ó lµm dÊu mét tim, trôc c«ng tr×nh  kho¶ng c¸ch gi÷a hai cét lµ l =
0,4 – 0,6m
When the support system is used as benchmarks for one building grid line, the distance
between two piles is l = 0,4 – 0,6m.

- Khi dïng ®Ó lµm dÊu nhiÒu tim, trôc c«ng tr×nh  ChiÒu dµi v¸n ngang phô thuéc vµo
kho¶ng c¸ch gi÷a hai tim (trôc) biªn.
When the support system is used as benchmark for more than one grid lines of the
building, the length of the flat planks will depend on the distance between the two
boundary lines.
- C¸c gi¸ ngùa th-êng ®-îc ®Æt c¸ch c¹nh ngoµi c«ng tr×nh (mÐp) tõ 1,5 - 2m ®Ó cho chóng
kh«ng c¶n trë ®Õn viÖc ®µo ®Êt vµ x©y mãng c«ng tr×nh.
The support systems are normally located outside the building (building edge) at approx.
1,5 - 2m so as not to affect the soil excavation and foundation construction.

- §Ó ®ãng c¸c ®inh trªn gi¸ ngùa ®-îc chÝnh x¸c, cÇn ph¶i ®o cÈn thËn kho¶ng 2 ®Õn 3 lÇn
råi v¹ch b»ng bót ch× lªn v¸n ngang råi ®ãng ®inh lµm dÊu.
To correctly hammer nails on the support system, it is suggested to carefully measure first,
then mark by pencils, and conclude with nails hammering.

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- ¦u ®iÓm/ Advantages:
 §Þnh vÞ c«ng tr×nh dÔ dµng vµ chÝnh x¸c.
Facilitate the benchmarking (to be correct and fast)
- Nh-îc ®iÓm/ Disadvantages:
 NÕu hÖ thèng gi¸ ngùa dµi sÏ g©y c¶n trë trong giao th«ng phôc vô thi c«ng.
If the support system is long, it may cause hindrance to transport serving the
construction activities.






H×nh 14. C¾m trôc ®Þnh vÞ b»ng gi¸ ngùa/ Picture 24. Benchmarking by support system

1.3. Khi nh÷ng c«ng tr×nh x©y chen/ In condensedly-constructed areas

- MÆt b»ng hÑp kh«ng dïng cäc ®¬n hay gi¸ ngùa ®-îc
Narrow plan hinders the single pile method and support system method
- §¸nh dÊu tim trôc lªn c¸c c«ng tr×nh l©n cËn
Mark the grid line on the surrounding buildings
- DÊu mèc tim trôc c«ng tr×nh ph¶i ®-îc s¬n râ rµng, t¹i vÞ trÝ dÔ quan s¸t, b¶o qu¶n.
The grid line mark must be clearly highlighted by paint (normally in red color).

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H×nh 15. §Þnh vÞ tim trôc lªn c¸c c«ng tr×nh l©n cËn

Picture 25. Benchmarking of gridlines on surrounding buildings

2. Gi¸c mãng c«ng tr×nh/ Foundation layout

- ChuÈn bÞ ®Çy ®ñ b¶n vÏ vµ c¸c dông cô cÇn thiÕt.

Prepare sufficiently the drawings and necessary tools
- Dùa vµo b¶n vÏ thiÕt kÕ mãng, tÝnh chÊt cña ®Êt ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh diÖn tÝch hè ®µo.
The excavation pit is defined based on the foundation design and soil characteristics

- KiÓm tra l¹i vÞ trÝ c¸c cäc mèc chuÈn (®· ®-îc bµn giao gi÷a bªn giao thÇu vµ bªn thi
c«ng). C¸c cäc mèc chuÈn th-êng ®-îc ®óc b»ng bª t«ng, ®Æt ë nh÷ng vÞ trÝ kh«ng v-íng
vµo c«ng tr×nh vµ ®-îc rµo kü ®Ó b¶o vÖ.
Re-check the official benchmark piles (that were handed over between the project owner
and the contractor). The official benchmark piles are normally made of casted concrete and
located at locations so as not to cause hindrances to building construction. Normally they
are secured by hedging.
- Tõ c¸c trôc ®Þnh vÞ triÓn khai c¸c ®-êng tim mãng.
From the benchmark, continue to layout gridlines.
- Tõ ®-êng tim ph¸t triÓn ra bèn ®Ønh cña hè ®µo.
From the centers of foundation, specify the edge of excavation edges
- Dïng v«i bét r¶i theo chu vi cña hè ®µo.
Use paints/ powder lime to mark the boundary lines of the excavation pit.

- T¹i mçi hè ®µo, hay nhiÒu hè gÇn nhau ph¶i cã mét cao ®é chuÈn ®Ó tiÖn kiÓm tra cao tr×nh
hè ®µo.
At each excavation pit or several pit located near each other, specify a standard/template
elevation to be used for checking elevations of the pit.

