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When Mahdi Appears

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibandi, Sohbat from 1900.

Rub' Al-Khali, no one can walk on that place. No animals, cars, anything that steps, comes down. This
quick sand there is. no one can pass through. And it is well known now in Saudi Arabia, that place, well
known also in Taif, in Ryad. There is a way, they are saying "Mahdi's way." It is forbidden for all people in
general to reach that place, only Awliyas' whom they are in action now for Ummah in East & West. They
have to be there. And Sayidina Al Mahdi (as), he is waiting only command of Allah Almighty to appear.
And when he will appear he will be in Damascus.

At the buildings that you are coming entering Dara'a entering Qadar, there is Qadar, near from South.
Entering Sham, he will be there with Takbir. When he has been ordered to appear, when he will say
Takbir "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" The first time of his appearance so that will be every
arms, guns, will stop immediately after his Takbir! No more, anyone can use their weapons, arms, anything
- It is stopped by the order of Allah Almighty. And the second Takbir, Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu
Akbar! he gives the real taste of power in the hearts of every mu'min, so that they may be ready for Jihad fi
Sabilillah/for Allah's sake. Even one thousand person from kuffar, (unbelievers) rushing on one person, he
will rush on them with no fear at all in his heart. Thirdly he will say Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu
Akbar! Then with the third Takbir, Allah Almighty will put in every heart of kafir/unbeliever, fear. They
will hear this Takbir in East & West and this making in their hearts, big fear. They can't do anything
against Mahdi (as).

He accepts biyat as he is Imam. Accepting biyat generally from all people. And then he will move from
Damascus towards Istanbul to take Amanat Muqaddasa/Holy Relics, that is hidden in Istanbul. He will
reach there and taking 'alam al Rasul, the flag of the Prophet (saws), both his sword and then, because all
muslims under the flag of Prophet (saws). Just he was in that position, Istanbul, dajjal will appear from
Khorasan. And he orders all around the world, everyone from muslims who are asking salama, protection
from dajjal for their lives & for their faith, they must move to Damascus, Makka or Madina. And will be
here a great gathering.

My Grand Shaykh was saying "This is the Mountain of Qasiun." He said to me before 40 years ago "O
Nazim Effendi, this is a mountain, a holy Mountain. It is mentioned in Holy Quran". That time only up to
here there were houses. Not like this. And he was saying "This mountain will be in the middle of
Damascus. As much as they have from here Damascus city will be after this mountain, such a big city
also." Before 5 years or 7 years ago, the government made a project to make that mountain, all buildings.
Opening so many roads down & to see it, we became surprised. Maybe this bigger, than this side. At that
time will be this water they are saying - Muhiyddin Ibn Al Arabi (ra) says at that time if a man throws his
cup here, it will fall on people, no place (space) for it to fall down (to reach the ground) on earth.

The Prophet said that this meeting will be in Damascus, in the Hadith. And dajjal will go on in any place
in this world, except 3 (places) Damascus, Makka & Madina. Then he will reach, there is a point on the
way of Aleppo, dajjal will reach with his soldiers & followers. His followers all jewish people waiting for
him, and all no right marriage children, bastards, and all dishonorable women will be his followers.
Coming there & then Jibrail putting in front of him his wing. When he reaching looking like this he can't
see up, that point. And no place to get in front. He will say to his followers "O my people, O my servants
just we have reached at the final point of this world. No more world after this, after this point. Now our
place under my command."

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He is there & then Allah Almighty orders Isa (as) to come down quickly. And he comes & in the morning
praying to Masjid Umayyad in Damascus. The minaret on the left hand he will come when Mahdi (as)
going through Mihrab for Imama and he looks, Sayidina Isa coming. He retires, looking and saying for
Imama because he is Prophet, he has Prophethood. Then he says "the Prophet Muhammad (saws)
Sayyiduna" He said "when I am coming, Imam it will be for you. From his ummah, you are Imam. Iqama
was calling for you, you are Imam." Sayyidina Al Mahdi will be Imam and Isa (as) mubtadi, standing
behind him to be real that he is accepted as one of this nation, of this ummah. Standing in our Jama'at with
us, with ummah.

After this all mu'mins, firstly Isa (as) he is coming with sayf, with sword. He never catching in his life sword
in his hand. He is signing that he is coming as tabi' not matbu'; follower - not to be followed. He is follower
of the Sharia of Muhammad (saws). He has sayf, he has sword, he is going to fight, to kill dajjal - he is
smelling Isa's (as) smell and dajjal when he is smelling Isa's (as) smell he is going to melt like salt in water.
Till he is reaching him and killing (dajjal) with a spear, killing - Sayyidina Isa, at the beginning of Halab
(Aleppo) way. Then all Muslims will rush on his followers not leaving anyone, finishing. On earth no one
except who says "La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah (saws)."

This now coming, step by step we are reaching to that point. Nothing else between us and that, only the
great war which Prophet (saws) said about - Malhamatul Kubra, the greatest war, the greatest fight, will be
on this world, according to Prophet's Hadith. This way at the end of this time will be two parts, will
become into two camps whole world. And among them the great, a great war, and then among that great
war, Mahdi (as) says Takbir and all going to stop. Now if little stage fighting, big giants coming and saying
"stop!", coming to others "stop you also!" Big giants keeping them out. But when big giants coming to
wooo.... No one except Divinely power. Therefore when it will go so many people and Allah Almighty will
say, that will order to Mahdi (as) to stop.

When he will say Takbir, he will say "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar or your weapons are akbar? Allahu
Akbar or your technology akbar? They will know. That time, bad manners!

G: There are many people from Ahl Al Bait.

M: No need to be Ahl Al Bait with him there are 40 khalif from different countries. From your country,
from Turkey from Damascus, from Syria from Egypt, from Sudan, from Africa, from America, from East
from West from all kinds. He has 7 wazirs/ministers all of them not Arab, no one Arabic from his wazirs,
but he is Arabic. 'Ala ilm wal ras, Imam Al Mahdi is Arab & Quraishi. But all his wazirs not one of them is
Arab. They are foreign, 40 Khalifs also with him sitting there. They have Malakuti-heavenly powers.

G: What is your advice for us?

M: Your intention, good intention good result. Bad intention bad result brings. We may be everywhere
and we are helpers, or in service of rightness and goodness and justice & mercy. We can be everywhere, we
are waiting but my advice you may from our side to act according to your inspirations. You have been
permitted. Anything may come to your heart from inspirations you may do. If you can take from (out of)
the way only one stone, if you can do this remove harm from the path, because too big rocks put on the
way of Islam, there. Our power is not enough to take them off, but we can take little stones even, from the
way, and waiting to come a big power to push away those big gigantic rocks or nothing we can do. This
you may do according to your inspiration.

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