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Unit 10 - Protecting excavation by shoring and shielding

1. Ph¹m vi ¸p dông/ Application

CÇn ph¶i chèng v¸ch ®Êt trong nh÷ng tr-êng hîp sau/ Need to protect excavation on the
following conditions as follow:
- Khi c«ng tr×nh x©y chen, ph¶i ®µo hè mãng cã thµnh th¼ng ®øng.
At condensedly constructed areas, where excavations are performed vertically
- Khi hè ®µo cã chiÒu s©u lín mµ kh«ng thÓ më réng hè, ta cung ph¶i chèng v¸ch ®Êt (v× më
réng qu¸ sÏ ¶nh h-ëng tíi kinh tÕ khi ®µo vµ lÊp hè mãng)
Excavation depth is deep (Deep excavation) where widening the pit is not applicable or
- Mùc n-íc ngÇm cao h¬n chiÒu s©u ch«n mãng nªn khi ®µo ph¶i chèng v¸ch ®Êt.
Underground water elevation is at higher elevaton than that of the foundation pit
- Qui ph¹m qui ®Þnh nh÷ng tr-êng hîp cho phÐp ®µo th¼ng ®øng mµ kh«ng cÇn gia cè nh-
Allowable maximum height of excavation without protection per standard is as follows:
Lo¹i ®Êt / Soil type ChiÒu cao hè mãng / Depth of
excavation pit
§Êt c¸t lÉn sái s¹n / Sand Ht® ≤ 1m
mixed gravels
§Êt pha c¸t / Sandy soil Htd ≤ 1,25m
§Êt thÞt, ®Êt sÐt / Clayey soil, Htd ≤ 1,5m
§Êt thÞt hoÆc ®Êt sÐt ch¾c / Htd ≤ 2m
Mixed sand & clay, firm clay

- Cßn l¹i c¸c tr-êng hîp kh¸c ph¶i tÝnh to¸n/ others, have to design as follows:
 
1  2C 
H th    q
  o  
 K .tg  45  2  

Trong ®ã/ in which:

Ht® : chiÒu s©u tèi ®a cho phÐp ®µo th¼ng ®øng/ Maximum allowable depth (m)
γ: Träng l-îng riªng cña ®Êt/ Unit weight of soil (T/m3)
C: lùc dÝnh cña ®Êt/ Cohesive factor (T/m2)
φ: gãc ma s¸t trong cña ®Êt/ internal friction of the soil (®é/ degree)
K: hÖ sè an toµn/ Safety factor = 1,5 - 2
q: t¶i träng ®Ì trªn mÆt ®Êt/ Loading at the ground surface (T/m2)
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 NÕu H®µo  Htd th× kh«ng cÇn gia cè (chèng v¸ch).

If H®µo  Htd there is no need for protecting the excavation
 NÕu H®µo > Htd th× ph¶i gia cè hoÆc ®µo giËt cÊp.
If H®µo > Htd the excavation needs to be protected.

2. C¸c biÖn ph¸p chèng v¸ch ®Êt/ Method of excavation protections.

2.1. Chèng v¸ch b»ng v¸n ngang/ Lagging (Using horizontal timber planks)

- Áp dông khi ®µo r·nh s©u tõ 3 - 5m, ®Êt kh«ng cã hoÆc Ýt n-íc ngÇm, ®Êt cã ®é dÝnh kÕt
Applicable when the excavation height 3 - 5m deep, no or not much of underground water;
soils to have not much of cohesiveness
- ChuÈn bÞ/ Preparation:
 V¸n ®-îc sö dông ë ®©y lµ c¸c lo¹i tÊm v¸n th-êng cã chiÒu dÇy tõ 2 - 3cm,
réng tõ 20 - 25cm.
Timber planks 2 - 3cm thick, 20 - 25cm wide

 Cäc chèng lµ c¸c lo¹i gç thanh th-êng cã tiÕt diÖn 6x8cm, 8x10cm, 8x12cm.
Vertical wood piles (or studs / soldier beams): 6x8cm, 8x10cm, 8x12cm

 C¸c thanh v¨ng th-êng cã tiÕt diÖn 5x5cm, 6x6cm..., dµi h¬n kho¶ng c¸ch 2 nÑp
kho¶ng 2cm.
Cross braces: wood bars 5x5cm, 6x6cm
2 0.3m
wales or stringers

4 3-5m


a. Narrow foundation pit b. Wide foundation pit

H×nh 16.Chèng v¸ch ®Êt b»ng v¸n ngang/ Picture 26. Lagging

1- Horizontal wood planks 2- Vertical piles (studs / soldier beams) 3- Cross braces 4- Supports
5- Diagonal braces 6- Wales or stringers 7- Holding piles

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- Thi c«ng/ Construction:

 §µo hè mãng xuèng s©u tõ 0,5 - 1m, tïy theo tõng lo¹i ®Êt sao cho v¸ch ®Êt
kh«ng sôt lë.
Excavate the pit 0.5 - 1m depending on the soil types so as no landslide

 TiÕn hµnh chèng ®ì b»ng c¸ch Ðp s¸t c¸c m¶ng v¸n vµo 2 bªn v¸ch vµ ®ì b»ng
c¸c thanh chèng ngang (hè ®µo hÑp) hoÆc c¸c thanh chèng xiªn (hè ®µo réng).
Install lagging system by placing horizontal planks against the sides of the
excavation. Then install the cross braces of digonal braces

 Cø ®µo ®-îc 1 th©n v¸n th× ta h¹ v¸n vµ cäc chèng tíi ®ã vµ sö dông c¸c ®o¹n
nÑp ®øng t¹m thêi.
Excavate to a depth of one plank, then lower down wood planks further and use
temporary studs or soldier beams for temporary supports.

 Khi ®µo hÕt chiÒu s©u, ®Æt mét nÑp ®øng ch¹y suèt chiÒu s©u ë bªn c¹nh c¸c nÑp
t¹m thêi, råi chèng ngang b»ng c¸c thanh v¨ng, sau ®ã th¸o nh÷ng nÑp t¹m thêi
When complete the excavation to the full depth of the pit, install studs besides
temporary studs. Then install the cross braces and remove temporary supports.

 M¶ng v¸n trªn ph¶i cao h¬n mÆt ®Êt kho¶ng tõ 5 - 10cm ®Ó ng¨n kh«ng cho ®Êt
r¬i xuèng hè mãng.
The top planks should be higher than the ground surface from 5 - 10cm to
prevent soils to fall down to the excavation pit.

 Kho¶ng c¸ch c¸c cäc chèng cÇn ®-îc tÝnh to¸n sao cho c¸c tÊm v¸n ®ñ kh¶
n¨ng chÞu ®-îc ¸p lùc ®Êt.
Distances of the studs should be calculated so as they can bear the lateral
loading of the soils.

2.2. Chèng v¸ch b»ng v¸n däc/ Shoring (Using vertical wood planks)

- Áp dông: khi ®Êt Èm -ít, cã bïn hay c¸t ch¶y, ®é s©u ®µo tõ 2 - 4m
Applicable: humid soils, existance of mud or running sand; excavation depth 2 - 4m
- ChuÈn bÞ/ Preparation: nh- trªn/ The same with lagging
- Thi c«ng/ Construction
 V¸n ®-îc ®ãng xung quanh thµnh hè ®µo.
Vertical timber planks are installed around the pit

 §µo ®Êt ®Õn ®©u, ®ãng v¸n tíi ®ã vµ dïng c¸c nÑp ngang ®Ó liªn kÕt, sau ®ã
®ãng c¸c thanh v¨ng liªn kÕt ngang.
Excavating while installing wood planks. Then use wales or stringers for
connecting wood planks. Last, install cross braces.

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 §Ó cho c¸c nÑp ngang khái r¬i khi liªn kÕt, sö dông c¸c ®o¹n gç ®ì.
Using wood supports to support wales

 NÕu hè s©u ph¶i dïng nhiÒu tÇng v¸n däc.

If the pit is too deep, use multiple layer of planks.


H×nh 17. Chèng v¸ch ®Êt b»ng v¸n däc/ Picture 27: Shoring

1- Vertical wood planks 2- Wales or stringers

3- Cross braces 4- Wood supports

2.3. Chèng v¸ch b»ng thanh gi»ng/ Using tie bars

- Áp dông khi chiÒu s©u hè ®µo > 2m, chiÒu réng hè ®µo qu¸ lín. Xung quanh hè ®µo cßn ®Êt
Applicable when the excavation depth >2m with wide excavation. There are available
spaces around (opening area)


3 h
1 - V¸n/ Wood planks B> g
2- Cäc ®øng/ Vertical piles (studs
or soldier beams) potential slide area

3 - Cäc gi÷/ Holding piles

4 - Thanh gi»ng/ Tie bars 


H×nh 18.Chèng v¸ch ®Êt b»ng thanh gi»ng/ Picture 28. Using tie bars

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- ChuÈn bÞ/ Preparation

 X¸c ®Þnh ph¹m vi gãc néi ma s¸t 
Specify the internal friction angle
H: ChiÒu s©u ch«n mãng/ Foundation depth
B: Kho¶ng c¸ch tõ mÐp hè mãng ®Õn cäc gi÷ Distance from edge of the excavation pit to
holding piles
- Thi c«ng/ Construction:
 TiÕn hµnh ®µo mãng v¸ chèng ®ì v¸n nh- chèng ®ì v¸n ngang
Excavating while installing support system in the same way as lagging

 Khi ®· ®¹t ®é s©u thiÕt kÕ, ®ãng cäc ®øng s¸t hai v¸ch v¸n, s©u xuèng ®Êt
kho¶ng 0,7– 1m
When reaching the design depth, install stubs down to the earth 0.7 - 1m

 §ãng cäc gi÷ theo kho¶ng c¸ch B

Install hold piles at distance B

 Gi»ng cäc ®øng vµo cäc gi÷ b»ng thanh gi»ng.

Install tie bars to holding piles

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